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Weekly Statistical Supplement

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Date : Feb 10, 2023
Foreign Exchange Reserves
Item As on February 3, 2023 Variation over
Week End-March 2022 Year
₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Total Reserves 4708587 575267 6398 -1494 109768 -32042 -11512 -56686
1.1 Foreign Currency Assets # 4155330 507695 5440 -1323 60765 -33029 -89541 -60634
1.2 Gold 358335 43781 -607 -246 36122 1230 64930 4498
1.3 SDRs 151777 18544 1128 66 8725 -347 9058 -564
1.4 Reserve Position in the IMF 43145 5247 436 9 4157 104 4041 14
* Difference, if any, is due to rounding off
# Excludes (a) SDR holdings of the Reserve Bank, as they are included under the SDR holdings; (b) investment in bonds issued by IIFC (UK); and (c) amounts lent under the SAARC Currency swap arrangements.
