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Weekly Statistical Supplement

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Date : Dec 08, 2023
Reserve Money : Components and Sources
(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on Variation over
2023 Week Financial Year so far Year-on-Year
2022-23 2023-24 2022 2023
Mar. 31 Dec. 1 Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Reserve Money 4386759 4425143 912 0.0 81325 2.0 38384 0.9 385277 10.2 274932 6.6
1 Components (1.1+1.2+1.3)                        
1.1 Currency in Circulation 3378521 3349858 -5293 -0.2 88277 2.8 -28663 -0.8 237800 8.0 127865 4.0
1.2 Bankers' Deposits with RBI 930477 999701 5553 0.6 -13738 -1.6 69224 7.4 130481 17.8 136713 15.8
1.3 ‘Other’ Deposits with RBI 77761 75584 652 0.9 6786 11.6 -2177 -2.8 16996 35.2 10354 15.9
2 Sources (2.1+2.2+2.3+2.4-2.5)                        
2.1 Net RBI Credit to Government 1451126 1169687 121985   -132099   -281438   8551   -148810  
2.1.1 Net RBI Credit to Centre 1450376 1147982 116512   -142773   -302394   3969   -158217  
2.2 RBI Credit to Banks & Commercial Sector -94443 1503 -124812   381344   95945   668574   163860  
2.2.1 RBI's Net Claims on Banks -120992 -3728 -124809   378115   117264   650841   178429  
2.3 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of RBI 4587355 4883617 44203 0.9 -38595 -0.9 296262 6.5 -201746 -4.4 479733 10.9
2.4 Government’s Currency Liabilities to the Public 30285 31939     1371 4.9 1654 5.5 1845 6.7 2555 8.7
2.5 Net Non-Monetary Liabilities of RBI 1587565 1661603 40464 2.5 130696 10.0 74038 4.7 91947 6.8 222407 15.5
