Item | As on May 31, 2024 | Variation over | Week | End-March 2024 | Year | ₹ Cr. | US$ Mn. | ₹ Cr. | US$ Mn. | ₹ Cr. | US$ Mn. | ₹ Cr. | US$ Mn. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 1 Total Reserves | 5438138 | 651510 | 64340 | 4837 | 46882 | 5091 | 540849 | 56443 | 1.1 Foreign Currency Assets # | 4779242 | 572564 | 63384 | 5065 | 17398 | 1614 | 448714 | 46363 | 1.2 Gold | 471621 | 56501 | 342 | -212 | 32302 | 3826 | 96695 | 10944 | 1.3 SDRs | 151235 | 18118 | 533 | -17 | 12 | -14 | 1572 | -67 | 1.4 Reserve Position in the IMF | 36039 | 4326 | 81 | 1 | -2830 | -336 | -6131 | -796 | * Difference, if any, is due to rounding off. # Excludes (a) SDR holdings of the Reserve Bank, as they are included under the SDR holdings; (b) investment in bonds issued by IIFC (UK); and (c) amounts lent under the SAARC and ACU currency swap arrangements. | |