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Recruitment of Legal Officer in Grade 'B'- Result of Written Examination

Roll Nos. of Candidates shortlisted for Interview for the posts of Legal Officer in Grade ‘B’ for which written examination was held on April 07, 2013

All the shortlisted candidates are advised to send the Xerox copy of the certificates in support of their (i) Date of Birth (High School Certificate), (ii) Academic Qualifications (including LLB), (iii) Caste Status (in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates), (iv) Disability status (in case of Persons with Disability-PWD) and (v) Experience.

All these shortlisted candidates are also requested to take a print out of the relevant proformae given below and duly fill it and send the same alongwith the copies of above mentioned certificates to The General Manager, Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Reserve Bank of India Building, 3rd floor, Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai 400008 by Courier/Speed Post so that it reaches the Board’s office by June 12, 2013.

(i) General/OBC/SC/ST/PWD Category candidates - all duly filled and signed in original- each of Attestation Form (5 Copies) and Bio-Data Form (6 Copies).

(ii) OBC candidates - In addition to (i) above, OBC Declaration in original and a copy of latest OBC Caste Certificate as per the prescribed format

(iii) SC/ST candidates - In addition to (i) above, a copy of latest SC / ST Caste Certificate as per the prescribed format.

The interview details for the shortlisted candidates are given below. However, they are being advised the interview details through speed post also.
