11 अक्तूबर 2024
2023-24 के लिए भारतीय प्रत्यक्ष निवेश संस्थाओं की विदेशी देयताओं और
आस्तियों से संबंधित गणना
आज, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक ने विदेशी देयताओं और आस्तियों (एफ़एलए) से संबंधित वार्षिक गणना के 2023-241 दौर के अनंतिम परिणामों को जारी किया, जिसमें आवक/ जावक प्रत्यक्ष निवेश (डीआई) सहित संस्थाओं {अर्थात्, कंपनियां, सीमित देयता भागीदारी (एलएलपी), वैकल्पिक निवेश कोष (एआईएफ) और साझेदारी फर्म} की सीमापारीय देयताएँ और आस्तियां शामिल हैं।
नवीनतम गणना में प्रतिक्रिया देने वाली 41,653 संस्थाओं में से, 37,407 ने मार्च 2024 के लिए अपने तुलन पत्र में प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश (एफ़डीआई) और/या समुद्रपारीय प्रत्यक्ष निवेश (ओडीआई) की सूचना दी। इन संस्थाओं में से, 29,926 ने गणना पिछले के दौर में भी इसकी सूचना दी थी और शेष 7,481 ने वर्तमान दौर में नवीन सूचना दी है। आवक प्रत्यक्ष निवेश की सूचना देने वाली तीन-चौथाई से अधिक कंपनियां, विदेशी कंपनियों (अर्थात्, कुल इक्विटी का 50 प्रतिशत से अधिक रखने वाला एकल विदेशी निवेशक) की सहायक कंपनियां थीं।
गणना में, सूचना देने वाली संस्थाओं के पहचान संबंधी विवरणों के अलावा (क) सीमापारीय प्रत्यक्ष निवेश और अन्य निवेश के कारण उत्पन्न भारतीय डीआई संस्थाओं की विदेशी देयताओं और आस्तियों के बाजार मूल्य; और (ख) व्यापार मापदंडों (अर्थात गतिविधि क्षेत्र, बिक्री, खरीद, निर्यात और आयात) से संबंधित व्यापक जानकारी शामिल होती है। एक वित्तीय वर्ष की शुरुआत और समाप्ति के बीच बकाया आस्ति / देयताओं में घट-बढ़, वर्ष के दौरान भारत की भुगतान संतुलन (बीओपी) सांख्यिकी में दर्ज प्रवाह से अलग होगी, क्योंकि पहले वाले में मूल्य और विनिमय दर परिवर्तन के कारण मूल्यन परिवर्तन भी शामिल होंगे।
मुख्य निष्कर्ष:
प्रतिक्रिया देने वाली 97 प्रतिशत से अधिक डीआई संस्थाएं मार्च 2024 की समाप्ति तक गैर-सूचीबद्ध थीं और अंकित मूल्य पर कुल एफडीआई इक्विटी पूंजी में उनकी बड़ी हिस्सेदारी थी (तालिका 1 और 2ए)।
गैर-वित्तीय कंपनियों का अंकित मूल्य पर एफडीआई इक्विटी में लगभग 90 प्रतिशत हिस्सा था (तालिका 2बी)।
सूचीबद्ध और गैर-सूचीबद्ध2 कंपनियों की बाजार मूल्य पर कुल एफडीआई में लगभग समान हिस्सेदारी थी (तालिका 3ए)।
मूल्यन प्रतिलाभ के साथ-साथ नए अंतर्वाह से समर्थित, भारत में कुल एफडीआई 2023-24 के दौरान रुपये के संदर्भ में बाजार मूल्य पर 23.3 प्रतिशत बढ़ गया; दूसरी ओर, ओडीआई संवृद्धि 3.4 प्रतिशत पर न्यूनतर थी (तालिका 3बी)।
वर्ष के दौरान गैर-सूचीबद्ध संस्थाओं ने बाजार मूल्य पर एफडीआई में 17.5 प्रतिशत की संवृद्धि दर्ज की; सूचीबद्ध क्षेत्र में यह संवृद्धि 29.8 प्रतिशत पर उच्चतर (तालिका 3ए और 3बी)।
एफडीआई संवृद्धि का ओडीआई वृद्धि से आगे निकलने के कारण, बाजार मूल्य पर आवक की तुलना में जावक डीआई स्टॉक का अनुपात एक वर्ष पहले के 19.3 प्रतिशत से घटकर मार्च 2024 में 16.1 प्रतिशत हो गया (तालिका 3बी)।
डीआई संस्थाओं की असंबंधित (तृतीय पक्ष) अनिवासी संस्थाओं के प्रति अन्य पोर्टफोलियो से इतर देयताएं (अर्थात्, व्यापार ऋण, ऋण, मुद्रा और जमा, तथा अन्य देय) बाजार मूल्य पर उनकी एफडीआई देयताओं के आधे से भी कम थीं, लेकिन मार्च 2024 में बाजार मूल्य पर उनकी समान आस्तियां उनकी ओडीआई से अधिक हो गईं (तालिका 4)।
भारत में एफडीआई का सबसे बड़ा स्रोत संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका बना रहा, जिसके बाद मॉरीशस, सिंगापुर और यूनाइटेड किंगडम का स्थान रहा। ओडीआई के मामले में सिंगापुर, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका और यूनाइटेड किंगडम शीर्ष गंतव्य रहें (तालिका 5 और 6)।
बाजार मूल्य पर कुल एफडीआई इक्विटी पूंजी में विनिर्माण क्षेत्र का हिस्सा आधे से अधिक था; अंकित मूल्य पर, इसका हिस्सा लगभग 40 प्रतिशत था (तालिका 7 और 8)।
सेवा क्षेत्र में, ‘सूचना और संचार’ तथा ‘वित्तीय और बीमा गतिविधियाँ’ प्रमुख एफडीआई प्राप्तकर्ता थे (तालिका 8)।
2023-24 के दौरान, भारत में विदेशी सहायक कंपनियों की कुल बिक्री और खरीद में रुपये के संदर्भ में क्रमशः 13.2 प्रतिशत और 10.6 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई (तालिका 9ए और 9बी)।
भारत में विदेशी सहायक कंपनियों ने मजबूत बाह्य व्यापार संबंध बनाए रखे, क्योंकि निर्यात और आयात उनकी बिक्री और खरीद का क्रमशः 35.4 प्रतिशत और 31.5 प्रतिशत रहा (तालिका 9ए से 9डी)।
भारतीय कंपनियों की विदेशी सहायक कंपनियों की बिक्री और खरीद दोनों में 2023-24 के दौरान रुपये के संदर्भ में 11 प्रतिशत की संवृद्धि दर्ज की गई; उनका बाहरी फोकस बिक्री की तुलना में निर्यात और खरीद की तुलना में आयात अनुपात में क्रमशः 62.4 प्रतिशत और 75.3 प्रतिशत परिलक्षित हुआ (तालिका 10ए से 10डी)।
भारतीय कंपनियों की विदेशी सहायक कंपनियों के बिक्री की तुलना में खरीद अनुपात (85.2 प्रतिशत) तथा भारत में विदेशी सहायक कंपनियों के बिक्री की तुलना में खरीद अनुपात (72.5 प्रतिशत) के बीच का अंतर, उनके मूल्य संवर्धन के पैटर्न, बाजारों की प्रकृति तथा अन्य कारोबारी पहलुओं में भिन्नता को दर्शाता है।
(पुनीत पंचोली)
मुख्य महाप्रबंधक
प्रेस प्रकाशनी: 2024-2025/1276
Table 1: Coverage in FLA Census, 2023-24 |
Category |
Types of Entity |
Number of Entities with Direct Investment |
Both Inward and Outward |
Only Inward |
Only Outward |
Total |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Unlisted |
Foreign Associate companies in India |
505 |
5,382 |
- |
5,887 |
Foreign Subsidiary companies in India |
401 |
23,941 |
- |
24,342 |
Alternative Investment Funds |
98 |
434 |
31 |
563 |
LLP1 and Partnership Firms |
7 |
1,018 |
715 |
1,740 |
Other companies2 |
- |
- |
3,806 |
3,806 |
Total |
1,011 |
30,775 |
4,552 |
36,338 |
Listed |
Foreign Associate companies in India |
84 |
143 |
- |
227 |
Foreign Subsidiary companies in India |
36 |
80 |
- |
116 |
Other companies |
- |
- |
726 |
726 |
Total |
120 |
223 |
726 |
1,069 |
Grand Total |
1,131 |
30,998 |
5,278 |
37,407 |
1 Limited Liabilities Partnership (LLP)
2 Includes entities who have only overseas direct investment |
Table 2A: Foreign Equity Participation of FDI entities – Listed and Unlisted |
(amount in ₹ crore at face value, end-March 2024) |
Category |
Listed |
Unlisted |
Total |
(343) |
(31,786) |
(32,129) |
Amount |
per cent |
Amount |
per cent |
Amount |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Paid-Up Capital |
86,394 |
7.4 |
10,77,549 |
92.6 |
11,63,943 |
of which: Equity Capital |
86,042 |
7.6 |
10,46,262 |
92.4 |
11,32,304 |
of which: FDI Equity Capital |
17,619 |
1.9 |
8,87,588 |
98.1 |
9,05,207 |
1. Numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of entities in the respective category.
2. Components may not add up to the total due to rounding off (applicable for all tables). |
Table 2B: Foreign Equity Participation of FDI entities – Financial and Non-Financial |
(amount in ₹ crore at face value, end-March 2024) |
Category |
No of Entities |
Paid Up Capital (PUC) |
Total Equity (PUC excluding Non-Participating Preference Share) |
Equity exclusively under FDI scheme |
% share of FDI in Total Equity |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Financial |
1,421 |
1,25,491 |
1,18,564 |
98,358 |
83.0 |
Non-Financial |
30,708 |
10,38,452 |
10,13,740 |
8,06,849 |
79.6 |
Total |
32,129 |
11,63,943 |
11,32,304 |
9,05,207 |
79.9 |
Table 3A: Inward Direct Investment for Listed and Unlisted entities |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Direct Investment |
Listed Entities |
Unlisted Entities |
Total |
% Growth (₹ terms) |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Equity |
23,38,361 |
30,32,384 |
23,88,475 |
28,22,975 |
47,26,836 |
58,55,359 |
23.9 |
Debt |
5,843 |
9,424 |
1,79,098 |
1,92,816 |
1,84,941 |
2,02,240 |
9.4 |
Total |
23,44,204 |
30,41,808 |
25,67,573 |
30,15,791 |
49,11,777 |
60,57,599 |
23.3 |
Table 3B: Total Inward and Outward Direct Investment |
(amount at market value, end-March) |
Direct Investment |
Inward |
Outward |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
₹ crore |
US$ million |
₹ crore |
US$ million |
₹ crore |
US$ million |
₹ crore |
US$ million |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Equity |
47,26,836 |
5,74,923 |
58,55,359 |
7,02,301 |
7,33,173 |
89,176 |
8,50,864 |
1,02,054 |
Debt |
1,84,941 |
22,494 |
2,02,240 |
24,257 |
2,12,479 |
25,844 |
1,27,322 |
15,271 |
Total |
49,11,777 |
5,97,417 |
60,57,599 |
7,26,558 |
9,45,652 |
1,15,020 |
9,78,186 |
1,17,325 |
Note: The amount in US$ terms is arrived at by using financial year-end rupee/ dollar exchange rate |
Table 4: Other Foreign Liabilities and Assets of Direct Investment Entities - Revised |
(amount at market value, end-March) |
Other Investment |
Outstanding liabilities with unrelated party |
Outstanding assets with unrelated party |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
₹ crore |
US$ million |
₹ crore |
US$ million |
₹ crore |
US$ million |
₹ crore |
US$ million |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Trade Credits |
5,01,348 |
60,979 |
5,33,026 |
63,932 |
3,97,144 |
48,304 |
4,58,121 |
54,948 |
Loans |
9,84,043 |
1,19,689 |
10,85,297 |
1,30,172 |
3,58,542 |
43,609 |
3,86,349 |
46,339 |
Currency and Deposits |
6,08,294 |
73,986 |
7,75,916 |
93,065 |
1,49,926 |
18,235 |
1,55,745 |
18,680 |
Other receivable and payable accounts |
3,39,302 |
41,269 |
3,43,503 |
41,200 |
2,02,511 |
24,632 |
2,37,268 |
28,458 |
Total |
24,32,987 |
2,95,923 |
27,37,742 |
3,28,369 |
11,08,123 |
1,34,780 |
12,37,483 |
1,48,425 |
Table 5: Country-wise distribution of Inward Direct Investment |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Country Name |
Equity |
Debt |
Total FDI |
% share in 2023-24 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
United States of America |
8,69,963 |
10,22,594 |
-5,492 |
-10,622 |
8,64,471 |
10,11,972 |
16.7 |
Mauritius |
6,81,252 |
8,86,757 |
22,578 |
22,646 |
7,03,830 |
9,09,403 |
15.0 |
Singapore |
6,24,586 |
7,66,171 |
55,858 |
74,514 |
6,80,444 |
8,40,685 |
13.9 |
United Kingdom |
6,97,928 |
7,19,174 |
7,724 |
5,784 |
7,05,652 |
7,24,958 |
12.0 |
Netherlands |
4,07,694 |
5,48,684 |
11,250 |
12,647 |
4,18,944 |
5,61,331 |
9.3 |
Japan |
3,69,114 |
5,24,496 |
18,468 |
18,026 |
3,87,582 |
5,42,522 |
9.0 |
Switzerland |
2,67,619 |
3,96,167 |
2,840 |
6,232 |
2,70,459 |
4,02,399 |
6.6 |
Germany |
1,54,358 |
2,08,291 |
8,770 |
12,065 |
1,63,128 |
2,20,356 |
3.6 |
France |
1,23,367 |
1,47,739 |
4,106 |
4,654 |
1,27,473 |
1,52,393 |
2.5 |
South Korea |
86,603 |
96,725 |
17,826 |
10,193 |
1,04,429 |
1,06,918 |
1.8 |
Other Countries |
4,44,352 |
5,38,561 |
41,013 |
46,101 |
4,85,365 |
5,84,662 |
9.6 |
All Countries |
47,26,836 |
58,55,359 |
1,84,941 |
2,02,240 |
49,11,777 |
60,57,599 |
100 |
Table 6: Country-wise distribution of Outward Direct Investment |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Country Name |
Equity |
Debt |
Total ODI |
% Share in 2023-24 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Singapore |
1,65,348 |
2,05,218 |
52,945 |
27,627 |
2,18,293 |
2,32,845 |
23.8 |
United States of America |
92,801 |
1,06,912 |
36,244 |
39,406 |
1,29,045 |
1,46,318 |
15.0 |
United Kingdom |
1,06,330 |
1,21,800 |
16,163 |
17,834 |
1,22,493 |
1,39,634 |
14.3 |
Netherlands |
83,008 |
94,817 |
17,837 |
13,052 |
1,00,845 |
1,07,869 |
11.0 |
Mauritius |
62,462 |
63,854 |
23,573 |
21,085 |
86,035 |
84,939 |
8.7 |
Switzerland |
20,851 |
23,977 |
12,780 |
13,662 |
33,631 |
37,639 |
3.8 |
United Arab Emirates |
55,583 |
75,060 |
23,778 |
-38,903 |
79,361 |
36,157 |
3.7 |
Jersey |
13,607 |
13,430 |
91 |
96 |
13,698 |
13,526 |
1.4 |
Bermuda |
12,585 |
10,690 |
1 |
1 |
12,586 |
10,691 |
1.1 |
Germany |
5,132 |
5,589 |
2,463 |
3,854 |
7,595 |
9,443 |
1.0 |
Other Countries |
1,15,466 |
1,29,517 |
26,604 |
29,608 |
1,42,070 |
1,59,125 |
16.2 |
All Countries |
7,33,173 |
8,50,864 |
2,12,479 |
1,27,322 |
9,45,652 |
9,78,186 |
100.0 |
Table 7: Activity-wise equity participation of the Direct Investment entities |
(amount in ₹ crore at face value, end-March 2024) |
Activity |
Total Equity (PUC excluding Non-Participating Preference Share) |
Equity exclusively under FDI scheme |
% share of FDI in Total Equity |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1. Agriculture-related, Plantations and Allied activities |
3,575 |
3,379 |
94.5 |
2. Mining |
1,964 |
1,667 |
84.9 |
3. Manufacturing |
4,15,892 |
3,60,785 |
86.7 |
4. Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply |
77,109 |
56,088 |
72.7 |
5. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
4,350 |
3,487 |
80.2 |
6. Construction |
60,226 |
47,507 |
78.9 |
7. Information and communication |
2,02,494 |
1,41,139 |
69.7 |
8. Other Services |
3,66,694 |
2,91,155 |
79.4 |
Total |
11,32,304 |
9,05,207 |
79.9 |
Table 8: Activity-wise distribution of 32,129 FDI entities |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March 2024) |
Activity |
No. of entities |
Equity |
Debt |
Total FDI |
% share of Total FDI |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations and Allied activities |
165 |
8,413 |
227 |
8,640 |
0.1 |
B. Mining |
143 |
3,309 |
489 |
3,798 |
0.1 |
C. Manufacturing |
6,796 |
30,09,792 |
1,01,834 |
31,11,626 |
51.4 |
Manufacture of food products |
311 |
2,53,156 |
9,674 |
2,62,830 |
4.4 |
Manufacture of beverages |
46 |
86,917 |
388 |
87,305 |
1.4 |
Manufacture of tobacco products |
5 |
1,13,006 |
- |
1,13,006 |
1.9 |
Manufacture of textiles |
183 |
7,418 |
986 |
8,404 |
0.2 |
Manufacture of wearing apparel |
101 |
13,659 |
864 |
14,523 |
0.2 |
Manufacture of leather and related products |
52 |
9,638 |
113 |
9,751 |
0.2 |
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture |
12 |
-28 |
34 |
6 |
- |
Manufacture of paper and paper products |
78 |
4,598 |
290 |
4,888 |
0.1 |
Printing and reproduction of recorded media |
28 |
789 |
6 |
795 |
- |
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
35 |
80,744 |
135 |
80,879 |
1.3 |
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products |
492 |
2,18,543 |
8,354 |
2,26,897 |
3.8 |
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products |
352 |
2,04,317 |
8,608 |
2,12,925 |
3.5 |
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products |
288 |
45,753 |
3,183 |
48,936 |
0.8 |
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products |
78 |
1,12,649 |
582 |
1,13,231 |
1.9 |
Manufacture of basic metals |
135 |
1,20,661 |
2,574 |
1,23,235 |
2.0 |
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
269 |
28,582 |
2,938 |
31,520 |
0.5 |
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products |
239 |
1,04,313 |
6,965 |
1,11,278 |
1.8 |
Manufacture of electrical equipment |
525 |
2,11,898 |
6,200 |
2,18,098 |
3.6 |
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified |
1,173 |
3,29,356 |
12,108 |
3,41,464 |
5.6 |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
236 |
3,65,392 |
13,078 |
3,78,470 |
6.2 |
Manufacture of other transport equipment |
150 |
57,045 |
1,623 |
58,668 |
1.0 |
Manufacture of furniture |
50 |
1,625 |
25 |
1,650 |
- |
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
230 |
9,173 |
787 |
9,960 |
0.2 |
Other manufacturing |
1,728 |
6,30,588 |
22,319 |
6,52,907 |
10.8 |
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
861 |
1,93,690 |
17,214 |
2,10,904 |
3.5 |
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
157 |
5,629 |
550 |
6,179 |
0.1 |
F. Construction |
952 |
1,08,206 |
35,275 |
1,43,481 |
2.4 |
G. Services |
23,055 |
25,26,321 |
46,650 |
25,72,971 |
42.4 |
1.Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
2,724 |
1,61,844 |
19,604 |
1,81,448 |
3.0 |
2.Transportation and storage |
698 |
86,236 |
10,129 |
96,365 |
1.6 |
3.Accommodation and Food service activities |
606 |
50,407 |
2,992 |
53,399 |
0.9 |
4.Information and communication |
9,476 |
9,40,995 |
-11,849 |
9,29,146 |
15.3 |
5.Financial and insurance activities |
1,469 |
9,39,517 |
7,458 |
9,46,975 |
15.6 |
6.Real estate activities |
335 |
19,278 |
7,003 |
26,281 |
0.4 |
7.Other Services activities |
7,747 |
3,28,044 |
11,313 |
3,39,357 |
5.6 |
Total |
32,129 |
58,55,360 |
2,02,239 |
60,57,599 |
100.0 |
Table 9A: Activity-wise Sales of 25,249* Foreign subsidiary companies in India |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Activity |
No. of Companies |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
% share in Total (2023-24) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations and Allied activities |
73 |
10,144 |
9,982 |
0.2 |
B. Mining |
48 |
3,069 |
3,321 |
0.1 |
C. Manufacturing |
4,253 |
23,58,967 |
26,52,191 |
47.4 |
Manufacture of food products |
170 |
1,13,142 |
1,17,406 |
2.0 |
Manufacture of beverages |
21 |
87,995 |
98,776 |
1.7 |
Manufacture of tobacco products |
1 |
211 |
185 |
- |
Manufacture of textiles |
78 |
9,847 |
9,753 |
0.1 |
Manufacture of wearing apparel |
57 |
5,577 |
5,982 |
0.1 |
Manufacture of leather and related products |
26 |
6,236 |
6,225 |
0.1 |
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture |
6 |
290 |
298 |
- |
Manufacture of paper and paper products |
43 |
14,789 |
14,443 |
0.3 |
Printing and reproduction of recorded media |
18 |
1,197 |
1,504 |
- |
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
16 |
35,136 |
38,524 |
0.7 |
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products |
325 |
2,12,312 |
2,16,150 |
3.9 |
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products |
190 |
89,806 |
95,274 |
1.7 |
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products |
194 |
64,507 |
66,070 |
1.2 |
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products |
41 |
28,603 |
30,761 |
0.6 |
Manufacture of basic metals |
69 |
41,385 |
42,044 |
0.8 |
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
159 |
30,986 |
33,272 |
0.6 |
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products |
144 |
3,19,085 |
3,97,884 |
7.1 |
Manufacture of electrical equipment |
368 |
1,64,169 |
1,91,857 |
3.4 |
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified |
801 |
2,06,394 |
2,37,787 |
4.3 |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
146 |
4,42,178 |
4,99,917 |
8.9 |
Manufacture of other transport equipment |
103 |
72,087 |
81,096 |
1.5 |
Manufacture of furniture |
23 |
2,953 |
3,585 |
0.1 |
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
173 |
13,654 |
17,470 |
0.3 |
Other manufacturing |
1,081 |
3,96,428 |
4,45,928 |
8.0 |
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
401 |
33,411 |
44,509 |
0.8 |
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
81 |
7,375 |
7,614 |
0.1 |
F. Construction |
391 |
41,367 |
44,128 |
0.8 |
G. Services |
15,568 |
24,83,220 |
28,29,392 |
50.6 |
1.Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
1,828 |
5,93,167 |
6,65,194 |
11.9 |
2.Transportation and storage |
427 |
1,02,387 |
91,976 |
1.6 |
3.Accommodation and Food service activities |
234 |
15,692 |
17,872 |
0.3 |
4.Information and communication |
7,198 |
12,40,714 |
14,13,736 |
25.3 |
5.Financial and insurance activities |
422 |
1,02,462 |
1,37,131 |
2.5 |
6.Real estate activities |
116 |
16,368 |
18,320 |
0.3 |
7.Other Services activities |
5,343 |
4,12,430 |
4,85,163 |
8.7 |
Total |
20,815 |
49,37,553 |
55,91,137 |
100.0 |
*Of the 25,249 subsidiary companies, 20,815 reported sales. |
Table 9B: Activity-wise Purchase of 25,249* Foreign subsidiary companies in India |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Activity |
No. of Companies |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
% share in Total
(2023-24) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations and Allied activities |
73 |
7,785 |
7,454 |
0.2 |
B. Mining |
50 |
1,569 |
2,030 |
0.1 |
C. Manufacturing |
4,242 |
18,54,609 |
20,07,292 |
49.6 |
Manufacture of food products |
171 |
90,041 |
90,674 |
2.3 |
Manufacture of beverages |
20 |
40,250 |
39,888 |
1.0 |
Manufacture of tobacco products |
1 |
137 |
122 |
- |
Manufacture of textiles |
75 |
6,226 |
6,002 |
0.1 |
Manufacture of wearing apparel |
59 |
3,751 |
4,385 |
0.1 |
Manufacture of leather and related products |
26 |
3,316 |
3,504 |
0.1 |
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture |
7 |
232 |
209 |
- |
Manufacture of paper and paper products |
43 |
11,029 |
10,437 |
0.3 |
Printing and reproduction of recorded media |
15 |
372 |
424 |
- |
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
17 |
27,985 |
28,088 |
0.7 |
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products |
320 |
1,57,615 |
1,52,785 |
3.8 |
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products |
192 |
56,948 |
62,365 |
1.5 |
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products |
196 |
47,501 |
46,454 |
1.1 |
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products |
43 |
21,425 |
21,845 |
0.5 |
Manufacture of basic metals |
76 |
36,424 |
38,318 |
0.9 |
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
166 |
21,942 |
22,796 |
0.6 |
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products |
142 |
3,01,363 |
3,62,324 |
8.9 |
Manufacture of electrical equipment |
366 |
1,42,752 |
1,33,903 |
3.3 |
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified |
787 |
1,56,108 |
1,73,894 |
4.3 |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
148 |
3,68,469 |
4,07,468 |
10.1 |
Manufacture of other transport equipment |
106 |
63,990 |
68,532 |
1.7 |
Manufacture of furniture |
22 |
1,938 |
2,510 |
0.1 |
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
169 |
8,275 |
10,613 |
0.3 |
Other manufacturing |
1,075 |
2,86,520 |
3,19,752 |
7.9 |
D. Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply |
435 |
28,636 |
38,260 |
0.9 |
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
75 |
5,066 |
5,490 |
0.1 |
F. Construction |
394 |
34,426 |
34,009 |
0.8 |
G. Services |
11,103 |
17,31,484 |
19,57,996 |
48.3 |
1.Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
1,810 |
5,38,706 |
5,92,348 |
14.6 |
2.Transportation and storage |
398 |
80,391 |
71,831 |
1.8 |
3.Accommodation and Food service activities |
215 |
9,272 |
10,514 |
0.3 |
4.Information and communication |
4,452 |
7,43,283 |
8,36,066 |
20.6 |
5.Financial and insurance activities |
340 |
65,870 |
80,365 |
2.0 |
6.Real estate activities |
109 |
16,005 |
16,974 |
0.4 |
7.Other Services activities |
3,779 |
2,77,957 |
3,49,898 |
8.6 |
Total |
16,372 |
36,63,575 |
40,52,531 |
100.0 |
*Of the 25,249 subsidiary companies, 16,372 reported purchases. |
Table 9C: Activity-wise Export of 25,249* Foreign subsidiary companies in India |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Activity |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
Amount |
% share in Total |
% share in Total sales |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations and Allied activities |
1,092 |
1,263 |
0.1 |
12.7 |
B. Mining |
421 |
399 |
- |
12.0 |
C. Manufacturing |
5,17,280 |
5,88,767 |
29.7 |
22.2 |
Manufacture of food products |
16,095 |
18,755 |
0.9 |
16.0 |
Manufacture of beverages |
1,235 |
1,301 |
0.1 |
1.3 |
Manufacture of tobacco products |
210 |
184 |
- |
100.0 |
Manufacture of textiles |
2,872 |
2,926 |
0.1 |
30.0 |
Manufacture of wearing apparel |
2,612 |
3,017 |
0.2 |
50.4 |
Manufacture of leather and related products |
790 |
804 |
- |
12.9 |
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture |
21 |
31 |
- |
10.4 |
Manufacture of paper and paper products |
2,175 |
2,307 |
0.1 |
16.0 |
Printing and reproduction of recorded media |
727 |
900 |
- |
59.8 |
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
13,923 |
17,611 |
0.9 |
45.7 |
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products |
39,499 |
38,918 |
2.0 |
18.0 |
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products |
37,278 |
41,237 |
2.1 |
43.3 |
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products |
14,254 |
13,681 |
0.7 |
20.7 |
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products |
1,871 |
1,931 |
0.1 |
6.3 |
Manufacture of basic metals |
5,000 |
4,407 |
0.2 |
10.5 |
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
6,379 |
6,494 |
0.3 |
19.5 |
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products |
93,265 |
1,31,760 |
6.7 |
33.1 |
Manufacture of electrical equipment |
32,551 |
41,893 |
2.1 |
21.8 |
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified |
54,233 |
59,665 |
3.0 |
25.1 |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
83,910 |
85,208 |
4.3 |
17.0 |
Manufacture of other transport equipment |
19,606 |
19,237 |
1.0 |
23.7 |
Manufacture of furniture |
531 |
680 |
- |
19.0 |
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
3,651 |
5,056 |
0.3 |
28.9 |
Other manufacturing |
84,592 |
90,764 |
4.6 |
20.4 |
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
2,859 |
3,481 |
0.2 |
7.8 |
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
474 |
524 |
- |
6.9 |
F. Construction |
3,121 |
4,447 |
0.2 |
10.1 |
G. Services |
12,34,142 |
13,81,703 |
69.8 |
48.8 |
1.Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
67,703 |
55,371 |
2.8 |
8.3 |
2.Transportation and storage |
19,357 |
17,309 |
0.9 |
18.8 |
3.Accommodation and Food service activities |
2,183 |
2,642 |
0.1 |
14.8 |
4.Information and communication |
9,00,951 |
10,14,742 |
51.2 |
71.8 |
5.Financial and insurance activities |
13,252 |
15,847 |
0.9 |
11.6 |
6.Real estate activities |
417 |
577 |
- |
3.1 |
7.Other Services activities |
2,30,279 |
2,75,215 |
13.9 |
56.7 |
Total |
17,59,389 |
19,80,584 |
100.0 |
35.4 |
*Of the 25,249 subsidiary companies, 15,946 reported exports. |
Table 9D: Activity-wise Import of 25,249* Foreign subsidiary companies in India |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Activity |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
Amount |
% share in Total |
% share in Total purchase |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations and Allied activities |
1,590 |
1,525 |
0.1 |
20.5 |
B. Mining |
190 |
204 |
- |
10.1 |
C. Manufacturing |
7,75,771 |
8,38,157 |
65.8 |
41.8 |
Manufacture of food products |
32,066 |
32,379 |
2.5 |
35.7 |
Manufacture of beverages |
3,776 |
3,642 |
0.3 |
9.1 |
Manufacture of tobacco products |
2 |
1 |
- |
0.8 |
Manufacture of textiles |
1,883 |
2,044 |
0.2 |
34.1 |
Manufacture of wearing apparel |
1,213 |
1,293 |
0.1 |
29.5 |
Manufacture of leather and related products |
1,046 |
1,030 |
0.1 |
29.4 |
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture |
111 |
107 |
- |
51.1 |
Manufacture of paper and paper products |
4,352 |
3,371 |
0.3 |
32.3 |
Printing and reproduction of recorded media |
220 |
273 |
- |
64.3 |
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
10,750 |
10,895 |
0.9 |
38.8 |
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products |
82,517 |
78,545 |
6.2 |
51.4 |
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products |
23,993 |
24,383 |
1.9 |
39.1 |
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products |
16,596 |
16,806 |
1.3 |
36.2 |
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products |
3,987 |
3,452 |
0.3 |
15.8 |
Manufacture of basic metals |
15,062 |
16,624 |
1.3 |
43.4 |
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
4,321 |
4,616 |
0.4 |
20.3 |
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products |
2,01,974 |
2,50,481 |
19.6 |
69.1 |
Manufacture of electrical equipment |
77,159 |
62,769 |
4.9 |
46.9 |
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified |
61,510 |
64,226 |
5.0 |
36.9 |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
69,329 |
74,978 |
5.9 |
18.4 |
Manufacture of other transport equipment |
16,109 |
16,756 |
1.3 |
24.5 |
Manufacture of furniture |
452 |
457 |
- |
18.2 |
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
3,843 |
5,010 |
0.4 |
47.2 |
Other manufacturing |
1,43,500 |
1,64,019 |
12.9 |
51.3 |
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
7,061 |
8,876 |
0.7 |
23.2 |
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
504 |
521 |
- |
9.5 |
F. Construction |
4,246 |
3,884 |
0.3 |
11.4 |
G. Services |
4,03,325 |
4,21,755 |
33.1 |
21.5 |
1.Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
2,03,212 |
1,95,149 |
15.4 |
32.9 |
2.Transportation and storage |
14,238 |
11,262 |
0.9 |
15.7 |
3.Accommodation and Food service activities |
1,174 |
1,275 |
0.1 |
12.1 |
4.Information and communication |
1,35,967 |
1,55,644 |
12.2 |
18.6 |
5.Financial and insurance activities |
7,047 |
8,188 |
0.6 |
10.2 |
6.Real estate activities |
356 |
458 |
- |
2.7 |
7.Other Services activities |
41,331 |
49,779 |
3.9 |
14.2 |
Total |
11,92,687 |
12,74,922 |
100.0 |
31.5 |
*Of the 25,249 subsidiary companies, 8,538 reported imports. |
Table 10A: Activity-wise Sales of 8,590 Overseas Subsidiaries of 6,409 Indian entities |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Activity |
No. of entities |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
% Share in Total
(2023-24) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations and Allied activities |
22 |
3,367 |
3,067 |
0.2 |
B. Mining |
46 |
9,065 |
11,017 |
0.8 |
C. Manufacturing |
1,760 |
7,26,563 |
8,49,332 |
64.0 |
Manufacture of food products |
84 |
12,416 |
12,495 |
0.9 |
Manufacture of beverages |
19 |
5,246 |
8,638 |
0.7 |
Manufacture of tobacco products |
5 |
3,343 |
3,283 |
0.2 |
Manufacture of textiles |
61 |
4,666 |
4,182 |
0.3 |
Manufacture of wearing apparel |
33 |
5,275 |
5,836 |
0.4 |
Manufacture of leather and related products |
19 |
12,969 |
11,009 |
0.8 |
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture |
3 |
43 |
48 |
- |
Manufacture of paper and paper products |
14 |
1,725 |
1,789 |
0.1 |
Printing and reproduction of recorded media |
9 |
53 |
86 |
- |
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
16 |
3,90,558 |
5,06,492 |
38.3 |
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products |
186 |
51,544 |
38,897 |
2.9 |
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products |
294 |
75,337 |
82,746 |
6.2 |
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products |
80 |
5,596 |
5,889 |
0.4 |
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products |
23 |
2,644 |
3,768 |
0.3 |
Manufacture of basic metals |
26 |
37,383 |
40,929 |
3.1 |
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
54 |
11,048 |
12,152 |
0.9 |
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products |
34 |
5,125 |
3,766 |
0.3 |
Manufacture of electrical equipment |
67 |
2,527 |
3,362 |
0.3 |
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified |
191 |
9,513 |
10,626 |
0.8 |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
42 |
14,372 |
15,267 |
1.1 |
Manufacture of other transport equipment |
12 |
3,274 |
3,453 |
0.3 |
Manufacture of furniture |
5 |
511 |
688 |
0.1 |
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
8 |
59 |
70 |
- |
Other manufacturing |
475 |
71,336 |
73,861 |
5.6 |
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
26 |
1,111 |
1,458 |
0.1 |
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
15 |
268 |
323 |
- |
F. Construction |
63 |
10,148 |
17,821 |
1.3 |
G. Services |
3,437 |
4,46,192 |
4,46,977 |
33.6 |
1.Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
429 |
79,919 |
77,329 |
5.8 |
2.Transportation and storage |
163 |
36,024 |
22,799 |
1.7 |
3.Accommodation and Food service activities |
57 |
1,113 |
2,471 |
0.2 |
4.Information and communication |
1,713 |
2,55,933 |
2,68,659 |
20.2 |
5.Financial and insurance activities |
175 |
14,397 |
19,329 |
1.5 |
6.Real estate activities |
27 |
395 |
478 |
- |
7.Other Services activities |
873 |
58,411 |
55,912 |
4.2 |
Total |
5,369 |
11,96,714 |
13,29,995 |
100.0 |
*Of the 8,590 overseas subsidiary companies, 5,369 reported sales. |
Table 10B: Activity-wise Purchase of 8,590 Overseas Subsidiaries of 6,409 Indian entities |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Activity |
No. of entities |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
% Share in Total (2023-24) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations and Allied activities |
23 |
2,965 |
2,632 |
0.2 |
B. Mining |
61 |
7,629 |
9,098 |
0.8 |
C. Manufacturing |
1,708 |
6,60,610 |
7,60,381 |
67.1 |
Manufacture of food products |
82 |
10,675 |
10,571 |
0.9 |
Manufacture of beverages |
17 |
2,456 |
3,796 |
0.3 |
Manufacture of tobacco products |
6 |
1,213 |
1,242 |
0.1 |
Manufacture of textiles |
64 |
3,157 |
2,779 |
0.3 |
Manufacture of wearing apparel |
35 |
4,887 |
5,197 |
0.5 |
Manufacture of leather and related products |
18 |
11,444 |
9,583 |
0.9 |
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture |
4 |
23 |
32 |
- |
Manufacture of paper and paper products |
14 |
1,440 |
1,557 |
0.1 |
Printing and reproduction of recorded media |
7 |
56 |
74 |
- |
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
11 |
3,82,950 |
4,89,914 |
43.2 |
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products |
178 |
44,905 |
32,465 |
2.9 |
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products |
292 |
51,306 |
61,577 |
5.4 |
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products |
81 |
4,255 |
4,398 |
0.4 |
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products |
25 |
8,762 |
3,072 |
0.3 |
Manufacture of basic metals |
26 |
37,000 |
32,894 |
2.9 |
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
51 |
10,523 |
9,200 |
0.8 |
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products |
36 |
4,241 |
2,779 |
0.2 |
Manufacture of electrical equipment |
64 |
1,971 |
2,606 |
0.2 |
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified. |
182 |
6,642 |
7,509 |
0.7 |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
46 |
12,210 |
12,765 |
1.1 |
Manufacture of other transport equipment |
14 |
2,702 |
2,836 |
0.3 |
Manufacture of furniture |
6 |
291 |
427 |
- |
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
8 |
44 |
35 |
- |
Other manufacturing |
441 |
57,457 |
63,073 |
5.6 |
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
35 |
1,056 |
1,156 |
0.1 |
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
11 |
232 |
272 |
- |
F. Construction |
70 |
8,299 |
15,300 |
1.4 |
G. Services |
3,020 |
3,35,448 |
3,44,297 |
30.4 |
1.Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
417 |
72,621 |
71,676 |
6.3 |
2.Transportation and storage |
165 |
33,941 |
20,834 |
1.8 |
3.Accommodation and Food service activities |
48 |
722 |
1,608 |
0.2 |
4.Information and communication |
1,447 |
1,72,867 |
1,92,670 |
17.0 |
5.Financial and insurance activities |
157 |
9,107 |
12,173 |
1.1 |
6.Real estate activities |
37 |
832 |
304 |
- |
7.Other Services activities |
749 |
45,358 |
45,032 |
4.0 |
Total |
4,928 |
10,16,239 |
11,33,136 |
100.0 |
*Of the 8,590 overseas subsidiary companies, 4,928 reported purchases. |
Table 10C: Activity-wise Exports of 8,590 Overseas Subsidiaries of 6,409 Indian entities |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Activity |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
Amount |
Amount |
% share in total |
% share in sales |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations and Allied activities |
1,489 |
1,256 |
0.2 |
41.0 |
B. Mining |
3,279 |
5,175 |
0.6 |
47.0 |
C. Manufacturing |
5,46,764 |
6,51,716 |
78.5 |
76.7 |
Manufacture of food products |
4,973 |
5,233 |
0.6 |
41.9 |
Manufacture of beverages |
564 |
1,040 |
0.1 |
12.0 |
Manufacture of tobacco products |
250 |
175 |
- |
5.3 |
Manufacture of textiles |
2,704 |
2,489 |
0.3 |
59.5 |
Manufacture of wearing apparel |
4,216 |
4,670 |
0.6 |
80.0 |
Manufacture of leather and related products |
12,404 |
10,410 |
1.3 |
94.6 |
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture |
36 |
33 |
- |
68.8 |
Manufacture of paper and paper products |
945 |
977 |
0.1 |
54.6 |
Printing and reproduction of recorded media |
15 |
8 |
- |
9.3 |
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
3,80,714 |
4,96,663 |
59.8 |
98.1 |
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products |
33,750 |
21,549 |
2.6 |
55.4 |
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products |
27,854 |
27,417 |
3.3 |
33.1 |
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products |
2,219 |
2,220 |
0.3 |
37.7 |
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products |
1,228 |
1,195 |
0.1 |
31.7 |
Manufacture of basic metals |
31,883 |
31,243 |
3.8 |
76.3 |
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
2,794 |
2,916 |
0.4 |
24.0 |
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products |
3,615 |
2,051 |
0.3 |
54.5 |
Manufacture of electrical equipment |
1,309 |
1,666 |
0.2 |
49.6 |
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified |
3,181 |
3,678 |
0.4 |
34.6 |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
3,311 |
3,292 |
0.4 |
21.6 |
Manufacture of other transport equipment |
1,595 |
1,755 |
0.2 |
50.8 |
Manufacture of furniture |
68 |
85 |
- |
12.4 |
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
4 |
4 |
- |
5.7 |
Other manufacturing |
27,132 |
30,947 |
3.7 |
41.9 |
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
74 |
198 |
- |
13.6 |
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
44 |
37 |
- |
11.5 |
F. Construction |
2,788 |
2,610 |
0.3 |
14.6 |
G. Services |
1,91,568 |
1,69,282 |
20.4 |
37.9 |
1.Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
64,310 |
60,122 |
7.3 |
77.7 |
2.Transportation and storage |
26,104 |
14,274 |
1.7 |
62.6 |
3.Accommodation and Food service activities |
140 |
173 |
- |
7.0 |
4.Information and communication |
65,827 |
64,095 |
7.7 |
23.9 |
5.Financial and insurance activities |
3,719 |
5,819 |
0.7 |
30.1 |
6.Real estate activities |
28 |
169 |
- |
35.4 |
7.Other Services activities |
31,440 |
24,630 |
3.0 |
44.1 |
Total |
7,46,006 |
8,30,274 |
100.0 |
62.4 |
*Of the 8.590 overseas subsidiary companies, 2,643 reported exports. |
Table 10D: Activity-wise Imports of 8,590 Overseas Subsidiaries of 6,409 Indian entities |
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March) |
Activity |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
Amount |
Amount |
% share in total |
% share in purchase |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations and Allied activities |
2,776 |
2,416 |
0.3 |
91.8 |
B. Mining |
2,574 |
4,212 |
0.5 |
46.3 |
C. Manufacturing |
5,80,696 |
6,79,337 |
79.7 |
89.3 |
Manufacture of food products |
5,985 |
5,701 |
0.7 |
53.9 |
Manufacture of beverages |
1,336 |
2,018 |
0.2 |
53.2 |
Manufacture of tobacco products |
444 |
538 |
0.1 |
43.3 |
Manufacture of textiles |
2,375 |
2,268 |
0.3 |
81.6 |
Manufacture of wearing apparel |
1,431 |
1,431 |
0.2 |
27.5 |
Manufacture of leather and related products |
11,315 |
9,434 |
1.1 |
98.4 |
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture |
1 |
1 |
- |
3.1 |
Manufacture of paper and paper products |
461 |
590 |
0.1 |
37.9 |
Printing and reproduction of recorded media |
53 |
71 |
- |
95.9 |
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
3,80,750 |
4,87,632 |
57.1 |
99.5 |
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products |
36,284 |
24,478 |
2.9 |
75.4 |
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products |
42,392 |
51,532 |
6.0 |
83.7 |
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products |
3,323 |
3,113 |
0.4 |
70.8 |
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products |
188 |
771 |
0.1 |
25.1 |
Manufacture of basic metals |
31,932 |
30,458 |
3.6 |
92.6 |
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
7,697 |
6,523 |
0.8 |
70.9 |
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products |
3,507 |
2,142 |
0.2 |
77.1 |
Manufacture of electrical equipment |
1,446 |
1,514 |
0.2 |
58.1 |
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified |
2,792 |
3,408 |
0.4 |
45.4 |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
6,050 |
5,247 |
0.6 |
41.1 |
Manufacture of other transport equipment |
1,815 |
1,801 |
0.2 |
63.5 |
Manufacture of furniture |
261 |
417 |
- |
97.7 |
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
7 |
10 |
- |
28.6 |
Other manufacturing |
38,851 |
38,239 |
4.5 |
60.6 |
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
133 |
289 |
- |
25.0 |
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
29 |
93 |
- |
34.2 |
F. Construction |
1,697 |
2,481 |
0.3 |
16.2 |
G. Services |
1,76,106 |
1,64,364 |
19.2 |
47.7 |
1.Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
56,226 |
53,057 |
6.2 |
74.0 |
2.Transportation and storage |
15,132 |
7,267 |
0.8 |
34.9 |
3.Accommodation and Food service activities |
65 |
205 |
- |
12.7 |
4.Information and communication |
70,534 |
75,786 |
8.9 |
39.3 |
5.Financial and insurance activities |
3,708 |
4,120 |
0.5 |
33.8 |
6.Real estate activities |
92 |
81 |
- |
26.6 |
7.Other Services activities |
30,349 |
23,848 |
2.8 |
53.0 |
Total |
7,64,011 |
8,53,192 |
100.0 |
75.3 |
*Of the 8,590 overseas subsidiary companies, 2,922 reported imports. |