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Annual Report

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Aug 23, 2012
Annual Report 2011-2012  6694 kb
Transmittal Letter  809 kb
Central Board / Local Boards  49 kb
Principal Officers  50 kb
Content  63 kb
List of Abbreviations  62 kb
Part I : The Economy : Review and Prospects
I. Assessment and Prospects  153 kb
II. Economic Review  4910 kb
Part II : The Working and Operations of The Reserve Bank of India
III. Monetary Policy Operations  273 kb
IV Credit Delivery and Financial Inclusion  197 kb
V. Development and Regulation of Financial Markets  111 kb
VI. Regulation, Supervision and Financial Stability  226 kb
VII. Public Debt Management  138 kb
VIII. Currency Management  127 kb
IX. Payment and Settlement Systems and Information Technology  127 kb
X. Governance, Human Resources Development and Organisational Management  134 kb
XI. The Reserve Bank's Accounts for 2011-12  147 kb
Annex I : Details of Changes in Directors/Members of the Central Board/Local Boards  67 kb
Annex II : List of Speeches by Governor and Deputy Governors: April 2011 to June 2012  75 kb
Annex III : Visits of Foreign Delegations to the Reserve Bank of India during July 01, 2011 to June 30, 2012  68 kb
Index of Appendix Tables
Macroeconomic and Financial Indicators 51 kb 73 kb
Growth Rates and Sectoral Composition of Real Gross Domestic Product 29 kb 59 kb
Gross Domestic Saving and Investment 28 kb 58 kb
Financial Saving of the Household Sector (Gross) 21 kb 57 kb
Agricultural Production 25 kb 56 kb
Procurement, Off-Take and Stocks of Foodgrains 27 kb 49 kb
Trends in Index of Industrial Production 28 kb 50 kb
Variations in Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices 31 kb 52 kb
Variations in Reserve Money 29 kb 58 kb
Variations in Money Stock 28 kb 54 kb
Sectoral Deployment of Gross Bank Credit 28 kb 58 kb
Capital Market - Primary and Secondary 24 kb 58 kb
Turnover in Indian Derivatives Market 22 kb 53 kb
Indices of Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) of the Indian Rupee 27 kb 49 kb
Key Fiscal Indicators 29 kb 50 kb
Budgetary Operations of the State Governments 31 kb 58 kb
India's Exports and Imports 27 kb 50 kb
India's Overall Balance of Payments 24 kb 59 kb
Foreign Direct Investment Flows to India: Country-wise and Industry-wise 22 kb 50 kb
India's Foreign Exchange Reserves 31 kb 55 kb
India's External Debt (As at end-March) 30 kb 62 kb
