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DRG Studies Series

The DRG Studies series have an accent on policy-oriented research. They are released for wide circulation with a view to generating constructive discussion among professional economists and policy makers on subjects of current interest. The views expressed in these studies are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the Reserve Bank.

Jul 06, 2023
DRG Study No. 49: Anatomy of Price Volatility Transmission in Indian Vegetables Market
Jan 17, 2023
DRG Study No. 48: Determinants of Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion in North-Eastern Region of India: A Case Study of Mizoram
Aug 19, 2022
DRG Study No. 47: Governance, Efficiency and Soundness of Indian Banks
May 24, 2021
DRG Study No. 46: Risk Premium Shocks and Business Cycle Outcomes in India
DRG Study No. 45: Threshold Level of Inflation – Concept and Measurement
Mar 27, 2018
DRG Study No. 44: Role of Financial Frictions in Monetary Policy Transmission in India
Sep 12, 2017
DRG Study No. 43: Some Macroeconomic Impacts of Different Types of Public Expenditure in India - Analysis Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model
Mar 30, 2017
DRG Study No. 42: Shocks and Inflation
Jan 29, 2016
DRG Study No. 41 - Trade Policy and Manufacturing Performance: Exploring the Level of Trade Openness in India’s Organised Manufacturing in the Period 1990-2010
Mar 04, 2014
DRG Study No. 40 - ‘A Study of Corporate Bond Market in India: Theoretical and Policy Implications’
Feb 18, 2013
DRG Study No. 39 - Modelling Currency Demand in India: An Empirical Study
Sep 20, 2012
DRG Study: Pricing of Paddy: A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh
Jun 17, 2011
RBI releases DRG Study on “Productivity, Efficiency and Competitiveness of the Indian Manufacturing Sector”
Jun 02, 2010
RBI releases DRG Study on “The Divisia Monetary Indices as Leading Indicators of Inflation”
May 17, 2010
RBI release DRG Study on “Regional Inequalities in India in the 1990s: Trends and Policy Implications”
Apr 21, 2010
DRG Study on “GDP-Indexed Bonds”
Feb 25, 2010
DRG Study on “Exchange Rate Policy and Modelling in India”
Sep 03, 2009
DRG Study on “Monetary Policy, Forex Markets and Feedback under Uncertainty in An Open Economy”
Aug 14, 2009
RBI Releases Two Studies - “Introducing Expenditure Quality in Intergovernmental Transfers: A triple-E Framework” and "An Outline of Post 2009 FRBM Fiscal Architecture of the Union Government in the Medium Term"
Aug 13, 2009
RBI Releases Study on "Strengthening Decentralisation - Augmenting the Consolidated fund of the States by the Thirteenth Finance Commission: A Normative Approach"
Jun 27, 2008
RBI Releases DRG Study on “Agricultural Growth in India since 1991”
Jan 14, 2008
RBI releases DRG Study on "Municipal Finance in India – An Assessment"
Jan 25, 2006
RBI study on Role of Bank lending channel in Transmission of Monetary Policy
Nov 20, 2003
DRG Study on "Interest Rate Modelling and Forecasting in India"
Mar 02, 2001
A Leading Index for Indian Exports
Sep 25, 2000
Capital Adequacy Requirements and
the Behaviour of Commercial Banks in India :
an Analytical and Empirical Study
Aug 31, 2000
Modernising Indian Agriculture: Priority Tasks and
Critical Policies
Aug 30, 2000
DRG Study: Productivity in Major Manufacturing
Industries in India: 1973-74 to 1997-98
Jun 22, 2000
Bond Financing and Debt Stability:
Theoretical Issues and Empirical Analysis for India
June 21, 1999
DRG Study No. 18: Portfolio Selection for Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves
December 10, 1998
DRG Study No. 17: The Impact of the Uruguay Round on Growth and Structure of Indian Economy
April 16, 1998
DRG Study No. 16: Dynamics of Inflation in India: A Neural Network Approach
March 12, 1998
DRG Study No. 15: EMU, EURO and India
August 30, 1996
DRG Study No. 14: Foreign Collaboration Under Liberalisation Policy: Patterns of FDI and Technology - transfer in Indian Industry since 1991
July 22, 1996
DRG Study No. 13: Money Demand Stability : Myth or Reality - An Econometric Analysis
April 18, 1996
DRG Study No. 12: Inflation, Interest Rates and Index-Linked Bonds
June 19, 1995
DRG Study No. 11: Fiscal Efficiency in the Indian Federation
January 18, 1995
DRG Study No. 10: Analytical Foundations of Financial Programming and Growth Oriented Adjustment
October 21, 1994
DRG Study No. 9: An Approach to Monetary Targeting in India
April 20, 1994
DRG Study No. 8: Stabilisation Policy Option : A Macro - econometric Analysis
July 23, 1993
DRG Study No. 7: Bridging the Technology-Gap: How Dynamic and far sighted is the Indian Corporate Sector?
May 27, 1993
DRG Study No. 6: Social Sector Expenditures and Human Development: A Study of Indian States
February 10, 1993
DRG Study No. 5: Agricultural Policy in India - Context, Issues and Instruments
September 14, 1992
DRG Study No. 4: The Changing Monetary Process in the Indian Economy
April 21, 1992
DRG Study No. 3: Gold Mobilisation as an Instrument of External Adjustment
April 07, 1992
DRG Study No. 2: Monetary Policy, Inflation and Activity in India
February 19, 1992
DRG Study No. 1: On the Guidelines Relating to Valuation of Shares