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Date : Dec 27, 2023
Appendix Table IV.2: International Liabilities and Assets of Banks in India – By Type of Instruments
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Liability Type Amount Outstanding (At end-March) Percentage Variation
2022 (PR) 2023 (P) 2021-22 2022-23
1 2 3 4 5
1. Loans and Deposits 12,05,274 12,96,066 5.5 7.5
  (67.6) (63.0)    
a) Foreign Currency Non-resident (Bank) [FCNR (B)] Scheme 1,05,587 1,35,725 -21.2 28.5
  (5.9) (6.6)    
b) Foreign Currency Borrowings* 81,575 96,587 48.3 18.4
  (4.6) (4.7)    
c) Non-resident External Rupee (NRE) Accounts 7,49,061 7,64,751 3.9 2.1
  (42.0) (37.2)    
d) Non-resident Ordinary (NRO) Rupee Accounts 1,41,240 1,64,786 20.2 16.7
  (7.9) (8.0)    
2. Own Issues of Securities/ Bonds 3,039 3,039 23.1 0.0
  (0.2) (0.1)    
3. Other liabilities 5,74,436 6,87,171 11.6 19.6
  (32.2) (33.4)    
Of which:        
a) ADRs/GDRs 92,255 1,18,681 6.2 28.6
  (5.2) (5.8)    
b) Equities of Banks Held by Non-residents 3,22,215 3,86,776 8.7 20.0
  (18.1) (18.8)    
c) Capital / Remittable Profits of Foreign Banks in India and Other Unclassified International Liabilities 1,59,966 1,81,714 21.6 13.6
  (9.0) (8.8)    
4. Negative MTM Derivatives   69,873    
Total International Liabilities 17,82,749 20,56,148 7.4 15.3
  (100.0) (100.0)    
Notes: 1. PR: Partially Revised; P: Provisional.
2. *: Inter-bank borrowings in India and from abroad and external commercial borrowings of banks.
3. Figures in parentheses are percentages to total.
4. Percentage variation could be slightly different as absolute numbers have been rounded off to ₹ crore.
5. Based on the latest BIS guidelines, MTM derivatives have been introduced in this statement from September 2022 quarter.
Source: International Banking Statistics, RBI.
