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Date : Jan 24, 2024
States: Uttarakhand, West Bengal, All States/UTs
Appendix I : Revenue Receipts of Village Panchayats (Contd.)
(₹ per Panchayat)
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
1 2 3 4 2 3 4
TOTAL REVENUE RECEIPTS (I+II+III) 6,87,651 5,55,839 3,47,103 41,87,781 64,90,137 57,24,862
I. Own Tax Revenue (1 - 8) - - - - - -
1 Taxes on Profession, Trades, etc. - - - - - -
2 Land Revenue - - - - - -
3 Stamps and Registration Fees - - - - - -
4 Taxes on Property other than Agriculture Land - - - - - -
5 Taxes on Vehicles - - - - - -
6 Taxes on Goods and Passengers - - - - - -
7 Service Tax - - - - - -
8 Taxes on Duties and Commodites - - - - - -
II. Own Non-Tax Revenue (1 - 15) 2,513 2,800 4,565 20,908 36,182 40,399
1 Interest Receipts 2,508 2,798 4,561 20,908 36,182 40,399
2 Maintenance of Community Assets - - - - - -
3 Education - - - - - -
4 Market and Fairs - - - - - -
5 Health and Family Welfare - - - - - -
6 Water Supply and Sanitation - - - - - -
7 Rural Housing - - - - - -
8 Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry, and Fuel and Fodder - - - - - -
9 Fisheries - - - - - -
10 Forestry - - - - - -
11 Agriculture including Agriculture Extension - - - - - -
12 Panchayati Raj Programmes 5 1 5 - - -
13 Minor Irrigation - - - - - -
14 Rural Electrification - - - - - -
15 Village and Small Scale Industries - - - - - -
III. Grants-in-aid (1 - 3) 6,85,138 5,53,040 3,42,538 41,66,874 64,53,955 56,84,463
1 Grants from Central Government 6,84,265 5,50,794 3,39,538 41,66,874 64,53,955 56,84,463
2 Grants from other Institutions - - - - - -
3 Grants from State Governemt 873 2,245 3,000 - - -
Note: -: Data are not available.
Source: Estimates based on eGramSwaraj data.

Appendix I : Revenue Receipts of Village Panchayats (Concld.)
(₹ per Panchayat)
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
1 2 3 4
REVENUE RECEIPTS (I+II+III) 22,02,057 23,20,265 21,23,384
I. Own Tax Revenue (1 - 8) 55,918 62,595 49,893
1 Taxes on Profession, Trades etc. 4,496 4,371 4,334
2 Land Revenue 269 273 415
3 Stamps and Registration Fees 7,264 9,360 6,323
4 Taxes on Property other than Agriculture Land 65,662 73,287 58,007
5 Taxes on Vehicles 0 0 0
6 Taxes on Goods and Passengers 72 57 66
7 Service Tax 656 742 850
8 Taxes on Duties and Commodites 569 622 496
II. Own Non-Tax Revenue (1 - 15) 70,572 72,286 73,497
1 Interest Receipts 26,133 22,819 27,056
2 Maintenance of Community Assets 539 523 468
3 Education 0 1 1
4 Market and Fairs 428 445 478
5 Health and Family Welfare 471 483 427
6 Water Supply and Sanitation 10,619 10,786 9,518
7 Rural Housing 1,934 2,218 2,387
8 Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry, and Fuel and Fodder 28 49 108
9 Fisheries 1,634 1,528 1,280
10 Forestry 0 1 1
11 Agriculture including Agriculture Extension 207 1,034 791
12 Panchayati Raj Programmes 86,277 99,870 95,065
13 Minor Irrigation 5 5 0
14 Rural Electrification 158 162 138
15 Village and Small Scale Industries 131 105 85
III. Grants-in-aid (1 - 3) 21,06,881 22,21,496 20,28,778
1 Grants from Central Government 17,05,875 18,46,118 16,94,428
2 Grants from other Institutions 20,811 21,858 18,054
3 Grants from State Governemt 6,99,731 6,79,957 6,06,751
Note: 1. Data are not available.
2. *: Data pertain to 26 States/UTs.
Source: Estimates based on eGramSwaraj data.
