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RBI History

Volume I (1935-1951)
History of The Reserve Bank of India (1935-51)
The Preparatory Years
Chapter - 1 : Genesis of Central Banking in India
Chapter - 2 : Currency, Exchange and Banking Prior to 1935
Chapter - 3 : The Reserve Bank of India Act
The Formative Years: 1935-39
Chapter - 4 : The Beginnings 121
Chapter - 5 : Early Central Banking Policies and Operations
Chapter - 6 : Emerging Role as a Bankers’ Bank
Chapter - 7 : First Steps in Agricultural Finance
Chapter - 8 : Governors, Government, Board and Shareholders
The War Years: 1939-45
Chapter - 9 : Organisation, Management and Allied Matters
Chapter - 10 : The Pattern and Consequences of War Financing
Chapter - 11 : War-time Central Banking Operations
Chapter - 12 : Exchange Control
Chapter - 13 : Repatriation of Sterling Debt
Chapter - 14 : Participation in Post-War Currency Plans
Chapter - 15 : Commercial Banking Developments
Chapter - 16 : Policies in the Sphere of Agricultural Credit
The Post-War Years : 1945-51
Chapter - 17 : Changes in the Bank’s Organisation and Status
Chapter - 18 : The Bank and the Partition
Chapter - 19 : International Financial Institutions and Sterling Balances
Chapter - 20 : Exchange Control and Management
Chapter - 21 : Monetary Management and Allied Issues
Chapter - 22 : A Commercial Bank Regulation Act at Last
Chapter - 23 : Progress in the Sphere of Agricultural Credit
Chapter - 24 : The Bank as an Employer
Chapter - 25 : Epilogue
(i) Statistical Tables
(ii) Sources of Material

 Volume II      Volume III      Volume IV
