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Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy

Sep 13, 2024
Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy, 2023-24
(Note: To obtain the tables in Near-Real time, please access the Database on Indian Economy)
  15046 kb
Foreword  125 kb
Contents  249 kb
Table 1 : Macro-Economic Aggregates (Base Year: 2011-12 At Current Prices)  113 kb
Table 2 : Macro-Economic Aggregates (Base Year: 2011-12 At Constant Prices)  109 kb
Table 3 : Components of Gross Value Added At Basic Prices  119 kb
Table 4 : Components of Gross Domestic Product  115 kb
Table 5 : Net State Domestic Product - State-wise (At Current Prices)  145 kb
Table 6 : Net State Domestic Product - State-wise (At Constant Prices)  146 kb
Table 7 : Net State Value Added by Economic Activity (At Current Prices) (Base: 2011-2012)  194 kb
Table 8 : Net State Value Added by Economic Activity (At Constant Prices) (Base: 2011-2012)  194 kb
Table 9 : Per Capita Net State Domestic Product - State-wise (At Current Prices)  143 kb
Table 10 : Per Capita Net State Domestic Product - State-wise (At Constant Prices)  144 kb
Table 11 : Sector-Wise Domestic Savings (At Current Prices)  114 kb
Table 12 : Changes in Financial Assets/Liabilities of the Household Sector (At Current Prices)  131 kb
Table 13 : Institutional Sector-Wise Gross Capital Formation (At Current Prices) (Base Year: 2011-12)  109 kb
Table 14 : Employment in Public and Organised Private Sectors  107 kb
Table 15 : Index Numbers of Area, Production and Yield of Foodgrains, Non-Foodgrains and All Crops in India  119 kb
Table 16 : Index Numbers of Agricultural Production - Major Crops  134 kb
Table 17 : Agricultural Production - Foodgrains  120 kb
Table 18 : Agricultural Production - Major Commercial Crops  123 kb
Table 19 : Area Under Cultivation - Foodgrains  116 kb
Table 20 : Area Under Cultivation - Major Commercial Crops  128 kb
Table 21 : Yield Per Hectare - Foodgrains  119 kb
Table 22 : Yield Per Hectare - Major Commercial Crops  124 kb
Table 23 : Pattern of Land Use and Select Inputs for Agricultural Production  119 kb
Table 24 : Minimum Support Price for Foodgrains According to Crop Year (Fair Average Quality)  117 kb
Table 25 : Minimum Support Price for Non-Foodgrains According to Crop Year (Fair Average Quality)  121 kb
Table 26 : Public Distribution System - Procurement, Off-Take and Stocks  121 kb
Table 27 : Index Numbers of Industrial Production  112 kb
Table 28 : Index Numbers of Twenty-Three Major Industry Groups of Manufacturing Sector (Base : 2011-12 = 100)  117 kb
Table 29 : Index Numbers of Industrial Production – Use-Based Classification  113 kb
Table 30 : Index Numbers of Infrastructure Industries  122 kb
Table 31 : Annual Production Indices of Select Items (Base: 2011-12 = 100)  138 kb
Table 32 : Annual Survey of Industries - Principal Characteristics  113 kb
Table 33 : Production and Imports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products  102 kb
Table 34 : Implementation of Central Sector Projects - Status (End-March)  138 kb
Table 35 : Sector-Wise Cost Overrun of Delayed Central Sector Projects (End-March)  140 kb
Table 36 : Wholesale Price Index - Annual Average  122 kb
Table 37 : Consumer Price Index - Annual Average  120 kb
Table 38 : Average Price of Gold and Silver in Domestic and Foreign Markets  116 kb
Table 39 : Components of Money Stock  122 kb
Table 40 : Sources of Money Stock  139 kb
Table 41 : Average Monetary Aggregates  119 kb
Table 42 : Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets  132 kb
Table 43 : Major Monetary Policy Rates and Reserve Requirements - Bank Rate, LAF (Repo, Reverse Repo, SDF and MSF) Rates, CRR & SLR  133 kb
Table 44 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Select Aggregates  137 kb
Table 45 : Sectoral Deployment of Non-Food Gross Bank Credit  114 kb
Table 46 : Industry-Wise Deployment of Gross Bank Credit  126 kb
Table 47 : Savings Deposits with Commercial Banks  109 kb
Table 48 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Maturity Pattern of Term Deposits  119 kb
Table 49 : Bank Group-Wise Distribution of Employees of Scheduled Commercial Banks  122 kb
Table 50 : Deposits and Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks - According to Population Group  120 kb
Table 51 : Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Allied Activities  117 kb
Table 52 : Consolidated Balance Sheet of Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding Regional Rural Banks)  120 kb
Table 53 : Gross and Net NPAs of Scheduled Commercial Banks - Bank Group-Wise  121 kb
Table 54 : Distribution of Scheduled Commercial Banks by CRAR  119 kb
Table 55 : Population Group-Wise Number of Branches of Scheduled Commercial Banks  115 kb
Table 56 : Important Banking Indicators - Regional Rural Banks - Outstanding  114 kb
Table 57 : State Co-Operative Banks Maintaining Accounts with the Reserve Bank of India  112 kb
Table 58 : Loans and Advances of PACS, SCARDBs and PCARDBs  108 kb
Table 59 : Gross Non-Performing Assets of Co-Operative Banks  112 kb
Table 60 : Self-Help Group-Bank Linkage Programme  111 kb
Table 61 : Payment System Indicators  126 kb
Table 62 : Structure of Interest Rates  118 kb
Table 63 : Flow of Resources to Commercial Sector in India  126 kb
Table 64 : Resource Mobilisation in the Private Placement Market  116 kb
Table 65 : Net Resources Mobilised by Bank-Sponsored and FI- Sponsored Mutual Funds  121 kb
Table 66 : Net Resources Mobilised by Mutual Funds (Category Wise)  123 kb
Table 67 : Net Resources Mobilised by Mutual Funds (Entity Wise)  141 kb
Table 68 : Aggregate Public Deposits of the NBFCs  112 kb
Table 69 : New Capital Issues by Non-Government Public Limited Companies  124 kb
Table 70 : Tax-Free and Taxable Bonds of Public Sector Undertakings  112 kb
Table 71 : Financial Assistance Sanctioned and Disbursed by All Financial Institutions  151 kb
Table 72 : Investments by LIC  112 kb
Table 73 : Assets Under Management of Mutual Funds  99 kb
Table 74 : Operations of HDFC  101 kb
Table 75 : National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development - Financial Assistance  109 kb
Table 76 : Disbursements by National Housing Bank Under its Refinance Schemes  117 kb
Table 77 : DICGC - Insured Deposits  103 kb
Table 78 : DICGC - Liabilities and Assets (Deposit Insurance Fund)  112 kb
Table 79 : DICGC - Liabilities and Assets (Credit Guarantee Fund)  115 kb
Table 80 : DICGC - Liabilities and Assets (General Fund)  109 kb
Table 81 : DICGC - Insurance Premium Received  103 kb
Table 82 : DICGC - Insurance Claims Settled and Repayment Received - Cumulative Basis (Liquidated / Amalgamated / Reconstructed)  112 kb
Table 83 : DICGC - Insurance Claims Settled and Repayment Received - Cumulative Basis {Placed Under All-Inclusive Directions (Aid)}  103 kb
Table 84 : DICGC – Banks under Deposit Insurance – Progress since Inception  125 kb
Table 85 : Liabilities and Assets of NABARD  128 kb
Table 86 : Liabilities and Assets of IFCI  134 kb
Table 87 : Liabilities and Assets of EXIM Bank  122 kb
Table 88 : Liabilities and Assets of NHB  119 kb
Table 89 : Liabilities and Assets of SFCs  130 kb
Table 90 : Liabilities and Assets of SIDBI  116 kb
Table 91 : Annual Averages of Share Price Indices and Market Capitalisation  112 kb
Table 92 : Key Deficit Indicators of the Central Government  118 kb
Table 93 : Central Government Receipts - Major Components  135 kb
Table 94 : Major Heads of Capital Receipts of the Central Government  122 kb
Table 95 : Major Heads of Expenditure of the Central Government  133 kb
Table 96 : Major Heads of Developmental and Non-Developmental Expenditure of the Central Government  125 kb
Table 97 : Centre’s Gross Fiscal Deficit and its Financing  120 kb
Table 98 : Gross Capital Formation from Budgetary Resources of the Central Government  124 kb
Table 99 : Key Deficit Indicators of the State Governments  115 kb
Table 100 : Pattern of Receipts of the State Governments  130 kb
Table 101 : Pattern of Major Capital Receipts of the State Governments  118 kb
Table 102 : Expenditure Pattern of the State Governments  132 kb
Table 103 : States Gross Fiscal Deficit and Its Financing  116 kb
Table 104 : Combined Deficits of Central and State Governments  107 kb
Table 105 : Receipts and Disbursements of Central and State Governments  122 kb
Table 106 : Direct and Indirect Tax Revenues of Central and State Governments  117 kb
Table 107 : Developmental and Non-Developmental Expenditure of the Central and State Governments  125 kb
Table 108 : Market Borrowings of the Central and State Governments  117 kb
Table 109 : Interest Rates on Central and State Government Dated Securities  107 kb
Table 110 : Outstanding Liabilities of Central Government  129 kb
Table 111 : Outstanding Liabilities of the State Governments  127 kb
Table 112 : Combined Liabilities of the Central and State Governments  119 kb
Table 113 : Ownership of Central and State Government Securities (Outstanding as on 31st March)  123 kb
Table 114 : Small Savings Schemes  125 kb
Table 115 : Small Savings  117 kb
Table 116 : Maturity Pattern of Government of India Rupee Loans  113 kb
Table 117 : India’s Foreign Trade - US Dollar  114 kb
Table 118 : India’s Foreign Trade - Rupees  112 kb
Table 119 : Exports of Major Commodities - US Dollar  119 kb
Table 120 : Exports of Major Commodities - Rupees  118 kb
Table 121 : Imports of Major Commodities - US Dollar  121 kb
Table 122 : Imports of Major Commodities - Rupees  121 kb
Table 123 : Exports of Select Commodities to Principal Countries - US Dollar  160 kb
Table 124 : Exports of Select Commodities to Principal Countries - Rupees  159 kb
Table 125 : Direction of Foreign Trade - US Dollar  130 kb
Table 126 : Direction of Foreign Trade - Rupees  129 kb
Table 127 : Index Numbers and Terms of Foreign Trade  114 kb
Table 128 : Index Numbers of Exports - Quantum and Unit Value (Base : 2012-2013 =100)  257 kb
Table 129 : Index Numbers of Imports - Quantum and Unit Value (Base : 2012-2013 = 100)  246 kb
Table 130 : India’s Overall Balance of Payments - US Dollar  159 kb
Table 131 : India’s Overall Balance of Payments - Rupees  156 kb
Table 132 : Standard Presentation of India’s Balance of Payments as per BPM6 US Dollars  167 kb
Table 133 : Standard Presentation of India’s Balance of Payments as per BPM6 Rupees  167 kb
Table 134 : Key Components of India’s Balance of Payments - US Dollar  131 kb
Table 135 : Key Components of India’s Balance of Payments - Rupees  130 kb
Table 136 : Invisibles by Category of Transactions - US Dollar  129 kb
Table 137 : Invisibles by Category of Transactions - Rupees  128 kb
Table 138 : Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee vis-à-vis the SDR, US Dollar, Pound Sterling, D.M./Euro and Japanese Yen (Calendar Year - Annual Average)  137 kb
Table 139 : Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee vis-à-vis the SDR, US Dollar, Pound Sterling, D.M./Euro and Japanese Yen (Financial Year-Annual Average and end-Year Rates)  141 kb
Table 140 : Indices of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) of the Indian Rupee (40-Currency Basket) (Calendar Year - Annual Average)  114 kb
Table 141 : Indices of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) of the Indian Rupee (40-Currency Basket) (Financial Year - Annual Average)  114 kb
Table 142 : Indices of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) of the Indian Rupee (6-Currency Basket) (Calendar Year - Annual Average)  113 kb
Table 143 : Indices of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) of the Indian Rupee (6-Currency Basket) (Financial Year - Annual Average)  114 kb
Table 144 : External Assistance - US Dollar  128 kb
Table 145 : Non-Resident Deposits Outstanding - US Dollar  113 kb
Table 146 : Non-Resident Deposits Outstanding - Rupees  111 kb
Table 147 : Inflows (+)/Outflows (-) Under Various Non-Resident Deposit Schemes - US Dollar  115 kb
Table 148 : Inflows (+)/Outflows (-) Under Various Non-Resident Deposit Schemes - Rupees  113 kb
Table 149 : Foreign Investment Inflows  122 kb
Table 150 : Foreign Exchange Reserves  126 kb
Table 151 : India’s External Debt - US Dollar (end-March)  161 kb
Table 152 : India’s External Debt - Rupees (end-March)  161 kb
Table 153 : Notes and Coins in Circulation  120 kb
Table 154 : eRupee in Circulation: e₹ - Retail and e₹ - Wholesale  93 kb
Table 155 : Currency Chests/Repositories and Small Coin Depots - All India  107 kb
Table 156 : Employment Situation in India - Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed by Broad Groups of Industry for Various Rounds  121 kb
Table 157 : Quarterly Estimates of Gross Value Added At Basic Price (At Current Prices) New Series (Base : 2011-12)  128 kb
Table 158 : Quarterly Estimates of Gross Domestic Product (At Current Prices) New Series (Base : 2011-12)  121 kb
Table 159 : Quarterly Estimates of Gross Value Added At Basic Price (At Constant Prices) New Series (Base : 2011-12)  122 kb
Table 160 : Quarterly Estimates of Gross Domestic Product (At Constant Prices) New Series (Base : 2011-12)  121 kb
Table 161 : Sector-Wise Index Numbers of Industrial Production (Base : 2011-12 = 100)  116 kb
Table 162 : Index Numbers of Twenty Three Major Industry Groups of the Manufacturing Sector (Base: 2011-12 = 100)  191 kb
Table 163 : Use-Based Classification of Index Numbers of Industrial Production (Base : 2011-12 = 100)  119 kb
Table 164 : Wholesale Price Index - Monthly (Base: 2011-12 = 100)  119 kb
Table 165 : Consumer Price Index - Monthly  126 kb
Table 166 : Monthly Average Price of Gold and Silver in Domestic and Foreign Markets  124 kb
Table 167 : Components of Money Stock  124 kb
Table 168 : Sources of Money Stock  140 kb
Table 169 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Select Aggregates  134 kb
Table 170 : Deployment of Bank Credit by Major Sectors  141 kb
Table 171 : Industry - Wise Deployment of Bank Credit  138 kb
Table 172 : Reserve Bank of India Survey  149 kb
Table 173 : Monetary Survey  157 kb
Table 174 : Commercial Bank Survey  148 kb
Table 175 : Liquidity Aggregates  127 kb
Table 176 : Weighted Average Call Money Rates  117 kb
Table 177 : Monthly Open Market Operations of the Reserve Bank of India  115 kb
Table 178 : Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities  135 kb
Table 179 : Yield of SGL Transactions in Treasury Bills for Residual Maturities  114 kb
Table 180 : Month-end Yield of SGL Transactions in Government Dated Securities for Various Maturities  143 kb
Table 181 : New Capital Issues by Non-Government Public Limited Companies  137 kb
Table 182 : Number and Quantum of Euro Issues  224 kb
Table 183 : Net Investment by FIIs in the Indian Capital Market  224 kb
Table 184 : Monthly and Annual Averages of Nifty 50 (Base November 3, 1995 = 1000)  224 kb
Table 185 : Monthly and Annual Averages of BSE SENSEX (Base : 1978-79 = 100)  213 kb
Table 186 : Monthly Turnover at BSE  213 kb
Table 187 : Monthly Turnover at NSE  213 kb
Table 188 : Market Capitalisation - BSE  148 kb
Table 189 : Market Capitalisation - NSE  148 kb
Table 190 : Turnover in Equity Derivatives Market  120 kb
Table 191 : Month-Wise Gross Fiscal Deficit of the Central Government  105 kb
Table 192 : India’s Foreign Trade - US Dollar  113 kb
Table 193 : India’s Foreign Trade - Rupees  113 kb
Table 194 : Broad Commodity Composition of India's Merchandise Trade - Oil and Non-Oil Exports and Imports - US Dollar  114 kb
Table 195 : Broad Commodity Composition of India's Merchandise Trade - Oil and Non-Oil Exports and Imports - Rupees  115 kb
Table 196 : India's Overall Balance of Payments - Quarterly - US Dollar  184 kb
Table 197 : India’s Overall Balance of Payments - Quarterly - Rupees  186 kb
Table 198 : Standard Presentation of India’s Balance of Payments As Per BPM6-Quarterly - US Dollar  166 kb
Table 199 : Standard Presentation of India’s Balance of Payments As Per BPM6-Quarterly - Rupees  179 kb
Table 200 : Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee vis-à-vis the SDR, US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Euro and Japanese Yen (Monthly Average and end-Month Rates)  144 kb
Table 201 : Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee vis-à-vis the SDR, US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Euro and Japanese Yen (High and Low During the Month)  144 kb
Table 202 : Indices of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) of the Indian Rupee (40-Currency Basket) (Monthly Average)  119 kb
Table 203 : Turnover in Foreign Exchange Market  118 kb
Table 204 : Forward Premia (Inter-Bank) (Monthly Average)  115 kb
Table 205 : Foreign Exchange Reserves  125 kb
Table 206 : Sales and Purchases of US Dollar by the Reserve Bank of India  124 kb
Table 207 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Select Aggregates  154 kb
Table 208 : Commercial Paper  112 kb
Table 209 : Issue of Certificates of Deposit by Scheduled Commercial Banks  114 kb
Table 210 : Foreign Exchange Reserves - Weekly  164 kb
Table 211 : Secondary Market Outright Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)  167 kb
Table 212 : Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)  120 kb
Table 213 : Auctions of 91-Day Government of India Treasury Bills  124 kb
Table 214 : Auctions of 182-Day Government of India Treasury Bills  123 kb
Table 215 : Auctions of 364-Day Government of India Treasury Bills  131 kb
Table 216 : Details of Central Government Market Borrowings  149 kb
Table 217 : Secondary Market Repo Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)  133 kb
Table 218 : Daily Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee  120 kb
Table 219 : Daily Forward Premia (Inter-Bank)  112 kb
Table 220 : Daily Weighted Average Call/Notice Money Rates  138 kb
Table 221 : Select Macro-Economic Aggregates - Growth Rates, Saving and Investment Rates (At Current Prices)  162 kb
Table 222 : Select Macro-Economic Aggregates - Growth and Investment Rates (At Constant Prices)  162 kb
Table 223 : Index Numbers of Industrial Production - Growth Rates (Base: 2011-12)  157 kb
Table 224 : Use-Based Classification of Index Numbers of Industrial Production - Growth Rates (Base: 2011-12)  157 kb
Table 225 : Index Numbers of Core Industries - Growth Rates (Base: 2011-12)  119 kb
Table 226 : Select Monetary Aggregates - Growth Rates  111 kb
Table 227 : Select Aggregates of Scheduled Commercial Banks - Growth Rates  120 kb
Table 228 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Ratios  120 kb
Table 229 : Select Monetary Ratios  115 kb
Table 230 : Wholesale Price Index - Annual Variation  118 kb
Table 231 : Consumer Price Index (Average of Months) - Annual Variation  121 kb
Table 232 : Select Fiscal Indicators of the Central Government (As Percentage to GDP)  135 kb
Table 233 : Select Fiscal Indicators of the State Governments (As Percentage of GDP)  117 kb
Table 234 : Combined Deficits of Central and State Governments (As Percentage to GDP)  110 kb
Table 235 : Select Debt Indicators of Central and State Governments (As Percentage to GDP)  123 kb
Table 236 : Balance of Payments Indicators  115 kb
Table 237 : Wholesale Price Index Monthly - Annual Variation (Base: 2011-12 = 100)  121 kb
Table 238 : Consumer Price Index - Annual Variation  127 kb
Table 239 : Average Price/Earning Ratio of BSE SENSEX  158 kb
Table 240 : Average Price/Book Value Ratio of BSE SENSEX  158 kb
Notes on Tables  368 kb
