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Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy

Sep 15, 2017
Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy 2016-17
(Note: To obtain the tables in Excel file format, please access the Real Time Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy)
  4904 kb
Foreword  264 kb
Preface  146 kb
Content  107 kb
Table 1 : Macro-Economic Aggregates (At Current Prices) 22 kb 79 kb
Table 2 : Macro-Economic Aggregates (At Constant Prices) 19 kb 73 kb
Table 3 : Components of Gross Domestic Product (At Factor Cost) and Gross Value Added (At Basic Price) 23 kb 81 kb
Table 4 : Components of Gross Domestic Product (At Market Prices) 20 kb 70 kb
Table 5 : Net State Value Added – State-Wise (At Current Prices) 23 kb 74 kb
Table 6 : Net State Value Added – State-Wise (At Constant Prices) 23 kb 74 kb
Table 7 : Net State Value Added by Economic Activity (At Current Prices) (Base : 2011-2012) 34 kb 103 kb
Table 8 : Net State Value Added by Economic Activity (At Constant Prices) (Base : 2011-2012) 34 kb 103 kb
Table 9 : Per Capita Net State Domestic Product – State-Wise (At Current Prices) 19 kb 67 kb
Table 10 : Per Capita Net State Domestic Product – State-Wise (At Constant Prices) 19 kb 70 kb
Table 11 : Sector-Wise Domestic Savings (At Current Prices) 10 kb 47 kb
Table 12 : Changes in Financial Assets/ Liabilities of the Household Sector (At Current Prices) 16 kb 63 kb
Table 13 : Gross/ Net Capital Formation 12 kb 50 kb
Table 14 : Sector-Wise Gross Capital Formation 10 kb 42 kb
Table 15 : Employment in Public and Organised Private Sectors 11 kb 42 kb
Table 16 : Index Numbers of Area, Production and Yield of Foodgrains, Non-Foodgrains and All Crops in India 14 kb 49 kb
Table 17 : Index Numbers of Agricultural Production - Major Crops 17 kb 58 kb
Table 18 : Agricultural Production - Foodgrains 15 kb 49 kb
Table 19 : Agricultural Production - Major Commercial Crops 17 kb 55 kb
Table 20 : Area Under Cultivation - Foodgrains 15 kb 48 kb
Table 21 : Area Under Cultivation - Major Commercial Crops 14 kb 54 kb
Table 22 : Yield Per Hectare - Foodgrains 13 kb 48 kb
Table 23 : Yield Per Hectare - Major Commercial Crops 14 kb 55 kb
Table 24 : State-Wise Production of Foodgrains and Major Non-Foodgrain Crops 60 kb 156 kb
Table 25 : Pattern of Land Use and Select Inputs for Agricultural Production 13 kb 54 kb
Table 26 : Minimum Support Price for Foodgrains According to Crop Year (Fair Average Quality) 12 kb 56 kb
Table 27 : Minimum Support Price for Non-Foodgrains According to Crop Year (Fair Average Quality) 11 kb 53 kb
Table 28 : Public Distribution System - Procurement, Off-Take and Stocks 13 kb 50 kb
Table 29 : Index Numbers of Industrial Production 11 kb 45 kb
Table 30 : Index Numbers of Twenty Three Major Industry Groups of Manufacturing Sector (Base : 2011-12 = 100) 12 kb 48 kb
Table 31 : Index Numbers of Industrial Production – Use-Based Classification 13 kb 47 kb
Table 32 : Index Numbers of Infrastructure Industries 12 kb 51 kb
Table 33 : Annual Production Indices of Select Items 16 kb 60 kb
Table 34 : Annual Survey of Industries - Principal Characteristics 12 kb 52 kb
Table 35 : Production and Imports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products 11 kb 39 kb
Table 36 : Performance of SSI Sector 12 kb 53 kb
Table 37 : Position of Sick SSI Units and Sick/ Weak Non-SSI Units Financed by Scheduled Commercial Banks 11 kb 53 kb
Table 38 : Implementation of Central Sector Projects - Status (end-March) 16 kb 76 kb
Table 39 : Sector-Wise Cost Overrun of Delayed Central Sector Projects (end-March) 16 kb 73 kb
Table 40 : Wholesale Price Index - Annual Average 13 kb 54 kb
Table 41 : Consumer Price Index - Annual Average 12 kb 51 kb
Table 42 : Average Price of Gold and Silver in Domestic and Foreign Markets 14 kb 49 kb
Table 43 : Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets 21 kb 78 kb
Table 44 : Components of Money Stock 15 kb 66 kb
Table 45 : Sources of Money Stock 18 kb 77 kb
Table 46 : Average Monetary Aggregates 18 kb 61 kb
Table 47 : Major Monetary Policy Rates and Reserve Requirements - Bank Rate, LAF (Repo, Reverse Repo and MSF) Rates, CRR & SLR 14 kb 56 kb
Table 48 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Select Aggregates 19 kb 74 kb
Table 49 : Sectoral Deployment of Non-Food Gross Bank Credit (Outstanding) 13 kb 67 kb
Table 50 : Industry-Wise Deployment of Gross Bank Credit 13 kb 59 kb
Table 51 : Savings Deposits With Commercial Banks 12 kb 47 kb
Table 52 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Maturity Pattern of Term Deposits 14 kb 56 kb
Table 53 : Bank Group-Wise Distribution of Employees of Scheduled Commercial Banks 13 kb 50 kb
Table 54 : Industrial Refinance by Reserve Bank of India 13 kb 52 kb
Table 55 : Deposits and Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks - According to Population Group 16 kb 68 kb
Table 56 : Direct Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Allied Activities - Short-Term 12 kb 53 kb
Table 57 : Direct Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Allied Activities - Long-Term 13 kb 53 kb
Table 58 : Direct Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Allied Activities -Total (Short-Term and Long-Term) 13 kb 55 kb
Table 59 : Indirect Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Allied Activities 13 kb 55 kb
Table 60 : Scheduled Commercial Banks’ Direct Finance to Farmers According to Size of Land Holdings (Disbursements) Short-Term and Long-Term Loans 11 kb 53 kb
Table 61 : Scheduled Commercial Banks’ Direct Finance to Farmers According to Size of Land Holdings (Outstanding) Short-Term and Long-Term Loans 14 kb 53 kb
Table 62 : Scheduled Commercial Banks’ Advances to Small-Scale Industries and Allied Services - Outstanding 13 kb 47 kb
Table 63 : Scheduled Commercial Banks’ Advances to Agriculture - Outstanding 15 kb 55 kb
Table 64 : Consolidated Balance Sheet of Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding Regional Rural Banks) 14 kb 54 kb
Table 65 : Gross and Net NPAs of Scheduled Commercial Banks Bank Group-Wise 16 kb 56 kb
Table 66 : Distribution of Scheduled Commercial Banks by CRAR 12 kb 50 kb
Table 67 : Population Group-Wise Number of Branches of Scheduled Commercial Banks 11 kb 47 kb
Table 68 : Important Banking Indicators - Regional Rural Banks –Outstanding 12 kb 50 kb
Table 69 : State Co-Operative Banks Maintaining Accounts With the Reserve Bank of India 13 kb 48 kb
Table 70 : Loans and Advances of PACS, SCARDBs and PCARDBs 12 kb 50 kb
Table 71 : Gross Non-Performing Assets of Co-operative Banks 11 kb 43 kb
Table 72 : Self-Help Group-Bank Linkage Programme 11 kb 47 kb
Table 73 : Payment System Indicators 13 kb 64 kb
Table 74 : Structure of Interest Rates 11 kb 47 kb
Table 75 : Resource Mobilisation in the Private Placement Market 12 kb 50 kb
Table 76 : Net Resources Mobilised by Bank-Sponsored and FI-Sponsored Mutual Funds 12 kb 50 kb
Table 77 : Net Resources Mobilised by Mutual Funds 13 kb 53 kb
Table 78 : Net Resources Mobilised by Private Sector Mutual Funds 17 kb 68 kb
Table 79 : Aggregate Public Deposits of the NBFC Sector 11 kb 54 kb
Table 80 : New Capital Issues by Non-Government Public Limited Companies 16 kb 60 kb
Table 81 : Public Issue and Privately Placed Bonds of Public Sector Undertakings 11 kb 47 kb
Table 82 : Financial Assistance Sanctioned and Disbursed by All Financial Institutions 20 kb 70 kb
Table 83 : Investments by LIC 12 kb 57 kb
Table 84 : Assets Under Management of Mutual Funds 9 kb 39 kb
Table 85 : Operations of HDFC 11 kb 42 kb
Table 86 : National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development - Financial Assistance 13 kb 47 kb
Table 87 : Disbursements by National Housing Bank Under its Refinance Schemes 11 kb 52 kb
Table 88 : Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation - Insured Deposits 11 kb 46 kb
Table 89 : Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation - Liabilities and Assets (Deposit Insurance Fund) 12 kb 52 kb
Table 90 : Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation - Liabilities and Assets (Credit Guarantee Fund) 12 kb 51 kb
Table 91 : Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation - Liabilities and Assets (General Fund) 11 kb 49 kb
Table 92 : Liabilities and Assets of NABARD 15 kb 66 kb
Table 93 : Liabilities and Assets of IFCI 17 kb 73 kb
Table 94 : Liabilities and Assets of EXIM Bank 15 kb 65 kb
Table 95 : Liabilities and Assets of NHB 13 kb 54 kb
Table 96 : Liabilities and Assets of SFCs 19 kb 64 kb
Table 97 : Liabilities and Assets of SIDBI 15 kb 56 kb
Table 98 : Annual Averages of Share Price Indices and Market Capitalisation 14 kb 49 kb
Table 99 : Key Deficit Indicators of the Central Government 15 kb 59 kb
Table 100 : Central Government Receipts - Major Components 17 kb 70 kb
Table 101 : Major Heads of Capital Receipts of the Central Government 13 kb 60 kb
Table 102 : Major Heads of Expenditure of the Central Government 14 kb 67 kb
Table 103 : Major Heads of Developmental and Non-Developmental Expenditure of the Central Government 12 kb 61 kb
Table 104 : Centre’s Gross Fiscal Deficit and its Financing 13 kb 64 kb
Table 105 : Gross Capital Formation From Budgetary Resources of the Central Government 14 kb 55 kb
Table 106 : Public Sector Plan Outlay (At Current Prices) 12 kb 51 kb
Table 107 : Financing of Public Sector Plan 13 kb 58 kb
Table 108 : Key Deficit Indicators of the State Governments 12 kb 54 kb
Table 109 : Pattern of Receipts of the State Governments 15 kb 63 kb
Table 110 : Pattern of Major Capital Receipts of the State Governments 12 kb 50 kb
Table 111 : Expenditure Pattern of the State Governments 15 kb 66 kb
Table 112 : States’s Gross Fiscal Deficit and its Financing 12 kb 49 kb
Table 113 : Combined Deficits of Central and State Governments 10 kb 43 kb
Table 114 : Receipts and Disbursements of Central and State Governments 13 kb 61 kb
Table 115 : Direct and Indirect Tax Revenues of Central and State Governments 12 kb 51 kb
Table 116 : Developmental and Non-Developmental Expenditure of the Central and State Governments 13 kb 60 kb
Table 117 : Market Borrowings of the Central and States Governments 11 kb 53 kb
Table 118 : Interest Rates On Central and State Government Dated Securities 10 kb 38 kb
Table 119 : Outstanding Liabilities of Central Government 13 kb 62 kb
Table 120 : Outstanding Liabilities of the State Governments 14 kb 65 kb
Table 121 : Combined Liabilities of the Central and State Governments 12 kb 54 kb
Table 122 : Ownership of Central and State Government Securities (Outstanding as at end-March) 12 kb 60 kb
Table 123 : Small Savings Schemes 12 kb 64 kb
Table 124 : Small Savings 13 kb 50 kb
Table 125 : Maturity Pattern of Government of India Rupee Loans 11 kb 50 kb
Table 126 : India’s Foreign Trade - US Dollar 14 kb 46 kb
Table 127 : India’s Foreign Trade - Rupees 14 kb 49 kb
Table 128 : Exports of Principal Commodities - US Dollar 12 kb 49 kb
Table 129 : Exports of Principal Commodities - Rupees 12 kb 52 kb
Table 130 : Imports of Principal Commodities - US Dollar 12 kb 54 kb
Table 131 : Imports of Principal Commodities - Rupees 12 kb 53 kb
Table 132 : Exports of Select Commodities to Principal Countries - US Dollar 20 kb 74 kb
Table 133 : Exports of Select Commodities to Principal Countries – Rupees 23 kb 77 kb
Table 134 : Direction of Foreign Trade - US Dollar 16 kb 59 kb
Table 135 : Direction of Foreign Trade - Rupees 17 kb 61 kb
Table 136 : Index Numbers and Terms of Foreign Trade 13 kb 47 kb
Table 137 : Index Numbers of Exports - Quantum and Unit Value (Base : 1999-2000 = 100) 20 kb 83 kb
Table 138 : Index Numbers of Imports - Quantum and Unit Value (Base : 1999-2000 = 100) 20 kb 84 kb
Table 139 : India’s Overall Balance of Payments - US Dollar 26 kb 83 kb
Table 140 : India’s Overall Balance of Payments - Rupees 27 kb 87 kb
Table 141 : Standard Presentation of India’s Balance of Payments as per BPM6 (US $ Million) 23 kb 73 kb
Table 142 : Standard Presentation of India’s Balance of Payments as per BPM6 (Rs.Billion) 26 kb 89 kb
Table 143 : Key Components of India’s Balance of Payments - US Dollar 17 kb 58 kb
Table 144 : Key Components of India’s Balance of Payments - Rupees 15 kb 62 kb
Table 145 : Invisibles by Category of Transactions - US Dollars 17 kb 58 kb
Table 146 : Invisibles by Category of Transactions - Rupees 18 kb 62 kb
Table 147 : Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee vis-a-vis the SDR, US Dollar, Pound Sterling, D. M./ Euro and Japanese Yen (Calendar Year – Annual Average) 12 kb 51 kb
Table 148 : Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee vis-a-vis the SDR, US Dollar, Pound Sterling, D. M./ Euro and Japanese Yen (Financial Year – Annual Average and end-Year Rates) 13 kb 59 kb
Table 149 : Indices of Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) of the Indian Rupee (36- Currency Bilateral Weights) (Calendar Year - Annual Average) 9 kb 45 kb
Table 150 : Indices of Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) of the Indian Rupee (36- Currency Bilateral Weights) (Financial Year - Annual Average) 10 kb 44 kb
Table 151 : External Assistance - US Dollar 17 kb 59 kb
Table 152 : NRI Deposits Outstanding - US Dollar 11 kb 42 kb
Table 153 : NRI Deposits Outstanding - Rupees 11 kb 44 kb
Table 154 : Inflows(+)/Outflows(-) Under Various NRI Deposit Schemes - US Dollar 11 kb 45 kb
Table 155 : Inflows(+)/Outflows(-) Under Various NRI Deposit Schemes – Rupees 11 kb 47 kb
Table 156 : Foreign Investment Inflows 12 kb 52 kb
Table 157 : Foreign Exchange Reserves 15 kb 60 kb
Table 158 : India’s External Debt - US Dollar (end - March) 20 kb 86 kb
Table 159 : India’s External Debt - Rupees (end-March) 21 kb 90 kb
Table 160 : Notes and Coins in Circulation 14 kb 54 kb
Table 161 : Currency Chests/ Repositories and Small Coin Depots - All India 10 kb 39 kb
Table 162 : Number and Percentage of Population Below Poverty Line 19 kb 74 kb
Table 163 : Employment Situation in India - Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed by Broad Groups of Industry for Various Rounds 14 kb 51 kb
Table 164 : Quarterly Estimates of Gross Value Added at Basic Price (At Current Prices) New Series (Base : 2011-12) 12 kb 53 kb
Table 165 : Quarterly Estimates of Gross Domestic Product At Market Prices (At Current Prices) New Series (Base : 2011-12) 12 kb 53 kb
Table 166 : Quarterly Estimates of Gross Value Added at Basic Price (At Constant Prices) New Series (Base : 2011-12) 12 kb 53 kb
Table 167 : Quarterly Estimates of Gross Domestic Product At Market Prices (At Constant Prices) New Series (Base : 2011-12) 12 kb 53 kb
Table 168 : Sector-Wise Index Numbers of Industrial Production (Base : 2011-12 = 100) 11 kb 48 kb
Table 169 : Index Numbers of Twenty Three Major Industry Groups of the Manufacturing Sector (Base : 2011-12 = 100) 37 kb 94 kb
Table 170 : Use-Based Classification of Index Numbers of Industrial Production (Base : 2011-12 = 100) 12 kb 49 kb
Table 171 : Wholesale Price Index - Monthly (Base : 2011-12 = 100) 12 kb 62 kb
Table 172 : Consumer Price Index - Monthly 12 kb 52 kb
Table 173 : Monthly Average Price of Gold and Silver in Domestic and Foreign Markets 15 kb 59 kb
Table 174 : Components of Money Stock 17 kb 64 kb
Table 175 : Sources of Money Stock 20 kb 70 kb
Table 176 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Select Aggregates 23 kb 65 kb
Table 177 : Deployment of Bank Credit by Major Sectors 15 kb 74 kb
Table 178 : Industry-Wise Deployment of Bank Credit 15 kb 67 kb
Table 179 : Reserve Bank of India Survey 18 kb 77 kb
Table 180 : Monetary Survey 22 kb 79 kb
Table 181 : Commercial Bank Survey 18 kb 77 kb
Table 182 : Liquidity Aggregates 14 kb 65 kb
Table 183 : Weighted Average Call Money Rates 12 kb 47 kb
Table 184 : Monthly Open Market Operations of the Reserve Bank of India 13 kb 56 kb
Table 185 : Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities 19 kb 63 kb
Table 186 : Yield of SGL Transactions in Treasury Bills for Residual Maturities 12 kb 45 kb
Table 187 : Month-End Yield of SGL Transactions in Government Dated Securities for Various Maturities 22 kb 68 kb
Table 188 : New Capital Issues by Non-Government Public Limited Companies 14 kb 63 kb
Table 189 : Number and Quantum of Euro Issues 9 kb 47 kb
Table 190 : Net Investments by FIIs in the Indian Capital Market 10 kb 48 kb
Table 191 : Monthly and Annual Averages of BSE 100 (Base : 1984-85 = 58) 10 kb 42 kb
Table 192 : Monthly and Annual Averages of Nifty 50 (Base : November 3, 1995 = 1000) 10 kb 47 kb
Table 193 : Monthly and Annual Averages of BSE Sensitive Index (Base : 1978-79 = 100) 10 kb 42 kb
Table 194 : Monthly Turnover at BSE 10 kb 44 kb
Table 195 : Monthly Turnover at NSE 10 kb 45 kb
Table 196 : Market Capitalisation - BSE 10 kb 43 kb
Table 197 : Market Capitalisation - NSE 10 kb 41 kb
Table 198 : Turnover in the Equity Derivatives Market 14 kb 56 kb
Table 199 : Month-Wise Gross Fiscal Deficit of the Central Government 9 kb 43 kb
Table 200 : India’s Foreign Trade - US Dollar 12 kb 45 kb
Table 201 : India’s Foreign Trade - Rupees 14 kb 47 kb
Table 202 : Broad Commodity Composition of India’s Merchandise Trade - Oil and Non-Oil Exports and Imports - US Dollar 16 kb 48 kb
Table 203 : Broad Commodity Composition of India’s Merchandise Trade - Oil and Non-Oil Exports and Imports - Rupees 16 kb 51 kb
Table 204 : India’s Overall Balance of Payments - Quarterly - US Dollars 45 kb 121 kb
Table 205 : India’s Overall Balance of Payments - Quarterly - Rupees 46 kb 121 kb
Table 206 : Standard Presentation of India’s Balance of Payments as per BPM6-Quarterly-(US $ Million) 34 kb 99 kb
Table 207 : Standard Presentation of India’s Balance of Payments as per BPM6-Quarterly (Rs. Billion) 35 kb 126 kb
Table 208 : Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee vis-a-vis the SDR, US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Euro and Japanese Yen (Monthly Average and end-Month Rates) 16 kb 72 kb
Table 209 : Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee vis-a-vis the SDR, US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Euro and Japanese Yen (High and Low during the Month) 16 kb 62 kb
Table 210 : Indices of Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) of the Indian Rupee (36- Currency Bilateral Weights) (Monthly Average) 14 kb 52 kb
Table 211 : Turnover in Foreign Exchange Market 18 kb 60 kb
Table 212 : Forward Premia (Inter-Bank) (Monthly Average) 13 kb 46 kb
Table 213 : Foreign Exchange Reserves 15 kb 60 kb
Table 214 : Sales and Purchases of US Dollar by the Reserve Bank of India 11 kb 48 kb
Table 215 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Select Aggregates 31 kb 83 kb
Table 216 : Commercial Paper 13 kb 49 kb
Table 217 : Issue of Certificates of Deposit by Scheduled Commercial Banks 13 kb 50 kb
Table 218 : Foreign Exchange Reserves - Weekly 23 kb 82 kb
Table 219 : Secondary Market Outright Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value) 32 kb 104 kb
Table 220 : Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value) 16 kb 55 kb
Table 221 : Auctions of 91-Day Government of India Treasury Bills 16 kb 59 kb
Table 222 : Auctions of 182-Day Government of India Treasury Bills 13 kb 53 kb
Table 223 : Auctions of 364-Day Government of India Treasury Bills 14 kb 54 kb
Table 224 : Details of Central Government Market Borrowings 20 kb 71 kb
Table 225 : Secondary Market Repo Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value) 19 kb 63 kb
Table 226 : Daily Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee 20 kb 42 kb
Table 227 : Daily Forward Premia (Inter-Bank) 15 kb 44 kb
Table 228 : Daily Weighted Average Call/ Notice Money Rates 20 kb 59 kb
Table 229 : Select Macro-Economic Aggregates - Growth, Saving and Investment Rates (At Current Prices) 18 kb 51 kb
Table 230 : Select Macro-Economic Aggregates - Growth Rate and Investment Rate (At Constant Prices) 16 kb 49 kb
Table 231 : Index Numbers of Industrial Production - Growth Rates (Base 2011-12) 10 kb 55 kb
Table 232 : Use-Based Classification of Index Numbers of Industrial Production - Growth Rates (Base: 2011-12) 10 kb 55 kb
Table 233 : Index Numbers of Core Industries - Growth Rate (Base: 2011-12) 11 kb 55 kb
Table 234 : Select Monetary Aggregates - Growth Rates 16 kb 48 kb
Table 235 : Select Aggregates of Scheduled Commercial Banks - Growth Rates 14 kb 51 kb
Table 236 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Ratios 13 kb 48 kb
Table 237 : Select Monetary Ratios 14 kb 52 kb
Table 238 : Wholesale Price Index - Annual Variation 11 kb 47 kb
Table 239 : Consumer Price Index - Annual Variation (Average of Months) 12 kb 49 kb
Table 240 : Select Fiscal Indicators of the Central Government (As Percentage to GDP) 19 kb 64 kb
Table 241 : Select Fiscal Indicators of the State Governments (As Percentage to GDP) 14 kb 50 kb
Table 242 : Combined Deficits of Central and State Governments (As Percentage to GDP) 10 kb 42 kb
Table 243 : Select Debt Indicators of the Central and State Governments (As Percentage to GDP) 12 kb 52 kb
Table 244 : Balance of Payments - Indicators 13 kb 44 kb
Table 245 : Wholesale Price Index - Monthly - Annual Variation 13 kb 52 kb
Table 246 : Consumer Price Index - Annual Variation 13 kb 53 kb
Table 247 : Average Price/ Earning Ratio of BSE Sensitive Index 10 kb 40 kb
Table 248 : Average Price/ Book Value Ratio of BSE Sensitive Index 10 kb 40 kb
Notes on Tables  263 kb
