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Date : Aug 25, 2011
II. Economic Review


Growth rebounded strongly in 2010-11, after the dip in 2008-09 in the wake of the global financial crisis and the recovery in 2009-10. However, inflation rose and remained stubbornly high throughout 2010-11 as supply-side shocks got generalised amidst strong aggregate demand. With added risks to growth from inflation above the threshold level where growth-inflation trade-off can work, the Reserve Bank responded with eleven rate hikes between March 2010 and July 2011. This lifted effective policy rates by 475 basis points in the current interest rate cycle. As a result of monetary tightening and deteriorating global economic conditions, some moderation in growth and significant moderation in inflation from the later part of the year is anticipated going forward. However, risk to demand compression remains from likely slippage on envisaged fiscal consolidation.

II.1.1 2010-11 marked the completion of the process of recovery from the adverse impact of the global financial crisis and the consequent slowdown of the global economy. Slack in the advanced economies, with their output gap estimated at 3.4 per cent in 2010, as also the uncertainty about their future growth, employment and debt still impinge upon the activity levels in India. However, growth in India was back to the earlier high growth path.

II.1.2 Starting in double digits, headline inflation remained elevated throughout 2010-11. With vegetable prices spiking following unseasonal rains after a good monsoon and global commodity prices firming up in the second half of 2010-11, inflation expectations started to feed on themselves and costpush factors from the manufacturing side exerted pressures on inflation. Inflation turned persistent and generalised as a result. The stance of monetary policy continued to be anti-inflationary during the course of 2010-11 and in the year so far to contain inflation and anchor inflation expectations.


Growth rebounds strongly in 2010-11

II.1.3 Real GDP growth at factor cost increased to 8.5 per cent in 2010-11 from 8.0 per cent in 2009-10 (Appendix Tables 1 and 2). At this pace, the real GDP growth rate increased for the second successive year after the global crisis-induced sharp slowdown in 2008-09.

II.1.4 The main impetus to growth during 2010-11 emanated from agriculture which rebounded to above-trend growth rate on the back of a normal monsoon. Reflecting this, the contribution of the agriculture sector to overall GDP growth increased sharply in 2010-11 (Chart II.1). Services sector continued to be the predominant driver of growth, though its growth was slightly lower than the average in the pre-crisis high growth phase of 2003-08.

Sustainability of high growth – enabling conditions

II.1.5 Growth is expected to moderate to the trend level of about 8 per cent in 2011-12. If global conditions worsen, downside bias to this projection may arise. This raises concern about sustainability of the high growth over the medium to long-term. The Planning Commission in its paper on Issues for the Approach to the Twelfth Plan (2012-17) proposed a growth target of 9.0-9.5 per cent. A pre-requisite for high growth is upfront removal of structural constraints with close attention on legal and institutional framework, as also execution and governance. In the short run, growth will have to contend with risks from low agricultural productivity, poor infrastructure, high global commodity prices, quality of corporate governance and low productivity enhancement in the manufacturing sector. Furthermore, the substantial increase in oil prices in 2010-11 and 2011-12 so far, has raised concerns about the near-term growth (Box II.1).


II.1.6 Calculations suggest that aggregate saving and investment rates need to be stepped up from 33.7 per cent and 36.5 per cent of GDP in 2009-10, in order to achieve GDP growth of 9.5 per cent, envisaged for the Twelfth Five Year Plan. An investment rate of around 38-39 per cent with an ICOR of around 4.1 (as was envisaged for the Eleventh Five Year Plan) would be required. Thus, the investment rate needs to be stepped up by 2.5-3.0 percentage points. The gross domestic saving rate needs to be augmented to 37 per cent or more. This underscores the importance of at least attaining the high levels of private corporate and public sector savings reached in the past. Furthermore, there is a need for stepping up of household savings, which have stagnated in recent years, largely reflecting the reallocation of savings between financial and physical assets as well as the near synchronous movement of changes in financial assets and financial liabilities (Chart II.2 and Appendix Table 3).


II.1.7 Preliminary estimates based on latest available information show that net financial savings of the household sector moderated to 9.7 per cent of GDP at current market prices in 2010-11 from 12.1 per cent in the previous year (Chart II.3 and Appendix Table 4). The decline in the net financial savings rate of the household sector reflected the slower growth in households’ savings in bank deposits and life insurance fund as well as an absolute decline in investment in shares and debentures, mainly driven by redemption of mutual fund units. Even so, there was a shift in favour of small savings and currency during the year. Households’ financial liabilities, however, increased reflecting higher borrowings from commercial banks. Notwithstanding the pick-up in the real GDP growth rate during 2010-11, persistently high inflation, relatively slower adjustment of bank deposit rates and the volatility in the Indian equity market impacted by global macroeconomic uncertainties, affected the level and composition of net financial savings of the household sector.


Box II.1
Would Firming Oil Prices Cringe Growth?

The oil price shocks of 1970s were associated with sharp output losses and large inflationary pressures. In the 2000s, even larger increases in the price of oil were associated with much softer impact on these macroeconomic variables. The 1973 oil embargo in the wake of the Arab-Israeli War and the 1979 oil price surge following the Iranian Revolution saw the supply of oil falling. In contrast, the 125 per cent rise in oil prices during 2002-06 was driven primarily by excess global liquidity and rising demand for oil.

That raises the question whether we need to worry about the rising oil prices in 2011. Blanchard and Gali (2007) found that the oil prices are no longer correlated with business cycle as structural changes have weakened and modified the transmission mechanism of oil shocks. Further work suggests that this change is attributable to wage rigidities and anchored inflation expectations in recent period. Also, economic agents have viewed the recent episodes of firming oil prices as temporary and volatile movements.

The impact of oil prices on growth is, however, corroborated by the IMF’s World Economic Outlook, April 2011. It estimated that if global oil prices average US$ 150/barrel in 2011, it would lower real GDP growth in advanced economies by 0.75 per cent, while output loss in emerging and developing economies could vary from 0.75 per cent in Asia and sub- Saharan Africa to 0.5 per cent in Latin America. There is, thus, good reason for not being complacent about the macroeconomic adjustment that may become necessary if global oil prices firm up significantly. Bodenstein, et al. (2007) demonstrated that the impact differs from country to country and ultimately depends on the oil dependence, the structure of financial market and risk-sharing, critically hinging on structural parameters.

Trading environment in the oil markets in 2011 remains uncertain with hedge funds liquidating and re-building positions causing volatility in prices. Event risks such as the political turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the Japanese quake shutting oil refineries and the sovereign default risks in the Euro zone have time and again reversed the otherwise firming oil prices on the back of global recovery broadly staying on track. The price of the Indian basket of crude rose from an average of US$ 69.8/barrel in 2009-10 to US$ 85.1/barrel in 2010-11 and further to US$ 118.5/barrel in April 2011, before declining to US$ 110.6/barrel in May 2011 on expectations of weaker global growth (Chart 1). Oil prices moderated temporarily in June 2011 on account of the decision of the International Energy Agency (IEA) members to release 60 million barrels of crude from their strategic reserves to offset supply disruptions, but edged up again, averaging US$ 112.4/ barrel during July 2011. Following the US sovereign rating downgrade by S&P, oil prices fell again averaging US$ 106.6/ barrel in the first fortnight of August 2011. Even with this, the August price of the Indian basket of crude is 25 per cent higher than its average during 2010-11.

In the case of India, imports accounted for 87.3 per cent of total domestic oil requirement in 2010-11. Net oil imports (oil import less oil export) accounted for 65.3 per cent of total merchandise trade deficit in 2010-11. Though it is difficult to precisely quantify the impact of oil price on growth, a small macro model developed to evaluate the impact of oil price shock on India’s economic growth suggests that the impact could be somewhat significant. The model comprises seven structural equations pertaining to consumption, investment, government consumption expenditure, net exports and prices of non-oil commodities and two major identities relating to national income and aggregate wholesale price index (WPI) comprising prices of oil and non-oil commodities. Results showed that a 10 percentage point increase in oil price inflation, if passed through fully, would lead to a reduction in real GDP growth by about 0.3 percentage point. It would also raise WPI inflation by 1.0 percentage point through direct impact, with total impact after subsequent rounds of feed through estimated at about 2.0 percentage points. These reflect broad approximations and actual impact may depend on several factors. With existence of non-linearities, the adverse impact is greater if oil prices change above the 10 per cent threshold.



Bodenstein, Martin, Christopher J. Erceg, and Luca Guerrieri (2007), “Oil Shocks and External Adjustments”, International Finance Discussion Paper No.897, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board.

Blanchard, Olivier J. and Jordi Gali (2007), “The Macroeconomic Effects of Oil Shocks: Why Are the 2000s so Different from the 1970s?”, NBER Working Paper No. 13368, September.

Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell, GoI.

Strong rebound in agriculture growth in 2010-11

II.1.8 After two consecutive years of subdued performance, agriculture turned into a significant driver of growth in 2010-11. The simultaneous occurrence of a normal and well-distributed southwest monsoon and excess north-east monsoon, the first occasion in the last one decade, enabled both Kharif and Rabi sowings to be above normal. Consequently, there was record foodgrain production in 2010-11 (Appendix Table 5).

II.1.9 The progress of monsoon so far during 2011 has been on the whole satisfactory. The monsoon arrived on time and by July 9, 2011 had covered the entire country; a week earlier than scheduled. As on August 17, 2011, cumulative rainfall since the start of the monsoon season was normal at 1 per cent below the Long Period Average (LPA). The India Meteorological Department (IMD) had revised its initial forecast of normal monsoon in 2011-12 to slightly below normal monsoon at 95 per cent of the LPA, with a model error of ±4 per cent. Spatially, the monsoon has been reasonably well-distributed, though it has been so far deficient in Haryana, Orissa and some parts of North East, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.

II.1.10 Though it is still early to predict the impact of monsoon on agricultural output, Kharif sowing is progressing well and till August 12, 2011 was marginally higher than last year. However, sowing deficiency is observed in case of coarse cereals, pulses, groundnut and sunflower. If this stays, supply management would be needed to keep price pressures at bay. Overall, the agricultural prospects remain encouraging, even though growth is likely to decelerate on a high base.

Technology breakthroughs key to maintaining demand-supply balances

II.1.11 There are several factors constraining agriculture supply response thereby impacting inflation. The foremost relates to low productivity and monsoon dependence. Presently, productivity levels remain low and productivity differentials across States and crops continue to persist. The target growth rate of 4 per cent for the agriculture sector (Twelfth Five Year Plan), in relation to the trend growth rate of around 3 per cent, will require considerable technological and institutional improvements.

II.1.12 Productivity in Indian agriculture is low compared with productivity at the world level and major producers such as China and the US (Chart II.4). Even the most productive States in the country fall short of the world standards in terms of yields of major crops, namely, foodgrains, pulses and oilseeds. Further, there exists a wide variation in productivity of these crops across States/regions (Chart II.5). This is significant given the import dependence for edible oils and pulses. Increase in foodgrain productivity can be realised by ensuring soil conservation, which has been neglected and use of optimal and locale-specific agricultural practices and introduction of precision agriculture.

II.1.13 India’s self-sufficiency in food and other agroproducts can be endangered if technology advancements do not keep pace with growing demand stemming from rising population and income levels. Policy interventions are required to support sustainable growth in crop production and environmental protection through development of improved and diversified cultivars, eco-friendly and cost-effective pest management practices, efficient seed supply systems, and commercialisation of the diversified and alternative uses of crop produce. This, in turn, would improve farm incomes and food security, while helping to keep food inflation low.


II.1.14 Notwithstanding the sharp decline in the share of agriculture in GDP from an average of 53 per cent in the fifties to 19 per cent in the 2000s, 52 per cent of the work force continues to be engaged in agriculture. With just around 44.6 per cent of the gross cropped area irrigated (as per the latest data available for 2007-08), the dependence of Indian agriculture on rainfall remains preponderant (Chart II.6). It is in this backdrop that public policy interventions to step up investment and productivity enhancements for augmenting food supplies, assumes importance.

Higher demand for protein-based items calls for urgent actions

II.1.15 In recent years, the demand for other agricultural products, particularly, protein-based products such as meat, eggs, milk and fish, and fruit and vegetables, have increased substantially. This can be attributed to rising income levels of a fast growing economy leading to a change in the dietary habits of the people. The demand-supply mismatches in the case of these items resulting from inadequate supply response to structural changes in demand pattern have led to rising prices. Steps have been initiated to address the growing imbalance. The National Mission for Protein Supplements through livestock development, dairy farming, piggery, goat rearing and fisheries is expected to help bridge the gap between increasingly divergent demand and supply of animal-based proteins. To achieve selfsufficiency in pulses production, increase productivity and strengthen market linkages, the Government launched a scheme for integrated development of 60,000 villages in rain-fed areas.


II.1.16 Even though the per capita availability of milk has increased from 194 grams per day in 1994-95 to 258 grams per day in 2008-09, there is a need to address the structural constraints ailing the sector. The productivity of Indian bovine compares unfavourably with the world average mainly due to gradual genetic deterioration, poor fertility, as well as poor nutritive value of feed and fodder. To sustain production of milk, Accelerated Fodder Development Programme intended to benefit farmers in 25,000 villages has been launched. There is need for research focused on ecological adaptability of cattle and developing the disease resistance of cross-bred species.


Need to focus on food management in times of high food inflation, production and wastage

II.1.17 In recent years, large food stocks have coexisted with high food inflation. This may sound paradoxical. However, food inflation in recent period has come from food items that are outside the ambit of public distribution system (PDS) and reflect a demand shift with rising income levels. Food stocks with public procurement agencies have remained above the buffer stock norms and food security reserve requirements and have contributed to mitigating price pressures (Appendix Table 6). However, the current storage capacity is inadequate for the stocks, which reached the vicinity of 66 million tonnes as on June 1, 2011. Therefore, augmentation of storage capacity is an important aspect of food management in India. At the same time, it is imperative to increase the off-take through the existing PDS. This would keep a check on price pressure and also ensure more equitable distribution and food security. The demand-supply gap leading to price pressures in case of important food items such as fruit and vegetables and protein-based products, continue to persist due to near stagnant supply owing to lower yield and increase in demand. Hence, it is also equally important to gradually move away from the cereal-centric policy towards these items, with supportive policy framework and required infrastructure. For effective food security, better management of food stocks is imperative (Box II.2).

New base IIP shows that industrial growth accelerated in 2010-11

II.1.18 The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) data with the revised base (2004-05=100), released in June 2011 is better representative of the current industrial structure. It suggests a sharper dip in industrial growth in 2008-09 amidst global financial crisis than was captured by the old base (1993- 94=100). Importantly, it also suggests that industrial performance recovered much less in 2009-10 than was thought earlier. The recovery was sustained in 2010-11, with IIP growth accelerating to 8.2 per cent from 5.3 per cent in the preceding year (Chart II.7 and Appendix Table 7).

II.1.19 The old base IIP data suggested that the industrial growth decelerated in the second half of 2010-11. Under the new base, IIP growth remained broadly unchanged across the two halves of 2010- 11, recording 8.2 per cent growth in the first half and 8.3 per cent in the second half. The new base has better coverage and is reflective of the more recent production structure based on 399 item groups as against 303 in the old base. The Reserve Bank in its report on ‘Macroeconomic and Monetary Developments’ accompanying the Monetary Policy Statement of May 2011 had indicated that the recent IIP slowdown was exacerbated by a few volatile items. The analysis adopting the trimmed mean approach to compute IIP growth excluding volatile items showed that the industrial growth had not dropped as much as appeared from the headline numbers. The new base data confirms the view and shows that the IIP growth was in fact higher.

Box II.2
Food Management – What Needs to Improve?

The draft National Food Security Bill (NFSB) seeks to give legal right to every below poverty line (BPL) family in India to get 35 kgs. of wheat or rice per month at the rate of `3 per kg for rice and `2 per kg for wheat by way of central allocation to the States to be distributed through the targeted PDS. In this backdrop a holistic review of food management would be helpful.

Food management in India, as it stands now, entails procurement of foodgrains from farmers at minimum support prices (MSP), distribution of foodgrains to consumers, particularly the vulnerable sections of society at affordable prices and maintenance of buffers for food security and price stability. It has been reasonably successful in warding off the threat of famine, though has had limited success regarding certain other objectives such as price stability, equitable access and food security.

Procurement and Pricing

Procurement of foodgrains, in particular, wheat and rice, is an open-ended operation. The Food Corporation of India (FCI) procures foodgrains at the MSP, which are based on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP). In addition, in recent years, a number of states have opted for Decentralised Procurement Scheme introduced in 1997, under which foodgrains are procured and distributed by the State governments themselves. Between 2006-07 and 2010-11, MSP of rice and wheat were hiked at an average annual rate of 14.1 per cent and 14.6 per cent, respectively. On average, agricultural price policy has provided a margin of around 20 per cent over total costs to both rice and wheat farmers (Dev and Rao, 2007). This has ensured sufficient and steady procurement of foodgrains which can cater to the demand for the PDS and various welfare schemes of the Government. Price interventions alone are, however, inadequate for ensuring better food management and greater focus on non-price interventions is necessary. Skewed incentives have affected land use and cropping pattern. Spatially, bulk of the public procurement remains confined to a few States for want of access to take-in windows.

The off-take of foodgrains has not kept pace with procurement despite the Central Issue Price (CIP), the price at which foodgrains are lifted by States for distribution under various welfare schemes, being constant since 2002. This has resulted in stocks of foodgrains building up to a level much higher than the quarterly buffer norms and food security reserve requirements. Basu (2010) is of the view that lack of adequate storage is not the central problem for food management. He underscored the need to look at the entire system of food production and procurement, and its release and distribution.

Production and Food Security

Foodgrain production in India grew at an average rate of 1.6 per cent annually between 1990 and 2010, lower than the decadal rate of population growth of 1.8 per cent. Resultantly, per capita net availability of foodgrains per day declined from 510 grams in 1991 to 444 grams in 2009. This is despite the fact that food stocks have been at their peak in the 2000s. This may have implications for food security in future.

The NFSB has been approved by the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) on food security. If the Bill is implemented, the total requirement of foodgrains will increase. Given the limitation to expanding the area under crops, increased supply of foodgrains would thus have to come from increase in productivity. This has implication for capital expenditure in agriculture, including that on storage facilities. Further, it could pose a fiscal challenge through significant increase in food subsidy bill, estimated at about `92,000 crore by the Expert Committee (GOI, 2010).

Distribution and Delivery Mechanism

Distribution and delivery have been the most intricate and challenging aspects of food management in the country. The existing PDS in India with roughly 0.5 million Fair Price Shops (FPS) is plagued with deficiencies such as low margins that create perverse incentives for diversion of foodgrains. Surveys conducted in the past revealed significant inclusion and exclusion errors in PDS coverage. The Planning Commission, in early 2000s, found that the total leakage of grains meant for BPL population was 58 per cent. Pending unanimity in approach for identification of beneficiaries, Aadhaar smart cards could help reduce identification errors and leakages significantly. Smart cards have the ability to store and record a large amount of programmed and authorised biometric information that can be matched to the actual fingerprint or signature of an individual involved in a transaction, including eligibility for rations, quantity, price and time intervals at which he/she could be supplied rations. These features of the proposed smart card are expected to immensely help the existing food coupon or food-stamp system, introduced on a pilot basis in select districts in Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and Bihar. Greater use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in PDS, such as GPS tracking of movement of vehicles transporting PDS commodities, CCTV monitoring of FPS and computerisation of various operations of PDS could also improve its efficiency. Other reform measures for food management which could be considered include allowing food coupons to be redeemed at approved private food retailers, thus providing freedom to choose quality of grains and thereby reducing incentive for adulteration of foodgrains. An even bolder measure would be direct cash transfer that offers households the choice of purchase of any mix of grains, pulses or other household basics up to the value of the coupon.


Basu, Kaushik (2010), “The Economics of Foodgrain Management in India”, Department of Economic Affairs Working Paper, No. 2/2010-DEA.

Dev, S. Mahendra and Chandrasekhara Rao, “Agricultural Price Policy, Farm Profitability and Food Security.” Economic and Political Weekly, June, 45:(26 & 27):,174-182.

GOI (2010), Report of the Expert Committee to Examine the Implications of National Food Security Bill (Chairman: Dr. C. Rangarajan), Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council.


II.1.20 Further analysis of the IIP growth suggests some deceleration in mining and electricity in 2010- 11 emanating from poor performance of coal and consequent lower thermal power generation. The usebased classification exhibits strong performance of capital goods and acceleration in growth across all sectors except consumer durables (Chart II.8 and Chart II.9). The IIP growth during April-June 2011 shows some deceleration, but this was substantially on a high base.

II.1.21 Despite the emphasis on manufacturing sector in India’s planning process, its share in real GDP, as of 2010-11, was only 15.8 per cent. There is a need to boost this sector, not only to increase output but also to gainfully employ a larger number of people. A number of recent studies have highlighted the growth of total factor productivity in the organised manufacturing sector in the past three decades. There, however, exists wide differentials in productivity between different States and different industry groups. Also, there is a large difference in productivity between the organised and unorganised sub-sectors of manufacturing. Considering that the latter accounts for almost four-fifths of total employment in the manufacturing sector, there is an urgent need to bridge the gap.



Infrastructure sector registers moderation in growth amidst capacity concerns

II.1.22 During 2010-11, the eight core infrastructure industries posted a moderate performance compared to the previous year (Chart II.10). Infrastructure industries such as crude oil, natural gas, petroleum refinery and steel recorded strong growth while cement production and electricity generation witnessed moderation in growth. Production of fertilisers was stagnant and coal output declined. The core infrastructure sector recorded lower growth of 5.0 per cent during April-June 2011 due to decline in natural gas and cement production.

II.1.23 The high deficit in power generation is a constraining factor for growth. Currently atomic energy and solar power are expensive options compared to coal. Hence, for the time being, rapid increase in power generation would have to be through the conventional systems.


II.1.24 The recent slowdown in the production of crucial infrastructure industries such as coal and natural gas, given the large growth in demand raise concerns about sustaining growth. The current level of natural gas production in the country is inadequate to meet the industrial demand, particularly of the power and fertiliser industries. In view of unfavourable demand-supply balance of hydrocarbons in India, acquiring oil and gas assets overseas is one of the important components of enhancing energy security. Towards this end, the Government is also encouraging national oil companies to aggressively pursue equity oil and gas opportunities overseas. There is also a need to speed up exploration in the KG basin.

II.1.25 Capacity utilisation, which is an indicator of demand pressure in the economy, differed across the various infrastructure industries. During 2010-11, capacity utilisation in petroleum refining remained stretched at 109.3 per cent, while that in cement and thermal power generation eased in line with the production trend for these two industries. Capacity addition in power sector during 2010-11 was 12,161 MW, 56.7 per cent of the target for the year. Capacity constraints in coal, ports and railways raise major concerns about sustaining growth.

Services sector sustains momentum, albeit with marginal deceleration

II.1.26 Services sector growth of 9.2 per cent in 2010-11 was marginally lower than that in the previous year largely due to deceleration in ‘community, social and personal services’ reflecting fiscal consolidation (Chart II.11). Services dependent on external demand such as tourist arrivals, passengers handled at international terminals, export and import cargo showed acceleration in growth during 2010-11, indicating improvement in global economic conditions. Cell phone connections also registered double digit growth, though lower than the previous year. Cargo movements in sea ports and railway freight traffic showed signs of moderation during 2010-11 on account of capacity constraints (Chart II.12).

Vulnerabilities that could impede sustained high growth of services sector remain

II.1.27 Being the largest sector of the Indian economy, the services sector has significant implications for growth. It is export-intensive, employment-oriented and attractive for foreign direct investors. In view of the above, the sustainability of the services sector growth is important. One major challenge for its sustainable growth arises from its dependence on external demand. This increases its vulnerability to global economic developments, as was witnessed during the global financial crisis (Chart II.13). India is facing increased competitiveness in IT/ITeS and telecommunications of late. The sector has responded well so far, but in future the wage price pressures may pose a threat to growth and profitability. Another area where other countries have gained tremendously is tourism. India has potential but infrastructure such as road connectivity to tourist areas is a major challenge. Globally traded services, viz., financial services, health care, education, accountancy and other business services, also have vast potential for growth which is yet to be tapped.




II.1.28 The Indian Health Care Federation has prepared a roadmap for making India a world-class destination for medical tourism. For this, accreditation of Indian hospitals is paramount as it will help in ensuring quality standards across a spectrum of speciality and super-speciality hospitals. In addition, to encourage medical tourism, there is a need to provide supportive infrastructure such as improved air connectivity, streamlining of immigration process along with developing health support infrastructure.

Private consumption and investment continue to drive growth

II.1.29 The drivers of growth from the demand side1 revealed the continued predominance of private final consumption expenditure (PFCE) in driving growth, followed by gross fixed capital formation (GFCF). On the other hand, the growth of government final consumption expenditure (GFCE) moderated sharply in 2010-11 reflecting the re-emphasis on fiscal consolidation following the gradual withdrawal of fiscal stimulus measures that had to be undertaken in the previous two years to support the economic recovery. The rebalancing in government expenditure could be maintained in 2011-12 by staying on the path of fiscal consolidation. External demand improved in line with the global recovery process, and as a result, the contribution of net exports turned positive in 2010-11 (Chart II.14).


II.1.30 Even though aggregate expenditure, in real terms, accelerated in 2010-11 with private consumption as well as investment expenditure growing at a brisk pace, some moderation in expenditure is expected going forward in response to high inflation and demand-side policy measures. There was a perceptible slowdown in investment in the second half of 2010-11. Recovery from the soft patch, would depend on pick-up in execution of large infrastructure projects.

Employment situation improved in the recent years

II.1.31 High growth rate along with subdued or marginal increase in employment generation has been a pressing concern in the post-reform period. Available data provides evidence of creation of additional employment opportunities, though at a slower pace when compared with the high economic growth experienced in recent years. According to the results of latest quinquennial survey by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO, 66th round), employment situation improved in both rural and urban areas in 2009-10 compared to the previous round (2004-05). The overall unemployment rate, measured by current daily status, declined from 8.2 per cent in 2004-05 to 6.6 per cent in 2009-10 and the decline in unemployment rate was more pronounced for men than for women. The overall work participation rate (usual status), however, declined to 39.2 per cent in 2009-10 from 42.0 per cent in 2004- 05, largely driven by decline in women work participation rate.

II.1.32 High industrial growth, with a rate of growth in real value added in organised manufacturing of about 10 per cent per annum during 2003-09, also was associated with increase in employment in this sector. The latest Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) data reveal that between 2003-04 and 2008-09, employment in the organised manufacturing sector increased by 7.5 per cent per annum, as against decline of 1.5 per cent per annum between 1995-96 and 2003-04. This marks a clear difference from the previous phases of high growth in manufacturing output when there was no major contribution to employment generation.

II.1.33 Labour Bureau has been conducting a series of quarterly quick employment surveys since January 2009 to study the impact of the global economic slowdown on employment in eight major industries of the Indian economy. As per the latest data available, employment increased by 9.8 lakh during 2010-11 with the major share accounted by the IT/BPO sector.

1 Despite well known limitations, expenditure side GDP data are being used as proxies for components of aggregate demand.


High inflation persisted through the year

II.2.1 With growth consolidating around the trend, inflation emerged as the dominant policy challenge for the Reserve Bank during 2010-11. Inflation remained high throughout, while the underlying drivers changed during three distinct phases during the year (Chart II.15). Price pressures were both external and domestic, with changing relative roles of supply and demand side factors. The monetary policy response of the Reserve Bank was accordingly calibrated based on assessment of the changing drivers of inflation and assessment about the role monetary policy could play in dealing with different sources of inflation. Monetary policy was, however, continuously tightened during the course of the year, reflecting normalisation of crisis time stimulus, to begin with, but subsequently conditioned by the rising inflationary pressures. In the absence of anti-inflationary monetary policy response, the inflation condition and inflation expectations would have deteriorated further.


Drivers of inflation shifted over three different phases

II.2.2 The changing inflation dynamics during 2010-11 could be evident from changes in weighted contributions to increase in WPI over three distinct phases. During the first period April-July 2010, the increase in WPI was quite significant (3.4 per cent) and was largely driven by high food prices. In spite of good Rabi arrivals, food inflation remained high as prices of protein-rich items firmed up, perhaps reflecting continuing demand shifts with rising income levels. During the second phase between August and November 2010, the magnitude of price rise was moderate (2.0 per cent) but primary non-food articles witnessed strong price pressures and became the major driver of inflation during this phase. Cotton prices firmed up reflecting global supply shortages and spiked in September. Mineral prices also rose. During the third phase between December 2010 and July 2011, inflationary pressures rebounded strongly. WPI rose by 7.1 per cent, driven largely by broad price pressures in the manufactured products group, indicating generalisation of price pressures. Price pressures have remained strong during 2011-12 so far, largely reflecting faster transmission of input cost pressures to manufactured product prices and revision in administered fuel prices.


II.2.3 The WPI increased persistently during 2010-11 (Chart II.16). The moderate softening of inflation (y-o-y) witnessed up to November 2010 was led by decline in contribution of food inflation to overall inflation (Chart II.17). During the last quarter of 2010-11, the contribution of non-food manufactured products to overall inflation increased, as higher input costs transmitted to output price increases, in a robust growth environment. The new IIP series (base 2004-05) confirmed that industrial growth did not decelerate in spite of waning base effects. This is likely to have contributed to build-up of non-food manufactured products inflation.

Supply shocks and rigidities in the supply chain sustained the price pressures

II.2.4 The significant role that supply side factors played in keeping inflation elevated was visible from the trends in food and fuel inflation during the course of the year. Despite a normal monsoon, inflation in primary food articles did not moderate on the expected lines as the contribution to food inflation largely emanated from the protein-rich items, whose output is less responsive to monsoon in the short-run (Chart II.18). The recent NSSO survey results on consumer expenditure of households in India suggest that with rising per-capita income, the share of income spent on food has declined. Within food, however, the share of protein-rich items has increased in both urban and rural areas from 2004-05 to 2009-10. This trend is also reflected in pressures on prices being largely in non-cereal food-items that have deviated sharply from the trends in recent years without trend reversion to mean.



II.2.5 During November-December 2010 unseasonal rains in certain parts of the country led to significant loss of output of perishable food articles, especially vegetables, leading to further pressures on prices. Food inflation moderated from January 2011, reflecting the arrival of fresh crop in the market as also Government’s measures to ease price pressures. The Government took fiscal measures such as removing import duties on rice, wheat, pulses, edible oils and sugar and reduced import duties on some other agro-commodities. It also took several steps to pave way for more sugar imports. In addition, it took many administrative measures, including enhancing allocation of wheat and rice to States and for distribution by NAFED and NCCF through their outlets, besides more wheat for open market sales by FCI. The Government also banned export of non-Basmati rice, edible oils and pulses (except Kabuli chana). Supply augmenting measures become crucial to deal with food inflation, in view of the known limitations of monetary policy in dealing with such inflation. Demand for food is not very sensitive to interest rate actions, though these actions may still be required to prevent generalisation of inflation.

II.2.6 Fuel inflation was driven by both increases in administered and freely priced products under the fuel group (Chart II.19). One important development during the course of the year was the deregulation of petrol prices in June 2010 along with the upward revision in administered prices of other petroleum products. As international crude oil prices increased significantly during the year, freely priced products exhibited significant pick-up in inflation during the second half of the year. Administered price increases, however, significantly lag behind the trends in international crude prices indicating the presence of suppressed inflation. This was partly corrected with increases in diesel, LPG and kerosene prices in June 2011. Since then, global crude oil prices have softened somewhat after S&P’s sovereign rating downgrade of the US, they still remain high. The Indian basket price for crude oil averaged US$ 106.6 per barrel during the first fortnight of August 2011. Even at this level, the under recoveries are estimated at over `90,000 crore, of which a major portion may have to be borne by the Government.

II.2.7 Lags in price adjustment of petroleum products lead to suppressed inflation and build-up of inflation expectations when discrete price adjustment is made. These lags impact fiscal deficit and inflation. There is a need for free pricing of all petroleum products with better targeting of subsidies in order to ensure necessary demand adjustment in an import dependant item and also encourage investment in alternative sources of energy. Any short-term price stabilisation objective could be attained through a separate fund created for that purpose with a provision for annual fiscal transfers from the budget within the limits of fiscal prudence.


Generalisation of price pressures accelerated, necessitating sustained anti-inflationary monetary policy actions

II.2.8 Inflation in non-food manufactured products remained range-bound between 5.3 to 5.9 per cent in the first eight months of 2010-11, which was still higher than the average over the last decade at about 4 per cent. In the last quarter of the year, however, inflation in this category increased significantly reaching 8.5 per cent in March 2011, indicating stronger pass-through of input costs than expected, as also pricing power of producers amidst strong private consumption demand that supported momentum in industrial growth (Chart II.20). Manufactured food products inflation declined sharply during the initial period of the year reflecting largely decline in sugar prices and strong base effects, but reverted course subsequently.

Global commodity prices hardened during 2010-11, partly reflecting geo-political developments and weather related disturbances

II.2.9 International commodity prices moderated somewhat during the first quarter of 2010-11 as greater uncertainty relating to recovery in advanced economies impacted commodity markets (Chart II.21). However, prices rebounded significantly thereafter, both on account of weather related supply disruptions in a number of primary commodity producing countries and geo-political tensions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The increase in global food prices was also significant, with severe welfare implications for low income countries. Some softening of global commodity prices, however, was witnessed during the initial months of 2011-12. The impact of increase in international commodity prices on domestic inflation has been different for different commodity groups (Box II.3).


WPI and CPIs exhibited convergence

II.2.10 The year 2010-11 started with significant divergence between inflation as measured by WPI and CPIs, which in turn became a source of contention in terms of the relevant measure of inflation used in India for conduct of policies (Chart II.22). During the course of the year, however, this gap narrowed significantly. While the decline in CPI inflation primarily reflected lower food inflation, the high WPI inflation reflected increasing generalisation of price pressures.



Box II.3
Transmission of Global Commodity Price Shocks to Domestic Inflation

With a surfeit of liquidity as a result of very low levels of interest rates and successive measures of quantitative easing by global central banks, global commodity prices recovered faster than the global economy supported by leveraged trades. This has become a major source of pressure on headline inflation in India during 2010-11. The significant reversal in the commodity price cycle was also broad based, covering food, oil, metals and other commodities. The FAO food price index increased through 2009 and 2010 to regain the pre-crisis peak by February 2011. Oil prices crossed US$ 100 per barrel mark in the last quarter of 2010-11 and have remained high thereafter.

The global food price pressures reflect the combined impact of growing demand and weak supply response. Robust growth in EMEs and growing population have boosted the demand for food items. Rising per capita income is changing food habits resulting in higher demand for protein-rich food items, such as meat and dairy products. On the supply side, the availability of arable land is shrinking, due to increasing urbanization as well as diversion of land for bio-fuels production. Recent spikes in oil prices have also raised the input costs for farms, including transportation and fertilizer costs. Climatic changes and weather related disturbances are also impacting global food prices. Import barriers and large farm subsidies in advanced economies are influencing the supply response through price distortions.

Low energy efficiency and policies on oil subsidies have also contributed to the demand growth. The pace of urbanisation in EMEs with emphasis on physical infrastructure has increased demand-supply imbalances. The demand for metals and minerals, particularly steel, copper, aluminium, oil and coal have increased. In the case of oil, the peak oil hypothesis seems to suggest that global production may be peaking. Progress on alternative sources of energy also lags behind the demand trends. The recent concerns on nuclear power post-Japanese earthquake can only worsen the energy supplies. Financialisation of commodities has added a new dimension to the commodity price cycle. Geo-political factors continue to be an important factor behind sudden and sharp increases in oil prices, as has been the case since the beginning of 2011.

The actual impact of global commodity shocks on consumer price inflation in developing countries depends on government policy measures (Jongwaninch and Park, 2011). The spillover effects to domestic prices depend on the degree of import dependence in a commodity, domestic supplydemand trends, administered price interventions and pricing power at the wholesale level. The impact ultimately depends on the weight of respective commodities in the WPI and the linkages with other commodities that determine the second round effects (Table-1). The second round effect reflects response of wages and prices aimed at protecting real wages and profit margins as input costs rise. The estimates presented for different commodities in Table-1 reflect the combined impact, with the direction of causation presumed from global prices to domestic prices. Given the uncertain outlook for commodity prices, despite the softening of price pressures so far in the year, upside risks to India’s inflation path could persist.


Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) (2010), World Food Outlook, November 2010

Jongwaninch, Juthathip and Donghyun Park (2011), “Inflation in Developing Asia: Pass-through from Global Food and Oil Price Shocks’, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 25(1): 79-92, May

Table 1: Impact of Global Commodity Price Movements on Domestic Prices


2010-11 (Y-o-Y Increase in Per cent, March)

July 2011 over March 2011 (Increase in Per cent)

Estimated Elasticity

Weight in WPI

International Prices

Domestic Prices (WPI)

International Prices@

Domestic Prices (WPI)

Short- run#

Long- run$

































Soyabean Oil
























































































Source: World Bank and Ministry of Commerce and Industry, GOI.
# : Estimated using Partial Adjustment Model
$ : Long-run elasticities are not reported for products where short-run elasticity is not significant.
** : Significant at 1 per cent level of significance.

Growth-inflation trade-off acquired the centre stage of policy debate

II.2.11 As inflation persisted at above the comfort level of the Reserve Bank through the year, a decision on the difficult choice of sacrificing some growth to contain inflation became inevitable. Historical experience does not provide much evidence for any conventional growth-inflation trade-off in the Indian case that could support inflation tolerance as a means to higher growth. In fact, long-term data show that high inflation has generally been associated with lower, not higher, economic growth (Chart II.23).

II.2.12 In the debate on growth-inflation trade-off and the role of monetary policy, the empirical evidence and theoretical justifications over time have led to a shift in the mainstream thinking from “inflation tolerance can grease growth” to “inflation hurts growth and hence must be contained”. While some still subscribe to the conventional view (influenced by the Philips curve) that higher inflation tolerance could yield higher growth, others view that inflation itself is a risk to growth, especially when inflation is high and above a threshold. As such, “low and stable inflation” remains a dominant policy objective for the Reserve Bank.


II.2.13 If inflation is a risk to the medium-term growth, it is important to recognise the transmission channels through which the impact on growth could materialise, and also the possibility of a threshold level of inflation beyond which the risks from inflation to growth could magnify. In the Indian case, three important factors that contributed to the high growth performance prior to the global crisis can be expected to be adversely affected by persistent high inflation. These three factors have been: (a) growing openness (and the resultant competition on a global scale), (b) strong growth in investment demand led by the private sector, and (c) fiscal consolidation.

II.2.14 High persistent inflation is a risk to external competitiveness, because of the associated real appreciation of the exchange rate, which could weaken growth by impacting export prospects. Moreover, in an open economy, domestic producers could find it difficult to pass on higher input costs in the form of higher output prices, because of the competition from imports resulting in pressures on earnings and dampening of investment plans. Private investment is particularly impacted by distortions through both high inflation and inflation volatility. Private investors have to spend time and money to understand and manage the effects of inflation on their business. Moreover, foreign investors may also see inflation as a risk factor, which could affect capital flows.

II.2.15 The fiscal situation may not improve in an environment of high inflation, despite planned intention for consolidation. In an environment of rising inflation government expenditure may continue to grow at a pace exceeding the rate of inflation but revenue collections may not keep up with inflation. This would especially occur when global commodity prices drive inflation, necessitating much larger subsidies than may be planned. While delayed fiscal consolidation could dampen growth impulses and also increase the risk of inflation, a high inflation environment may in itself become a constraint to faster fiscal consolidation.

II.2.16 Inflation could also work against growth through other channels, the most important one being monetary policy response to inflation and the associated increase in the interest cost of capital. Fall in asset prices in response to high inflation which involve wealth and income effects also may not be congenial to growth. In pursuing the anti-inflationary policy, however, it is important for a central bank to identify the threshold level of inflation, which may be consistent with the highest sustainable growth path. Inflation higher than the threshold level would have to be contained to avoid the welfare loss arising from both high inflation and lower growth. Estimates on threshold inflation for India are found to be in a range of 4-6 per cent (Box II.4). Desirable level of inflation may be even lower than any estimated threshold level in view of the distributional consequences of inflation and other macro-economic considerations. In the ageold policy debate on growth inflation trade-off, the emphasis has always been on the short-run stabilisation role for monetary policy. This is because the natural trend growth of the economy is conditioned by structural factors.

Box II.4
Growth Inflation Trade-off and Threshold Inflation

The growth-inflation trade-off debate in economics is a long standing one. The Phillips curve relationship – the empirically observed negative relation between change in nominal money wages and rate of unemployment – gained popularity in the late 1950s and 1960s, but has been long discredited by economists. The stagflation of the 1970s destroyed faith in it. Phelps and Friedman helped explain the existence of stagflation by distinguishing the ‘short-run Phillips curve’, also called the ‘expectations-augmented Phillips curve’. Even though short-run Phillips curve shifts up when inflationary expectations rise, in the long run monetary policy cannot affect unemployment, which adjusts back to its ‘natural rate’. So Phillips curve becomes vertical in the long run, as expected inflation equals actual inflation. The long-run Phillips curve is known as the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU).

In the policy debate on the trade-off, a common distinction is often made between the short-run Phillips curve and the longrun NAIRU. At NAIRU, inflation is fully anticipated. If a central bank uses the trade-off in the short-run and gives an inflation surprise (which was not anticipated) in its attempt to allow growth to remain above potential, then the actual inflation will exceed the expected inflation, and the trade-off relationship may work in the short-run. But the adaptive expectation process could soon lead to revision in inflation expectations, causing an upward shift in the short-run Phillips curve, at which higher inflation will co-exist with NAIRU. If expectations are rational, then the trade-off relationship may not exist even in the short-run.


Following the work of Palley (2003), it is now being realised that the Phillips curve relationship may be lot more complex, with the likelihood of the relationship changing from low inflation to high inflation. In these models, inflation expectations are a positive function of actual inflation. Phillips curve is negatively sloped at low levels of inflation, becomes positively sloped at high levels of inflation and turns vertical if inflation expectations converge to actual inflation (Chart- 1). Thus, there is a threshold inflation at P*, which could be country specific and is an important guidepost for monetary policy in terms of when it could use the short-run trade-off, and when it has to just focus on containing inflation even at the cost of sacrificing growth. At inflation lower than P*, relying on short-run trade-off could make sense. But at inflation rates above P*, there would not be any exploitable trade-off relationship for policy, and by containing inflation a central bank could best contribute to sustainable employment and growth levels in the medium-run (Gokarn, 2011).

Different techniques have been used in the literature to estimate threshold inflation. Three broad approaches have been: (1) running a series of spline regression to find threshold value of inflation which maximises adjusted R2 and minimises Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), following Sarel (1996), (2) to estimate the unknown threshold inflation along with other regression parameters using non-linear least squares (NLLS) (Khan and Senhadji, 2001) and (3) estimating threshold using Logistic Smooth Transition Regression (LSTR) model (Espinoza, 2010). Empirical estimates for threshold inflation for India using these alternative techniques are found to be in 4-6 per cent range.

Estimated threshold level, however, need not completely condition the inflation objective of monetary policy, since even at the threshold level, the welfare costs of inflation particularly for the poorer section of the society, have to be contained. Keeping in view the distributional consequences and the macro-economic requirements of an open economy to keep inflation low relative to the rest of the world, the Reserve Bank’s medium-term inflation objective has been 3 per cent. The average of the non-food manufactured products inflation in the last one decade has been about 4 per cent. Anchoring inflation expectations to check inflation has been an important element behind monetary policy actions. This has motivated Reserve Bank’s emphasis on containing perceptions of inflation in the range of 4.0-4.5 per cent. Clear communication has been made in the policy statements to this effect. The importance of containing inflation even at the cost of some marginal sacrifice of growth in the short-run appears to be consistent with the estimates of growth-inflation trade-off for India, as also the distributional and other objectives behind containing inflation.


Espinoza, R., Leon, H. and Prasad, A., (2010), “Estimating the Inflation-Growth Nexus, A Smooth Transition Model”, IMF Working Paper 10/76.

Gokarn, Subir (2011), “Sustainability of Economic Growth and Controlling Inflation – The Way Forward”, Address at FICCI’s National Executive Committee Meeting, Mumbai, April 5.

Khan, Mohsin S. and Abdelhak S. Senhadji, (2001),';Threshold Effects in the Relationship Between Inflation and Growth,'; IMF Staff Papers, vol. 48(1).

Palley, T.I. (2003), “The Backward Bending Phillips Curve and the Minimum Unemployment Rate of Inflation (MURI): Wage Adjustment with Opportunistic Firms”, The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 71(1): 35-50.

Sarel, M (1996), “Non-linear Effects of Inflation on Economic Growth”, IMF Staff Papers, Vol.43, No.1.

Price statistics improved, with a revised WPI base and new indices of CPI

II.2.17 Two significant improvements in database on prices during the year were the revision of WPI base from 1993-94 to 2004-05 and the introduction of a new Consumer Price Index for ‘rural’, ‘urban’ and ‘All India’ from January 2011 (Box II.5). The new series of WPI marks a major improvement in terms of scope and coverage of commodities and is also more representative of the changing underlying economic structure. It captures the present underlying economic structure, which is consistent with changes in the production and consumption patterns. The introduction of new CPIs provides a nationwide price index which is more comprehensive both in coverage across regions and commodity groups. The weighting pattern also reflects more recent consumption pattern as compared to the existing CPIs. As year-on-year inflation data based on the new CPI become available from January 2012, it will be closer to the measure of inflation that is being commonly used in other countries for the conduct of monetary policy.

Anti-inflationary thrust of policy sustained in 2010-11 amidst changing dynamics of inflation

II.2.18 The changing dynamics of inflation had a major element of uncertainty throughout the year, which added significant complexity to the Reserve Bank’s forward looking assessment of the inflation outlook. Significant revisions of provisional data over successive months also widened the information lags, particularly the information on the extent of generalisation of price pressures. High inflation and repeated supply shocks impacted the inflation expectations adversely, and the Reserve Bank sustained its anti-inflationary thrust of monetary policy to anchor inflation expectations and contain demand induced pressures on inflation. The focus of medium-term inflation management, however, must be to ease supply constraints in key sectors where demand could be expected to continue to grow.

Towards Better Price Statistics

Revision of WPI Base Year

One significant development during 2010-11 relating to prices data was the revision of base year of WPI from 1993- 94 to 2004-05. The weight of primary articles declined in the revised WPI, while the weight increased for fuel group and manufactured products (Table 1). Although the changes in the weights for manufactured products are not substantial for the group as a whole, there has been a shift in weights towards non-food manufactured products. A substantial increase in the number of new items added/revised reflects the changes in production pattern during the decade. The new series has 417 new commodities, of which 406 are new manufactured products. These include items from unorganised manufacturing activity. Also the new series has wider coverage as the price quotations have increased from 1,918 in the old series to 5,482 in the new series.

The average overall inflation rate, according to the new series and the old series, is about 5.5 per cent for the overlapping period for which data are available (i.e., 2005- 06 to 2009-10) indicating that there is not much difference in the rate of inflation between the two series. This, however is marked by differential inflation rates for food and non-food products in the old and new series. Higher food inflation (both primary and manufactured) in the new series is largely offset by the lower inflation in the non-food manufactured products leading to smaller difference in the overall inflation.

Introduction of new Consumer Price Index

The Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation introduced a new series of Consumer Price Indices (CPI) for all-India and States/ UTs separately for rural, urban and combined. Indices are being released from the month of January 2011 with 2010 as the base year. The weighting pattern is derived from the NSSO’s Consumer Expenditure Survey of 2004-05. A comparison of the new CPI series against the existing series suggests that while the weight of food group has declined significantly for both rural and urban groups, the miscellaneous group, largely including services, has shown increase in its share (Chart 1).

Table 1: Major Changes in the Weights and Commodities in the Revised WPI Series



Number of Commodities

New Series (Base:2004-05)

Old Series (Base:1993-94)

New Series (Base:2004-05)

Old Series (Base:1993-94)

New Items added/ revised







All Commodities






I. Primary Articles












Non-Food and Minerals






II. Fuel and Power






III. Manufactured Products




















II.3.1 During 2010-11, the Reserve Bank’s monetary policy stance became strongly antiinflationary. Money growth was moderate during the year but picked up during the last quarter of 2010-11. Liquidity remained in deficit mode for a major part of the year on account of both structural and frictional factors. The tight liquidity helped in strengthening the monetary policy transmission, reflected in rise in deposit and lending rates of the banks during the latter part of the year. Credit to the commercial sector increased rapidly during the first quarter of 2010-11, reflecting mainly the borrowings by telecom companies to pay for spectrum auctions. Notwithstanding some deceleration in the second quarter of 2010-11, credit growth remained strong throughout the year, in line with the strong growth of the economy.

II.3.2 In 2011-12 till July, as liquidity eased and was broadly within the desirable level of deficit (one per cent of NDTL of banks), the pace of injection of primary liquidity declined leading to a deceleration in base money growth. Money supply, on the other hand, remained strong on the back of strong growth in deposits.

Strong growth in reserve money in 2010-11 reflected increase in currency demand and large injection of primary liquidity

II.3.3 Trends in reserve money largely reflect the impact of the monetary policy changes and liquidity management operations. There was strong growth in reserve money during 2010-11 due to large injection of primary liquidity in response to the tight liquidity conditions that prevailed since end-May 2010. Even adjusting for the policy-induced change in the cash reserve ratio (CRR), reserve money growth in 2010- 11 was higher than that in 2009-10 (Chart II.24 and Appendix Table 9).

II.3.4 Currency in circulation is the largest component of reserve money and is primarily determined by demand. There was acceleration in currency in circulation in 2010-11, due to increased demand on account of economic growth, high inflation and low yield on deposits for most part of the year (Box II.6).


II.3.5 On the sources side, net Reserve Bank credit to the Centre2 has been the dominant source of increase in reserve money since 2008-09 (Chart II.25). This is because government borrowing shot up significantly in the wake of the global financial crisis and necessitated active management of liquidity in the form of unwinding/de-sequestering of market stabilisation scheme (MSS) balances (in 2008-09 and 2009-10). Besides, there were large scale injections under liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) and open market operations (OMO) purchase auctions during times of liquidity duress in these three years.

Primary liquidity injected mainly in the form of large scale repo and OMO in 2010-11

II.3.6 The most notable source of increase in net Reserve Bank credit to the Centre during 2010-11 was LAF operations. This reflected the change in the mode of the LAF from reverse repo (absorption of liquidity) to repo (injection of liquidity). The other major source of injection of liquidity was open market purchases worth about `67,000 crore conducted mainly through the auction route. The OMO was confined to the second half of the year. The Reserve Bank also unwound the remaining MSS balances amounting to `2,737 crore by July 2010.


II.3.7 Even though LAF operations and open market purchases explain almost the entire fiscal variation in net Reserve Bank credit to the Centre, the most significant liquidity impacting variable intra-year was the Centre’s surplus balances with the Reserve Bank, which is an autonomous determinant of liquidity. From June 2010, there was a significant increase in government’s balances with the Reserve Bank reflecting the higher-than-expected proceeds from auctions of telecom spectrums. The balance was further boosted by the quarterly advance tax collections. The government balances continued to build up till the end of the third quarter of 2010-11. The sharp drawdown of government balances during the fourth quarter improved the liquidity situation.

II.3.8 Overall monetary conditions reflected significant changes in the autonomous drivers of liquidity as well as the offsetting discretionary liquidity management operations of the Reserve Bank. During the third quarter of 2010-11, large liquidity deficit occurred amidst tight monetary policy stance. The Reserve Bank undertook liquidity injections through LAF repos that peaked at nearly two times more than the level conforming to the comfort zone of the Reserve Bank. The aggregate outcome of variations in autonomous and discretionary components of liquidity match with the changes in banks’ reserves (Chart II.26). Detailed discussions on liquidity management operations of the Reserve Bank are presented in Chapter III.


Slower pace of deposit mobilisation and dip in multiplier led to low rate of money growth in 2010-11

II.3.9 Broad money (M3) growth decelerated for the third successive year in 2010-11, though the pace of deceleration was lower than that of the previous year, reflecting the resurgence in economic activity (Appendix Table 10). On the components side, the deceleration was mainly on account of contraction in demand deposits. There was a slowdown in the growth of time deposits initially, which though reversed trend during the latter part of the year as banks raised interest rates markedly (Chart II.27). The stronger transmission of monetary policy led to a substitution from demand deposits to time deposits during the last quarter of 2010-11 and in 2011-12 so far. Currency with the public, however, increased at a rapid pace and accordingly, the share of currency in the annual increment in M3 also increased in 2010-11 (Chart II.28).


II.3.10 The significant increase in currency with the public was on account of prevalence of high inflation, real income growth and low return on deposits for most part of the year (Box II.6). In 2011-12 so far, currency demand, however, decelerated due to the increase in opportunity cost of holding cash as interest rates on time deposits increased.


II.3.11 The strong growth in currency coupled with the subdued growth in deposits led to an increase in the currency-deposit ratio in 2010-11. Moreover, the Reserve Bank increased the CRR in April 2010 leading to an increase in the reserve-deposit ratio. The increase in these two behavioural ratios led to a dip in the money multiplier. This explains the rather subdued growth in broad money despite high growth in reserve money in 2010-11. Concomitant with the dip in the money multiplier, there was an increase in the velocity of money in successive quarters of 2010- 11, reflecting heightened nominal activity (Box II.7).

Share of bank credit to the commercial sector in the annual increment in M3 increased significantly

II.3.12 On the sources side, net foreign assets registered an increase in 2010-11 as against a decline in the previous year. Net domestic assets, however, remained the dominant source of increase in M3 during the year. The share of bank credit to the commercial sector in the annual increment in M3 increased significantly reflecting the strong growth in credit to the commercial sector. This is also reflected in the strong growth in non-food credit during the year (Chart II.29). In 2011-12 so far (up to July), even as credit growth is decelerating, it remains above the Reserve Bank’s indicative trajectory for the year.


Box II.6
Determinants of Currency Demand – What Caused the Shift in Trend?

The demand for currency is determined by a number of factors such as income, price level, the opportunity cost of holding currency, i.e., the interest rate on interest bearing assets and the availability of alternative instruments of transactions, eg. credit/debit cards, ATMs, cheque payments, etc.. Currency is also used as a store of value, particularly in countries with low inflation or large shadow economies. Currencies such as the US dollar, euro, yen and pound have large off-shore demand as medium of international transactions.

Several factors could explain the growth in currency demand in India in 2010-11. Inflation remained high, often in double digits, in respect of commodities such as foodgrain, pulses, fruits and vegetables, and milk during 2009-10 and 2010-11 – where transactions are expected to be cash-intensive. Consequently, after a long period of secular decline, the share of agriculture and allied activities in nominal GDP increased from 17.6 per cent in 2008-09 to 19.0 per cent in 2010-11. Second, there was a step-up in real economic activity from 6.8 per cent in 2008-09 to 8.5 per cent in 2010-11. Third, the interest rate on bank deposits was generally lower than inflation during 2010-11, implying a negative real rate of return on deposits.

A study of the decadal trend reveals that even as income elasticity of currency demand has stayed relatively stable, price elasticity increased significantly in the decade of 2000s, which experienced a low and stable inflation for a major part. In the remaining years, when inflation was relatively high, currency demand shot up significantly. In theory, increase in ATM network (increase in number of ATMs as well as access usage rules such as freer access to ATMs of other banks) decreases show leather costs. However, crosscountry evidence suggests that the attractiveness of currency as a medium of exchange can increase as against card payments. This is observed in India also (Chart 1). This could have facilitated the substitutability between currency and demand deposits in recent years.


During the 2000s, the acceleration in per capita real GDP growth, commercialisation of agriculture and allied activities and urbanisation, and availability of higher denomination notes appear to have maintained the increasing growth trend of the cash economy operating from both the demand and the supply sides. The social sector expenditure by the Government, particularly in rural areas (MGNREGS, etc.) also seems to have boosted demand for cash, particularly in 2008-09 when the currency to GDP ratio peaked. Also, currency use, being anonymous, facilitates tax evasion. With increasing importance of KYC and CBS and reporting of large value bank transactions for tax purposes in the recent years, currency demand can potentially rise, reflected in uptrend in the currency to GDP ratio (Chart 2).


Over the long term, an estimated relationship using VECM, relating to demand for currency in India for the period 1972- 73 to 2010-11 reveals that a 1 per cent increase in the real income (GDP) leads to a 1.24 per cent increase in the demand for currency. The price effect on the demand for currency is also found to be close to unity. A 1 per cent increase in the prices (WPI) leads to a 1.05 per cent increase in the demand for currency. Further, it was found that interest rate per se is not a significant determinant of currency. However, in the years when the real return on term deposits is negative (the average inflation being higher than the average rate on deposits of one-three year maturity), the interest rate seems to be a significant determinant of currency demand.


Amromin, Gene and Sujit Chakravorti (2009), “Whither Loose Change? The Diminishing Demand for Small Denomination Currency”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 41(2-3): 315-335, March-April.

Embaye, Abel and Wei-Choun Yu, (2010). “ Tax Evasion and Currency Ratio: Panel Evidence from Developing Countries”, Empirical Economics.

Nyberg, Lars (2011), “Will Cash Replace Cards?”. Speech at Cards & Cash Payments Forum in Stockholm, May, Sveriges Riksbank.

Box II.7
Short-run Shocks to Money Velocity and the Behaviour of Money Growth

M3 growth, for most part of 2010-11, remained below the Reserve Bank’s indicative trajectory. This deceleration in money growth alongside both a robust pick-up in growth as well as a high inflation environment, would suggest a corresponding increase in the velocity of money (following the conventional quantity theory of money equation MV=PY). In a theoretical framework, the velocity of money is generally presumed to be stable, if not constant, especially in the short run. Any breakdown in its stability, particularly due to significant short run shocks, and the volatility therein could either amplify or dampen the expected relationship between money, output and prices (as set out in the conventional monetary arithmetic above). Also anticipated and unanticipated shocks to money demand and the resultant shift in the velocity pattern could add further noise to the trend in money growth.

In almost every country, velocity of money has exhibited significant deviations from its respective medium-term trend post the global crisis, thereby complicating the analysis of monetary trends vis-à-vis those of output and prices. The sharp fall in velocity for the US (because of the financial crisis) despite the massive quantitative easing in the aftermath of the Great Recession and the ensuing “velocity crowding out of quantitative easing” highlights that external developments, especially contagion risk arising from crises, could add significant instability to domestic money demand.

In India, the velocity of money, computed as a ratio of the nominal income to broad money, has declined since the late 1960s. Bordo and Jonung (1987) in their pioneering study identified a “U” shaped velocity pattern across countries with distinct phases corresponding to the level of development. In the initial developing phase of a country, due to the increasing monetization of the economy, money demand rises (reflected in money supply growth) and velocity falls. Once the financial system deepens accompanied by financial and technological innovations, as the country develops, increasing confidence in the stability of the financial system lowers the income elasticity of money demand which can be seen as the rising phase of velocity.


In the Indian context, both annual and quarterly data correspond to the initial falling phase of velocity which could be ascribed to the increasing monetization of the economy (Chart 1). Despite the financial sector reforms and the enhanced financial deepening, the economic growth of the last decade has plausibly accelerated the monetisation process so much that it more than offset the gains from the financial sophistication. Hence the continued decline in velocity.

In recent years, however, the rate of decline in velocity had accelerated. Accentuated liquidity preference and slack credit demand in the aftermath of the crisis were reflected in sharp fall in velocity (Chart 2). Subsequently, with the return of confidence in the financial system and the economy, velocity increased to its normal trend. This increase in velocity following the fast paced fall witnessed in the past two years, explains the subdued growth in M3 in 2010-11.


A Vector Error Correcting Model (VECM) estimation of some determinants of velocity as suggested by theoretical and empirical literature – output [Y - GDP at factor cost (constant price)], interest rate (R1 - Annual SBI lending rate; R2 - Quarterly 91-day T-Bill rate), inflation expectations (WPI), financial deepening indicator proxied by bank credit to GDP ratio (CY), and a dummy variable (D1 - Annual; D2 - Quarterly) capturing the impact of short run disturbances on velocity – yielded the following results.

Annual Data:


V = 54.38 – 4.03 Y + 0.04 R1+ 1.28 D1

                  (9.81)       (1.39)       (6.29)


Quarterly Data:


V = 39.52 – 3.19Y + 0.05 R2 + 1.90 WPI + 2.30 CY- 0.18D2


                   (5.06)    (6.34)      (6.96)          (2.65)    (6.98)

Money growth trajectory projection involves the conditional predictability of velocity. Hence, money growth in the absence of reference to velocity trends could at times be misleading, even in the short run. Empirical estimates suggest that the conventional determinants of velocity (GDP, interest rate and financial deepening) as well as the short term shocks are statistically significant for Indian data. But in times of major uncertainty velocity could significantly deviate from its medium trend and weaken any forward-looking assessment.

Short-run trends in money growth should be seen along with expected changes in velocity. In the medium run, however, velocity could be expected to remain anchored to the long run trend, and hence, money growth in the medium-term is more likely to be consistent with the inflation and output trends than in the short-run.


Pattanaik, Sitikantha and Subhadhra S (2011), “The Velocity Crowding-out Impact: Why high money growth is not always inflationary”, RBI Working Paper, May 2011.

Bordo, Michael D., and Lars Jonung, The Long-Run Behavior of the Velocity of Circulation: The International Evidence, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

II.3.13 Disaggregated data suggest that the flow of credit to industry during 2010-11 remained strong while that to services and personal loans increased significantly (Appendix Table 11). Within industry, even though infrastructure continued to account for the largest share of industrial credit, the share of other industry groups such as food processing, basic metal and metal products and engineering in incremental credit to industry increased (Chart II.30). During the first quarter of 2011-12, while the dominant share of incremental industrial credit went to infrastructure sector, basic metal and metal products, petroleum and mining and quarrying also together accounted for one third of the incremental industrial credit during the quarter.


Growing disparity between credit and deposit growth added to the strain on liquidity for most of 2010-11

II.3.14 The continued strong growth in credit juxtaposed with subdued growth in deposits for a large part of the year was a structural factor that constrained liquidity in the system. The difference between the growth rate of credit and deposits peaked in mid- December 2010, and declined thereafter as credit growth showed slight moderation and bank deposits increased following hike in deposit rates reflecting stronger monetary policy transmission (Chart II.31).

The incremental funding for the commercial sector in 2010-11 was entirely accounted for by banks

II.3.15 Even as bank credit to the commercial sector recovered strongly during 2010-11, the flow of resources from non-banks, both domestic and foreign, declined (Chart II.32). The sharp decline in domestic non-bank funding was mainly on account of a decrease in resources raised through private placements. Subscription to commercial papers by non-banks also declined. As for the foreign sources, while external commercial borrowings and short-term credit from abroad increased, there was a decline in FDI inflow leading to an overall dip in foreign funding for the commercial sector. The moderation in non-banking sources of finance subdued the pace of increase in the total flow of resources to the commercial sector in 2010-11, notwithstanding the near 49 per cent increase in resource flow from banks.



II.3.16 During the first four months of 2011-12, nonbanking sources, however, accounted for nearly 70 per cent of the funding for the commercial sector. This was mainly on account of revival of FDI inflow.

II.3.17 Banks’ investments in liquid schemes of debtoriented mutual funds had grown manifold in the recent period. The mutual funds, on the other hand, are large lenders in the over-night money markets where banks are large borrowers and in certificates of deposit (CDs) of banks. Such circular flow of funds can lead to systemic risk in times of stress/liquidity crunch. Even though SCBs’ investment in instruments issued by mutual funds declined marginally in 2010-11, it increased by nearly 1.5 times between end-March 2011 and early May 2011. The Monetary Policy Statement for 2011-12 imposed limits on total investment in debt-oriented instruments of mutual funds by SCBs. Resultantly, the investment in such schemes moderated from mid-May 2011, with some reversal seen in July 2011.

2 Changes in net Reserve Bank credit to the Centre primarily reflect the combined impact of the Reserve Bank’s liquidity management operations conducted through OMO, operations under the MSS, LAF and Marginal Standing Facility (MSF - introduced in 2011-12) as also the government’s cash management operations. Increase in repo under LAF/OMO purchases/availment of MSF and decline in reverse repo under LAF/MSS balances/government’s surplus balances with Reserve Bank lead to increase in net Reserve Bank credit to the Centre, and vice versa.


Sovereign risks come to fore in the international financial markets

II.4.1 International financial markets witnessed frequent re-pricing of risks during 2010-11, reflecting persisting uncertainties. Sovereign risk concerns, particularly in the Euro Area affected the financial markets for a greater part of the year, with the contagion of Greece’s sovereign debt problem spreading to other economies in the Euro Area, notably Ireland, Portugal and Spain, despite transient stability resulting from the significant European rescue package. As a result, sovereign CDS spreads widened in the region (Chart II.33 a to d). The multipaced global recovery led to divergent policy responses. While advanced economies (AEs) either maintained or further eased their monetary policy to stimulate economic growth, a number of EMEs resorted to monetary tightening in response to inflationary pressures. During 2010, EMEs attracted greater portfolio flows given the easy availability of liquidity in AEs, especially after the announcement of the second round of quantitative easing (QE2) by the US Fed. These flows, in turn, exerted upward pressures on EME currencies and asset prices, prompting some of these economies to take recourse to macro prudential measures and soft capital controls.


II.4.2 Towards the end of 2010 and early 2011, however, there was a rebalancing of global portfolios on the back of strengthening economic recovery in AEs, particularly the US, and equity prices in these economies increased. While credit spread narrowed down considerably in many AEs, bond yields firmed up reflecting the post-crisis rise in debt to GDP ratio as well as incipient signs of inflationary concerns. By end-February 2011, geopolitical risks in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and the repercussions on oil prices affected investor sentiments and sovereign CDS spreads increased in a few vulnerable economies in the Euro Area. AEs continued to be weighed down by stagnant real estate markets, high unemployment and weak sovereign balance sheets. Yield curves in both AEs and EMEs flattened, particularly since end-March 2011 indicating economic growth moderation. Global financial markets have, by and large, been in a corrective mode since end-April 2011 but risks have been on the rise. The second half of 2011 could be more volatile in an environment of widening interest rate differentials between AEs and EMEs and enhanced financial risks following downgrade of US sovereign debt and apprehension of lower growth in AEs. The developments in the global markets had their spillover effect on equity and foreign exchange markets in India.

Monetary policy transmission strengthens with liquidity shifting to a deficit mode

II.4.3 With the Indian economy reverting to its precrisis growth trajectory during 2010-11, the primary concern of the Reserve Bank was to anchor inflationary expectations through policy rate hikes. The effectiveness of the police rate hikes would hinge on the transmission of the same to the financial markets. The Working Group on Operating Procedure of Monetary Policy (Chairman: Shri Deepak Mohanty) observed that monetary policy transmission is the strongest in the money market and is more effective in a deficit liquidity situation than in a surplus liquidity situation. As part of its calibrated exit from the crisis driven expansionary monetary policy stance, the Reserve Bank raised its repo rate by 175 bps and its reverse repo rate by 225 bps during April 2010 – March 2011. Liquidity conditions transited from a surplus mode to a deficit mode during the year, resulting in an effective policy rate hike of 325 bps.


II.4.4 The money market rates movement during the year was mainly influenced by the underlying liquidity conditions and the policy rate changes (Chart II.34). During the liquidity surplus phase (April-May 2010), in response to the hike in the repo rate by 25 bps, the average daily call money rates increased by 32 bps. The certificates of deposit (CD) rates declined. At the medium to longer end, the yields on 5-year and 10-year G-secs too declined by 21 bps and 38 bps, respectively.

II.4.5 During the liquidity deficit phase, monetary transmission strengthened. With a repo rate hike of 150 bps during the period June 2010-March 2011, the average daily call rate increased by 332 bps and hovered around the upper bound of the corridor. The higher call money rates also reflected the skewed SLR holding across the banks. The rates in the collateralised segment generally moved in tandem with the call rate, but mostly remained below it. The other money market rates also increased. In tune with the monetary policy stance, the yield curve shifted up reflecting the hardening of the short to medium-term rates. The lower than budgeted market borrowing programme for the second half of 2010-11, increase in the investment limits of FIIs in government securities, OMO purchases by the Reserve Bank during the third quarter of 2010-11, as also the lower than expected market borrowings announced for the first half of 2011-12 improved the market sentiment. These factors, along with a well-anchored medium to long-term inflation expectations and a moderation in growth outlook contributed to the flattening of the yield curve. Accordingly, the rise in the medium term (5-year) and long-term (10-year) yields was lower than that of money market rates (Chart II.35). In view of the flattening of the yield curve at the longer end, the share of the primary issuances of the longer dated securities was raised during the year.

II.4.6 The transmission of policy rate hikes to the credit markets, which remained weak during the first quarter of 2010-11, strengthened significantly thereafter following the introduction of the Base Rate in July 2010 and the prevailing deficit liquidity conditions turning tight from end-May 2010. Banks increased deposit rates by 25-500 bps across various maturities between end-June 2010 and end-March 2011 to accommodate the accelerated growth in credit. Several banks increased their Base Rates by 25-250 bps between end-July 2010 and end-March 2011. Base Rates ruled in a narrow range reflecting a greater convergence of rates across banks. The Base Rate system has improved the transmission from the policy rate to banks’ lending rates (Please refer to Box III.1 of Chapter III on monetary policy transmission after the switch over to the Base Rate).


Monetary transmission strengthens further during 2011-12 so far.

II.4.7 The transmission mechanism strengthened further during 2011-12 so far. Following a cumulative increase of 125 bps in the repo rate during April-July 2011, money market rates moved in step with the policy rate hikes. The issuances of cash management bills to the tune of `58,000 crore during April-July 2011 to meet temporary mismatches between Government receipts and expenditure also exerted pressure on money market rates. The yields on dated Government securities increased across maturities during 2011- 12 (April-August 12) rising more at the shorter end than at the longer end, reflecting the impact of policy rate hikes and larger issuances at the short-end. Interestingly, the yield on 10-year securities was lower than the yields at the shorter end, reflecting the preferred market habitat and the liquidity of the 10-year segment resulting in a kinked yield curve.

II.4.8 In the credit market, banks increased their deposit and lending rates in response to the increase in the policy rate by the Reserve Bank. During 2011- 12 (April-August 11), 52 major banks with a credit share of around 99 per cent raised their Base Rates by 50-175 bps and 23 major banks accounting for around 75 per cent of bank deposits raised their deposit rates in the range of 25-250 bps. The rise in deposit rates was relatively sharper for maturities up to 1 year for all categories of banks.

II.4.9 The Indian capital market witnessed some revival in April 2011, aided by steady FII inflows and strong global cues. However, relatively better performance of equity markets in AEs weighed on market sentiments. The persistence of sovereign debt problems in the Euro Area and the delay in finalising a higher public debt ceiling in the US on the global front, and lower than expected earnings by some of the major corporates on the domestic front, adversely affected the markets and the stock markets remained subdued since May 2011.

II.4.10 Since an excessive liquidity deficit can destabilise the financial markets and impede credit flow to the commercial sector, the Reserve Bank drew a distinction between its monetary stance and its liquidity management and undertook liquidity enhancing measures to promote orderliness in the financial markets (Please see Table III.3.1 of Chapter III for details of the measures taken by the Reserve Bank.)

Divergent volume growth across market segments

II.4.11 As the financial market conditions normalised post global financial crisis, the various segments of financial markets witnessed further recovery in trading volumes during 2010-11 (Chart II.36). The collateralised segment of the overnight money market accounted for around 85 per cent of the total volume during 2010-11. The CP market witnessed large issuances in the immediate post-Base Rate environment and reached a peak in October 2010 mainly on account of sharp increase in issuances by leasing and finance as well as manufacturing companies. The issuances of CDs increased sharply during the second half of the year reflecting banks’ efforts to mobilise more funds to meet the increased credit demand. The volumes in G-secs market declined in a rising interest rate environment.

Reduced volatility in financial markets

II.4.12 The volatility1 in the Indian financial markets was generally lower in 2010-11 than in the previous year, barring a brief spell of heightened volatility during May 2010 (Chart II.37). The increased volatility during May 2010 could be attributed to the transition of the liquidity situation from surplus to deficit mode for the money and G-sec markets and to the resurfacing of sovereign debt concerns in the Euro Area for the equity and forex markets.

Equity markets remain range bound in absence of improved earnings visibility

II.4.13 Equity markets remained range-bound during 2010-11 (Chart II.38). Much of the gains during Q2 and Q3 of 2010-11 were offset by a correction during Q4 of 2010-11. Equity markets, which were negatively impacted by the sovereign debt crisis in the Euro Area in May 2010, rallied during July- December 2010 on the back of large FII investments, better corporate performances and relatively strong economic growth. During Q4 of 2010-11, equity markets were weighed down by concerns over domestic corporate profitability, weakening investment climate and global uncertainty. In the primary market, resource mobilisation through public issues was higher than a year ago, reflecting mainly follow-on public offers (FPOs) and rights issues (Appendix Table 12). Although the number of IPOs was higher in 2010-11 than a year ago, the individual issue size was lower. Resources raised by mutual funds in the equity market, however, turned negative, reflecting muted participation by retail participants and corporates. However, the resources raised by mutual funds in the debt segment increased during 2010-11 over the previous year, reflecting institutional investor preference in a rising interest rate environment.


Volumes rising in equity and currency derivatives

II.4.14 The presence and role of derivative segments - OTC and exchange traded - has been increasing steadily over the years (Box II.8 and Chart II.39). The volumes of the derivatives segment of the equity market increased substantially during 2010-11 and their volumes were considerably higher than those of the cash segment. The increased turnover in the equity derivatives during 2010-11 was associated with reduced volatility in the stock price indices.

II.4.15 In the currency futures segment, the volumes increased sharply in September 2010, with the commencement of operations by the United Stock Exchange (USE), which introduced currency futures in four currency pairs (Appendix Table 13). The daily trading volumes in currency futures exhibited a gradual secular uptrend thereafter. The increased volumes in the currency futures market are mainly attributable to the cash settlement (which obviates the need for payment of the principal amount), the speculative interest in the backdrop of non-requirement of underlying exposure and the absence of restrictions on cancellation and re-booking.


Housing prices remain firm and volumes decline

II.4.16 Housing prices continued to remain firm during 2010-11, barring a brief phase of moderation in the metros during Q3, despite the hardening of mortgage rates in response to policy rate hikes as evidenced by the Reserve Bank’s Quarterly House Price Index (HPI)2 (Chart II.40 a and b). The volume of transactions, however, exhibited a declining trend during the second and third quarters of 2010-11 but revived during the Q4 in most cities. On a y-o-y basis, out of the seven cities, while housing prices increased in six cities, transactions volumes fell in five cities. Housing prices and transaction volumes in Mumbai and Delhi continued to increase on a y-o-y basis. Quarterly credit deployment in the housing sector continued to increase during 2010- 11, notwithstanding increase in interest rates and macro prudential policy measures such as increase in provisioning requirement for housing loans with teaser interest rates, increase in risk weights for high value housing credit and the stipulation of a higher margin.



Box II.8
Financial Derivatives in India - Current Status

Derivatives instruments in India are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Forward Markets Commission (FMC). The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (as amended in 2006) empowers the Reserve Bank to regulate OTC derivative products as long as at least one of the parties in the transaction is regulated by it; exchange-traded derivatives are governed by the rules of the respective exchanges and overseen by the SEBI. Financial institutions in India can use OTC derivatives for their own balance sheet management while non-financial firms are only permitted to hedge their exposures.

OTC derivatives

Over the years, the Reserve Bank introduced various plain vanilla interest rate and foreign currency derivatives. Certain products like swaps having explicit/implicit option features such as caps/ floors/ collars are not permitted. The Reserve Bank has, however, permitted the use of cross currency swaps, caps and collars and FRAs for specific purposes. The Reserve Bank has issued guidelines on credit default swaps and securitisation to develop the credit derivative market.

The Reserve Bank issued the guidelines on forward rate agreements (FRAs) and Interest Rate Swaps (IRS) in 1999 to enable banks, primary dealers and all-India financial institutions to use these products for their own balance sheet management and corporates to hedge interest rate risks. Overnight index swaps (OIS) based on overnight Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate (MIBOR) benchmark registered significant growth over the years, although other benchmarks beyond the overnight have not become popular possibly due to the absence of a vibrant inter-bank term money market. Foreign banks dominate the IRS market. It is mandatory for entities regulated by the Reserve Bank to report their IRS/FRA trades on the reporting platform developed by the Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL). CCIL has been providing non-guaranteed settlement of FRA/IRS trades since November 2008. Guaranteed settlement in IRS/ FRA segment is expected to be started soon by CCIL. CCIL has also started providing portfolio compression exercise in the OTC interest rate swaps aimed at reducing the overall notional outstandings and the number of outstanding contracts.

Within the OTC foreign currency derivatives market, the swap segment is the most active. Rupee-foreign exchange options allowed in July 2003 is gradually picking up.

Exchange Traded Derivatives

The experience of exchange traded derivatives in India has been mixed. Equity derivatives like Index futures were introduced in June 2000, followed by index options in June 2001, and options and futures on individual securities in July 2001 and November 2001, respectively. Equity derivatives have grown rapidly since their inception. These derivative contracts are settled by cash payment and do not involve physical delivery of the underlying product. FIIs have an increasing presence in the equity derivatives markets and currently contribute around 21 per cent of the market turnover.

Currency futures witnessed substantial increase in volumes since it was launched in NSE in August 2008 on Rupee- USD pair. Following the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank and the SEBI in January 2010, the NSE and MCX subsequently launched futures trading in three new currency pairs, namely, EUR-INR, GBP-INR and JPY-INR in February 2010. Currency options - introduced in the Indian stock exchanges in October 2010 - saw a significant increase in volume and open interest.

Trading in Interest Rate Futures (IRF) was re-activated in August 2009 on a 7 per cent notional coupon bearing 10- year Government of India security settled through physical delivery. IRF Trading on 91-day Treasury bills issued by the Government of India has been permitted by the Reserve Bank in March 2011 with cash settlement. The May 2011 Annual Policy Statement has proposed the introduction of IRFs for 2- and 5-year tenors also.

As compared to the exchange traded equity and currency derivatives segments, the IRF segment remains dormant in India despite the fact that globally it occupies 70 per cent of the overall derivatives turnover in the stock exchanges.

Exchange-traded commodity derivatives have been trading in the commodities exchanges since 2000. Currently, the 22 commodities exchanges operating in the country mostly trade in futures.

Real exchange rate appreciates reflecting inflation differential

II.4.17 During 2010-11, while several Asian countries resorted to capital control, India hardly intervened through purchase/sale of foreign currency or active capital account management. The rupee dollar exchange rate showed two-way movement in the range of `44.03-47.58 per US dollar (Chart II.41). The rupee appreciated by 4.0 per cent on an average basis against the U.S. dollar during the year. Most of this appreciation occurred during Q2, on the back of strong equity inflows. On an average basis, the 6-currency real effective exchange rate (REER) appreciated by 13.1 per cent in 2010-11, the 30-currency REER by 4.5 per cent and the 36- currency REER by 7.7 per cent. The 6-currency index showed the maximum appreciation compared to other indices reflecting higher inflation differential with these countries (Appendix Table 14).



Financial system remains bank dominated

II.4.18 The Indian financial system is primarily a bankdominated system. The dominance of banks has increased further during the post-crisis period, which essentially reflected an increasing preference for safer avenues of savings (Box II.9).

Financial markets may imperfectly track banking indicators

II.4.19 The banking system is usually closely integrated with the financial market developments owing to its interface with market forces, which can generate market risks, impact on profitability and even lead to defaults. Banks in India, however, remained resilient even during the crisis period and did not face funding and maturity risks to the extent faced by the global banks (Box II.10). This is, however, not borne out from the CDS spreads and the stock prices of the banks in India which largely paralleled the global trends, reflecting increasing integration with the global financial markets.

Financing of infrastructure poses challenge ahead

II.4.20 The development of the financial markets and healthy balance sheets of the financial sector entities are prerequisites for financial intermediation with a view to bridging enormous infrastructure deficit (Box II.11).

Box II.9
Trends in Non-Bank Financing - Is the Financial System still Bank Dominant ?

In India, commercial banks account for more than 60 per cent of the total assets of the financial system (Chart 1). The other major components of the financial system include, inter alia, insurance institutions, Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), cooperative banks and mutual funds in a descending order of their assets share.

About 72 per cent of total assets of the banking sector were held with public sector banks at end-March 2009. Evidently, the perceived sovereign backing triggered an inflow of assets into the public sector banks. The dominance of banks in the financial system is also evident from the flow of financial resources to the commercial sector (Table 1). The flow of bank credit to the commercial sector picked up phenomenally in 2010-11 to 58.2 per cent, registering a growth of 47.7 per cent.


Table 1: Flow of Financial Resources to the Commercial Sector

Amount in ` crore












Flow from Banks












Flow from Non-banks (B1+B2)




5,11,0 06








Domestic Sources












Foreign Sources












Total Flow of Resources (A+B)











Source: RBI.
Note: Figures in brackets indicate percentage share in total resources.

Box II.10
Impact of Financial Market Developments on Financial Soundness Indicators of the Banking System

While the Indian banking sector has significantly grown in size in the recent years, its soundness has largely been maintained even during financial crises. The impact of sub-prime crisis on banks was almost negligible due to limited exposure to toxic assets owing to the counter-cyclical prudential norms prescribed by the Reserve Bank.

The impact of financial market developments on banks is reflected by the trends in their various soundness indicators, namely, Return on Asset (RoA), Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) and Non-Performing Assets (NPAs). Some of these major soundness indicators of the banking system showed significant resilience even during the times of the crisis (Table 1). The Returns on Advances and Investments moved in opposite directions during phases of rising and falling interest rates. As a result, banks could earn a stable RoA in a volatile market environment by making appropriate adjustments to their portfolios, while ensuring sound asset quality and high levels of CRAR.

The stable performance and sound health of the Indian banking system, however, does not preclude important initiatives that need to be taken in order to further increase operational efficiency of banks. There is also a need to strengthen the countercyclical prudential regulatory framework and step up capital adequacy to meet unforeseen risks emanating from developments in the financial markets.

Table 1: Size and Soundness of the Indian Banking Sector

(in per cent)


assets to GDP


Return on

Return on



























































Standard Deviation







Source: Reports on Trend and Progress of Banking in India, various issues.
Statistical Tables Relating to Banks in India, various issues.

Box II.11
Infrastructure Financing

Infrastructure deficit remains a major stumbling block in the growth process of the Indian economy. It is widely recognised that poor and inadequate infrastructure is adding to production costs, affecting productivity of capital and eroding competitiveness of productive sectors of the economy (Subbarao, 2009). The Planning Commission has projected the investment requirement for the infrastructure sector for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) to be of the order of `40,99,240 crore (about US$ 1,025 billion), which cannot be met by the public sector alone due to fiscal constraints.

Gross Capital Formation (GCF) in infrastructure has hovered around 5 per cent of GDP and is likely to fall short of the 11th Five Year Plan’s (2007-2012) target of raising it to 9 per cent of GDP by 2012, which is also the level attained in some of the Asian economies. In India, there has been a significant increase in the share of bank credit to infrastructure from 2.2 per cent of gross bank credit as at end-March 2001 to around 13.4 per cent as at end-March 2011. Credit extended by commercial banks is, however, constrained by the risk of asset-liability mismatch.

Globally, the corporate bond market plays a significant role in financing infrastructure development. In India, the corporate bond market is underdeveloped and the stock of listed non-public sector debt at 2 per cent of GDP is significantly lower as compared with that of other EMEs, such as, Malaysia, Korea, and China. In order to develop the corporate bond market, some of the measures which need consideration include exemption from withholding tax for FIIs, rationalisation of stamp duties across states, tax treatment of pass through certificates, reconciliation of definitional differences in respect of bonds and debentures, enhancement of scope of investment by insurance companies and provident /pension /gratuity funds, permission to FIIs to invest in to-be-listed bonds, repo lending by insurance companies and mutual funds, single unified database to ensure reporting by all entities and partial credit enhancement by banks.

Securitisation of infrastructure bonds/loans is an important way of increasing the quantum of debt financing of infrastructure projects by banks/FIs/NBFCs. The infrastructure sector has a high potential for bundling of securities of infrastructure bonds/loans and selling them to institutional and retail investors based on their perceived risks. Credit derivatives and credit insurance are also expected to provide efficient risk transfer mechanisms and, thus, play a significant role in the corporate bond market development. In this context, the Reserve Bank has come out with credit default swap (CDS) guidelines, which will come into effect from October 24, 2011. CDS would allow corporate entities including insurers, FIIs and mutual funds (MFs) to hedge the risk of default in repayment of corporate bonds. Private equity and venture capital funds may have to be encouraged to accept higher levels of risk in return for higher expected returns. Take out financing, which is another important and innovative way of enhancing the quantum of banks’/NBFCs’ financing of infrastructure projects and which also facilitates better asset-liability management, has not taken off despite efforts by the Reserve Bank and the government and needs to be pushed further.

Foreign sources are supplementing the domestic finance in financing infrastructure in recent years. The share of FDI in infrastructure sector as a percentage of total FDI has increased significantly from around 4 per cent in 2002-03 to around 16.7 per cent in 2010-11.

Public-Private Partnership (PPP) has been an important mode of financing infrastructure worldwide. PPPs have received a somewhat lukewarm response in India except in the case of telecom, airport and roadways, despite their potential to attract private investments. A number of factors, which need to be addressed expeditiously in order to bring down the time and cost overruns in a significant way, are responsible for this, e.g., deficiencies in the project appraisal skills, problems in developing an optimal risk sharing mechanism, lack of transparency in bidding procedures, overlapping regulatory jurisdictions and governance related concerns. PPP projects that are economically essential but commercially unviable are provided financial assistance in the form of Viability Gap Funding (VGF) and long tenor loans through IIFCL (UK), a subsidiary of the India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd. (IIFCL). The Reserve Bank has significantly relaxed prudential norms for infrastructure projects and has initiated a number of regulatory concessions for infrastructure finance. Additionally, SEBI has raised the FII limit for investment in corporate bonds, with residual maturity of over five years issued by companies in infrastructure sector, to US$ 25 billion.


Deepak Parekh Committee Report (2007), The Report of the Committee on Infrastructure Financing, Planning Commission, New Delhi.

Economic Survey, 2010-11.

R H Patil Committee (2005), High Level Expert Committee on Corporate Bonds and Securitisation, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, New Delhi.

Subbarao, Duvvuri (2009), ‘Should Banking Be Made Boring? - An Indian Perspective’, RBI Bulletin, December.

1 Volatility has been measured by using Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model.

2 The Reserve Bank’s housing price and volume indices are based on data in respect of seven cities collected from the Department of Registration and Stamps (DRS) of the respective State Governments.


Lower combined fiscal deficit reflects improvement in Central and State finances, but its sustainability requires further reforms

II.5.1 The combined finances of the Central and State governments showed distinct improvement in terms of the key deficit indicators during 2010-11 (RE) as compared with 2009-10. The combined gross fiscal deficit (GFD) of Central and State governments as a ratio of GDP declined markedly to 7.7 per cent in 2010-11 from 9.3 per cent in 2009-10 (Appendix Table 15). The combined revenue deficit (RD) also fell perceptibly. The lower fiscal deficit ratios are the outcome of both Centre and States returning to the path of fiscal consolidation. However, these ratios are still well above 2007-08 levels.

II.5.2 The budgets of the Central and State governments envisage further fiscal consolidation during 2011-12 driven by expected moderation in expenditure growth. The combined GFD and RD as ratios to GDP are budgeted to decline further in 2011- 12. However, in order to meet these targets, concerted efforts would be necessary to avoid fiscal slippages in 2011-12, especially arising from higher expenditure on subsidies if global commodity and fuel prices continue at an elevated level.

II.5.3 The sustainability of lower deficits during 2011-12, however, requires substantial new measures in the arena of fiscal reforms, as the 2010-11 improvement was led by the benefit of cyclical upswing and one-off gains in revenue. For a sustainable improvement in fiscal position, further expenditure compression as well as revenue raising measures would be necessary.

Centre’s lower deficit ratios reflect one-off unanticipated revenue and higher nominal GDP growth

II.5.4 Central government finances had deteriorated significantly during 2008-09 and 2009- 10 on account of expansionary fiscal policy stance adopted by the government to address growth concerns as a fallout of global financial crisis. However, with economic recovery during 2010-11, the government reverted to the path of fiscal consolidation with a partial exit from stimulus measures. Benefiting from more than anticipated realisation of non-tax revenue receipts and GDP, the Centre’s key deficit/ GDP ratios turned out to be lower in revised estimates than were originally budgeted (Chart II.42 a and b). The revised estimates (RE) for 2010-11 show that the Central government receipts were better than budgeted, reflecting buoyancy in domestic economic activity and the increase in indirect tax rates following partial fiscal exit. Total expenditure, however, exceeded the budgeted level. This was on account of government’s decision to utilise higher than anticipated receipts from 3G/BWA auctions for financing increased outlays in key priority areas (rural infrastructure, implementation of Right to Education Act, plan assistance to States and recapitalisation of public sector banks). Nonetheless, benefiting from the better than anticipated GDP outcome, aggregate expenditure-GDP ratio lay within the budget estimates for 2010-11.

II.5.5 Provisional data from the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) confirm the expected improvement in fiscal position of the Central government in 2010- 11. The estimates of key deficit indicators, turned out to be lower in the provisional accounts than the revised estimates on account of higher than anticipated revenue receipts and reduction in plan expenditure. Lower fiscal imbalances enabled reduction in government’s debt-GDP ratio during 2010-11, thereby containing risks to macroeconomic stability.

II.5.6 However, the fiscal correction is far from over. Enduring correction through expenditure compression and better returns on public investments has to be the cornerstone of an effective fiscal strategy. There are clear limits to one–off revenue generation measures over the medium to long run.

II.5.7 Expenditure growth remained higher than budgeted for 2010-11, thereby maintaining pressures on aggregate demand. The revised estimates of total expenditure on subsidies (mainly on food, fertiliser and petroleum) remained higher than the budget estimates reflecting the impact of higher international prices of these commodities. Capital expenditure, both plan and non-plan, remained higher than the budgeted levels in 2010-11. On the whole, expenditure growth not only turned out to be higher than that was budgeted for 2010-11 but also accelerated as compared with that of 2009-10.


State governments resume fiscal consolidation

II.5.8 State governments also resumed the process of fiscal consolidation in 2010-11, after suffering a setback in 2008-09 and 2009-10 (Appendix Table 16). The revised estimates for 2010-11, based on the budgets of 28 States, indicate a reduction in key deficit ratios. This shows State governments’ commitment towards fiscal consolidation. Going forward, the States are likely to carry forward the process of fiscal consolidation in 2011-12 as the revenue account is expected to turn into surplus after remaining in deficit during 2009-10 and 2010-11, while the GFD-GDP ratio is expected to decline further.

II.5.9 A disaggregated analysis shows that the budgeted improvement in revenue account of States in 2011-12 is mainly on account of decline in revenue expenditure while revenue receipts-GDP ratio is expected to be marginally higher. However, the moderation in revenue expenditure growth is attributable to a sharp decline in development expenditure growth (comprising social and economic services). In line with the improvement in revenue account, States’ GFD-GDP ratio is budgeted to be lower in 2011-12 (BE). Capital outlay as a ratio to GDP at 2.2 per cent in 2011-12 (BE), however, is yet to revert to the high levels achieved during 2006-07 to 2008-09. Overall, the States seem to be committed to bringing their finances on a sustainable path in the medium-term and the present pace appears to be in tandem with the path suggested by the Thirteenth Finance Commission.

Further fiscal consolidation necessary for macrostability

II.5.10 The improvement in government finances till 2007-08 under rule-based fiscal consolidation had provided cushion to the Centre and States for undertaking fiscal expansion during 2008-09 and 2009-10 to address the growth slowdown. Notwithstanding an improvement in fiscal position in 2010-11, the fiscal deficit indicators are yet to reach the pre-crisis levels. Lowering of these indicators are necessary for lower inflation and macroeconomic stability. Going forward, it is imperative for the government to strengthen the process of fiscal consolidation. Accordingly, more drastic expenditure reforms alongwith the envisaged tax reforms – Direct Taxes Code (DTC) and Goods and Services Tax (GST) – have to be pursued. Expenditure reforms have to be directed towards restraining built-in growth in expenditure and also to bring about structural changes in its composition (Box II.12).

Expenditure driven fiscal consolidation strategy of the Centre may be challenging

II.5.11 The fiscal consolidation strategy of the Central government for 2011-12 is primarily expenditure driven, reflecting the impact of lower growth in expenditure on salary, pensions and subsidies. In particular, all subsidies except interest subsidy are budgeted to decline in 2011-12 (Chart II.43). There is an urgent need to implement reforms in the system of subsidies. Concomitantly, a conservative stance on revenue projections has been adopted. Although the Union Budget 2011-12 has opted not to further raise the indirect taxes to the levels prevailing before the crisis and retained the standard rates of central excise duty and service tax at 10 per cent, the Central government announced tax rationalisation measures which would have differential impact on relative prices across sectors.


Box II.12
Revenue and Expenditure Reforms – Improving the Fiscal Environment for Robust and Inclusive Growth

Improving growth, making it inclusive and keeping fiscal deficits low and sustainable are all desirable objectives of economic policies. Yet, they are often thought as irreconcilable. These multiple objectives, however, can best be achieved by adopting sustainable fiscal policies. Growth and equity objectives both can be served by keeping the balance between revenues and expenditures of the government at sustainable levels, which necessitate both revenue and expenditure reforms.

Revenue reforms in India have been pursued for sometime now. Multiplicity of rates have been brought down, tax rates lowered and tax base widened. The standard rates of services and excise taxes have now converged to a single rate of 10 per cent. Peak customs duty has been reduced from over 300 per cent in the late 1980s to 10 per cent as a part of committed stance of converging over the medium term to tariff prevailing in ASEAN countries. Major accomplishments include the introduction of services tax in 1994 and Value Added Tax (VAT) by the States during 2004-08.

The present State level VAT structure still has some element of cascading effect. However, with introduction of GST, cascading effects of CENVAT and services tax are likely to be removed with a continuous chain of set-offs. While benefiting taxpayers, GST is also expected to be a plus sum game for the Governments. Thirteenth Finance Commission (2009) estimated that GST could provide gains to India’s GDP somewhere within a range of 0.9 to 1.7 per cent. Revenue gains are also likely to be large coming from additional GDP as well as improved tax compliance. Upscaling of inclusive growth programmes would then be possible through budgetary resources.

Direct Taxes Code (DTC) would contribute to enhance GDP growth, raise tax-GDP ratio and improve allocative efficiency and equity (both horizontal and vertical) of the direct taxes, bringing about reduction in administrative and compliance costs (GOI, 2009). DTC would lead to repeal of the current Income- Tax and Wealth Tax Acts with the objectives of minimising exemptions, widening tax base, moderating tax rates and effective enforcement. The Code also proposes to do away with profit linked deductions and introduce investment linked deductions for priority areas.

Both these important pillars of tax reforms have been deferred for want of political consensus and ironing out the operational details. The federal structure of our fiscal system entails tax reforms to be more challenging which require a pragmatic approach by all stakeholders. However, GST and DTC need to be rolled out without any further delay. Both, States and Centre gain from these tax reforms. In addition to tax reforms, other revenue enhancing measures would be needed. Improved returns on public investment can help. Better governance of public utilities, especially at sub-national level can go a long way in correcting the fiscal imbalances. Appropriate user charges alongwith plugging of leakages are needed. The financial positions of State Power Sector utilities require focused attention.

Revenue reforms alone may not suffice in keeping fiscal position on a sustainable path. Expenditure cutting holds the key to fiscal consolidation in India. While modes and speed of fiscal consolidation have differed across countries, expenditure reforms have formed important component. Barrios, et al. (2010) find that public expenditure-cuts-based consolidations tend to be more effective. They send convincing signals regarding the political will of the fiscal retrenchment as well as ensure its medium-run viability. Expenditure reforms in many countries have achieved large fiscal adjustments by reducing spending on transfers, subsidies and public consumption while ensuring that allocations for education and health remain adequate (Hauptmeier et al 2007).

Expenditure reforms in India have been directed towards restraining built-in growth in expenditure and also bring about structural changes in its composition. In this regard, various measures over the years were intended to rationalise manpower requirements and assessing the feasibility of ongoing schemes. In order to overcome perpetual committed expenditure, the New Pension System has been introduced. The process also involved review of the existing subsidy systems. For instance, the government is gradually moving towards nutrient based subsidy (NBS) regime in fertiliser sector. The government has proposed to move towards direct transfer of cash subsidy to people living below poverty line in a phased manner in order to ensure greater efficiency, cost effectiveness and better delivery for kerosene and fertiliser. With the objective of rationalising petroleum subsidy, government has decontrolled the pricing of petrol in June 2010. However, these measures are not sufficient as oil, fertiliser and food subsidies are still large. Total subsidies constituted 2.1 per cent of GDP in 2010-11, which was much higher than 1.3 per cent of GDP in 2006-07. As such, expenditure reforms need to be pushed more aggressively. Deregulation of diesel and other fuel prices assumes importance in this context.

Revenue and expenditure reforms need to be speeded up to provide fiscal space for achieving the objective of inclusive growth. The government’s strategy for inclusive growth is to empower people through legal entitlements in respect of employment, food security, education and information. Fulfilling these commitments would require substantial outlays thereby necessitating a stable, efficient and broad-based tax system which is conducive to overall business environment.


Barrios, S., S Langedijk, and L R Pench (2010), “EU Fiscal Consolidation after the Financial Crisis: Lessons from Past Experiences”, European Economy Economic Paper No.418, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Brussels.

Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers (2009): First Discussion Paper on Goods and Services Tax in India, New Delhi, November.

GOI (2009), Direct Taxes Code, Discussion Paper, Ministry of Finance, August.

Hauptmeier, Sebastian, Martin Heipertz and Ludger Schuknecht (2007), “Expenditure Reform in Industrialised Countries: A Case Study Approach”, Working Paper Series No 634, European Central Bank, May.

II.5.12 The moderation in non-plan revenue expenditure growth is welcome as it creates fiscal space for undertaking other expenditures. However, capital expenditure, which is budgeted to be compressed during 2011-12, raises concerns regarding the quality of fiscal consolidation.

II.5.13 The government recognises that fiscal correction for 2010-11 reflected the one-off windfall benefits of higher than anticipated revenue proceeds from spectrum auctions, which is unlikely in 2011-12. The Union Budget for 2011-12 does not take into account any such one-off sources of revenues and remains conservative on tax buoyancy.

II.5.14 Going forward, credible fiscal consolidation strategy will contribute to keeping the debt-GDP ratio at a sustainable level. In this regard, the reduction in Centre’s debt-GDP ratio to below 50 per cent in 2010- 11 is a positive development. In terms of the revised methodology for compilation of debt, which excludes liabilities not used for financing of GFD and calculates external debt at current exchange rates, the Centre’s debt-GDP ratio is budgeted to decline to 44.2 per cent during 2011-12.

Likely expenditure pressures on subsidies pose challenge for fiscal consolidation in 2011-12

II.5.15 In spite of the Central government’s commitment towards fiscal consolidation, the progress towards this end hinges upon a few factors. First, the reduction in expenditure growth for 2011- 12 is on account of lower subsidy expenditure, which is based on the underlying assumption of no major variation in international fertiliser and petroleum prices during 2011-12. However, the subsequent developments indicated an uptrend in international prices of crude oil which could have significant implications for subsidy expenditure. Even though domestic prices of diesel, PDS kerosene and LPG have been partially revised on June 24, 2011, the projected level of petroleum subsidy is likely to remain higher than the budgeted level for 2011-12. The elimination/ reduction of customs/ excise duty on petrol products would also cause revenue loss and impact the fiscal balance. Second, in view of several domestic and international downside risks to economic growth, moderation in tax revenue collections cannot be ruled out. A slowdown, however, may also result in decline in oil prices, which may help in containing subsidy expenditure.

Pace and nature of fiscal consolidation remains a concern over the medium term

II.5.16 Over the medium-term, the Central government envisages gradual corrections in revenue and fiscal deficits under its rolling targets set out for 2012-13 and 2013-14. Even though, rolling targets set for fiscal deficit seem achievable, at the current juncture achieving the revenue targets appear to be a challenge. There could be a shortfall in achieving the deficit targets prescribed by the Thirteenth Finance Commission for the medium-term. An amendment to the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, 2003 is expected during the course of 2011-12, which would lay down the fiscal roadmap for the next five years. Fiscal rules defined during the pre-crisis period are also subject to review in many advanced and developing economies (Box II.13).

Quality of fiscal adjustment has long term growth implications

II.5.17 While restraint on revenue expenditure growth not only ensures that the fiscal consolidation process is sustainable, it also creates a fiscal space for undertaking additional capital outlay, which is essential for infrastructure financing and to provide an enabling environment for sustained economic growth. Nonetheless, going forward, there are certain concerns with regard to fiscal consolidation. First, the ratio of revenue deficit to gross fiscal deficit, which is an important benchmark for assessment of the quality of fiscal consolidation, is expected to remain significantly higher at 74.4 percent in 2011-12 (BE) than 41.4 per cent in 2007-08. This indicates that a large portion of borrowings are used to finance the revenue deficit, thereby reducing the availability of resources to undertake capital outlays which could have implications for potential growth. With the GFD-GDP ratio budgeted to be lower in 2011-12, higher RD-GFD ratio reflects that fiscal adjustment envisaged during 2011-12 will be mainly through compression in capital outlay. Accordingly, the quality of fiscal adjustment may have long-term implications for growth as fiscal multiplier is generally found to be higher in the case of capital expenditure (Box II.14).

Box II.13
Fiscal Indicators in a Rule-based Framework: Cross-country Survey

In the aftermath of global financial crisis, fiscal rules have come under strain across a number of countries as they do not distinguish between economic upturns and downturns. Fiscal rules constrain budget makers by delineating a ‘numerical target’ on budgetary aggregates over a ‘long lasting time period’ with a view to guiding fiscal policy (Kopits, 2001). Although countries have not repealed pre-crisis fiscal rules, many of them have either ignored or adjusted their rules and even taken discretionary action to cut revenues, boost expenditures and raise the deficit to address the economic slowdown. High fiscal deficits and sovereign debt risks, however, have necessitated countries to re-examine their fiscal rules so as to anchor their fiscal imbalances even before their economies stabilised. Effective fiscal rules should not only aim for numerical targets that have an unambiguous and stable link with an ultimate objective like public debt sustainability, but also provide sufficient flexibility to respond to shocks.

In practice, fiscal policy under the rule-based framework is anchored to a variety of budgetary aggregates. Conventionally, overall budget balance is targeted for moving towards debt-sustainability whereby debt-GDP ratio converges to a finite level. However, as this indicator provides a low degree of cyclical flexibility for fiscal policy to respond to shocks, countries also target structural or cyclically adjusted balance (CAB), whereby the government pursues the objective of achieving a nominal budget balance on average over a full economic cycle. While primary balance rules also exist, they are less linked to debt sustainability as they tend to ignore imbalances being incurred on account of interest payments. Similarly, the golden rules, which target the overall balance net of capital expenditures, are also less linked to debt. Countries may also adopt debt rules (DR) by directly setting an explicit limit or target for public debt (in absolute or as ratio to GDP) either in gross terms or in net terms (after adjusting financial assets). Although DRs are most effective for ensuring convergence to a debt target, they do not provide sufficient guidance for fiscal policy in terms of its constituents and can become misleading at times, when debt level is below the ceiling but rising.

Alternatively, some countries may set permanent limits or ceilings on total, primary, or current spending in absolute terms, growth rates, or in per cent of GDP (expenditure rules: ER) or they may set floors/ceilings on revenues (to boost tax collection/limit tax burden) (revenue rules: RR). While ERs provide flexibility for conduct of fiscal policy through cyclical and discretionary reductions in revenues during an economic downturn, they do not normally permit discretionary expenditure stimulus. On the other hand, RRs do not constrain government spending. Both these sets of rules are not directly linked to the control of public debt. Furthermore, RRs do not generally account for the operation of automatic stabilisers on the revenue side in a downturn (or in an upturn for revenue ceilings). As automatic stabilisers are stronger on the revenue side, these rules per se may tend to result in a procyclical fiscal policy. ERs and RRs, therefore, need to be accompanied by debt or budget balance rules for ensuring long term fiscal sustainability.

Historically, the genesis of fiscal rules dates back to the midnineteenth century. However, recognising inadequacies in stand-alone rule making, countries (New Zealand in 1994 followed by countries in Latin America, Europe and Asia) started enacting fiscal responsibility legislations (FRLs) as a permanent institutional arrangement for promoting fiscal discipline in a credible, predictable and transparent manner (Corbacho and Schwartz, 2007). The number of countries adopting national and/or supranational fiscal rules has gone up from seven in 1990 to 80 in 2009 (IMF, 2009). Increasingly many (60 per cent) countries including EMEs (Argentina, Indonesia and Mexico) have adopted combination of budget balance and debt targets to improve the effectiveness of their fiscal rules to ensure debt sustainability. Supranational rules also have combined budget balance rules with debt rules (in 41 countries), which were accompanied, particularly in the advanced economies by national rules, such as expenditure ceilings and specific revenue rules in some countries (e.g., tax revenue ceilings in Denmark, and a windfall revenue rule in France).

Rule-based fiscal frameworks have varied across advanced and developing economies depending upon their different needs, institutional capacity, and exposure to global shocks. Advanced economies have tended to favour flexibility in their fiscal rules by either adopting cyclically adjusted balances as target indicators or merely strengthening their fiscal frameworks without emphasising numerical targets. On the other hand, the EMEs have preferred combination of balance budget rules and debt rules for working towards debt sustainability. While in EMEs fiscal rules were accompanied by FRLs, advanced countries have generally not adopted FRLs reflecting strength in the existing legal and institutional framework (Lienert, 2010).

India embarked on FRL framework with the enactment of Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act by the Central government in 2003, followed by the States subsequently. In order to improve the effectiveness of such legislations, the FRLs in India have a combination of targets set for various fiscal indicators such as fiscal deficit, revenue deficit and debt. Notably, India’s FRL system of targeting revenue and fiscal balances separately is quite unique internationally as other countries generally tend to target overall budgetary balance. By targeting a zero level of revenue deficit, India’s FRLs recognise the importance of phasing out the use of borrowed resources for current consumption of the government so as to ensure that borrowings are used only for capital expenditures for longterm fiscal sustainability. This is consistent with the UK’s ‘golden rule’ fiscal framework, whereby borrowing is mandated only for capital expenditure. From Union Budget 2011-12, the Central government has started focusing on reducing ‘effective revenue deficit’, which excludes capital grants to States from the headline measure of revenue deficit. Recognising that fiscal consolidation is conducive to macroeconomic management, the Central government intends to introduce an amendment to the FRBM Act, 2003 during the course of 2011-12, which would lay down the fiscal roadmap for the next five years.


Corbacho, Ana, and Gerd Schwartz, 2007, “Fiscal Responsibility Laws,” in Promoting Fiscal Discipline, ed. by Manmohan S. Kumar and Teresa Ter-Minassian (Washington: International Monetary Fund).

Kopits, G. (2001), “Fiscal Rules: Useful Policy Framework or Unnecessary Ornament?” IMF Working Paper 01/145.

Lienert, Ian (2010), “Should Advanced Countries Adopt a Fiscal Responsibility Law?” Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF Working Paper 10/254.

IMF (2009), “Fiscal Rules—Anchoring Expectations for Sustainable Public Finances”, Fiscal Affairs Department, December 16.

States’ own initiatives important for their durable fiscal consolidation

II.5.18 While laying out the revised fiscal roadmap in amended FRBM Acts, States need to take cognisance of changing contours of Centre-State financial relations. With a sharp decline in loans from the Centre, particularly since 2004-05, resource transfers from Centre to States in recent years have been mainly through current transfers, viz., tax devolution and grants. While current transfers from the Centre contributed to around one-third of correction in revenue account of States during the pre-crisis period (2003-04 to 2007-08), lower tax devolution due to cyclical downturn in tax collections at the Central level during the crisis was compensated by higher grants.

II.5.19 Keeping in view the cyclicality in tax collections at the Central level, States need to explore own non-tax sources of revenues by undertaking reforms in major sectors, viz., power and irrigation. Effective mobilisation of own non-tax revenues, which are expected to be more durable than tax revenues, would facilitate lower dependence of States on Centre especially during the period of slowdown. While the tax base of States is likely to expand with the proposed implementation of GST, States may have to assess its revenue implications based on the structure of their State economies.

II.5.20 The recommended share of States in the form of tax devolution from the Centre has also been raised by the Thirteenth Finance Commission (FC). States, on their part, may have to devolve higher resources to local governments, for facilitating greater decentralisation and undertake fiscal consolidation initiatives so as to benefit from State-specific grants as recommended by the Thirteenth FC. Going forward, taking into cognisance these factors, States need to amend their FRBM Acts to provide revised fiscal roadmap for medium term.

II.5.21 The Central Government had constituted an Expert Committee in July 2010 (Chairperson: Smt. Shyamala Gopinath) for comprehensive review of the National Small Savings Fund (NSSF). The terms of reference of the Committee were, inter alia, to recommend mechanisms to make small saving schemes market linked and to recommend on the lending arrangement of the net collection of small savings to Centre and States, and to suggest alternative investment avenues. The Committee submitted its report to the Government of India in June 2011 (Box II.15). The recommendations of the Committee are aimed at aligning the administered interest rates on small savings instruments with market related rates on government securities. This would reduce the volatility in small savings collections, which would facilitate a more efficient cash and debt management of the Central and State Governments and a smoother transmission of monetary policy signals. The recommendations would also empower the State Governments with greater discretion on borrowings from NSSF keeping in view their cash position and improve the viability of NSSF.

Box II.14
Fiscal Multiplier: A Cross-Country Experience

The global financial crisis drew discretionary fiscal stimulus measures almost as reflex actions across countries mirroring an underlying belief about efficacy of government spending or taxation measures for stimulating desired change in aggregate demand. With widespread adoption of expansionary fiscal policy during the crisis, a long standing debate about the size of the fiscal multiplier has resurfaced both in theory and across countries. ‘Multiplier effect’, originally propounded by Richard Kahn (1930) and later popularised by Keynes, measures the efficacy of government spending or tax measures to bring desired change in aggregate demand. Fiscal multiplier exceeds unity in simple Keynesian framework but it is now known that it can vary considerably with impact varying from even negative values to large positive values. Interaction with a large number of macro-economic parameters ultimately determines the size of the multiplier. If with fiscal expansion, monetary conditions remain accommodative, fiscal multiplier is generally larger. While lower level of leakages in spending increases the value of multiplier, concerns with regard to long term fiscal sustainability may make it less effective and even negative. The composition of expenditure plays an important role in assessing the effect of fiscal stimulus in developing countries. Furthermore, fiscal multiplier calculated as an impact multiplier differs from cumulative multiplier or the peak multiplier. Even though there has been a vast literature on estimating fiscal multiplier, the empirical work on fiscal multiplier, providing a broad range of results, has not settled the theoretical debates.

Typically, in advanced economies, the multipliers are statistically significant and moderately positive. In contrast, the effects on output in the medium-term in emerging economies were found to be consistently negative indicating that discretionary fiscal measures taken in emerging economies might have a positive impact in the immediate period but they appear to be anti-growth in the medium-term as they become more of a structural nature and thus more difficult to phase out in later years.

In the wake of occurrence of global crisis, a number of studies were undertaken to examine the impact of fiscal stimulus under varying conditions. Ilzetzki et al (2011) have shown that the cumulative impact of government consumption on output was lower in developing countries as compared with high-income countries. Fiscal expansions that were expected to persist indefinitely have smaller multipliers due to stronger private-sector offsets. In general, during crisis when fiscal stimulus is designed to address recessionary conditions, fiscal multipliers are expected to be larger than in the normal period when monetary and fiscal policies may be working at cross purposes.

An exercise undertaken for estimating the size of fiscal multipliers in respect of government final consumption expenditure (GFCE) and the Central government’s capital outlay using VAR framework adopting methodology similar to Espinoza and Senhadji (2011) suggests that fiscal multipliers in India are low. Based on quarterly data for 1996- 97 to 2009-10, it was found that government consumption positively impacts GDP growth (both in real and nominal terms) in the short-term. Government consumption multiplier peaks within first three quarters (ranging between 0.11 and 0.20 under alternative specifications), after which the impact is found to peter out. Focusing on impact of Central government’s investment as reflected in annual capital outlays (in real terms), the cumulative multiplier works out to around 1.5 when the multiplier peaks. Thus, cross-country findings as well as the results for India show that government consumption leads to crowding out with size of multiplier being significantly lower than one while investment multiplier, working over the long-run, has crowding-in impact with its size more than unity. This calls for improving quality of public expenditure management by increasingly rationalising outlays towards investment as the Central and State governments revert to the rule-based fiscal consolidation path.


Ilzetzki, Ethan; Enrique G. Mendoza and Carlos A. Végh (2011), “How Big (Small?) are Fiscal Multipliers?”, IMF Working Paper No. WP/11/52.

Espinoza, Raphael and Abdelhak Senhadji (2011), “How Strong are Fiscal Multipliers in the GCC? An Empirical Investigation”, IMF Working Paper No. WP/11/61.

Box II.15
Recommendations of Committee on the Comprehensive Review of the NSSF

The Committee recommended the following measures on the rationalisation of savings instruments: (i) an increase in the rate of interest to 4 per cent p.a. on savings deposits to align with commercial bank savings deposit rate; (ii) measures to improve liquidity on recurring and time deposit schemes; (iii) abolition of maturity bonus on Monthly Income Scheme; (iv) an increase in the annual investment limit on PPF to `1 lakh to coincide with the ceiling on Section 80C of the I.T. Act; (v) withdrawal of Section 80C income tax benefit for accrued interest on NSC; (vii) discontinuance of Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) which is prone to misuse being a bearerlike instrument; and (viii) introduction of a longer maturity instrument – 10 year NSC.

The Committee recommended that the secondary market yields on Central government securities of comparable maturities should be the benchmarks for the small savings instruments (other than savings bank deposits). A one-year reference period - taking the average of the month-end secondary market yields in the preceding calendar year - may be adopted; however, the inter-year movement of interest rate fluctuations would be limited to maximum 100 bps on either direction. A positive spread of 25 bps, vis-à-vis government securities of similar maturities (as against 50 bps recommended by the earlier Committees) would contribute to the viability of the NSSF. Exceptions were made only in case of 10-year NSC and Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme (SCSS) by recommending a spread of 50 bps and 100 bps, respectively. The date of notification of the rate of interest on small savings by the Government would be April 1, every year, effective 2012-13.

The Committee recommended a reduction in the mandatory share for States to 50 per cent from 80 per cent at present. After the States exercise their options, the balance amount, if any, could either be taken by the Centre or could be onlent to other States if they so desire, or could be on-lent for financing infrastructure to companies which are wholly owned by Government. With the rule-based improvement in fiscal situation, lower maturity may not involve refinancing risk. Accordingly, to broadly align with the maturity profile of the small savings instruments, the Committee recommended a shorter tenor of 10 years for investments by NSSF that would largely address the asset-liability maturity mismatch of NSSF. The rate of interest on securities issued to the Central / State Governments would be equal to the sum of the weighted average interest cost on the outstanding small savings and the average administrative cost and would be announced every year on April 1. The reinvestments may be as per the same terms as for fresh investments. The negative gap between the outstanding assets and liabilities of NSSF may be funded by the Central Government. These measures would contribute to the viability of NSSF.


Global recovery loses momentum; sovereign balance sheet risks add to uncertainty

II.6.1 The global economy rebounded in 2010 with a growth of 5.1 per cent after contracting by 0.5 per cent in 2009. The growth in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) at 7.4 per cent outstripped the 3.0 per cent growth in advanced economies (AEs) in 2010 (Chart II.44a). China, India, Brazil and the ASEAN-5 grew at a significantly faster pace than the AEs. However, the United States, Germany and Japan had larger swings in growth rates transiting from significant negative to moderately positive growth.

II.6.2 The recovery was marked by continued uncertainty about the durability of the growth process. After recovering strongly in the first half of 2010, the global economy encountered heightened downside risks emanating from concerns relating to the possible sovereign debt defaults in Greece, Ireland and Portugal and the weakening sovereign balance sheets in Italy and Spain. The global recovery lost some momentum in the second half of the year in the AEs, particularly in the US and Japan. Growth in world industrial production also exhibited signs of deceleration after attaining peaks in March 2010. The AEs which faced the prospect of double-dip recession, nevertheless, performed better than expected. However, the recent downgrading of the US sovereign debt by Standard and Poors’ (S&P) adversely affected the sentiments in the financial markets across the world, renewing fears of slowdown amidst weakening global economic recovery. Emerging market economies (EMEs) led by China and India continued to grow at a faster rate compared to the AEs.

EMEs face rising inflation led by commodity prices

II.6.3 Inflation accelerated in EMDEs during 2010. On an average consumer price basis, it rose to 6.1 per cent in 2010 from 5.2 per cent in the preceding year. Both India and China faced considerable inflationary pressures. As a result, Developing Asia’s inflation rate nearly doubled to 6.0 per cent in 2010 from 3.1 per cent in 2009. In contrast, consumer price inflation in AEs rose to 1.6 per cent from 0.1 per cent over the same period, but was still well below the longrun average in these countries. The core inflationary pressures remained subdued in these economies, but a stark divergence has occurred in recent months with producer price inflation having risen faster with rising fuel and non-fuel commodity prices.


II.6.4 Global commodity prices firmed up during 2010, owing to rapid growth in EMDEs, strongerthan- expected growth of AEs and weather-related supply shocks. Low global interest rates and large surplus liquidity in the global economy fuelled global commodity prices with players taking long positions. OPEC’s lower-than-expected output response during 2010 and unrest in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) since January 2011 drove up oil prices. Commodity prices are expected to remain firm in 2011. If, however, monetary accommodation in AEs is progressively withdrawn, the consequent rise in interest rates could reduce leveraged position in commodity markets and deflate commodity prices. Commodity prices could also experience a decline if the pace of global recovery slackens further.

II.6.5 Strong capital inflows induced by the multipaced global growth and the consequent differential exit from accommodative monetary policy, coupled with the near full capacity utilisation have generated inflationary pressures in many EMEs, including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and Russia. In an increasingly interdependent globalised world, options for the pursuit of an independent monetary policy for EMEs like India can get constrained but this could be managed through appropriate policies (Box II.16).

II.6.6 In 2010, the improving demand conditions helped in the recovery of world trade to its pre-crisis level. Exports of EMDEs witnessed higher growth than those of AEs. Exports surged during 2010 and global trade recovered to exceed the pre-crisis high of July 2008 for the first time in March 2011 (Chart II.44b). However, the growth in global trade is expected to moderate due to rising prices of food and other primary products, and unrest in major oil exporting countries. Capital flows are likely to remain strong during 2011, but in view of the recent developments, they do run the risks of turning volatile, with possible episodes of sudden reversals (Chart II.44c).

II.6.7 Fiscal policy continued to support economic activity in the AEs in 2010 (Chart II.44d and e). Going forward, there is an urgent need for adopting fiscal consolidation plans. This need is particularly urgent in countries with debt sustainability issues in the Euro area and also in Japan and the US to avoid contagion spreading from the government balance sheet to the bank balance sheets and the financial markets. Unemployment situation has remained stubbornly high in the AEs throughout 2010 and is improving slowly in 2011 (Chart II.44f).

Balance of Payments improve in 2010-11

II.6.8 The improvement in India’s balance of payments (BoP) during 2010-11 primarily reflected pick-up in exports during the second half of the year. Coupled with a higher invisibles surplus, it led to a moderation in the current account deficit (CAD) in 2010-11. While recovery in global growth augured well for pick-up in exports and invisibles, higher international commodity prices, particularly crude oil, impacted the import bill. The improved net capital inflows helped bridge the higher CAD and foreign exchange reserves increased modestly. Key external sector indicators such as CAD, level of external debt and import cover of foreign exchange reserves continued to remain comfortable. On the capital account, the composition of inflows poses some concern as there was slow down in FDI while the volatile components such as FII and short-term trade credits showed some rise that have implications for external debt sustainability. The bilateral nominal rupee-dollar exchange rate showed a two-way movement broadly reflecting demand and supply conditions in the foreign exchange market.

Trade diversification helps narrow trade deficit

II.6.9 India’s merchandise exports grew robustly during 2010-11 aided by higher rate of growth in global income and diversification in direction and composition of trade. The Government’s export policy in terms of encouragement of Free Trade Zones, Duty Exemption Entitlement Scheme, focus market scheme (FMS) and focus product scheme (FPS) appeared to have contributed to the diversification of exports in terms of products from labour intensive manufactures to higher value-added products in engineering and petroleum sectors and destinations across EMDEs which led to moderation in trade deficit during 2010-11 (Chart II.45). While the share of engineering and petroleum products increased to 27 per cent and 17 per cent in 2010-11 from 21 per cent and 11 per cent, respectively, in 2005-06, the share of labour intensive products declined from 29 per cent to 21 per cent during the same period. The share of developing economies in total exports improved to 42 per cent in 2010-11 from 38 per cent in 2005-06, while the share of OECD countries declined to 33 per cent from 45 per cent during the same period.


Box II.16
Has Increasing Globalisation Limited the Effectiveness of National Policies in India?

In the wake of the global financial crisis, financial globalisation has come under scrutiny once again. Critiques of globalisation have re-emphasised that globalisation does not bring any additional gains than what can already come from free trade. In the context of increasing capital flows, it has been time and again pointed out by the critiques that gains from trade in goods (widgets) are of first order, while gains from trade in capital (dollars) are of second order, a’la Jagdish Bhagwati. Another observation has been that countries that have benefited most from free-market globalisation are not those that have embraced it wholeheartedly, but those that have adopted parts of it selectively. Open markets succeed only when embedded within social, legal and political institutions that provide them legitimacy by ensuring that the benefits of capitalism are broadly shared (Rodrik, 2011).

Contrarian arguments have been equally strong. Kose, et al.(2009) review a large body of literature to highlight gains from financial globalisation and the various economic policies that could help developing economies effectively manage the process of financial globalisation. They find that policies promoting sound macroeconomy, financial sector development, institutional quality and trade openness appear to help developing countries derive the benefits of financial integration. However, a more recent concern has been: if globalisation is leading to a loss of national policy effectiveness?

The answer is not easy to find. Subbarao (2011) suggests that there is a need to find ways to maximise the benefits of globalisation while minimising its costs. While spillovers occur, we need to deal with them. A typical case has been QE2, which has both positive and negative externalities. Its announcement caused a double whammy on the EMEs through a surge in capital inflows and a rise in commodity prices, both requiring them to tackle inflationary pressures. They put EMEs in a policy bind as higher interest rates to fight inflation could potentially intensify capital inflows further. QE2, however, also helped shore up US recovery, bringing back confidence in financial markets and ultimately helping EMEs through improved trade and capital account flows. Effectiveness of national economic policies goes down in such cases, especially if they are uncoordinated.

The impact of globalisation on national economic policy effectiveness is ultimately an empirical question. Our theoretical understanding of the channels through which national economies are linked is also inadequate. Yet, it would not be correct to say that domestic monetary, fiscal or exchange rate policy becomes redundant with increased openness. Trilemma in policy choice is a well known problem and needs to be managed by adopting less than corner solutions. In fact, under globalisation national policies can be more carefully calibrated and fine-tuned to serve national interests.

For instance, monetary policy takes on new importance under globalisation due to need to contain spillovers and their impact on nominal asset returns. The case for price stability as an optimal monetary rule becomes stronger. Even without nominal price rigidities, price stability is important because it enhances the risk sharing properties of nominal bonds (Devereux and Sutherlands, 2008). It is important to recognise that globalisation represents a shock to relative, not absolute prices. What happens to the general price level depends on what monetary policy makers then decide to do. It has been argued that de facto openness has risen sharply in India and has implied a loss of monetary policy autonomy when exchange rate pegging was attempted (Shah and Patnaik, 2011). It is true that the exchange rate regime has evolved towards greater flexibility as a conscious policy choice, but this has been calibrated to the changing structure and dynamics of the economy without loss of monetary policy independence. Policies had supported this move over a period of time, inter alia, by capacity building to withstand volatility and shocks. It has increasingly allowed exchange rate to serve as a buffer, depreciating to help the economy when it was weak and appreciating to reduce excess demand when it was strong. In the past two years, there has been no significant foreign exchange market intervention. The small increase in the Reserve Bank’s foreign exchange reserves mainly reflects various accruals, interest earnings and valuation changes. Increased exchange rate flexibility has also minimised the danger that foreign inflows would be attracted by “one-way bets” on appreciation, or that domestic firms would borrow excessively from abroad without hedging their exposure.

Globalisation is a phenomenon that has now acquired a force of its own. Policy interventions can best aim at a right policy mix to reap gains from it while minimising the risks. These gains dynamically can be significant. It may appear that growing global interdependence has increased the Indian economy’s vulnerability to external demand and exchange rate shocks. However, misaligned exchange rates amidst balance of payment shocks had a much larger adverse impact on the Indian economy in the earlier crisis episodes. After the Indian economy has become integrated globally, a large shock in the form of a swing of US$100 billion in total net capital inflows in a single year of peak of global crisis had been managed without too much impact on exchange rate, interest rates, external and internal balances.


Devereux, Michael B. and Alan Sutherland (2008), “Financial Globalisation and Monetary Policy”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 55(8): 1363-1375, November.

Kose, A. Ayhan, Eswar Prasad, Kenneth Rogoff and Shang- Jin Wei (2009), “Financial Globalisation and Economic Policies”, IZA Discussion Paper No. 4037.

Rodrik, Dani (2011), The Globalisation Paradox, WW Norton & Co.

Shah, Ajay and Ila Patnaik (2011), “India’s Financial Globalisation”, NIPFP Working Paper, No. 2011-79.

Subbarao, D. (2011), “Policy Discipline and Spillovers in an Inter-connected Global Economy”, Comments at the SNBIMF Conference on The International Monetary System, Zurich, May 10.

II.6.10 Comparing across countries, exports from the group of EMDEs as a whole rose relative to world exports. Countries like India, Brazil, China, Indonesia and Russia witnessed higher growth during 2010 (Chart II.46).

II.6.11 While exports of almost all major groups of commodities improved significantly during 2010-11, performance in case of valued added products such as engineering and petroleum sector has been noteworthy. Engineering products, petroleum products, gems and jewellery witnessed a significantly higher growth (Chart II.47). Moreover, efforts to explore new markets particularly in Africa and Latin America along with added emphasis on exports to EMDEs also contributed to the export performance.


II.6.12 With a view to improving efficiency of export processes, the Union Budget 2011-12 announced the following measures: (i) introduction of a system of self assessment in Customs to enable importers and exporters to assess their duty liabilities; (ii) simplification of tax refunds on services used for exports of goods on the lines of duty drawback schemes; (iii) allowing tax-free receipt of services wholly consumed within the SEZs along with simplified refunds procedures; and (iv) setting up of seven mega leather clusters and a handicraft mega cluster.

II.6.13 Imports grew at a lower pace than exports during 2010-11. There was an increase in the share of industrial inputs in total imports (non-oil imports net of gold and silver, bulk consumption goods, manufactured fertilisers and professional instruments), which was indicative of some qualitative shift in the pattern of imports. Imports of export related items recorded a steep rise of about 59 per cent during the year. The share of gold and silver in total imports remained almost same as that of the previous year’s level despite the rise in the price of gold and silver in the international market.


II.6.14 During 2010-11, as per DGCI&S data, India’s merchandise exports and imports increased by 42.3 per cent and 22.3 per cent, respectively, as against a decline of 2.2 per cent and 3.5 per cent during the previous year. Consequently, trade deficit narrowed to US $ 98.2 billion (5.7 per cent of GDP) from the previous year (Appendix Table 17). However, on BoP basis, trade deficit as a percentage of GDP was higher at 7.5 per cent.

Invisibles growth robust

II.6.15 During 2010-11, invisibles receipts and payments exhibited robust growth in contrast to a decline in receipts during 2009-10. This increase - driven by services exports and private transfers - was partly offset by a decline in investment income. The sharp growth in invisible payments was led by its major components viz., services and investment income. As a result, net invisibles recorded a modest increase over the preceding period. Among the major components of invisibles, services exports witnessed a turnaround and recorded a growth of 37.8 per cent to US $ 132 billion. While software services receipts accounted for 44.7 per cent of total services exports, performance of business and financial services also improved significantly during the year.

II.6.16 A noteworthy aspect in respect of services data was the release of provisional aggregate data on trade in services for the first time for the month of April 2011 as a follow up of the implementation of the recommendations of the Working Group on Balance of Payments Manual for India (Chairman: Shri Deepak Mohanty). The aggregate data on trade in services will be released on a monthly basis after a gap of about 45 days.

II.6.17 Investment income receipts, which is a major component of invisibles, declined by about one-third on account of low interest rates abroad. Private transfer receipts, a significant and resilient component of invisibles receipts during the global crisis, increased marginally during 2010-11. With the turnaround in other segments, the share of private transfer receipts in current receipts declined during 2010-11 (Chart II.48).


Current account deficit shrinks

II.6.18 On BoP basis, trade deficit widened in absolute terms to US$ 130 billion (7.5 per cent of GDP) during 2010-11 from US$ 118 billion (8.6 per cent of GDP) in the previous year despite higher growth in exports relative to imports (Appendix Table 18). Net invisibles financed about 66.1 per cent of trade deficit as compared with 67.6 per cent in the previous year. As a result, the CAD narrowed to 2.6 per cent of GDP during 2010-11 from 2.8 per cent during the previous year (Chart II.49). Thus, CAD is within the threshold level of sustainable CAD of 2.7- 3.0 per cent (Box II.17).


Capital account improves though composition of flows poses concerns

II.6.19 The positive perception of India’s growth prospects attracted capital inflows during 2010-11 which witnessed an increase of US$ 6.3 billion over the preceding year. The composition and volatility of such flows posed some concern. There was the dominance of volatile flows such as FII investment and debt creating flows like ECBs and short term credit, while FDI flows moderated. Net FII inflows remained almost at the same level as that of the preceding year; there were, however, occasional bouts of net outflows when investor sentiments changed. Net FDI inflows were lower by almost US$ 11.6 billion, due to significant moderation in gross FDI inflows to India coupled with higher gross outflows. The moderation in equity flows coupled with rising debt flows during 2010-11 poses risks to sustainability.

II.6.20 Non-resident deposits during 2010-11 stood higher than the previous year mainly on account of higher inflows under NRO deposits (Chart II.50). While debt creating flows exhibit significant sensitivity to the interest rate differentials, at the aggregate level, capital flows are only weakly sensitive to the interest rate differentials (Box II.18). Net external assistance received by India was higher by US$ 2 billion benefitting from financial sector loan from the World Bank. Buoyant domestic economic activities, improvement in international financial markets and lower cost of funds abroad prompted the Indian corporates to take recourse to ECBs which more than quadrupled to US$ 11.9 billion. Short-term trade credits (STC) also increased. Net capital flows, though higher, were absorbed by the higher current account deficit.

Box II.17
India’s Threshold level of Sustainable Current Account Deficit

Conceptually, sustainability refers to the ability of a nation to finance its CAD on an ongoing basis. Therefore, the level of current account balance (CAB) that could be financed on a continuous basis without resulting in any external payment difficulties is termed as the sustainable level. Generally, the sustainable level of CAD is measured in terms of net external liabilities (NEL) relative to the size of the economy. The level of CAB that stabilises the net external assets/liabilities in relation to the size of the economy is considered as sustainable. Apart from NEL/GDP ratio, sustainability could also be assessed in terms of a range of economic indicators, viz., debt-GDP ratio, import cover, and debt-servicing ratio. Sustainability of the CAB could also be seen in terms of solvency. A nation is considered solvent if the sum of its discounted current account surpluses in future is more than the current level of net external liabilities. Solvency and sustainability are closely related as a continued unsustainable path of external balance would undermine the solvency of the nation. Theoretically, it can not a priori be determined what would be the sustainable level of NEL ratio. It varies from country to country depending upon a host of factors including credibility and ability of the nation to sustain interest of the investors.

The issue of current account sustainability has been raised in several countries from time to time. As a practical solution, any historically sustainable level could be assumed to be sustainable in future as well (IMF, 1999). Milessi-Ferretti and Razin (1996) point out that though generally a CAD at 5 per cent of GDP is considered as a red mark, the question whether CAD is excessive or not can only be answered by modeling the path of external imbalances. But 5 per cent clearly is a danger level even for countries which have unrestricted access to global capital markets. Obstfeld and Rogoff (2005) showed that the then US CAD of 5.4 per cent of GDP had a high probability of the collapse of the US dollar. More recently, concerns have resurfaced over CAD sustainability of a few Euro zone countries. Gagnon (2011) warns that current account imbalances are coming back as a result of interplay of fiscal policy, external financial policy, net foreign assets and oil prices. Sustainable CAD in EMEs is likely to be far less than AEs.

The sustainable CAD/GDP ratio in India has gone up over a period of time. One of the early studies by Callen and Cashin (1999) had estimated it at 1.5-2.5 per cent depending upon growth rate and cost of external finance. However, with much larger cross-border capital flows and improved institutional capability to absorb the same, this has improved. Historically, in India NEL ratio of about 21 per cent was the highest in 1996-97 and it did not cause any pressure on the economy. In order to empirically workout the level of CAB that is consistent with historical sustainable peak level of NEL to GDP ratio, a model akin to ‘Domar Model of Debt Sustainability’ could be used. Under this model, larger the absolute size of the differential between the growth rate and the interest rate, higher would be the size of CAB that is consistent with a stable NEL ratio. By this method, CAD of 2.7 to 3.0 per cent is found to be sustainable for India over the medium term subject to a set of conditions, viz., (i) GDP growth varies between 7.0 to 9.0 per cent and inflation hovers around 5.0 per cent; (ii) average interest cost on external liabilities ranges 2.0 to 3.5 per cent; and (iii) capital flows range around 4-4.5 per cent of GDP and about 3/5th of the flows are non-debt creating inflows.


Callen, Tim and Paul Cashin P (1991), “Assessing External Sector Sustainability in India”, IMF Working Paper, No.181.

Gagnon, Joseph E. (2011), “Current Account Imbalances Coming Back”, Peterson Institute of International Economics Working Paper, WP-11-1, January.

Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria and Assaf Razin (1996), “Current Account Sustainability”, Princeton Studies in International Finance, No.81, October.

Obstfeld, Maurice and Kenneth Rogoff (2004), “The Unsustainable US Current Account Position Revisited”, NBER Working Paper No. 10869.

II.6.21 Country-wise, investments routed through Mauritius remained the largest component of gross FDI inflows to India during 2010-11 followed by Singapore and the Netherlands (Appendix Table 19) (Chart II.51). During 2010-11, FDI was mainly channeled into the manufacturing, services and ‘construction, real estate and mining’ sectors (Chart II.52).

II.6.22 The increase of US$ 13.1 billion in foreign currency assets (FCA) on BoP basis during 2010-11 could primarily be attributed to receipts under external assistance (US$ 6.1 billion), interest and funding income (US$ 4.1 billion) and net purchases (RBI’s market intervention) from Authorised Dealers (ADs) (US $ 1.7 billion). During 2011-12 so far (up to August 12), the Indian rupee depreciated against the major international currencies, partly reflecting higher demand from importers (Chart II.53). The exchange rate of the rupee at the current level appears to be fairly valued (Box II.19).



Foreign exchange reserves stable, reflecting flexible rupee

II.6.23 During 2010-11, net capital account surplus, after financing a larger CAD, resulted in a net accretion to foreign exchange reserves of US$ 13.1 billion (excluding valuation effect). Inclusive of the valuation gains, the foreign exchange reserves increased by US$ 25.8 billion. India’s foreign exchange reserves stood at US$ 316.6 billion as on August 12, 2011 (Appendix Table 20). The two-way movement in Indian rupee vis-à-vis US dollar and Euro was more pronounced since February 2007 than the earlier period indicating its flexibility (Chart II.54).



Box II.18
Interest Rate Sensitivity of Capital Flows to India

Interest rate differential has often been viewed as a major determinant of capital flows to EMEs, and, at times, monetary policy measures that may be conditioned by the inflation-growth objectives could magnify or dampen the volume of capital inflows into a country. In the aftermath of the recent global financial crisis, multi-speed recovery and divergent inflationary trends have led to asymmetric monetary exit between EMEs and the AEs. An outcome of this process has been return of excessive capital flows to EMEs, exerting pressure on their asset prices to inflate and the exchange rates to appreciate. In India, during the normalisation of monetary policy in 2010- 11 when policy interest rates were successively raised, similar concerns surfaced, particularly in the first half, even though a higher CAD and the associated higher financing needs eased the pressure on the exchange rate. Among the push factors, near zero policy rates maintained in AEs, their weak growth prospects and ample global liquidity conditions reflecting quantitative easing, implied scope for larger inflows to EMEs, including India, in search of higher return. Stronger recovery in a stable macroeconomic environment and the general assessment of India continuing to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world for a long period of time provided the necessary pull to capital inflows.

Recent empirical assessment for India using both causality and cointegration analyses suggests that FDI and FII equity flows, which together on a net basis accounted for around three fourth of the total net capital inflows during the 10-year period from 2000-01 to 2009-10, are not sensitive to interest rate differentials (Verma and Prakash, 2011). FDI inflows are essentially long-term in nature and are primarily driven by growth prospects of the Indian economy and confidence of international investors in India as an attractive long-term investment destination. Stock market returns have been found to be a major pull factor for FII flows into the domestic financial markets. In line with the expectations, debt creating flows, in particular, ECBs, FCNR(B) and NR(E)RA deposits exhibit statistically significant sensitivity to interest rate differentials, even though other determinants of these inflows dominate significantly the impact of interest rate differential. At the aggregate level, cumulative gross capital inflows appear to increase by 0.05 percentage point in response to 1 percentage point increase in interest rate differential. The weak sensitivity of capital flows to interest rate changes suggests that the Reserve Bank’s monetary policy needs to continue its focus on objectives relating to inflation and growth, instead of diluting the action based on perception of attracting higher capital inflows and the resultant challenges for exchange rate and domestic liquidity. The magnitude and composition of capital flows could be managed using other instruments, as has been the case in the past.


Calvo, Guillermo A., Eduardo Fernández-Arias, Carmen Reinhart, and Ernesto Talvi (2001) “The Growth-Interest Rate Cycle in the United States and its Consequences for Emerging Markets,” Inter-American Development Bank Working Paper No. 458, Washington.

Singh, Bhupal (2009), “Changing Contours of Capital Flows to India” Economic and Political Weekly, VOL XLIV No. 43 October 24.

Verma, Radheyshyam and Anand Prakash (2011) “Sensitivity of Capital Flows to Interest Rate Differentials: An Empirical Assessment for India”, RBI Working Paper, WPS (DEPR): 7/ 2011, May.

Management of foreign exchange reserves

II.6.24 The guiding objectives of foreign exchange reserves management in India are safety, liquidity and returns in line with the general international practices in this regard. The level of foreign exchange reserves has traditionally been the outcome of the Reserve Bank’s intervention in the foreign exchange market to contain excessive exchange rate volatility and valuation changes due to movement in prices of securities and of the US dollar against other currencies. Moreover, the reserves which are built up mostly out of the volatile capital flows do not represent surplus earnings through trade like in the case of some other countries and they are required to be held as buffer during periods of sudden stops and reversal in capital flows.

Investments under Note Purchase Agreement with IMF

II.6.25 In order to strengthen the IMF’s lendable resources, the Reserve Bank had entered into a Note Purchase Agreement (NPA) with the IMF under which the Reserve Bank shall purchase IMF Notes for an amount up to the equivalent of US$10 billion. The earlier commitment of US$ 10 billion under NPA has been folded into the amended and expanded New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) which has been activated on April 1, 2011. As on June 30, 2011 investments amounting to SDR 750 million (`5367.90 crore) have been made in notes under NAB.


Box II.19
Equilibrium Exchange Rate

With the increasing integration of the world economy, the role of exchange rate has become important in the external adjustment process and calls for a credible assessment of equilibrium exchange rate. The assessment of equilibrium exchange rate is essentially an empirical exercise.

From the policy makers perspective in the long-term horizon, there are three complementary methodologies for exchange rate arrangements. These are: macroeconomic balance (MB) approach, a reduced form equilibrium real exchange rate (ERER) approach and an external sustainability (ES) approach. Exchange rate assessments are based on the notion of equilibrium, that is, consistency with external and internal balance over the medium to long-run. The MB approach - a pillar of current account and exchange rate assessments for a number of years - calculates the difference between the CAB projected over the medium term at prevailing exchange rates and an estimated equilibrium CAB. The exchange rate adjustment that would eliminate this difference over the medium term is obtained using countryspecific estimated responses of the trade balances to the real exchange rate. The ERER approach directly estimates an equilibrium real exchange rate for each country as a function of medium-term fundamentals such as the net foreign asset position of the country, the relative productivity differential between the tradable and non-tradable sectors, and the terms of trade. Under this approach, the exchange rate adjustment needed to restore equilibrium over the medium term is calculated as the difference between the estimated equilibrium real exchange rate and its current value. The ES approach, involves calculating the difference between the actual CAB and the balance that would stabilise the NFA position of the country at some benchmark level.

With respect to the exchange rate of the Indian Rupee, the preliminary exercise using the external sustainability approach, shows that the sustainable level of CAD is for India is around 3 per cent. As the current level of CAD for India is around 3 per cent, it could be inferred that the exchange rate is close to its equilibrium value. The broadbased 36 currency trade weighted real effective exchange rate, a measure of external competiveness, covering about 85 per cent of India’s total trade is generally hovering around the base level of 100, which also corroborates the above empirical exercise. IMF has estimated that the real effective rupee, based on the MB approach, is slightly undervalued but on average the rupee is in equilibrium (IMF 2010).

The exchange rate policy in India is not guided by a fixed or pre-announced target or band; rather, it is determined by the demand and supply in the foreign exchange market. However, the objective of exchange rate policy has been to retain the flexibility to intervene in the foreign exchange market if the capital inflows are lumpy and volatile or if they disrupt the macroeconomic situation.


Jaewoo Lee, Gian Maria, Milesi-Ferretti, Jonathan Ostry, Alessandra Prati and Luca Antonio Ricci (2008), ‘Exchange Rate Assessments: CGER Methodologies’, International Monetary Fund, Occasional Paper No. 261.

IMF (2010), ‘Current Account and External Sustainability’. IMF Staff Technical Note for Article IV consultations with India, November.

External debt rises moderately

II.6.26 India’s external debt stock increased by 17.2 per cent to US$ 306 billion as at end-March 2011 owing to increase in commercial borrowings, shortterm trade credits, multilateral and bilateral borrowings as well as the valuation effects due to depreciation of the US dollar against other major currencies. While long-term debt increased by US$ 32.2 billion to US$ 241 billion, short-term debt (on the basis of original maturity) increased by US$ 13 billion to US$ 65 billion (Appendix Table 21). In terms of currency composition, the US dollar denominated debt accounted for the major portion of total external debt at end-March 2011 with a share of 59.9 per cent, followed by Indian Rupee (13.2 per cent), Japanese yen (11.4 per cent) and SDR (9.7 per cent) with the balance 5.8 per cent accounted for by the Euro, Pound Sterling and other currencies. Various debt sustainability indicators remained at a comfortable level (Chart II.55).

International investment position weakens

II.6.27 Net International investment position (IIP) computed as a gap between the economy’s external financial assets and liabilities, is an indicator of the country’s strength in terms of sustainability of the financing of its external sector. The international assets increased from US$ 381 billion at end-March 2010 to US$ 425 billion at end-March 2011, mainly on account of increases in direct investment abroad and reserve assets. The increase in international liabilities from US$ 539 billion as at end-March 2010 to US$ 643 billion as at end-March 2011 was mainly on account of an increase in inward direct and portfolio investments and other investments. As a result, net liabilities increased by US$ 61 billion.

External sector resilient, but global uncertainties can impact current and capital account movements

II.6.28 India’s external sector remains resilient even after weathering the global financial crisis. However, global uncertainties can have considerable impact on movements in current and capital account of BoP. Exports which performed well in 2010-11 may not sustain high growth momentum if the downside risks to world growth materialise. However, continued product diversification and targeting new markets together with proactive policies pursued by the Government bode well for harnessing export growth potential. Services exports are also likely to remain buoyant due to India’s comparative advantage in software services. As projected by NASSCOM, software exports could grow robustly by 16-18 per cent in 2011-12. Rising commodity prices, particularly oil, and geo-political turmoil, may have implications for BoP. Private transfers continued to remain buoyant.


II.6.29 Financing of CAD for 2011-12 may not pose a problem as it is unlikely to be high. However, the public debt fragilities in the Euro Zone and the growth slow down in the US may impact capital flows. The inward FDI flows are likely to be much larger during 2011-12 taking into account the proposals cleared and the initial trend available up to June 2011. With regard to portfolio flows they could be volatile, though India is likely to remain one of the preferred destinations due to the differential growth rates. The debt flows may be supported by interest rate differential. Therefore, the BoP situation remains manageable, though it necessitates continuous monitoring due to the global uncertainties.
