May 26, 2004
The Chief Executive Officers
(Urban) Co-operative Banks
(As per list attached)
Dear Sir,
Surveillance System for Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks
supervisory reporting system was introduced for the scheduled Primary (Urban)
Co-operatives banks with effect from March 31, 2001, as a first step towards setting
up of a system for Off-site Surveillance (OSS) of all urban co-operative banks
(UCBs). As the reporting system has stabilized in respect of the scheduled UCBs
it has been decided to extend the same to all Non-scheduled UCBs having deposit
size of Rs.100 crores and above.
2. The
OSS reporting system comprises a set of 8 returns, of which, the periodicity of
one return, viz. Bank Profile Statement (Return No. 8) is annual and the rest
7 are required to be submitted at quarterly intervals. A complete set of these
returns along with a Guidance Note containing explanation of the items to be filled
up in the returns are enclosed in Annexure A &Annexure
B respectively. While the Bank Profile statement should be prepared as on
March 31st every year, the other 7 (quarterly) returns are required
to be prepared with reference to the financial position as on March 31st,
June 30th, September 30th and December 31st of
every year. All returns are required to be submitted to Reserve Bank within one
month from the end of the quarter/year. However, if the returns relating to the
quarter/year ended March 31st are based on un-audited financial position,
a revised return should be submitted as on that date, within 3 weeks of completion
of statutory audit.
3. The OSS
Returns would come into effect from quarter ended June 30, 2004. In order to facilitate
smooth transition / operationalisation of the new set of returns, the period of
one month for submission of the returns would be implemented gradually from the
quarter ended December 2004 onwards, as under:
for reporting period ended | Time
Given for submission | To
be submitted before |
2004 | 3 months |
September 30, 2004 |
September 2004 | 2
months | November 30,
2004 |
2004 | 1 month |
January 31, 2005 |
4. Prudential
concerns monitored through these returns include aspects relating to solvency,
liquidity, capital adequacy, asset quality/portfolio risk profile, connected or
related lending and concentration of exposures of the supervised institutions.
While the main objective of the reporting system is to obtain information on areas
of prudential interest and monitor regulatory compliance, the OSS returns are
also designed to address the management information needs and strengthen MIS within
the reporting institutions. A collateral objective of the reporting system is
to sensitize managements of banks to concerns of the supervisory authority and
thereby also help in self-regulation.
5. The
Off-site Surveillance Returns are required to be approved by the Board of Directors
/ Chief Executive Officer of the bank and sent to the Officer-in-Charge
of Urban Banks Department (UBD) of the Regional Office of RBI, which has supervisory
jurisdiction over the bank and to which the bank submits other regulatory returns.
The OSS returns may be submitted in hard copy along with a floppy containing the
returns. It may be noted that RBI attaches utmost importance to this reporting
system and expects banks to submit the OSS returns to UBD correctly compiled and
within the prescribed time. To this end, banks may designate and authorise one
or two senior official/s who would be responsible for the correct compilation
and timely submission of these returns and who would be fully responsible for
the information furnished therein. Such designated Authorised Reporting Official/s
(ARO/s) would have to liase with the officials in the Off-site Surveillance (OSS)
Division of UBD. The names and designations of the ARO/s may be indicated to the
concerned Regional Office of UBD while forwarding the OSS returns.
6. While
the information provided in the supervisory returns would be subject to post-facto
verification during on-site inspection by RBI and by external auditors, it would
form the basis, in the interregnum, for supervisory attention and dialogue with
bank managements. The importance of accuracy and timeliness of reporting therefore
needs no emphasis. In this connection, attention is invited to section 46 (1)
of the B.R.Act 1949, dealing with penalties for furnishing wrong information to
7. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter
to Regional Office of UBD where the OSS returns would be submitted as indicated
in para 5 above.
General Manager
Encl.: As above.