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Currency in Circulation - Historical Data

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Currency in Circulation
Table: Banknotes in Circulation (week ended December 06, 2024)
Denomination (₹) Volume (pieces in lakh) Value (₹ crore)
2 and 5 1,10,416 4,242
10 2,53,128 25,313
20 1,37,390 27,478
50 95,778 47,889
100 2,12,964 2,12,964
200 74,326 1,48,652
500 6,10,585 30,52,923
2000 340 6,806
Total 14,94,925 35,26,266
Note: Figures may not add up due to rounding-off of the numbers.
Source: RBI

Table: e₹ in Circulation (week ended December 06, 2024)
e₹ Denomination (₹) Volume (pieces in lakh) Value (₹ crore)
e₹-Retail 0.5 20.2 0.10
1 39.9 0.40
2 31.6 0.63
5 30.1 1.50
10 24.0 2.40
20 27.5 5.49
50 26.7 13.37
100 33.1 33.15
200 38.4 76.79
500 142.9 714.42
2000 - -
Total e₹-Retail   414.5 848.3
Total e₹-Wholesale   - 0.00
Total e₹   414.5 848.3
Note: Figures may not add up due to rounding-off of the numbers.
Source: RBI.

Table: Coins in Circulation (week ended December 06, 2024)
Denomination (₹) Volume (pieces in lakh) Value (₹ crore)
Small Coins 1,47,880 700
1 5,35,860 5,359
2 3,61,902 7,238
5 2,12,164 10,608
10 78,550 7,855
20 18,369 3,674
Total 13,54,724 35,434
Note: Figures may not add up due to rounding-off of the numbers.
Source: RBI
