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Non Banking Financial Companies(NBFCs)

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Increase in CRAR- Extension of time

DNBS.PD/ CC.No.140 /03.02.002 /2008-09

May 26, 2009

All non-deposit taking NBFCs with asset
size of Rs. 100 crore and above

Dear Sir,

Increase in CRAR- Extension of time

In terms of Paragraph 167 of Annual Policy Statement 2009-10 dated April 21, 2009 the Bank has issued a circular DNBS.PD/CC. No.138/03.02.002/2008-09 dated April 24, 2009 on increase in CRAR –Extension of time, in terms of which it has been decided to defer the implementation of CRAR of 12 per cent and 15 percent to March 31, 2010 and March 31, 2011 respectively. Accompanying Notification issued on May 26, 2009 is enclosed.

Yours sincerely,

(A.S. Rao)
Chief General Manager

Encl: As above
