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Date : May 11, 2020
Finances of Non-Government Non-financial Private Limited Companies, 2018-19: Data Release

Today, the Reserve Bank released on its website (!2_45) data relating to finances of non-government non-financial (NGNF) private limited companies for 2018-19, based on audited annual accounts of 2,29,312 companies having 32.8 per cent share in the total paid-up capital (PUC) of such companies at end-March 2019. Data have been presented for the three year period of 2016-17 to 2018-19 to facilitate comparison. Explanatory notes to the statements are given in the Annex.


  • Sales growth edged up marginally to 12.3 per cent in 2018-19 from 12.1 per cent in the previous year (Statement 1)

  • Among major sectors, sales growth of manufacturing as well as mining and quarrying accelerated during 2018-19, whereas it moderated for the construction and services sectors (Statement 7).

  • The surge in expenditure on raw materials, especially in the manufacturing sectors led to pressure on input costs (Statements 1 and 7).

  • Despite higher growth in sales, operating profit growth moderated across the sectors during 2018-19 due to increased operating and manufacturing expenses (Statements 1 and 7).

  • Total borrowings of the companies grew at a lower rate in 2018-19 (Statement 1).

  • As companies took greater recourse to equity than debt to finance their business, their leverage declined during the year (Statement 2).

  • Net profit growth moderated at the aggregate level largely due to lower growth in profit of services sector companies (Statements 1 and 7).

  • Export intensity (measured as exports to sales ratio) improved during 2018-19 led by the manufacturing sector (Statements 2 and 8).

  • The nominal GVA growth of these companies moderated to 12.2 per cent during 2018-19 compared with 15.4 per cent in the previous year: the moderation was observed across the sectors (Statements 1 and 7).

Note: The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of India is the primary source of these data.

Ajit Prasad

Press Release: 2019-2020/2345
