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Date : Aug 28, 2020
Government Stock - Full Auction Results

The results of the auctions of 5.09% Government Stock, 2022 (Re-Issue), 5.77% Government Stock, 2030 (Re-Issue), GOI FLOATING RATE BOND 2033 (Re-Issue) and 6.80% New Government Stock, 2060 held on August 28, 2020 are:

Auction Results 5.09% Government Stock 2022 5.77% Government Stock 2030 GOI FLOATING RATE BOND 2033 6.80% New Government Stock 2060
I. Notified Amount ₹ 3000 Crore ₹ 18000 Crore ₹ 4000 Crore ₹ 5000 Crore
II. Underwriting Notified Amount ₹ 3000 Crore ₹ 18000 Crore ₹ 4000 Crore ₹ 5000 Crore
III. Competitive Bids Received
(i) Number 63 362 57 160
(ii) Amount ₹ 8818 Crore ₹ 34724.477 Crore ₹ 7185 Crore ₹ 16395 Crore
IV. Cut-off price / Yield 101.32 97.24 97.99
(YTM: 4.2349%) (YTM: 6.1448%) (YTM: 4.8496%) 6.8%
V. Competitive Bids Accepted
(i) Number 7 1 32 32
(ii) Amount ₹ 2997.96 Crore ₹ 4 Crore ₹ 3999.86 Crore ₹ 4995.7 Crore
VI. Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids 44.95% 0.00% 85.49% 65.73%
(2 Bids) (0 Bids) (1 Bids) (11 Bids)
VII. Weighted Average Price/Yield ₹ 101.34 ₹ 97.24 ₹ 98.66 ₹ 100.12
(WAY: 4.2221%) (WAY: 6.1448%) (WAY: 4.7791%) (WAY: 6.7910%)
VIII. Non-Competitive Bids Received
(i) Number 3 5 2 5
(ii) Amount ₹ 2.04 Crore ₹ 12.255 Crore ₹ 0.14 Crore ₹ 4.3 Crore
IX. Non-Competitive Bids Accepted
(i) Number 3 5 2 5
(ii) Amount ₹ 2.04 Crore ₹ 12.255 Crore ₹ 0.14 Crore ₹ 4.3 Crore
(iii) Partial Allotment Percentage 100% (0 Bids) 100% (0 Bids) 100% (0 Bids) 100% (0 Bids)
X. Amount of Underwriting accepted from primary dealers ₹ 3000 Crore ₹ 18000 Crore ₹ 4000 Crore ₹ 5000 Crore
XI. Devolvement on Primary Dealers 0 ₹ 17983.745 Crore 0 0

Ajit Prasad

Press Release: 2020-2021/246
