Sr. No. | State/UT | Amount to be raised (₹ Crore) | Amount Accepted (₹ Crore) | Cut off Price (₹)/ Yield (%) | Tenure (Year) | 1. | Arunachal Pradesh | 395 | 395 | 7.11 | 20 | 2. | Bihar | 2000 | 2000 | 7.12 | 10 | 3. | Himachal Pradesh | 500 | 500 | 7.12 | 12 | 4. | Jammu and Kashmir | 400 | 400 | 7.10 | 25 | 5. | Karnataka | 2000 | 2000 | 7.11 | 11 | 2000 | 2000 | 7.12 | 12 | 6. | Kerala | 1255 | 1255 | 7.10 | 18 | 7. | Meghalaya | 635 | 635 | 7.11 | 9 | 8. | Mizoram | 140 | 140 | 7.13 | 15 | 9. | Rajasthan | 1000 | 1000 | 7.11 | 10 | 1000 | 1000 | 7.12 | 15 | 1000 | 1000 | 7.10 | 22 | 10. | Tamil Nadu | 1000 | 1000 | 6.97 | 04 | 1000 | 1000 | 7.10 | 30 | 11. | Telangana | 500 | 500 | 7.10 | 22 | 1000 | 1000 | 7.10 | 23 | 12. | Uttar Pradesh | 3000 | 3000 | 99.63/7.1220 | Re-issue of 7.08% Uttar Pradesh SGS 2038, issued on December 11, 2024 | 13. | West Bengal* | 1500 | 2000 | 7.13 | 16 | | Total | 20325 | 20825 | | | *West Bengal has accepted an additional amount of ₹500 Crore in the 16-year security. | Ajit Prasad Deputy General Manager (Communications) Press Release: 2024-2025/1720 | |