I am delighted to be here in the Lal Bahadur Shastri National
Academy of Administration, Mussoorie. You are among the few that have succeeded
in perhaps one of the most competitive and fairest examinations in the world.
You have the additional advantage of having spent some time in the rural and semi
urban areas of our country while in the districts. I chose the subject `India
and global economy’ precisely because during the next three to four decades that
you will be serving our nation, the biggest challenges and opportunities for our
country would be in the rural and semi-urban areas. An important driver of change
in rural India would be the impact of integration of the Indian economy with global
economy. It is a happy coincidence that the respected Chief Minister of Uttranchal,
Shri N.D. Tiwari, who spoke to you in the preceding session today, urged you to
closely follow the developments in the global economy even while you work in sub-divisions,
districts and States. Mr. Mukesh Puri, your Course Director asked me whether the
topic of my talk today was, indeed, 'India and the global economy' and not 'India
in the global economy’. I clarified that it was ‘and’ and not "in" the
global economy. Simply stated, till recently the issue had been how India would
manage its growing integration with the global economy. Of late, there is some
discussion on how the global economy would adjust to the successful global integration
of India.
2. In the first part of the presentation,
as a background, there will be a brief account of global economic integration
and the role of public policy. This will be followed by a review of India’s policies
in regard to the external sector. The third section will mention what appear to
be the current challenges for the global economy as India integrates with it.
The fourth section would be in the nature of random thoughts on the public policy
challenges in our country to manage the integration smoothly. The fifth section
will elaborate on several issues in regard to financial integration. The issues
include the special characteristics of financial integration and our policy in
this regard including that for the banks.
Global economic integration
3. The concept of globalisation, in the sense in
which it is used now, can be traced to the phenomenon of nation states. In the
distant past, there were just human communities. For much of human history, most
people remained confined to their communities, villages or local areas. With developments
in communication and economic activity, it has progressively become easier to
move from the local to the regional and then from the regional to the national
level, and finally across nations. Perhaps globalisation is a process that has
been, in some sense, constrained by the authority of the nation states, particularly
in the twentieth century. It may be useful to touch upon the role of the public
policy of nation states, in the context of the concept of globalisation. After
the emergence of the nation states, each nation state perceived that it was in
its collective self-interest to promote or restrict involvement with citizens
of other nation states. While developments in technology enabled and accelerated
the movements of goods, people and services, the policies of many nations tended
to impose restrictions. A nation state is presumed to put restrictions on its
citizens in their involvement with other nation states only in the collective
self-interest of its citizens. It is, however, not easy to define what is in the
collective self-interest of all its citizens or of only a few at the expense of
others. In the context of the public policy relating to globalization, a critical
issue is the trade-off between individual freedom and the collective self-interest
and also whether the onus of proof lies with the individual or the national authorities.
It is difficult to resolve these issues but they must be appreciated in the context
of public policy.
4. At a conceptual level, a
distinction can be made between technology-enabled (or induced) globalization
and public policy-induced restrictions or easing of restrictions. Globalization
has several dimensions arising out of what may be called enhanced connectivity
among people across national borders. Such enhanced connectivity is determined
by three fundamental factors viz., technology, individual taste and public policy.
Cross-border integration can have several aspects: cultural, social, political
and economic. For the purpose of this presentation, however, only economic integration
is considered. Broadly speaking, economic integration occurs through three channels,
viz., movement of people, of goods and, of finance or capital.
5. Firstly,
on the aspect of movement of people, the most notable achievement of recent globalization
is the freedom granted to many, if not all, from the tyranny of being restricted
to a place and being denied the opportunity to move and connect freely. Secondly,
in regard to trade in or movement of goods across the national boundaries, two
types of barriers generally are described viz., natural barriers and artificial
barriers. Of late, while the multilateral trade agreements are encouraging reduction
in such artificial barriers, the developments in technology are also making it
difficult for national authorities to enforce artificial barriers. The pace and
nature of globalization will naturally depend on the combined effect of technology
and the public policy, both at the national and the international level. The third
dimension relates to capital movements for which also, the interplay between technology
and the public policy becomes relevant. There have been, however, some special
characteristics of capital flows in recent years mainly led by revolutionary changes
in telecom and computing capabilities. These have highlighted the phenomenon of
what is described as "contagion", which implies the risk of a country being affected
by the developments totally outside of its policy ambit, though domestic policy
may, to some extent, influence the degree of its vulnerability to the contagion.
In any case, cross-border flows of capital have wider macroeconomic implications,
particularly in terms of the exchange rate that directly affects the costs of
movement of people as well as goods and services and, also in terms of the conduct
of monetary policy and the efficiency as well as stability of the financial system.
Capital flows, by definition, generate further liabilities or assets and could
involve inter-generational equity issues. In this regard, it is useful to distinguish
the extent of globalisation in respect of three different types of economic entities
viz., individuals or households, corporate entities and financial intermediaries.
It has been noticed that financial intermediaries impinge on the contagion effects
impacting financial stability in the developing countries. Experience in Asia
and Latin America has shown that the external liabilities of the private sector
tend to devolve on national governments in the event of crises and hence, there
is a role for the public policy in trying to prevent crises and creating capacities
to meet crises, if and when they arise.
6. In
managing the process of economic integration that is driven by several forces,
developing countries face challenges from a world order that is particularly burdensome
on them. Yet, it is necessary for the public policy to manage the process with
a view to maximizing the benefits to its citizens while minimizing the risks;
but the path of optimal integration is highly country-specific and contextual.
On balance, there appears to be a greater advantage in achieving a well-managed
and appropriate integration into the global process, which would imply more effective
– but not necessarily intrusive or extensive – interventions by governments. In
fact, while there are some infirmities in interventions by government, markets
do experience market-failures and cannot exist without some externally imposed
rules and prescriptions of the public policy. As the poor, the vulnerable and
the underprivileged continue to be the responsibility of the national governments,
there is relevance of national public policy – particularly as it relates to global
economic integration.
External Sector Policies: A Review
7. It is useful to outline the major developments
in external sector policies since our independence as a background to enable an
appreciation of the current and future challenges. During the first three decades
of planned development, successive plans emphasized the need for financing development
largely from resources mobilized domestically. Firstly, Indian planners shared
the export pessimism then pervading the developing world. Secondly, the existence
of a large domestic market provided scope for internalising forward and backward
linkages. Thirdly, development strategy hinged upon a programme of industrialization
to break through the vicious circle of backwardness. Fourthly, the availability
of foreign exchange was a major constraint, especially after the running down
of the Sterling balances during the 1950s and 1960s. Export pessimism permeated
the policy stance throughout the early decades of our planning. Accordingly, exports
were regarded as a residual, a vent-for-surplus on those occasions when such surpluses
were available. Import substitution was the principal instrument of trade policy
and was regarded in the early years as not only the correct strategy but also
inevitable in a continental economy like India.
8. It
may be of interest to note that the objective of self-reliance did not find an
explicit commitment in the second and third five-year plans which were mainly
concerned with generating the foreign exchange resources required for the plans.
The third plan reflected the first signs of rethinking in the policy strategy
by dedicating itself to ‘self-sustaining growth’ which required ‘domestic savings
to progressively meet the demand of investment and for the balance of payments
gap to be bridged over’. The fourth plan contained an articulated approach to
achieving self-reliance. While an export growth of seven per cent per annum was
considered an essential element of the strategy, it was envisaged that the dependence
on foreign aid would be halved during the course of the fourth plan (1969-74).
It was in the fifth plan (1974-79) that self-reliance was recognised as an explicit
objective. The sixth plan (1980-85) emphasized the strengthening of the impulses
of modernization for the achievement of both economic and technological self-reliance.
The seventh plan (1985-90) noted the conditions under which the concept of self-reliance
was defined earlier, particularly in the preceding plan. It conceptualized self-reliance
not merely in terms of reduced dependence on aid but also in terms of building
up domestic capabilities and reducing import dependence in strategic materials.
The concept also encompassed the achievement of technological competence through
liberal imports of technology. The gulf crisis and its impact on India provided
several lessons for us, and one of them was that a relatively closed economy does
not provide immunity from a foreign exchange crisis. Incidentally, India excelled
in managing the crisis and emerged as one of the very few countries in the world,
amongst both the developed and the developing, to have never defaulted on its
external obligations.
9. In
the aftermath of the Gulf crisis, policy actions were initiated as part of the
overall macroeconomic management well coordinated to simultaneously achieve stabilization
and structural change. External sector policies designed to progressively open
up the Indian economy formed an integral part of the strategy for structural reforms.
In this context, the Report of the High Level Committee on Balance of Payments
(Dr. Rangarajan Committee, 1993) recommended improvement in exports, both merchandise
and invisibles; modulation of import demand on the basis of the availability of
current receipts to ensure a level of current account deficit consistent with
normal capital flows; enhancement of non-debt creating flows to limit the debt
service burden; adoption of market-determined exchange rate; building up the foreign
exchange reserves to avoid liquidity crises and elimination of the dependence
on short-term debt. It is evident that the external sector policies of the 1990s,
based on the Report, paid rich dividends in terms of growth and resilience to
a series of external and domestic shocks.
10. In
the new millennium, however, there has been a dramatic shift in our approach to
external sector management in tune with the changing circumstances. First, with
the emergence of marginal current account surplus, it appears that the sustainability
of current account deficit may not be a problem though the deficit on trade account
persists and has been increasing. Second, the main contributors to the positive
outcome in current account are workers' remittances and export of software, both
being a result of process of global integration. Third, the exchange rate regime
as well as external debt management served us well, especially the avoidance of
sovereign debt through commercial borrowings. The policy regime helped us withstand
several global crises while maintaining a respectable growth. Fourth, the management
of capital account has acquired the primary focus rather than the current account.
Fifth, a judicious integration with the global trade regime has imparted some
competitive efficiency and confidence to the domestic industry and perhaps, even
to commercial agriculture though to a limited extent. Finally, it has become evident
that the management of the external sector is closely linked to the domestic sector
and the major thrust of public policy now has to be managing the integration and
not 'grumbling' as the Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen is reported to have said a couple
of days ago. Integration of the Indian economy with the global economy and policies
aimed thereat have to address domestic and external sectors in a holistic and
harmonious way. In brief, we have moved from managing external sector to implementing
an optimal integration of domestic and external sectors, and the global economy.
by the global economy
11. The debate
in India has customarily been on the contours of the public policy in the context
of increasing global economic integration. More recently, however, a debate in
the rest of the world has been in evidence on the challenges likely to be faced
by the global economy on account of progressively increasing global integration
of the Indian economy. The emphasis is of course on successful integration which
will no doubt depend on the appropriateness of our public policies and the private
sector responses. Hence, there is a need to have an ongoing appreciation of how
the global economy is responding to the challenges of our integration while we
move forward with our own agenda of securing an optimal integration.
12. Currently,
the major issue in the global economy appears to be the significant build up of
current account imbalances. The current account deficit of U.S.A. has been rising
and is around 5% of GDP, while current account surpluses are noticed in Asia and
to some extent in Latin America and Russia. The external financing of the US deficit
moved away from equity in the late nineties to debt in the recent years, possibly
reflecting a perception of productivity growth in the former period and fiscal
stress in the latter. The official reserves played a greater role than in the
past in financing the US current account deficit in recent years. There is a perception
that the US dollar is still relatively overvalued warranting a correction. Simultaneously,
the unique combination of easy monetary policy and lax fiscal policy in major
industrialised countries is set to end and the financial markets are already in
a state of uncertainty. Even assuming that the transition of monetary policies
to a more neutral stance is managed well and that trade gets to be more evenly
balanced, associated with some corrections in the USA, the simultaneous emergence
of China and India with significant competitive strengths in trade in goods as
well as services will have to be accommodated by the global economy. Thus, the
issue for the immediate future is that both, correcting current global imbalances
and integrating the two Asian giants, may have to take place simultaneously in
the global economy.
13. It
is evident that China and India will have to give a high priority to generating
employment and are poised for substantial increases in productivity. Consequently,
the global economy will have to consider the implications of these developments
on prices, exchange rates, wages and structures of employment in industrialised
countries. Over the medium term, it is felt that outsourcing will grow in geometric
progression, particularly to India, and may also cover high-end research and development.
In manufacturing, China has emerged as a leader and India is poised to join the
race. Though agriculture is heavily subsidised in major industrialised countries,
such subsidisation could be difficult to sustain from a fiscal point of view,
since many of the countries concerned are poised to meet the mounting pension
liabilities not to speak of burgeoning health care costs of maintaining the changing
demographics. One sector where the industrialised economies continue to show considerable
strength and dominance is the financial sector, partly attributable to the confidence
factor in financial markets that favours the industrialised economies and traditional
international financial centres. It is essential for us to carefully monitor the
developments in both real and financial sectors, and to modulate our policies
in tandem with the global developments so that global integration continues to
be a positive sum game for all the countries.
Random thoughts on
our policies
14. As mentioned, global
economic integration is technology induced and, simultaneously, policy constrained
or policy restrained – in other words, policy-managed. While the economic integration
of India with the global economy will continue to take place, a successful integration,
with due regard to the interests of a vast majority particularly, the poor in
our country would be possible only through sound public policies – evolved and
redesigned from time to time. The key phrases here are "successful economic integration",
and "sound public policies" – both involving processes spread over time and also
interaction with global economies. If one were to make an informed guess on the
prospects of such a successful integration of India, it may be said that upside
and downside risks are evenly balanced with a short term bias towards upside risks
– which would give us some time to work on mitigating the downside risks in the
medium term. Indeed, the well publicised BRIC report reflects considerable confidence
in the future of the Indian economy, though it is necessary to see the fine print
to realise that while India would be a super power in 2050, "if development proceeds
successfully", the per capita income would still not be at a high end. What is
important to recognise is that the report leans on the demographic strength that
India derives from its huge workforce. In order to harness the demographic advantages,
the quality of labour force, (in terms of relevant skills which need to be sustained,
reoriented and upgraded in a globally competitive era) and the physical health
of the workforce become crucial. Education and health, therefore, provide the
link between supply and demand for labour through increases in productivity. In
this background, here are some random thoughts on the priorities for public policy
to ensure successful economic integration of India with global economy.
pragmatic policies in the external sector, particularly in the management of capital
account and exchange rate, have served us well by contributing to growth, resilience
to shocks and an overall stability. There is merit in continuing the pragmatic,
cautious and, gradual approach in this regard, subject to improvements in fiscal
arena and the progress in strengthening the domestic financial sector.
the management of financial sector has been oriented towards gradual rebalancing
between efficiency and stability and the changing shares of public and private
ownership. Enhanced competition among diverse players, including from branches
of foreign banks, has been encouraged. Considerable improvements have taken place
in prudential governance as also in moving away from administrative measures to
market-orientation. Improvements in efficiency and stability are palpable and
there is merit in continuing with such rebalancing while refocusing on consolidation,
governance and moving towards Basel II - albeit gradually, as in the past.
on the fiscal front, the ratio of public-debt to GDP is high in our country, but
the structure of public-debt displays characteristics that make us less vulnerable
than other countries with similar debt magnitudes. There is advantage in continuing
the progress in public debt management keeping structural aspects in view. As
we proceed with fiscal consolidation, clearly focussed in the latest Union Budget
2004-05, there will be greater flexibility in conduct of monetary policy and greater
confidence for proceeding with financial sector reforms. Furthermore, an effective
and qualitative fiscal adjustment would enhance the scope for a more successful
integration with the global economy.
in matters relating to trade, significant liberalisation of external trade has
taken place smoothly, which has imparted competitive efficiency to the domestic
sector. The apprehensions that existed till a few years ago of the adverse impact
of such trade liberalisation, have abated and the business confidence in the country
has improved. While the gradual approach with a commitment to a liberalised trade
regime has enabled productivity increases – almost up to the global best standards
in many of the sectors – there are signs of pick up in investment activity which
could catalyse the needed demand for credit and create employment. There is one
significant incongruity, however, which should be corrected sooner than later,
viz., the continuing trade restrictions within the country even as there has been
progress in liberalising external trade. There is incontrovertible, though generalised,
evidence to show that persisting trade restrictions in a country are not in the
public interest and hence, as many distinguished economists plead, most of the
exceptions to Article 301 of the Constitution permitted on 'public interest' grounds
perhaps need to be done away with. (Article 301 reads as `subject to other provisions
of this part, trade, commerce, and intercourse throughout the territory of India
shall be free’). This may warrant repeal of several legislations that restrict
trade domestically in the "public interest". To alleviate any adverse impact on
vulnerable sections, a straight forward subsidy could be considered in favour
of the poor. There is another well recognised distortion, vestiges of which still
continue, in the form of reservation for small scale industries. With liberalisation
of external trade, it is anomalous to persist with such distortions, even if on
a reduced scale. Thus, there is still an unfinished agenda on trade reforms especially
in regard to domestic trade and a policy commitment to remove such distortions
in a defined short time frame would be ideal.
it is interesting to note that the two sectors where India is globally most competitive,
namely, software and pharmaceuticals, are not power intensive and do not require
bulky transportation. The competitiveness of the manufacturing industry is admittedly
a function of the availability of reliable power supply at reasonable cost. The
budget of 2004-05 has rightly emphasised the importance of power, airports and
seaports (apart from tourism, which has significant employment potential) but
there is need for implementation at a pace significantly faster than we have ever
witnessed in any sector so far.
Sixth, there is universal
recognition of the need to improve both productivity and output in the agriculture
and related activities to meet the objectives of growth and employment. Yet, despite
the best of efforts and excellent results achieved in that direction, there will
have to be a massive shift of the workforce from agriculture to non-agricultural
avocations. While it is difficult to estimate at this stage, we should be prepared
for a large-scale migration of the workforce to the tune of 10 million per year,
from rural to semi-urban and urban areas. The quality of urban infrastructure
even in the metropolitan cities is not conducive to globally competitive economic
activity. The inevitable large scale redeployment of the migrating workforce would,
therefore, need institutional arrangements, be they in public or private sector,
for skill-imparting and skill up gradation. In these two matters relating to the
workforce, some supply-led approaches appear to be in order, rather than waiting
for the demand to be generated.
Seventh, improvements
in institutional infrastructure in matters relating to administrative, judicial
and other systems of governance are admittedly important. Needless to say, if
we fail to record rapid progress in these critical areas, we will fail in everything,
especially in economic arena.
Eighth, the quantity
and quality of water, education and health care infrastructure are far from adequate,
and are not even at the minimum level consistent with a modern society. These
fall under the ambit of delivery of public services and the Prime Minister has
already accorded a high priority to this issue. Any tangible reform in this area
would require action on several fronts, i.e., legislative, executive and judicial
and at several levels, Centre, State and local.
there are regional inequalities in growth and several analysts have tried to find
the causes and suggest remedies. Recognising that the next phase of reforms in
most of the physical, social and institutional infrastructure, especially in the
area of delivery of services, would fall within the realm of the States, one should
hope that the demonstration effect of a few high-performing States will spur the
other States, in the medium term, to compete for better governance and economic
Finally, enhanced investment activity,
particularly in the infrastructure area, would necessitate higher domestic savings,
especially in the public sector coupled with efficient financial intermediation.
In addition, foreign savings need to be attracted and absorbed with a strong preference
to Foreign Direct Investment in all sectors though in some sectors like banking,
a calibrated approach may be warranted. At the same time, our enterprises should
be enabled to attain a strong global presence in all sectors. In brief, our global
integration has to be a two way process, encompassing movement of people with
some caveats, trade in a free and equitable manner and financial integration on
a specially sequenced basis. Hence, it is necessary to elaborate on the financial
Financial Integration
15. From
a policy perspective, there are three fundamental issues in regard to financial
integration namely, "how does financial globalization help growth ?"; "how does
it impact macro-volatility ?"; and "how can developing countries harness the benefits
of globalization ?". These three issues have been addressed comprehensively, in
an IMF Occasional Paper and the following extracts from the summary of the Paper
do provide some answers:
"There is some
evidence of a 'threshold effect' in the relationship between financial globalization
and economic growth. The beneficial effects of financial globalization are more
likely to be detected when the developing countries have a certain amount of absorptive
capacity"……… "International financial integration should, in principle, also help
countries to reduce macroeconomic volatility. The available evidence suggests
that developing countries have not fully attained this potential benefit".………
"A type of threshold effect appears here as well – reductions in volatility are
observed only after countries have attained a particular level of financial integration"………..
"The evidence presented in this paper suggests that financial integration should
be approached cautiously, with good institutions and macroeconomic frameworks
viewed as important. The review of the available evidence does not, however, provide
a clear road map for the optimal pace and sequencing of integration. Such questions
can best be addressed only in the context of country-specific circumstances and
institutional feature".
guidance for policy makers from the above is perhaps clear. Unlike in the case
of trade integration where benefits to all countries are demonstrable, in case
of financial integration, a "threshold" is important for a country to get full
benefits. A judgmental view needs to be taken whether and when a country has reached
the "threshold" and the financial integration should be approached cautiously
with a plausible road map by answering questions in a country-specific context
and institutional features. Fortunately, we, in India, have been adhering to a
cautious and calibrated approach in our reforms so far and there is merit in adopting
a 'road map approach' building on the strengths that we have already developed.
16. One
of the major concerns for developing countries in proceeding with financial integration
appears to be the financial stability. Hence, the role of cross-border linkages
in this regard should not be ignored. It would be useful to draw upon the Introduction
in an IMF Working Paper on the subject which identifies four major trends in the
financial economy of the past decades and mentions the following:
"Although these trends reflect important advances in finance
that have contributed substantively to economic efficiency, they evidently have
implications for the nature of financial risks and vulnerabilities and the way
these affect the real economy, as well as for the role of policymakers in promoting
financial stability. For instance, risk management and diversification techniques
have, in principle, bolstered the resilience of the financial system, but the
expansion of cross-sector and cross-border linkages implies more scope for contagion".
17. It
is also necessary to recognise that financial integration complicates the conduct
of monetary management. The growing cross-border integration of financial markets
enables massive movements of capital, which quickly arbitrage interest rate differentials
across national boundaries. This is reinforced by the ever-widening impact of
the information technology revolution. Real long-term interest rates in industrialised
countries have been converging since the late 1980s. Financial integration has
also brought with it shocks common to several countries since the "confidence
channel" transmits financial crises across countries swiftly. In a world of generalised
uncertainty, monetary policy in several countries is faced with a progressive
loss of discretion. For developing countries, in particular, considerations relating
to maximising output and employment weigh equally upon monetary authorities as
maintaining the price stability. In considering the pace of financial integration,
the implications of a concurrent loss of a degree of autonomy in conduct of monetary
policy of a country and the country context should not be lost sight of. The analytics
presented in the Report of the Committee on Capital Account Convertibility
(Tarapore Committee, 1997) are very relevant in this regard. In particular, they
relate to what has been described as 'preconditions' such as fiscal consolidation
and strength of the financial sector, and meeting such preconditions facilitates
the conduct of monetary policy in a more open capital account regime.
18. It
is also useful to recognise a close link between the extent of capital account
liberalisation and the presence of foreign financial enterprises in a country.
The nature of the link is best articulated in the following extracts from a recent
book by Martin Wolf:
"It is impossible for
such tiny markets to support competition among self-standing national players
with realistic aspirations to world-class performance". (p.285)…………. "For
all these reasons, a symbiosis exists between both current and capital account
liberalization and the contribution made by the presence of foreign financial
enterprises in the economy. This is a second reason for aspiring to capital account
liberalization". (p.286)…………… "For all these reasons, therefore, the elimination
of controls on capital movement is a desirable objective. But it is one that also
carries substantial risks. The right answer is not to avoid liberalizing for ever,
but to carry it through in a carefully thought out and disciplined manner. In
that way, it may be possible to achieve the objectives of integration without
the crises that have, so often punctuated movement in that direction".(p.288).
Thus, one of the important
considerations for encouraging the presence of foreign financial enterprises is
to ensure adequate and healthy competition. The compulsion to expand foreign enterprises
would thus depend on quality of competition that is already existing in a country.
In any case, the consensus appears to be that process of liberalization in financial
sector has to be carefully calibrated and sequenced.
and Financial Integration
19. The major
risks in financial integration that emerging economies face relate to financial
stability and in this regard the criticality of banks is generally acknowledged,
but is worth reiterating in the words of Martin Wolf:
are the epicentres of financial fragility. The central role of banks in generating
the financial feast and famine of the past three decades, particularly in relation
to emerging market finance, is entirely predictable. If we are to manage a financially
integrated world better than we have done so far, banks must be more effectively
caged in the countries at the core of the financial system and those at the periphery".
(p.298)………………."The fads and fancies of foolish bankers in the core countries
have lain behind most of the financial crises of the past three decades. When
elephants stampede, they trample down everything in the way. That is what happened
to Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s and then East Asia in the 1990s. For this
reason, Dobson and Hubauer have rightly argued that making the world safer requires
changes at both the core and the periphery. They argue that not only the behaviour
of the banks but even that of hedge funds is directly related to the frailty of
banking". (p.299)
It would not be appropriate
to conclude from the above that capital market integration should not take place.
From a policy perspective, the concluding remarks of Mr. Martin Wolf are very
pertinent, and the extract reads as follows:
for a host of reasons, emerging-market economies should ultimately plan to integrate
into the global capital markets, with emphasis on the words `ultimately’ and `plan’".
banks and financial integration
20. It
will be useful to narrate the pros and cons of licensing foreign banks in the
emerging economies by drawing liberally from two recent publications, .
The pros relate to (a) increasing and diversifying available funds; (b) enhancing
banking competition and efficiency; (c) developing financial markets and market
infrastructure; (d) helping with recapitalisation and wider diversification of
banks; and (e) reducing sensitivity of the host country banking system to local
business cycles and changing financial market conditions. The arguments against
foreign banks' entry encompass (i) weakening infant domestic banks; (ii) servicing
only the ‘best’ customers and neglect of Small and Medium Enterprises; (iii) likelihood
of bringing instability; (iv) concerns that majority of banking assets will become
foreign owned; and above all (v) challenges to financial supervisors in the emerging
21. The
challenges to emerging market banking supervisors have come to the fore of research
agenda now. The policy concerns in the recent years, with increasingly large proportion
of banking assets accounted for by foreign banks, are well documented in the Report
of the BIS and the Working Paper referred to above. The issues relate to (a) licensing
policy for foreign banks; (b) monitoring the local establishments of large international
banks; (c) sheer variety and complexity of new financial products including derivatives;
(d) familiarisation and understanding of when and to what extent the overseas
parent banking organisations will support their cross-border operations in times
of difficulties or crises; (e) managing systemic risks associated with cross-border
banking; (f) the complications arising from the organisational positioning of
the foreign banks that are not necessarily stand-alone institutions but are rather
part of a holding company group, and the complexity of financial institutions
active in a number of jurisdictions; and (g) possibility of increased operational
risks due to integrated operations of consolidated financial institutions. While
narrating the complexities, the IMF paper makes a reference to the broadening
of supervisory concerns. "This is a particular concern in the cases where foreign
commercial banks expand their operations rapidly in the area of non-bank financial
services, such as insurance, portfolio management, and investment banking".(p.20).
Hence, in the regulation and supervision of foreign banks, which have cross-border
operations, the regulators will have to take into account all these fundamental
22. On
the basis of anecdotal evidence, and perceptions of supervisors in the emerging
countries, some of the practical concerns need to be considered. First, there
are occasions when the policy imperatives of the regulators and supervisors do
not fully align with the strategic business goals of the banking sector players.
In such instances of conflict, it is likely that the interest of domestic banks
would be more closely aligned with the policy objectives than the interest of
the foreign banks. Second, there may be instances when the relationship between
a supervisor and the supervised foreign bank become the subject matter of inter-governmental
concerns which often puts emerging economies in a disadvantageous position. Third,
the intimate knowledge that a national supervisor possesses in respect of domestic
ownership of a domestic bank is normally not available in respect of all foreign
investors in any bank – domestic bank or foreign bank with presence in the host
country. Fourth, there are concerns about the affiliations between banks and commercial
firms in terms of conflicts of interest and misallocation of credit. Similar concerns
arise regarding affiliations between non-banking financial companies and banks
as also between non financial companies and banks. (For example, see Terry J.
Jorde "The future of banking - The Structure and Role of Commercial Affiliations"
in the Symposium hosted by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, U.S.A.,
July, 16, 2003). Fifth, there are several policy issues with regard to liquidity
management that may arise in the course of wider foreign participation in the
financial market in Asia, which have been well articulated by Eiji Hirano, Assistant
Governor of Bank of Japan. Two extracts from his Paper would be appropriate to
the current context :
"The question occurred
to me as to whether or not there is an optimal way of accepting foreign participation
which prevents adverse element of foreign participation. My tentative answer is
probably not. Foreign participation inevitably has double-edged-sword nature,
namely a source of stability as well as instability. If you expect greater benefits
from foreign participation, you have to accept greater potential cost. That is
probably the reality"………………. "The corollary of this proposition is that premature
exposure of weak domestic banks to international competitors in domestic markets
may run the risk of weakening overall systemic stability, which could have global
23. There is a recent development which impacts the level playing field
between foreign banks present in emerging market economies and the domestic banks.
During the annual meetings of Bank for International Settlements on 26th
June 2004, a formal announcement was made regarding the publication of the revised
framework for capital adequacy, known as Basle II, as approved by Group of Ten
(G-10) countries. The studies on quantitative impact of Basel II seem to indicate
that the foreign banks operating in emerging economies would require less regulatory
capital and by virtue of their lower capital servicing costs, could finely price
their products and services to the detriment of domestic banks. However, it is
too early to assess the advantage, if any.
24. The
policy-makers in emerging countries are fully aware of both the benefits and risks
arising out of the presence of foreign banks and indeed foreign capital in banks,
which leads them to impose a variety of forms of restrictions depending on the
circumstances of each country. There are several ways in which restrictions are
imposed on foreign ownership in the banking sector, whether through limiting the
foreign investment in the domestic banks or the presence of foreign banks. Presence
of a foreign bank is usually in one of the three recognized forms (viz., a branch,
subsidiary or a wholly owned subsidiary) and only a particular form of organisation
may be permitted usually with no choice to the foreign bank. There are some restraints
on the type of business permitted to a foreign bank (such as being restricted
to foreign currency operations or non-acceptance of retail deposits or other specified
operations) as also stipulations in regard to the minimum capital requirement
for a branch or a subsidiary of a foreign bank. There can also be practices amongst
countries in regard to the aggregate foreign investment permitted in a local bank
as also on the maximum holdings by an individual or a corporate entity or an entity
controlled by foreign financial institutions in a local bank. Similarly, the regulations
in some countries, consistent with the overall plan of financial integration,
place an absolute limitation on the size of the total assets or capital of a foreign
bank (which would indirectly restrict its total assets). It needs being borne
in mind that certain policies in regard to the entry of foreign investors or a
foreign bank in a country may be triggered due to extraordinary circumstances
such as a financial crisis or as a part of a structured crisis management package.
There are instances where as a part of response to banking crises, a higher level
of initial foreign ownership have been permitted but with stipulations for dilution
subsequently. Furthermore, certain countries which, ab initio, did not
have any private sector banking might welcome the presence of foreign banks. Similarly,
expectations of joining a regional bloc, say European Union, might result in welcoming
of a larger presence of foreign banks.
25. The
extent of foreign investment, the nature of such investment, the appropriate form
of presence and the profile of actual players in the banking sector are usually
prescribed by the supervisors taking into account the multiple challenges faced
in a given country context including the extent of financial integration sought
to be achieved. In brief, each country picks up an appropriate package that is
necessitated by the circumstances, which ensures the presence of foreign investors
that fully satisfy the `fit and proper’ criteria, and that the presence
of foreign banks is in the best national interest. It is noteworthy that our policy
in regard to foreign banks is a part of the planned strategy for rebalancing efficiency
and stability in the financial system.
26. In
this background, what should be the policy considerations governing the presence
of foreign banks? First, the issue is not one of being for or against the foreign
banks since financial integration necessitates their presence – be it in the industrialised
or in the developing countries. There are, however, special problems in the case
of emerging market economies which have not reached the "threshold"
to be able to minimise the downside risks of the foreign banks' presence. These
are key supervisory and regulatory issues which arise as a result of greater foreign
participation in the domestic financial system. Hence, policy-makers, including
the financial sector supervisors, have to carefully craft a road map to ultimately
integrate the domestic financial sector globally while also moving towards the
"threshold" based on perceptions of the international financial system
and on domestic economic conditions. Second, quite often it is not a question
of whether to have the presence of foreign banks, but, to what extent, under what
conditions, over what time horizon and in what form – usually a particular form
of presence being preferred. A more difficult question, especially in regard to
foreign investors in local banks, is the identity and the nature of investors
- recognising that an absolute majority of portfolio flows originate in tax havens.
The problem is, however, less complex in regard to highly rated banks. Finally,
there are pros and cons in any package of policy in regard to foreign banks. The
weight to be attached to each of the pro and the con is country-specific, judgmental
and evolving. Hence, a degree of transparency, a road map and considerable flexibility
to the supervisors to exercise judgment on several aspects of entry and presence
of foreign banks appear to be the desirable components of an appropriate policy
framework in this regard.
27. India’s approach to financial
sector reforms, in general, and to the management of the external sector, in particular,
has served the country well, in terms of aiding growth, avoiding crises, enhancing
efficiency and imparting resilience to the system. The development of financial
markets has been, by and large, healthy. The basic features of the Indian approach
are gradualism; co-ordination with other economic policies; pragmatism rather
than ideology; relevance to the context; consultative processes; dynamism and
good sequencing so as to be able to meet the emerging domestic and international
trends. In order to facilitate an understanding of the approach, a few illustrations
would be in order. Convertibility on current account was announced in 1994 by
the Government and the exchange control restrictions were removed over a period
of time, emphasising the need for underlying real transactions and reasonableness
of amounts. However, the repatriation and surrender requirements still dominate
the system, though some people aver that it is inconsistent with the concept of
current account convertibility. The intention to move over to capital account
convertibility was announced in 1997 and its achievement is still an ongoing process
– which differentiates the roles of individuals, corporates and financial intermediaries.
Likewise, in regard to Primary Dealers (PDs), initially in 1996 only the PDs promoted
by local banks or financial institutions were licensed. Foreign bank-sponsored
PDs were licensed after about three years. In the banking system, diversified
ownership of public sector banks has been promoted over the years and the performance
of their listed stocks in the face of intense competition indicates improvements
in the system. They do co-exist with several old and new private sector banks,
and some of the new private sector banks have proved to be of global standards.
Recently, some of private sector banks promoted by domestic financial institutions
have been permitted to conduct Central and State Government business supplementing
the public sector banks. In February 2004, transparent guidelines were issued
by RBI in regard to the prior acknowledgement from RBI for any acquisition / transfer
of shares of a private sector bank which would take the aggregate shareholding
of an individual or a group to equivalent of five percent or more of the paid
up capital of the bank. While this requirement already existed, transparency was
imparted by the guidelines. On July 2, 2004, a comprehensive policy framework
for ownership and governance in private sector banks has been placed in the public
domain, by the RBI in the form draft guidelines, for wider public debate. Based
on the feedback received, a second draft of the guidelines would be prepared and
put in public domain for further discussions.
28. Foreign
banks have been operating in India for decades with a few of them having operations
in India for over a century. Quite a few foreign banks from diverse countries
set up operations in India during the mid-1990s following the liberalisation of
the Indian economy. The number of foreign bank branches in India has increased
significantly in recent years since a number of licences were issued by RBI -
well beyond the commitments made to the World Trade Organisation. Although foreign
banks can operate in India only by way of branch presence, some of the foreign
banks have established several subsidiaries in the form of either Non Banking
Finance Companies or limited companies in the non financial sector in India that
undertake diverse businesses such as dealing in securities, leasing and finance,
information technology, etc.
29. The
presence of foreign banks in India has benefited the financial system by enhancing
competition, resulting in higher efficiency. There has also been transfer of technology
and specialised skills which has had some "demonstration effect" as
Indian banks too have upgraded their skills, improved their scale of operations
and diversified into other activities. At a time when access to foreign currency
funds was a constraint for the Indian companies, the presence of foreign banks
in India enabled large Indian companies to access foreign currency resources from
the overseas branches of these banks. Creating inter-bank markets in money and
foreign exchange is a challenge in several developing countries. In India, however,
the presence of foreign banks, as borrowers in the money market and their operations
in the foreign exchange market, resulted in the creation and deepening, in terms
of both volumes and products, of the inter-bank money market and forex market
though by virtue of their skills and resources, the foreign banks tend to dominate
in some financial markets. In the days ahead, the challenge for the supervisors
would be to maximise the advantages and minimise the disadvantages of the foreign
banks' local presence by synchronising the emerging dominance of their local operations
with the progress in the domestic financial markets as well as in liberalisation
of capital account.
30. In
terms of the Press Note No.2 (2004 Series) issued by the Ministry of Commerce
and Industry on March 5, 2004, the FDI limit in private sector banks was raised
to 74% under the automatic route, including the investment made by FIIs. Foreign
banks, according to the Press Note, will be permitted to have either branches
or subsidiaries, not both. They may operate in India through only one of the three
channels viz., (i) branch/es; (ii) a wholly owned subsidiary; or (iii) a subsidiary;
with aggregate foreign investment up to a maximum of 74% in a private bank. The
Press Note mentioned that the guidelines in this regard will be issued by the
Reserve Bank of India. Reserve Bank is currently examining various options for
strengthening the financial sector, in general, and the banking sector, in particular,
concurrent with the well-calibrated de-regulation process already set in motion.
The liberalisation measures would need to take into account several imperatives,
such as, consolidation of domestic banking sector; restructuring of Development
Finance Institutions; and appropriate timing for the significant entry of foreign
banks so as to be co-terminus with the transition to greater capital account convertibility
while being consistent with our continuing obligation under the WTO commitments.
It is also necessary to examine several issues relating to implementation of the
Press Note No.2 not in isolation but as part of overall reform paradigm of the
banking sector. In respect of foreign banks, issues include : choice of the mode
of presence, acceptable transition path, according national treatment, addressing
supervisory concerns, linkages between foreign banks and their presence in other
(non-banking) financial services and the timing of various measures as per a road
map to be drawn up. Reserve Bank intends to formulate the guidelines, through
an ongoing process of consultation, as in the past. The proposed guidelines in
this regard are expected to carry forward the process of financial integration
of India in a carefully calibrated and transparent manner.
32. Thank
you, ladies and gentlemen. Let me wish you all the best in your careers; and,
that would ensure that my grand children will also be the beneficiaries of a happier