Ms. Wanda Tseng, Mr. Ariyoshi, distinguished
fellow central bankers and friends,
At the outset, I would like to extend a
hearty welcome to all our guests to India. I hope you will find the weather
outside as well as the intellectual stimulation in the seminar pleasant and
productive. I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in
the seminar. The subject is close to our head and heart and we, in the RBI,
had organized a SAARCFIN sponsored seminar last year on this subject, and we
learnt a lot from each others’ experience in South Asia. Today’s seminar is
different, and may perhaps prove to be specially rewarding for several reasons:
it covers a wider range of central banks, and has the benefit of participation
by multi-lateral institution as well as the media representation, in addition
to a private sector bank. The organisers need to be complimented on an excellent
structuring of the seminar in terms of issues, classification and participation.
I find the key questions for consideration listed in the programme very pertinent
, and so, perhaps it is ideal for the keynote address to outline some random
thoughts on the questions, based on our experience in the Reserve Bank of India
In the past, central banking was shrouded
in secrecy with some ‘mystique’ surrounding it. In the recent years, however,
there has been greater visibility, transparency and communication. What are
the reasons? First, increased independence of central banks warranting publicly
accountable conduct; second, adoption of inflation-targeting – whether through
a legal sanction or otherwise; third, a mandate to the central banks, either
explicit or implicit, for maintaining financial stability in a world where the
financial markets and their expectation matter. It is interesting to note that
even in the UK, where there is a Financial Services Authority, it is the Bank
of England which publishes the Financial Stability Report, periodically.
What are the theoretical perspectives in
this regard? The academic and policy literature recognises the role of communication
for the effectiveness of monetary policy, and has broadly focused on four aspects
of policy, namely, efficiency, time-consistency, optimality of communications,
and institutional-cum-decision making processes. Efficiency issues centre around
quality, elements of noise, formation of expectations, and implementation lags.
The time-consistency issues relate to the conditions for substitutability between
communications and policy actions, and choices between effectiveness of unanticipated
policies relative to elimination of uncertainty in private decision making.
The optimality issues address the aspects of dangers of disseminating information
which could result in crowding out of the formulation of independent beliefs
by the private sector – which is critical to well-functioning markets. The institutional
and decision-making processes of monetary policy refer to the recent trends
towards autonomous group-decision making, like the Monetary Policy Committee
of the UK; the composition of the groups, the periodicity of their meetings,
the attributability of opinions, the transparency, etc. It should, therefore,
be clear that even on the limited issue of communication policy in regard to
monetary policy, the literature provides a framework but the practices tend
to be diverse amongst countries. There is no universally valid international
benchmark on the subject but the framework, which is still evolving, is useful
as a reference point for exchange of information amongst different countries
that this Regional Seminar seeks to promote. While the framework for a country
is useful, it is the judgment within the framework that really matters. In India,
we are proceeding gradually to a more open and participative process monetary
policy formulation, which will be covered by my colleagues later in the seminar.
The growing importance of communications by
central banks is on account of their responsibility for maintaining financial
stability – which includes but goes beyond the conduct of monetary policy. There
is an assumption that well-informed market participants would enable, if not
assure, an improved functioning of the markets, and a central bank is in the
best position to provide such useful information. However, whether providing
information would result in shaping and managing expectations, and if so, whether
it is desirable, are difficult issues. For example, The US Federal Reserve,
since 1994, appears to have been providing forward guidance, while the European
Central Bank appears to be in the mould of keeping the markets informed rather
than guiding it. We, in India, have taken a middle path of sharing our analysis
in addition to information, but in no way guiding the market participants. However,
in doing so, we have the benefit of the process of two-way communication, of
information as well as perceptions, between the market participants and the
RBI. The two-way process is enabled by formal structured meetings with industry
associations, through standing advisory committees, and informal / ad hoc
committees, technical reports, working groups, etc.
At this stage, I must share with you one
concern about the credibility bonus earned by the effective communications policy.
Is it possible that such "hands on" and "very successful"
communications by the central banks in the world to maintain financial stability
have resulted in under-pricing of risks by the private sector, or in distinct
lowering of aversion to financial risks? Is it possible that this credibility
bonus is partly responsible for the upward movement of the housing and equity
prices becoming a global phenomenon?
The issue of financial stability is of great
significance and enormous complexity for central bankers in the Emerging Market
Economies (EMEs). The EMEs vary considerably in their fiscal, current account,
openness to external sector, and dependence on oil-earnings or oil-imports.
Yet, the analysts in the financial markets often treat them as a group, presumably
because the EMEs are perceived to be to be high-risk and high-reward destination
for financial capital. That characteristic lends them to vulnerability in capital
flows, sometimes for reasons other than economic fundamentals in the country
concerned. As the title implies, the EMEs are emerging from one state to another,
namely, from less market orientation to greater market orientation, and are
thus, in a state of transition. The central banks in the EMEs, in their pursuit
of financial stability, have two additional challenges. First, to mange the
transition in their own economies, which has socio-economic as well as political
dimensions; second, to keep a watch on the sentiment of foreign capital flows
– which could change for reasons other than domestic. While for a particular
foreign investor it may be a small portfolio shift from an EME to an industrialised
country, it may be one of large magnitude for the EME concerned. The challenges
for communication policy are considerably more complex for the central banks
in the EMEs for another reason, namely, the asymmetrical response of the financial
markets to the developments in the EMEs. For instance, the market reaction to
an increase of, say, US dollar five billion in the forex reserves of an EME
would be comparatively subdued vis-à-vis the response to a decline in
reserves by a like amount.
In India, several measures, monetary as well
as administrative, were undertaken to meet the threats to financial stability
while complementary or parallel recourse was taken to communications. Some illustrations
are: a speech in Goa in August 1997 to "talk down the rupee"; reassuring
statements on market developments in the context of Asian crisis combined with
a package of measures, in tranches in 1997 and 1998; pre-emptive measures in
mid-1998 in the context of crisis in Russia; reassuring statements issued in
the context of Kargil war in 1999; a combination of liquidity injection, reassuring
statements along with measures in the context of the 9/11; a combination of
actions and measures at the time of sharp downward movement of Indian stock
markets on May 17, 2004 coinciding with the political transition at the national
level; and more recently, to explain the impact of redemption of the India Millennium
Deposits to the extent of US dollar seven billion. There are several other instances
when there were thoughtful inactions. For instance, RBI decided not to take
any measure or issue a statement when US imposed sanctions on India. In brief,
we have open market operations, open mouth operations, and open only eyes and
ears operations in regard to threats to financial stability.
Many central banks perform a multitude of
functions and their responsibilities are seldom restricted to monetary policy
and financial stability. Hence, communication policies and strategies have to
be tailored to meet the needs of specific function to be performed on the one
hand, and on the other, having an overall consistent or common policy framework
within which the central bank functions. For instance, the RBI has the responsibility
to develop and regulate money, forex and government securities markets, with
some dilemmas to be resolved when RBI is both a developer and a regulator. It
is also a debt manger to the Central and the State governments. Thus, the communication
policies, strategies and contents while dealing with the market intermediaries
are different from those adopted, in dealing with, say, State governments, for
whom RBI is also a banker and a debt manager. The RBI is also a regulator, specially
of banks, with distinct interests being served, namely, depositors, consumers
in general, systemic efficiency as well as stability, and the banks themselves
whose health is critical to the financial sector. Communication policies are,
therefore, tailored separately for each category of stakeholders. Finally, several
services are rendered by a central bank, specially in matters relating to currency
and coins, payments system, credit information, and overall, grievance redressals.
Communication, indeed, is not neutral to the
target audience. For a central bank’s communication, it is varied and includes
general public, financial market participants, media persons, entities regulated
by the central bank, academics, financial markets analysts, rating agencies,
international or multi-lateral bodies, etc. Let me illustrate with a communication
initiative that RBI took recently. The Ombudsman Scheme for banks was revised
recently and hence, the objective was to inform the widest section of our population.
A Press Release might not have fully served the purpose. So, a decision was
taken to issue an advertisement – for which the content was indeed common but
the languages differed. It was interesting to notice that while 17 leading English
newspapers have a combined circulation of 6.3 million and readership of 17.9
million, the 15 leading Hindi newspapers have a larger circulation at 8.1 million
and a far larger readership at 87.0 million – that is, almost five times larger.
In fact, 54 leading non-English newspapers in India have a circulation of 21.4
million and a readership of 197.2 million. This has been our target coverage
for the latest effort in communication, recognizing that most of the targeted
200 million middle-class in India reads vernacular newspapers.
There are several dilemmas faced by central
banks while designing an appropriate communications policy. What should be communicated
and to what degree of disaggregation, are one set of issues. The second set
relates to: at what stage of evolution of internal thinking and debate should
there be dissemination. The third set relates to the timing of communication
with reference to its market impact. The fourth relates to the quality of information
and the possible ways in which it could be perceived. Thus, alleged incoherence
or an element of ambiguity at times on the part of central bankers in explaining
policies is as much a reflection of the complexity of the issues as it is of
the differing perceptions of a variety of audiences to which the communication
is addressed.
In assessing the contribution of the media to
the financial sector as a public good, I would distinguish among at least four
types of effects. The first type may be characterised as the ‘news effect’,
which would normally reflect factual or formal positions or events. In a sense,
the media’s reporting would be faithful and non-controversial. A second type
can be identified as ‘rumour effect’, and often rumours have a destabilising
effect and in some cases have the potential to degenerate into self-perpetuating
or self-fulfilling events. The rumour effect often results in unintended losses
or gains and people may suspect that there is some vested interest behind such
rumours. Needless to say, the media’s role will, on the whole, tend to be negative
in this channel. The third type is marked by the ‘survey effect’. It is not
uncommon for the media to undertake opinion polls or surveys and these could
have methodological and other problems in terms of reflecting the true picture.
These surveys have a tendency to influence the perception of markets and sometimes
the general public. In such a case, the contribution of the media would depend
on scientific methodology adopted, transparency of assumptions, and objectivity
in presentation of the results. Adequate care is a pre-condition to ensure a
positive effect through this channel. The fourth is the ‘interpretation effect’,
where media tries to interpret the stand taken by policy makers or markets or
corporates. The interpretation effect may be positive or negative depending
on professional skills as well as commitment to objectives. Responsibility and
accountability would be key to ensure positive effect through this channel.
In brief, it is my submission that the media’s responsibilities are not confined
to its shareholders or to its subscribers, but extend to the larger segment
of the public. In this sense, the challenges and dilemmas before the media are
perhaps no less than those before the central banks.
It is also fair and appropriate to recognize
that media itself faces several dilemmas. For example, there are pressures to
be the first to report – a race to be the number one. There are incentives to
be distinctive. They have several stakeholders to cater to. They may or may
not have ideological predilections. But as far as the RBI is concerned, the
media has been very fair and I find it a pleasure, inspiration and education
to interact with the media. It is great fun to share my confusions and dilemmas
with all types of media – which are amongst the best and the brightest in India.
Before concluding, it is essential to appreciate
that communication policy is not merely about explaining or getting a feedback
on policy, but may include elements of influencing the policy direction itself.
A central bank does this through several channels, including research publications
and speeches. As Dr. I. G. Patel, an eminent statesman-scholar and one of my
distinguished predecessors said in 2004:
"Communication is not just about transparency.
It is also about education, guidance and steering things in the right direction.
In this, the central bank can be an honest broker between the government and
the public and even the parliament."
Perhaps, it is possible to illustrate, with
a bit of lack of modesty, how this has been done, with a quote from Mr. S. S.
Tarapore, my predecessor as Deputy Governor:
"While I have been assigned the task
of talking about gold and capital account convertibility, before doing so
I would, for a moment, like to refer to some developments prior to the setting
up of the committee on Capital Account Convertibility (CAC). When the definitive
history of India’s policy on gold is written up, the speech by Dr. Y. V. Reddy,
Deputy Governor, Reserve bank of India, at the World Gold Council Conference
on 28 November 1996 will stand out as a watershed as it is perhaps the only
speech by a senior Indian official which squarely takes on issues on gold
policy and it will be appropriately recorded as a forerunner of major policy
change. It is by raising pertinent issues that Dr. Reddy has paved the way
for the committee to come up with specific recommendations on India’s policy
on gold."
An interesting question that arises is about
the role of the Governor of a central bank when important policy issues impinging
on central banking are involved. A quote from late Dr. I. G. Patel would perhaps
be the best guide:
"But the point is, when such vital questions
arise, the Governor can not just be inactive. He is a public servant with
loyalty to the country and the constitution – not just to a government in
transit. And yet, he can not behave as if every issue is of great import.
He has to choose his ground and be discreet above all. Without offending the
Government, he can start a debate and steer the argument in a certain direction.
His ultimate defence is democracy and the tradition of free debate."
Let me again thank you all for provoking me
think about the subject.
I wish the seminar all success and we, in the
RBI, look forward to benefiting from the deliberations.
* Speech delivered by Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor,
Reserve Bank of India at the Regional Seminar on Central Bank Communications
sponsored by the International Monetary Fund, held at Hotel Taj Land End, Mumbai
on January 23, 2006