Mr. Chairman and friends,
I am thankful to the organisers for inviting
me to participate in the annual meetings of the Asian Development Bank and give
my views on Basel II in the Asian context. I have a special affinity to the
city of Hyderabad. I started in this city as a Research Scholar in 1960, then
taught as a lecturer in Osmania University till 1964, and later, was the Collector
and District Magistrate of Hyderabad city in 1976-77. Again, I worked here as
Secretary in Finance and Planning Department of the Government of Andhra Pradesh
for most part of the decade of 1980s. So, as a Hyderabadi, I extend a warm welcome
to the distinguished delegates from all over the world.
Basel I : Voluntarism and gradualism in India
Let me start with Basel I framework for
capital adequacy, which was introduced in 1988. The Basel I framework was designed
to establish minimum levels of capital for internationally active banks.
However, its simplicity encouraged over 100 countries across the world to not
only adopt the Basel I framework but also apply it across the entire banking
segment without restricting it to the internationally active banks. Thus, the
voluntary adoption of Basel I framework by several countries has made it, de
facto, a globally accepted standard, though not all countries are
fully compliant with all the aspects.
Adopting our general approach of gradualism,
we in India have implemented the Basel I framework with effect from 1992-93
which was, however, spread over three years – banks with branches abroad were
required to comply fully by end March 1994 while the other banks were required
to comply by end March 1996. Further, India responded to the 1996 amendment
to the Basel I framework, which required banks to maintain capital for market
risk exposures, by initially prescribing various surrogate capital charges for
these risks between 2000 and 2002. These were replaced with the capital charges
as required under the Basel I framework in June 2004, which became effective
from March 2005. We have gone a step further than the Basel I requirement and
have required the banks in India to maintain capital charge for market risks
on their ‘Available for Sale’ portfolio also with effect from March 2006. We
continue to see considerable merit in pursuing a policy of gradualism in harmonising
our regulations with the global standards.
Basel II : Benefits and major issues
The complexity of Basel II arises from several
options available and these are well known. Consequently, many of the countries
which have voluntarily adopted Basel I also view these issues with considerable
caution. Compared to Basel I, the revised framework, namely Basel II, is considered
to be highly complex, making its understanding and implementation a challenge
to both the regulatory and the regulated community.
Dangers of premature adoption
Since the revised Framework has been designed
to provide options for banks and banking systems worldwide, the Basel Committee
on Banking Supervision (BCBS) acknowledges that moving toward its adoption in
the near future may not be the first priority for all non-G10 supervisory authorities
in terms of what is needed to strengthen their supervision. Each national supervisor
is expected to consider carefully the benefits of the revised Framework in the
context of its domestic banking system when developing a timetable and approach
for implementation.
The views of the Executive Board of the
International Monetary Fund clearly indicate that premature adoption of Basel
II in countries with limited capacity could inappropriately divert resources
from the more urgent priorities, ultimately weakening rather than strengthening
supervision. They agreed that countries should give priority first to strengthening
their financial systems comprising institutions, markets and infrastructure
and focus on achieving greater level of compliance with the Basel Core Principles.
Against this background, the IMF has cautioned that Fund staff should avoid
conveying the perception that countries will be criticised for not moving to
adopt the Basel II framework. They have urged staff to be completely candid
when asked to assess countries' readiness to move to Basel II and to indicate
clearly the risks of moving too quickly and too ambitiously.
Varying implementation plans across jurisdictions
in Asia-Pacific
The implementation plans in regard to Basel
II, as far as Asia-Pacific is concerned, may be broadly divided into three ranges
– one, where the simplest approaches and the most advanced approaches are available
at the time of first implementation (Australia, Korea, Singapore, New Zealand);
second, where the simplest approaches are available initially and at least one
of the most advanced approaches is available within a year or two thereafter
(Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand); and third, where the simplest approaches
are allowed initially and the date of availability of the most advanced approaches
is yet to be announced or are available after more than two years (China, India,
Malaysia, and Philippines). Further, one might be able to link the choice of
the above broad ranges to the extent of share of foreign banks in the respective
banking sectors.
It is observed that the banking systems where
foreign banks account for a significant share in the banking assets (Singapore,
Hong Kong) are reflecting a desire to adopt the advanced approaches ahead of
those territories where the foreign bank share is not significant (India). One
might also see a similar trend in respect of countries which might remain on
Basel I for a longer period before migrating to Basel II (China).
Implementation in India
The policy approach to financial sector in India
is that the ultimate goal should be to conform to the best international standards
and in the process, the emphasis is on gradual harmonisation with the international
best practices. Consistent with this approach, for Basel II also, currently
all commercial banks in India are expected to start implementing Basel II with
effect from March 31, 2007 – though a marginal stretching beyond this date should
not be ruled out in view of the latest indications on the state of preparedness.
While considering implementation of Basel II, special attention was given to
the differences in degrees of sophistication and development of the banking
system and it was decided that they will initially adopt the Standardised Approach
for credit risk and the Basic Indicator Approach for operational risk. After
adequate skills are developed, both by the banks and also by the supervisors,
some of the banks may be allowed to migrate to the Internal Rating Based (IRB)
As per normal practice in regard to all
changes in financial sector, and with a view to ensuring a particularly smooth
migration to Basel II, a consultative and participative approach has been adopted
for both - designing and implementing Basel II.
On current indications, implementation of
Basel II will require more capital for banks in India due to the fact that operational
risk is not captured under Basel I, and the capital charge for market risk was
not prescribed until recently. The cushion available in the system, which at
present has a Capital to Risk Assets Ratio (CRAR) of over 12 per cent, provides
for some comfort but the banks are exploring various avenues for meeting the
capital requirements under Basel II. The Reserve Bank has, for its part, issued
policy guidelines enabling issuance of several instruments by the banks viz.,
innovative perpetual debt instruments, perpetual non-cumulative preference shares,
redeemable cumulative preference shares and hybrid debt instruments so as to
enhance their capital raising options.
Three-track approach for implementation in India
In India, we have 85 commercial banks, which
account for about 78% (total assets) of the financial sector; over 3000 cooperative
banks, which account for 9%; and 196 Regional Rural Banks, which account for
3%. Taking into account the size, complexity of operations, relevance to the
financial sector, need to ensure greater financial inclusion and the need for
having an efficient delivery mechanism, the capital adequacy norms applicable
to these entities have been maintained at varying levels of stringency. One
might say that we are adopting a three-track approach with regard to capital
adequacy rules. Given the differential risk appetite across banks and their
business philosophies, it is likely that banks would ‘self select’ their own
approach, which in turn, is likely to engender a stabilising influence on the
system as a whole.
On the first track, the commercial banks are
required to maintain capital for both credit and market risks as per Basel I
framework; the cooperative banks, on the second track, are required to maintain
capital for credit risk as per Basel I framework and through surrogates for
market risk; the Regional Rural Banks, on the third track, have a minimum capital
requirement which is, however, not on par with the Basel I framework. Consequently,
we have a major segment of systemic importance on a full Basel I framework,
a portion of the minor segment partly on Basel I framework, and a smaller segment
on a non-Basel framework.
It is for the same reasons that, at least initially,
a similar diversity may be visible in the Indian banking segment even after
the commercial banks begin implementing Basel II framework in March 2007. In
the post-March 2007 scenario we may witness Basel II, Basel I and non-Basel
entities operating simultaneously in the Indian banking system. It is useful
to note that a somewhat similar choice has been exercised even in the USA where
one is likely to see at least Basel II and Basel I-A entities operating simultaneously.
Similarly, even amongst the Basel II entities, it is likely that banks will
be implementing various combinations of the multiple options available for computing
capital requirements for the three major risks. Consequently, we may see Basel
II implementation as a part of a spectrum of frameworks within which
there can be progressive enhancement of quality amongst different categories.
It is likely that on implementation of Basel
II, some banks might adopt the IRB Approach for credit risk while some other
banks in the same jurisdiction, might adopt the Standardised Approach. Since
the IRB Approach is more risk sensitive vis-à-vis the Standardised Approach,
a small change in the degree of risk could result in a large additional capital
requirement for the banks following the IRB approach - which would dissuade
such banks from assuming high-risk exposures. From a systemic point of view,
therefore, the banks adopting the Standardised Approach, and consequently, having
a greater concentration of high-risk assets in their portfolio, could perhaps
become vulnerable in times of economic downturns. These issues would need to
be appropriately taken into account while deciding on the implementation of
the Basel II.
Implementation challenges in developing countries
Even though it has been mentioned in several
places that over 100 countries had implemented Basel I, the assessments done
in 71 countries as a part of Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) have
revealed many deficiencies in the areas of risk management, consolidated supervision
and corrective action for undercapitalised institutions, which are considered
to be crucial to sound supervision and proper Basel II implementation. While
a supervisory system which is fully or largely compliant with Basel Core Principle
6, which incorporates Basel I as the capital adequacy standard, is considered
necessary for moving to Basel II, the assessments reveal that about 37% of these
countries had not complied with this Core Principle. The remaining countries
were at various stages of compliance. Given this level of compliance, the challenges
that are likely to be faced by the developing economies in implementing the
Basel II framework, will be daunting.
As acknowledged by the IMF, they do not have
adequate internal expertise to assess and assist Basel II implementation in
various jurisdictions. Given the complexities of financial regulation and the
added complexities of the Basel II framework, which will have to be specifically
tailored to suit the domestic economies and the domestic banking systems, the
regulators are right in insisting on the freedom and flexibility for adopting
and implementing an appropriate roadmap without being constrained by any external
pressures, direct or indirect. The ideal solution for managing a complex task
of this nature is through mutual cooperation and assistance amongst the central
Dangers of asymmetry in financial intermediation
A likely scenario, which might arise post-Basel
II implementation, is the asymmetry in regulatory regime amongst the competing
broad segments of the financial sector viz., banking, securities and insurance
sectors. While the commercial banking sector is expected to migrate to the Basel
II regimen soon, the other segments are not likely to be subjected to the same
or similar discipline unless they are a part of a banking group, where Basel
II regimen would apply indirectly through the parent bank. Hence, we are likely
to see some scope for regulatory arbitrage amongst the three broad segments
unless the regulators of these segments also recognise the need and relevance
of a comparable prescription for those segments. The Joint Forum has taken some
initiatives in this direction, which may have to be pursued further to achieve
parity in the level of regulatory burden across the three sectors, which compete
amongst themselves for the business of financial intermediation.
Basel II and Social dimensions
The three-track theme to Basel II implementation,
which I had mentioned earlier, might give rise to scope for regulatory arbitrage
within the banking system. This would, however, not be of much concern in the
Indian context on account of the relatively insignificant size of the non Basel
II entities and their relevance from the systemic perspective. While the desire
would be to reduce the scope for regulatory arbitrage, we may have to strike
a delicate balance to ensure that this desire does not constrain the non-Basel
II entities from discharging their respective specified roles in the national
economies viz., achieving greater financial inclusion, playing a developmental
role, and acting as conduits for credit delivery to the neglected sectors. I
think, the multi-track theme for Basel II implementation and the consequent
handling of regulatory arbitrage and stability issues may be reflected in other
similarly placed emerging market economies as well.
A roadmap approach for implementation of Basel
In the light of experience gained by
us, it appears that the balance of advantage would lie in favour of encouraging
the central banks / banking sector regulators to implement Basel II framework
at their own pace and in a manner as appropriate to their economies, banking
systems and supervisory mechanisms. It is also possible that the multilateral
development agencies are yet to get fully equipped to assist in Basel II implementation.
Ideally each country may devise a road map to be implemented flexibly taking
account of the country context. In Telugu, the official language of the State
of Andhra Pradesh, we say ‘samayam, sanderbham mukhyam’. It means timing and
context are vital for anything and, in my submission, it also includes Basel
II in Asia.
Thank you.
* Speech by Dr. Y.V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve
Bank of India at the Seminar, as a part of the Asian Development Bank's 39th
Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors in Hyderabad on May 3, 2006