It gives
me great pleasure to be here participating in the 18th Annual Forum.
The topic for the discussion is very broad, but there are several eminent speakers
here who would be focusing on different aspects of this complex and very relevant
issue. For my part, I would, in the first part, make a general reference to
the Asian economies, specially the common challenges being faced by the policy-makers
in the Asian emerging market economies (AEMEs). The second part will be devoted
to the Indian economy, its growth performance, strengths and major challenges.
The third and concluding part will be very brief, highlighting the current priorities
for macroeconomic, in particular, monetary management in India.
Place of
Asian Economies in the Global Economy
It is reasonable
to hold that the economies of the Asian region are emerging as the new engines
of growth in the global economy. Asia is a host to three of the ten largest
economies (China, Japan and India) and accounting for more than 35 percent of
world GDP. Today Asia's share in world GDP exceeds that of European Union and
the US (IMF, 2006). Being the fastest growing economies of the world, over the
past two years, China and India contributed 73 per cent to the Asian growth
and 38 per cent to the world GDP growth (IMF, 2005). With the setting in of
recovery in Japan, it is expected to be another engine of growth for the Asian
as well as the global economy. Thus, four poles of growth - Japan, East Asia,
China and India - forming a sort of quadrangle - have been emerging in Asia,
and these could henceforth be the new sources for sustaining the global growth
engine. It is interesting to note that among the top four economies in terms
of GDP based on purchasing power parity, three Asian economies of this quadrangle,
viz., China, Japan and India are ranked second, third and fourth, respectively.
It is also
important to recognize the growing significance of the Asian economies in financial
stability and global trade. For example, there has been a continued substantial
accumulation of foreign exchange reserves by several countries of Asia reflecting
increasing trade and financial integration of the region with rest of the world.
Today, Asia holds foreign exchange reserves of US$ 3 trillion, which is 62 per
cent of total foreign exchange reserves of the world. Further, the Asian region
has increasingly become a major center of world trade, global capital flows
and other macroeconomic parameters. Today, the contribution of Asia to global
trade has increased substantially to about 27 per cent.
of Asian Economic Integration
There is
increasing integration within Asia, as reflected in the pace of change in intra-regional
trade flows. Intra-regional trade is growing as countries have positioned themselves
at different stages of a regional supply chain. The rise of China and India
is helping Asia to not only grow but to become more integrated. Asian countries
are working to create a cohesive Asian community that allows for both complementary
growth and positive competition. This phenomenon has been facilitated by an
array of free trade agreements (FTAs) in Asia. Intra-Asian trade as a share
of the region's total trade has risen to more than 50 per cent in 2004 from
about 30 percent in 1980 (IMF, 2006). In less than 10 years, trade between China
and the rest of Asia increased fourfold; trade between China and Japan/Korea
tripled over the same period; intra-ASEAN trade doubled, and trade between ASEAN
and India has tripled (Mandelson, 2005). In recent years, there is an impressive
ongoing transformation in the composition of production and trade within Asia
as the comparative advantage of many Asian economies continues to change. In
particular, economies with relatively high wage costs are shifting toward higher
value-added products, including services. The shift of labor-intensive manufacturing
out of Hong Kong into mainland China and the associated boost to Hong Kong’s
economy from the growth of trade in financial services is perhaps the most appropriate
example of this on-going process.
flows within the region have also become more significant. Although the developing
countries of Asia still rely on London and New York to intermediate foreign
savings of the region, Japan continues to remain the world’s largest exporter
of capital. Moreover, Hong Kong and Singapore, with their well-capitalized banks,
efficient clearing and settlement systems, and expanding range of financial
products, have also emerged as major financial centers. Increasingly, these
centers are intermediating savings within Asia, as well as channeling saving
to Asia from other parts of the world. In particular, Hong Kong is the main
conduit for investment in China and arranges a significant proportion of Asia’s
syndicated borrowing. Singapore, for its part, has evolved into the main banking
center for Southeast Asia.
Asian Emerging
Market Economies : Some Generalisations in the Current Context
The growing
importance of the Asian economies in the global economy and the dynamics of
the Asian economic integration are also reflected in the added significance
of the Asian EMEs (AEMEs) as the sub-set of the EMEs in the global economy.
While the AEMEs are not homogenous in their economic systems, structure and
size, it may be useful to consider some generalisations in the current context
recognizing the severe limitations of such generalizations whenever a country-context
becomes the focus. Developments in the Japanese economy are very critical to
the AEMEs and there is scope for considerable applied research in this area,
recognising the signs of resurgence in the Japan’s economy. The narration that
follows essentially relates to the AEMEs, commencing with favourable factors.
First, they
currently enjoy strong global demand for their exports, favourable terms of
trade and easy access to external financing.
comfortable foreign currency reserves along with reduced external debt as percentage
of GDP serve as cushion against any sudden external shocks.
Third, though
public debt in some Asian economies still remains at elevated levels, most of
the debt is of longer maturity, with higher proportions in local currency.
the banking system has been strengthened through restructuring and supervisory
systems have improved. Financial markets have evolved considerably in most of
these economies.
Fifth, the
resilience to external shocks is reinforced by a combination of lower balance
sheet exposure to exchange rate risks, lower refinancing risks in debt structures,
strong financial systems and above all, an observed tendency for greater policy
Sixth, most
of the economies display strong growth-performance and reasonably well-anchored
inflation expectations.
are, however, several challenges being faced by the fast-growing AEMEs, particularly
in sustaining the hard-won stability while maintaining growth momentum.
First, while
growth impulses are strong in Asia and easing of oil-prices should moderate
inflationary pressures, there are concerns about inflationary pressures being
reinforced by ample liquidity driven by excess capital flows and rapidly rising
credit. Strong capital inflows into Asia pose a challenge to monetary management.
While some appreciation of currencies of countries enjoying current account
surplus is evident, the macro policy may need to be predominantly governed by
the compulsions of domestic supply and demand considerations. The currency appreciation
or depreciation could, at times, be steep and sudden, resulting in possible
disruption in the real sector and therefore there is a need for containing excess
volatility in foreign exchange markets. Further, sterilisation costs may have
to be often shared between the fisc, the banking sector and the central bank
balance sheets. While, to meet the surge in capital inflows, liberal capital
outflows are recommended, they do not, in fact, take place at the time when
they are liberalised. Further deepening of financial markets may help in absorption
of large capital inflows in the medium term, but it may not give immediate succour
at the current stage of financial sector development in many AEMEs, particularly
when speed and magnitude of flows are very high.
significant improvements have taken place in developing local currency markets,
especially bond markets. However, the operations of large players in financial
markets in some Asian economies tend to respond more to their global needs than
that of host country. Further, some multinational non-financial corporates operating
in these economies may have large treasury operations, and their operations,
could often make the assessment of risks in financial markets somewhat difficult.
While supervisory skills in many AEMEs have been strengthened, new instruments,
especially derivatives, new players such as hedge funds, and large OTC operations
tend to diffuse and relocate risks making their assessment for policy purposes
sometime difficult.
Third, the
banking sector has been strengthened and non-banking intermediation expanded
providing both stability and efficiency to the financial sector in many AEMEs.
Yet, sometimes aligning the operations of large financial conglomerates and
foreign institutions with local public policy priorities remains a challenge
for domestic financial regulators in many AEMEs. Further, competition in financial
sector is somewhat limited in many Asian economies. Large players in developed
economies compete with each other intensely, while it is possible that a few
of them dominate in each of Asian financial markets. A few of the financial
intermediaries could thus wield dominant position in the financial markets of
these countries, increasing the concentration risk.
of the Indian Economy
There is
widespread and intense interest in the Indian economy, but merely by way of
recollecting, it is useful to mention some features of the economic performance.
First, the
average growth rate of the Indian economy over a period of 25 years since 1980-81
(financial year beginning April) has been about 6.0 per cent, with the growth
rate averaging 9.1 per cent during the last two years.
the economy has shown considerable resilience during the recent years, as evidenced
by the avoidance of adverse contagion impact of several shocks in the EMEs and
the ability to cope with oil price increases. The strengthening of economic
activity in the recent years has been supported by persistent increase in domestic
investment rate from 22.9 per cent of GDP in 2001-02 to 33.8 per cent in 2005-06
coupled with more efficient use of capital. Domestic saving rate has also improved
from 23.5 per cent to 32.4 per cent during the same period. While the services
sector continues to be the driver of growth with a share of around 60 per cent
in the overall GDP and contributing almost three-fourth to overall growth, a
noteworthy development during the recent years has been the continued recovery
in industrial sector, particularly the manufacturing sector, supported by domestic
as well export demand.
Third, the
inflation rates since the second half of the 1990s have been by and large benign
despite sustained external capital flows and continued surge in fuel prices.
In the recent period, the headline inflation as measured by the Wholesale Price
Index (WPI) has been higher crossing 6.0 per cent level in January-March 2007
– a matter of concern at this juncture.
the common intention of the Government and the Reserve Bank of India is to maintain
annual inflation below 5 per cent in the medium term. A welcome development
in this regard is that the fiscal position of the Government, both central and
States, is undergoing consolidation in terms of targeted reduction in fiscal
deficit indicators. The improvement in the fiscal position of several States
is particularly impressive.
Fifth, the
financial sector has acquired greater strength, efficiency and stability by
the combined effect of competition, regulatory measures, policy environment
and motivation among the market players including banks. Keeping in view the
diverse investor needs in tune with the Reserve Bank’s liquidity management,
thereby facilitating the conduct of monetary policy, the money market has been
progressively developed. The Government securities market is quite deep, liquid
and vibrant and well developed in terms of instruments/processes/participants.
The exchange rate of the rupee has been flexible, particularly, in the last
few years and the turnover in the foreign exchange market has increased considerably.
The stock market has been opened to foreign institutional investors and is comparable
with major international equity markets in terms of market capitalization, turnover
and systems and processes. The corporate debt market in India is relatively
under-developed but has a large potential to raise resources particularly for
infrastructure projects, housing and for corporate and municipal needs.
Sixth, India’s
external sector has become resilient with the current account deficit being
maintained at very modest levels after a couple of years’ marginal surplus.
Exports have been growing at an average rate of around 25 per cent during the
last three years. Sustained growth in export of services and remittances continued
to provide buoyancy to the surplus in the invisible account which enabled financing
a large part of trade deficit. There was a significant strengthening in the
capital account with the foreign exchange reserves close to US $ 200 billion
and the reserves currently exceed the country’s external debt of about US $
140 billion as at end September 2006, thereby reflecting improved solvency of
the economy. However, the imparting of human skills needed to cope with global
competition is perhaps the most daunting task to ensure employment and thus,
social tranquility.
for the Indian Economy
There are,
undoubtedly, many challenges for the Indian economy, but it is useful to focus
on a few of these: the "usual suspects", I may say, in the eyes of
analysts that track the developments in the Indian economy.
First, the
poor state of the physical infrastructure, both in terms of quantity and quality
is considered to be most critical hindrance for India’s progress by many. The
most important issue here is regulatory framework and overall investment climate,
which are being addressed by the Government. Technological developments and
rapid enhancement of domestic construction capabilities should aid the process
of speedy and efficient implementation. Given the strengths of the domestic
financial sector and the enhanced interest of foreign investors, funding should
not pose any serious problem. One other concern has been the cost recovery in
infrastructure, which is expected to improve with more public-private partnerships.
Again, with rapid growth in manufacturing and services, a sudden and intense
pressure has developed in regard to availability and quality of urban infrastructure
and urban services.
fiscal consolidation still remains a matter of concern, especially in the eyes
of the rating agencies. The recent budget of the central government brings the
consolidation on track. Our studies on State finances in Reserve Bank of India
give grounds for optimism in regard to their fiscal health. We recognize two
important areas that, if addressed would result in fiscal empowerment. One is
elimination of subsidies, which are not directly targeted to the poor or inappropriate,
and elimination of most of the tax exemptions, which are patently distortionary.
While in any polity, fiscal consolidation is hard, it is particularly so in
our setting of democratic compulsions, but there are grounds for optimism.
Third, and
perhaps the most challenging issue relates to development of agriculture. While
over 60 per cent of the workforce is dependent on agriculture, the GDP growth
generated from agriculture is only marginally above the rate of growth of the
population, which is not adequate to ensure rapid poverty reduction. The results
of recent surveys on poverty in India, however, provide grounds for optimism
in regard to accelerated reduction in absolute poverty since the reform period.
To facilitate a more rapid growth in agriculture, legislative, institutional
and attitudinal changes to supplement enhanced public and private investment
are needed. There is an increasing recognition of this issue among policy makers.
delivery of essential public services such as education and health to large
parts of our population is a major institutional challenge. It is strongly felt
that education will empower the poor to participate in the growth process and
the large gaps in availability of health in terms of minimum access to the poor
needs to be filled. Similarly, the judicial processes need to be aligned with
the compulsions of a fast-growing globalising economy, especially in terms of
timeliness. All these are being intensely debated, and one should hope for significant
of the Indian economy
There are
certain 'not easily quantifiable strengths', which our economy possesses and
I would like to highlight them here.
First, a
vast pool of science and technology graduates and the millions who are familiar
with English language are sources of strength for the emerging India so far.
India is a country of great diversities but with incredibly harmonious co-existence
of various religions, languages and a unified culture. The familiarity with
multiple languages in India prepares the people to adapt better to multi-lingual
environment, making it easier for them to fit into international systems very
India also enjoys the distinction of being the largest democracy of the world.
The existence of a free press provides some insurance against excesses and makes
Governments at all levels more alert and accountable.
Third, the
political climate is characterised by what may be termed as political system
stability, despite the coalition cabinets and periodic elections both at the
Centre and in several States.
India will remain one of the youngest countries in the world in the next few
decades. This 'demographic dividend' is seen as an inevitable advantage provided
prerequisites such as skill-upgradation and sound governance to realize it are
put in place. More important, the demographic transition is likely to be stretched
over a longer period since States in India are at different stages of such transition
from Kerala to Uttar Pradesh.
Fifth advantage
is India’s business culture. In terms of business environment, the impressive
growth coupled with market orientation of the economy has been a bottoms-up
exercise, with a very broad-based growing entrepreneurial class. These tendencies
are perhaps reflective of a penchant for innovation among growing entrepreneurial
class in India, imbued with professionalism and seeking to be globally competitive.
Sixth, the
workers enjoy considerable freedom of movement, expression and rights, especially
through unionisation which, while making some changes difficult, ensures a vibrancy
and timely improvisation to deal with competition. The migration of labour in
India is sometimes seasonal and also related to a particular nature of work
such as large construction activity.
Priorities for India
In the current
context, the real challenge for India is to manage several transitions occurring
First, the
structural shift in the domestic economy to higher growth.
the lagged supply response.
Third, supply
shock of oil followed by another of primary commodities, influencing inflation
manage the consequences of the global excess liquidity, global imbalances, and
sudden re-pricing of risks in international financial markets.
Fifth, the
potential for excess volatility in the cross-border capital flows
These challenges
are managed involving several trade-offs. While pre-commitment to a set of reforms
is useful, some flexibility in policies may be needed to respond to ongoing
developments. Such a flexibility to review, rationalise and constantly rebalance
the pace and sequencing of various measures impacting financial markets is considered
desirable and the financial markets are generally kept informed of these developments.
In fact, there are grounds for the financial markets to be comfortable with
such flexibilities in policy measures that add to the overall financial stability.
To conclude,
there are reasons to believe that these transitions in India will be managed
smoothly by public policy, in general, and monetary policy, in particular. Of
special interest to this gathering may be the fact that India does not contribute
to global imbalances either positively or negatively. The corporate, banking
and government balance sheets are not unduly exposed to currency risks. Financial
sector, including financial markets, are generally considered to be robust and
fairly efficient. There seem to be reasonably good prospects for continuing
the current growth momentum in an enabling policy environment of contextual
re-emphasis on price stability.
* Address by Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India on March 30, 2007
at the 18th Annual Forum "The Outlook for Financial Markets, for their Governance,
and for Finance" convened by Ambrosetti, The European House, at Villa d'Este
in Cernobbio, Italy. |