(₹ Crore) |
Item | As on the Last Reporting Friday (in case of March)/ Last Friday |
All Scheduled Banks | All Scheduled Commercial Banks |
2021-22 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021-22 | 2021 | 2022 |
Jul. | Jun. | Jul. | Jul. | Jun. | Jul. |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Number of Reporting Banks | 212 | 210 | 212 | 213 | 136 | 134 | 136 | 137 |
1 Liabilities to the Banking System | 262674 | 244295 | 285295 | 277258 | 258649 | 239820 | 281448 | 273313 |
1.1 Demand and Time Deposits from Banks | 194143 | 184989 | 192746 | 189750 | 190570 | 180794 | 189411 | 186516 |
1.2 Borrowings from Banks | 38369 | 40938 | 52754 | 44571 | 38317 | 40920 | 52745 | 44372 |
1.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities | 30162 | 18369 | 39794 | 42937 | 29762 | 18106 | 39291 | 42425 |
2 Liabilities to Others | 17832517 | 16802388 | 18047818 | 18437473 | 17380755 | 16365752 | 17603893 | 17993275 |
2.1 Aggregate Deposits | 16899634 | 15968858 | 17018078 | 17398187 | 16465313 | 15549096 | 16592098 | 16972313 |
2.1.1 Demand | 2117513 | 1875111 | 2000093 | 2088527 | 2072747 | 1834965 | 1953690 | 2042035 |
2.1.2 Time | 14782121 | 14093747 | 15017985 | 15309660 | 14392567 | 13714131 | 14638408 | 14930278 |
2.2 Borrowings | 278985 | 248716 | 377078 | 358861 | 274594 | 243052 | 371389 | 353600 |
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities | 653898 | 584814 | 652663 | 680426 | 640848 | 573604 | 640406 | 667362 |
3 Borrowings from Reserve Bank | 94299 | 91796 | 94514 | 94387 | 94299 | 91796 | 94514 | 94387 |
3.1 Against Usance Bills /Promissory Notes | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
3.2 Others | 94299 | 91796 | 94514 | 94387 | 94299 | 91796 | 94514 | 94387 |
4 Cash in Hand and Balances with Reserve Bank | 788725 | 790639 | 900326 | 965461 | 769363 | 771150 | 878046 | 942919 |
4.1 Cash in Hand | 88732 | 98123 | 105079 | 111672 | 85926 | 96153 | 101525 | 108463 |
4.2 Balances with Reserve Bank | 699993 | 692516 | 795246 | 853789 | 683437 | 674997 | 776521 | 834457 |
5 Assets with the Banking System | 315282 | 251433 | 351706 | 342859 | 243637 | 198368 | 290692 | 283762 |
5.1 Balances with Other Banks | 199434 | 177673 | 227191 | 213644 | 164240 | 142739 | 192665 | 180250 |
5.1.1 In Current Account | 19733 | 21223 | 16502 | 23550 | 16691 | 18316 | 13393 | 20748 |
5.1.2 In Other Accounts | 179701 | 156450 | 210689 | 190094 | 147549 | 124423 | 179272 | 159502 |
5.2 Money at Call and Short Notice | 36905 | 22888 | 39869 | 32149 | 6982 | 7856 | 18581 | 12456 |
5.3 Advances to Banks | 39340 | 23898 | 28852 | 39130 | 35802 | 23030 | 27413 | 37065 |
5.4 Other Assets | 39603 | 26974 | 55793 | 57937 | 36613 | 24743 | 52032 | 53991 |
6 Investment | 4874070 | 4784348 | 5031395 | 5155661 | 4728948 | 4644188 | 4887253 | 5014297 |
6.1 Government Securities | 4867102 | 4776959 | 5025387 | 5149445 | 4728179 | 4642819 | 4886445 | 5013472 |
6.2 Other Approved Securities | 6968 | 7389 | 6008 | 6215 | 769 | 1369 | 807 | 825 |
7 Bank Credit | 12259048 | 11247903 | 12558493 | 12734992 | 11891314 | 10910567 | 12190429 | 12369350 |
7a Food Credit | 90827 | 113296 | 86635 | 78064 | 55011 | 77478 | 40915 | 32345 |
7.1 Loans, Cash-credits and Overdrafts | 12016486 | 11040563 | 12324519 | 12489317 | 11651337 | 10705239 | 11959103 | 12126412 |
7.2 Inland Bills-Purchased | 36070 | 30468 | 32204 | 34760 | 36055 | 30452 | 32188 | 34745 |
7.3 Inland Bills-Discounted | 155796 | 124749 | 151304 | 161899 | 154212 | 123424 | 149482 | 159962 |
7.4 Foreign Bills-Purchased | 19537 | 19261 | 19739 | 18685 | 19157 | 19080 | 19518 | 18453 |
7.5 Foreign Bills-Discounted | 31160 | 32862 | 30727 | 30331 | 30554 | 32371 | 30138 | 29778 |
Note: Data in column Nos. (4) & (8) are Provisional. |