Khandelwal, Mr. Rao and distinguished friends,
am happy to be here with the banking fraternity to participate in the Bankers’
Conference 2007. I find that there are several conference papers which are of
high quality. In fact, they provoked me to think through some of the issues that
emanate from the analysis and also some facets which might have escaped the attention
of the authors. The result is an urge to share some consequential random thoughts
on global developments and Indian perspectives as they interplay in a real world
approach to reforms in the financial sector
overall approach to reforms in the financial sector in our country, in the context
of global developments is worth recalling here. First, we appreciate and analyse
relevant theories. Second, we study international practices which are often divergent,
even among advanced economies, and are far from being static. No doubt, it is
convenient for analytical purposes to offer comments or presume what constitutes
a best practice, but, for practical policy purposes, divergence in international
practices is no less relevant than convergence. Third, the scope for, limits to
and desirability of adoption of prevalent global practices are governed by the
legal, institutional and overall socio-political conditions in our country. Fourth,
the adoption, in our country, of what is considered an appropriate global practice
is often a process that has to be managed carefully, sometimes gradually and often
in a non-disruptive manner. Fifth, the desired reforms to align with what are
considered appropriate global practices, in financial sector, in terms of timing
and redesigning to suit our conditions must recognise the status and developments
in the real sector, especially flexibilities, fiscal health and overall governance
standards. Attempts to align the financial sector with global practices without
similar alignment in the related areas mentioned above may invite avoidable risks.
Hence, the pace of reform in the financial sector is governed not by assumed progress
in reform in the related areas mentioned above but on a realistic assessment of
the substantive movement towards global standards, in those areas.
with global best practices
important feature of the reform of the Indian financial system has been the intent
of the authorities to align the regulatory framework with international best practices
keeping in view the developmental needs of the country and domestic factors. Hence,
periodic assessments of the Indian financial sector have been undertaken by the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
RBI had undertaken a self assessment with regard to the Core Principle for Effective
Banking Supervision in 1998 which served as a basis for several regulatory initiatives
towards alignment with the international best practices.
Standing Committee on International Financial Standards and Codes was constituted
in 1999 by the RBI in consultation with the Government of India to identify and
monitor developments in global standards and codes being evolved in the context
of international developments; consider the applicability of these standards and
codes to the Indian financial system; and chalk out a roadmap for aligning India’s
standards and practices to the evolving international standards. The Standing
Committee set up ten Advisory Groups in key areas of the financial sector comprising
non-official experts. The recommendations contained in these reports have either
been implemented or are in the process of implementation.
2004, a review of the recommendations of the Advisory Groups was undertaken to
assess the progress on the implementation of the 2002 Report, monitor new developments
in the field of international financial standards and codes and provide a future
agenda in this area. The Report provided an assessment of the professional staff
of the RBI engaged in monitoring the implementation of recommendations and benefited
from the views of several inside and outside experts.
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund jointly brought out, in September
2005, a comprehensive Handbook on Financial Sector Assessment. The Handbook
is designed for use in financial sector assessments, conducted by country authorities
themselves and by the World Bank and IMF teams. The Handbook, available to the
public, is intended to serve as an authoritative source on the objectives, analytical
framework, and methodologies of financial sector assessment as well as a comprehensive
reference book on the techniques of such assessments.
the publication of the Handbook by the IMF-World Bank, it was decided to undertake
a self-assessment of financial sector stability and development using the new
Handbook as the base as also any other pertinent documents for financial sector
assessment. Accordingly, the Government of India decided, in consultation with
the RBI, to constitute a 'Committee on Financial Sector Assessment' (CFSA).
central plank of the self-assessment by the CFSA is based on three mutually reinforcing
factors, namely, financial stability assessment and stress testing; developmental
issues and, assessment of the status and progress in implementation of international
financial standards and codes. To assist in the process of assessment, the CFSA
has constituted four Advisory Panels. These are on Financial Stability Assessment
and Stress Testing, on Financial Regulation and Supervision, on Institutions and
Market Structure and on Transparency Standards. In order to enhance the credibility
of this self-assessment, the Committee has decided that the reports of the Advisory
Panels would be peer reviewed by a panel of international experts. These are expected
to be available for public debate by March / April 2008. I would urge all analysts
to refer to the previous reports and comment extensively on the CFSA report in
April to guide us on further policy initiatives.
do recognise that the pace and context of globalisation is generally influenced
by three factors, namely technological progress, inherent desire of people to
be free to move and overall public policies of the relevant countries. Globalisation
of financial sector is one element of this process and related public policies
are one of the many elements that impact the process. RBI’s policies are one,
though important, part of the overall public policy relevant to financial sector.
In this background, it may be useful to put before you the current dominant considerations
in the RBI’s policy relating to financial sector.
as articulated in the recent monetary policy statements of the RBI, the poor tend
to reap the benefits of high growth with a time lag while rises in prices affect
them instantly. In the short term, the impacts of high growth and price rises
are asymmetrical between the non-poor and the poor, warranting a greater emphasis
on price stability at this juncture of high growth for maintaining social accord
as well as securing popular mandate for the reform process itself.
to the extent there are externalities in terms of financial sector - both positive
and, on occasions, negative - the weight for stability in our policies has been
higher in view of limited capacity of the poor to bear risks that may occur in
the real sector by virtue of developments in the financial sector. The lack of
social security mechanisms and public safety nets in India are also relevant.
The design and pace of liberalisation of financial sector in India thus takes
into account the due weight for stability.
to enhance efficiency and stability of the financial system and thus contribute
to growth and employment, several steps have been undertaken for widening, deepening
and integrating financial markets although it is ‘work in progress’.
the overall objective remains growth with stability, but provides for elements
of selective fiscal support for ensuring inclusive and equitable growth. Currently,
the aggregate annual fiscal burden of subsidisation on account of the above measures,
through the financial sector, is estimated to be about a quarter of one per cent
of GDP. The RBI’s recommended approach does not preclude subsidisation by the
Government but, it disfavours excessive use of banking system to cross subsidise,
especially if it were to favour non-poor. RBI favours a financial system that
provides incentives to encourage flow of credit at justifiable terms and conditions
and for purposes that ensure servicing of interest and principal, i.e., bankability
of schemes.
an important instrument for influencing allocation of credit in the banking system,
keeping in view the compulsion of growth and employment, has been the stipulation
regarding bank’s lending to priority sector. The definition of priority sector
has been reviewed from time to time to match with the contemporary requirements.
in the reform process that commenced in 1992, the reform of the financial sector
was early in the cycle. The first stage of the process concentrated on elimination
of financial repression which was followed by greater marketisation of financial
sector and changes in regulatory regime, consistent with global standards. The
process strengthened the financial sector, improved its efficiency, imparted stability,
facilitated impressive growth and withstood several global and domestic shocks.
The next phase clearly has been to ensure, what may be termed as, ‘democratisation’
of financial sector. The process which was initiated two years ago aimed at ensuring
hundred per cent financial inclusion. The process of financial inclusion consists
of seeking each household and offering them options for inclusion in the banking
system. A beginning has been made to enhance financial literacy and impart financial
education to enable vast numbers of new entrants into employment and higher incomes,
to better manage their finances in a rapidly marketising financial sector.
the institutional reform of scheduled commercial banks reinforced governance standards
and witnessed the disappearance of all who could not meet the capital adequacy
standards. But, the credit needs of vast section of population, especially of
unorganised sector, traders and rural areas are best met by revival, restructuring
and revamping of what may be termed as community based banks. These include Urban
Cooperative Banks, Regional Rural Banks and rural cooperative credit system.
as the reform progressed, it was assumed that deregulation and competition would
enhance efficiency and ensure better-than-before quality of service at reasonable,
but competitive, cost to the customers. However, while many improvements have
taken place, entirely as expected, several adverse features in regard to retail
customers were noticed particularly in respect of a few banks. Apart from issues
of appropriate pricing, instances of unequal contracts, unfair trade practices,
non-transparent fees, intrusion into privacy, excessive penalties, delays in cheque-clearing,
arbitrary revision of interest rates or equated monthly installments, usurious
interest charges in some cases and excesses by loan recovery agents have been
noticed warranting several institutional, policy and procedural interventions
by RBI. A delicate balance between competing considerations is needed. To the
extent banks have special privileges, the regulator, who has granted such privileges,
has a responsibility to ensure financial deepening and widening in an efficient,
fair and equitable manner.
our experience shows that financial sector policies and instruments need to be
constantly rebalanced to respond not only to financial markets, prices and overall
stability considerations but also to developments in real sector, in particular,
trends in growth across sectors, regions and sections of population. Such a comprehensive,
but dynamic, approach to development of the financial sector enhances contribution
of financial policies to growth and employment while maintaining stability.
impact of recent global developments
policy statements and other messages from RBI have been, since 2005, drawing attention
to global imbalances, under-pricing of risks, excess volatilities, dispersion
of risks to unidentifiable sources etc. During this period, every effort has been
made by the RBI to take advantage of favourable global financial environment,
while being guarded against the evolving risks. In this background, the recent
turbulence in the global financial markets was not a total surprise to us, though
the manner in which it has visited was not anticipated. There was special focus
on financial stability in recent Policy Statements. The Mid-Term Review of the
Annual Policy for 2007-08 issued on October 30, 2007 stated, among other things,
that the overall stance of the monetary policy is to be in readiness to take recourse
to all possible options for maintaining stability and growth momentum in the economy
in view of the unusual heightened global uncertainties and the unconventional
international policy responses to the developments in those financial markets.
developments have shown that there are continuing elements of uncertainties in
the global environment which are unlikely to be clarified or resolved in the very
near future. While the overall analysis, including the assessments of likely impact,
made in Mid-Term Review remains valid, I would like to add a few words on what
factors we are monitoring now and why we feel that extraordinary vigilance of
the factors mentioned are warranted by RBI.
are monitoring (a) the process of restoration of full normalcy in global financial
markets; (b) the evolving financial contagion; and (c) the possible spill over
to the real sector after accounting for the possible extent of ‘decoupling’. The
major reason for extraordinary vigilance by RBI is what I would describe as simultaneous
volatilities in several globally significant markets, namely, money, credit and
currency markets; asset prices; and commodity prices, especially oil and food
items. The current phenomenon of simultaneous volatilities should be viewed in
the context of possible repositioning of the world’s dominant reserve currency,
involving significant wealth, income and terms of trade effects.
stresses unlikely in India
banks with overseas presence have confirmed that they have insignificant exposure
to the US sub prime mortgage market.
analysts have flagged the prospect of a sort of sub prime lending problem within
India also. Though there are reports of accelerated emergence of non-performing
assets in regard to consumer credit, housing and real estate in a few banks, our
preliminary assessment, on the basis of information provided, is that these do
not have systemic implications either in terms of solvency or liquidity. There
are several reasons why Indian banking system may not invite disturbances akin
to sub prime. First, pre-emptive monetary policy actions have been taken to address
evolving monetary, credit and inflation environment. Second, several prudential
measures have been taken which include higher risk weights and higher provisioning
in respect of sensitive sectors, namely capital market, housing, real estate etc.
Third, the initial exposure of most banks to the sensitive sectors mentioned above
has been very modest. Fourth, intensive supervisory review of select banks was
undertaken when it was observed that their off balance sheet exposures appeared
large or were rapidly accelerating. Finally, as part of our regulatory regime
in regard to banks and financial markets, there has been what may be termed as
‘focus on liquidity’. Recent turbulence in global financial markets was characterized
by liquidity issues and there is currently a global debate on the need to focus
on liquidity. Hence, a more detailed account of our regulatory focus on liquidity
is appropriate.
focus on liquidity
you are aware, the overall liquidity in the system is actively managed by the
RBI mainly through the operation of LAF on a daily basis. However, there are challenges
in this regard due to volatility in capital flows and governments’ balances.
terms of the evolving global prudential framework, the emphasis has generally
been more on capital, as a means of reducing vulnerability to risks, than on prudential
requirements for liquidity risk. The issue of liquidity has not been generally
addressed in as structured a manner as the issue of capital requirement. Aspects
relating to liquidity have been largely left to each regulator to assess and prescribe
a suitable framework under Pillar II of Basel II.
the Indian context, RBI had issued broad guidelines for asset liability management
and banks have flexibility in devising their own risk management strategies as
per Board approved policy. However, in regard to liquidity risks at the very short-end,
RBI has taken steps to mitigate risks at the systemic level and at the institution
level as well.
RBI had, early on, recognized the risks of allowing access to the unsecured overnight
market funds to all entities and therefore restricted the overnight unsecured
market for funds only to banks and primary dealers (PD). To enable this phase-out
of all non-bank / non-PD participants from the uncollateralized money market,
the repo markets - both bilateral repos and collateralized borrowing and lending
obligations (a form of tripartite repos), were developed. Since 2005, the overnight
call market is a pure inter-bank market. The impact of this has been that the
volumes have shifted from the overnight unsecured market to the collateralized
greater inter-linkages and excessive reliance on call money borrowings by banks
could cause systemic problems in two ways. One, if a bank is not able to repay
the loan on the due date or the market perceives that the bank is having funding
problems it may not be able to continue borrowing in the inter-bank market. If
this results in non-payment, the bank which has lent the funds could itself face
liquidity problems if it has also borrowed on an overnight basis to lend to this
bank. The risk of financial contagion could also arise if other banks in the system
that are similarly placed become affected by such concerns. The external costs
of failure – the costs that are not borne by the bank and are, therefore, unlikely
to be taken into account in its own planning—are therefore greater. The RBI has
therefore introduced prudential measures to address the extent to which banks
can borrow and lend in the call money market in relation to the net worth. On
a fortnightly average basis, call market borrowings outstanding should not exceed
100 per cent of capital funds (i.e., sum of Tier I and Tier II capital) of latest
audited balance sheet. However, banks are allowed to borrow a maximum of 125 per
cent of their capital funds on any day, during a fortnight. Similarly on a fortnightly
average basis, lending in the call market should not exceed 25 per cent of their
capital funds; however, banks are allowed to lend a maximum of 50 per cent of
their capital funds on any day, during a fortnight.
recognising the potential of ‘purchased inter-bank liabilities’ (IBL) to create
systemic problems, RBI had issued guidelines in March 2007 prescribing that IBL
of a bank should not exceed 200% of its net worth (300% for banks with a Capital
to Risk Assets Ratio (CRAR) more than 11.25%).
like other supervisors, RBI has issued asset liability management guidelines for
dealing with overall asset-liability mismatches taking into account both on and
off balance sheet items. While prudential limits were prescribed for the first
two time-buckets of 1-14 days and 15-28 days, the mismatches in the other time-buckets
are determined by the banks themselves. These guidelines have been recently revised
to provide more granularity to measurement of liquidity risk by splitting the
first time bucket (1-14 days at present) in three time buckets viz. Next day ,
2-7 days and 8-14 days. The net cumulative negative mismatches in the three time
buckets have been capped at 5 % ,10%, 15 % of the cumulative cash outflows.
RBI, in its supervisory oversight of banks’ activities, also monitors the incremental
credit deposit ratio of banks. Although banks may implement sophisticated risk
management strategies, this single ratio with a minimum lag indicates the extent
to which banks are funding credit with borrowings from wholesale markets or what
is now known as purchased funds. As part of supervisory review, RBI engages in
a discussion with the banks which have high incremental credit deposit ratios.
However, we have also raised these concerns in the monetary policy and encouraged
banks to increase deposit mobilization for funding credit. As early as April 2006,
the annual policy had stated that 'It is, therefore, necessary to reiterate
the need for banks to review their policies in this regard (funding sources) and
make sustained efforts towards mobilising stable retail deposits by providing
wider access to better quality of banking services. This would sustain prudent
business expansion without facing undue asset-liability mismatches.' In April
2007 it was again reiterated that 'While buoyant deposit growth has, to an
extent, alleviated the financial constraints on banks, incremental non-food credit
deposit ratios remain high … These developments are likely to pose challenges
to banks in managing liquidity.'
RBI guidelines on securitization of standard assets had laid down detailed policy
on provision of liquidity support to Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs). While the
policy enabled a liquidity facility, by the originator or a third party, to help
smoothen the timing differences faced by the SPV between the receipt of cash flows
from the underlying assets and the payments to be made to investors, it was subject
to certain conditions to ensure that the liquidity support was only temporary
and got invoked to meet cash flow mismatches. Any commitment to provide such liquidity
facility, is to be treated as an off- balance sheet item and attracts 100% credit
conversion factor as well as 100% risk weight. The facility was specifically proscribed
for the purposes of a) providing credit enhancement; b) covering losses of the
SPV; c) serving as a permanent revolving funding; and d) covering any losses incurred
in the underlying pool of exposures prior to a draw down.
me hasten to reiterate that India cannot be immune to global developments but
we, in the RBI, are actively monitoring the global developments, articulating
our assessments as well as responses in regard to impact on India and are in a
state of readiness to act, as appropriate, in a timely manner. The RBI appreciates
the understanding shown and cooperation extended by the banking community. In
particular, I appreciate collaboration between RBI and Indian Banks’ Association.
you and wish the conference all success.
Valedictory address by Dr. Y.V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, at the Bankers' Conference 2007 on November 27, 2007, at Mumbai.