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Date : Jul 01, 2024
Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting - RFID based Asset Management System/ Solution for Reserve Bank of India, Thiruvananthapuram

Pre-bid meeting for the captioned tender through Webex Platform was conducted as per the schedule on July 01, 2024, at 14:00 hrs. List of participants are as indicated below:

(a) List of Bank’s Officials who attended the meeting

Sl. No. Name Designation
1. Shri. Shibu K S Manager
2. Shri Sameer K Khan Assistant Manager

(b) List of vendors representative who attended the meeting

Sl. No. Name of the Representative Name of the firm
1 Shri Ram Nath Mandal M/s. E-cartes Technology Pvt. Ltd.
2 Shri Rakesh M/s. ID Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

2. Shri. Sameer K Khan, Assistant Manager welcomed the participants to the meeting. Subsequently, queries, if any, were invited from the participants regarding the captioned tender. The details of the queries raised by the vendors and clarifications of the Bank are tabulated below:

Queries/Suggestions Clarification/Comments
Whether all the Deadstock items possessed by the Bank’s needs to be tagged? The deadstock items procured up to December 31, 2023, are already tagged. Asset tag shall be supplied and tagged, for the deadstock items procured on or after January 01, 2024.
Total no. of Deadstock items possessed by the Bank? Bank is in possession of 3093 nos. of deadstock items as on December 31, 2023, which are tagged with asset tags. In addition to this, Bank have procured 529 assets during the period from January 01, 2024, to June 30, 2024, for which asset tags shall be supplied and the same need to be tagged.
Tagging of assets to be carried on half- yearly or quarterly basis? Tagging of assets needs to be carried out along with half-yearly reconciliation service for the half-year ended June and December.

3. Bidders shall note that all the above clarifications provided by the Bank during the pre-bid meeting along with details indicated in the Tender document shall form part of the Tender/Contract.

4. The meeting concluded at 14:30 hrs.

Regional Director for Kerala and Lakshadweep
