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Date : Dec 13, 2024
Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting - Door-Step Delivery of Medicines to the Retired Employees / eligible dependents of the Bank within the Municipal limits of the city of Bhubaneswar

e-Tender No: RBI/Bhubaneswar Regional Office/HRMD/3/24-25/ET/573

Pre-bid meeting for the captioned e-tender was held on December 11, 2024, in the Video Conference Room, 2nd floor, RBI, Bhubaneswar at 11:00 AM, to discuss some clauses of the tender and to clarify queries, if any, raised by the interested chemists. The meeting was chaired by Smt. Harsha Vijaykumar, DGM, CES and was attended by the representatives of two (02) chemists.

The meeting was attended by the following persons:

Representatives of the Bank Representative of the chemists
i. Smt. K Harsha Vijaykumar, DGM, CES
ii. Shri Pallavit Nigam, Manager, (Admin), HRMD
iii. Ms. Binita Bhaumik, AM (Medical Section), CES
iv. Shri Pranab Dash, Assistant (Medical Section), CES
v. Shri Laxmikant Khilei, Assistant (Medical Section), CES
i. M/s Mama Medicines
ii. M/s Apollo Pharmacies Pvt. Limited

2. Discussions were held among the representatives of the Bank and chemists, clarifications arrived thereof are tabulated below:

S.N. Reference to Tender Clause/Section Subject matter of the discussion/Queries raised by the interested chemists Clarification provided
1 Clause 1. I (b) of Section IV of Tender Document Work Experience Manager (Admin) apprised, that tenderer should have minimum 3 (three) years of experience of medicine supply work to Reserve Bank of India or other organization and must furnish requisite clients reports to establish work experience as specified in the tender document.
2. Clause 1. II (e) of Section IV of Tender Document Client Certificates The chemists were advised to upload the Client Certificate as per enclosed Proforma from at least two clients for whom they have carried out eligible works in terms of eligibility (Pre-qualification) criteria described in the tender documents.
3. Clause 1. II (f) of Section IV of Tender Document Banker’s certificate The chemists were advised to upload the Banker's certificate from their banker/bankers as per the given proforma i.e., Annex-II.
4. Clause 4 (e) of Section V of Tender Document Signed copy of tender The chemists were advised that the signed and scanned tender document is to be uploaded on MSTC portal along with other documents.
5. Annex IV of Tender Document Details of completed works The chemists were advised to furnish details of Client-wise names of work(s), year(s) of execution of work(s), awarded and actual cost(s) of executed work(s), completion time stipulated in the contract (s) and actual time taken to complete the work (s). Name(s) and full contact-details of the officer/authorities/departments under whom the work (s) was / were executed should also be furnished.
6. Clause 5 of Section V of Tender Document Indemnity/ Insurance Clause The Chemists were advised to take note of the indemnity/insurance clause and take necessary insurance/covers/policies as per the requirement of the tender.
7. Clause 1. III of Section IV of Tender Document EMD Chemists were advised that the documents pertaining to EMD should be scanned and uploaded with the pre-qualification documents. Further, the chemists were also advised to send the proof of remittance with transaction number (scanned copy) to email ID of RBI contact persons mentioned in para A (2) of SECTION III of the tender document.

3. In addition to above, chemists were advised to carefully undertake the bidding on the MSTC and ensure that they are registered on the MSTC Portal/Website.

4. All the above-mentioned points were noted and agreed by the representative of the firms that:

  1. These minutes of pre-bid meeting shall form part of the tender document/ agreement.

  2. Rest of the terms and conditions, and specifications of the tender document shall continue to remain same.

  3. The above clarifications are issued for the information for all the intending bidders.

  4. The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the tender document and clarifications given above.

Regional Director
RBI, Bhubaneswar
