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Date : Dec 18, 2024
Addendum - Request for Proposal for Empanelment of Media Buying/ Advertising Agencies

E-Tender No. - RBI/DoC-Central Office Departments/Others/20/24-25/ET/631

Department of Communication (DoC) calling for bids through E-tendering on the captioned work through E-tender on RBI Website and MSTC Portal on December 05, 2024.

S. No. RFP Ref Page no. Existing clause Details Clarification Sought Modification from the Bank’s side
1 Pg No-26

c) Annex A3 – Eligibility Criteria Response Sheet

S.No 3 –
They should have sufficient manpower, i.e., more than 20 persons full-time in Media Services in Mumbai for co-ordination.
A certificate duly signed by
Chartered Accountant along with a certificate of incorporation shall be attached. Details to be furnished regarding number of employees, proof of employment. Biodata along with government identity proof (i.e. Passport number / PAN / Aadhar card copy) and their work profile (viz., Designer, media planner, etc. These staff members should be the regular employees of the Company having record for payment of EPF, etc., to be certified by the Company’s Statutory Auditor.
the CV, role (planner, buyer), no of employees, PF details etc all these details generally a CA do not certify. Will a self-declaration from companies authorised signatory do? A certificate duly signed by Chartered Accountant along with a certificate of incorporation shall be attached. Details (name & government identity proof) to be furnished for 21 employees or more, signed by the HR Head of the firm. Biodata of 4-5 people who will form the team which will interact with RBI, in case the bidder gets successfully empanelled, may be furnished signed by the HR Head of the firm. These staff members should be the regular employees of the Company having record for payment of EPF, etc., to be certified by the Company’s Statutory Auditor.

Remaining para remains unchanged.
2 Pg No-27

c) Annex A3 – Eligibility Criteria Response Sheet

S.No 4
Bidder must have Turnover of at least ₹200 crore (Rupees Two hundred crore) on an average for each of the last 3 financial years during April 2021 - March 2024 (Standalone Turnover of the Company applying for the empanelment will be reckoned, not the parent/group company or subsidiaries). To reduce the amount of turnover given as eligibility criteria Bidder must have Turnover of at least ₹100 crore (Rupees One hundred crore) on an average for each of the last 3 financial years during April 2021 - March 2024 (Standalone Turnover of the Company applying for the empanelment will be reckoned, not the parent/group company or subsidiaries).
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d) Annex A4 – Technical Evaluation

S.No. 3
Turnover of the bidder for last three years:

a. Turnover for last three years of = ₹200 crore
b. Turnover for last three years = ₹200 crores to ₹400 crore.
c. Turnover for last three years > = ₹400 crore
We would like to request to Relaxation in Turnover ₹100 Cr. Also consider consolidated Turnover for Technical Evaluation Scoring. Turnover of the bidder for last three years:

a. Turnover for last three years of = ₹100 crore
b. Turnover for last three years > ₹100 crores to = ₹200 crore
c. Turnover for last three years > ₹200 crores to = ₹400 crore.
d. Turnover for last three years > ₹400 crore
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d) Annex A4 – Technical Evaluation

S.No. 3
a. 4
b. 7
c. 10
a. 2
b. 4
c. 7
d. 10
5 Pg No-31

d) Annex A4 – Technical Evaluation

S.No. 8
Billing from the top 3 clients in FY 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24. Top 3 clients will be basis the income and not billing. Pl confirm. Income from the top 3 clients in FY 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24, as a % of total income of the bidder.
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d) Annex A4 – Technical Evaluation

S.No. 8
Submit proof of income received from top 3 clients. Ask is Proof but not specified. Can Agency submit CA certification specifying billing from top 3 clients Submit CA signed certificate as proof of income earned as a % of total income received from top 3 clients.

2. Clarification on submission of Pre- Contract Integrity Pact (Annex C) -

Pre-Contract Integrity Pact to be submitted on 500 Rupee Non-Judicial Stamp paper.

3. The bidders are advised to submit the bid after considering the above addendum. Please note that this is supplementary to the tender document and will form part of the tender.

4. All the other terms and conditions pertaining to this e-tender will remain unchanged.

