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Tenders Awarded

Tender number461
Date of publication of NITDec 04, 2018
Nature of workDesign, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 4X350 TR cooling towers at Bank’s Main Office Building at New Delhi (Revised)
Mode of tender enquiryThrough leading market players/web advertisement
Type of bidding (single/two bid system)Two bid
Last date of receipt of tenderJan 18, 2019
Number of tenders received4 (Four)
Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation 4 (Four)
1) M/s Blue Star Limited
2) M/s HV Airconditioning Pvt Ldt
3) M/s Snowmex Engineers Ltd
4) M/s Paharpur Cooling Tower Ltd
Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation NIL
Commercial Bid Ranking, if any
Final Ranking, if any
Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/evaluated L1Yes
Contract number and dateEstate No. 386/01.03.093/PRII/2018-19 dated Feb 15, 2019
Name of contractorM/s Blue Star Limited
Value of contract₹ 27,46,444/-
Scheduled date of completion of supplies 11 weeks from 10th day from the date of work order
Actual date of start of work
Actual date of completion of work
Reasons for delay, if any