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Tenders Awarded

Tender number
Date of publication of NITSep 30, 2022
Nature of workSITC of Multi Zone (12 Zones) DFMD with Camera at Bank’s Main Office Building, RBI Kanpur
Mode of tender enquiryOffline- Tender (part-I & Part -II) submitted along with all the documents in sealed envelope
Type of bidding (single/two bid system)Two Part Bid
Last date of receipt of tenderNov 01, 2022 till 13:00 hours
Number of tenders received02 (Two)
Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation 02 (Two)
1. M/s Security Defence Systems
2. M/s Magtech Security Systems Pvt. Ltd
Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation Nil
Commercial Bid Ranking, if any
Final Ranking, if any
Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/evaluated L1Yes
Contract number and dateKNP.ESTT.ELCG. No.S-946/06.01.003/2022-23 dated Jan 11, 2023
Name of contractorM/s Magtech Security Systems Pvt. Ltd
Value of contract₹1,88,800/-
Scheduled date of completion of supplies
Actual date of start of workFeb 18, 2023
Actual date of completion of workMar 01, 2023
Reasons for delay, if any-