to be disclosed by the monetary authorities and other central government excluding social security)
A.Official reserve
assets | As
on 31 March 2004 |
Foreign Currency Reserves | 107448 |
(a)Securities |
35024 |
of which: issuer headquartered in reporting
country but located abroad | 0 |
(b) total currency
and deposits with: ( i+ii+iii) | 72424 |
(i) other national
central banks,BIS and IMF | 45877 |
(ii) banks headquartered
in the reporting country | 29 |
of which:
located abroad | 29 |
(iii) banks headquartered
outside the reporting country | 26518 |
of which:
located in the reporting country | 0 |
(2) IMF reserve
position | 1311 |
(3) SDRs |
2 |
(4) gold(including gold deposits and, if appropriate,gold swapped) | 4198 |
-volume in fine
troy ounces | 11.5
mn. |
other reserve assets | 0 |
-financial derivatives | |
-loans to nonbanking
nonresidents | |
-other | |
B. other foreign
currency assets (specify) | 0 |
-securities not
included in official reserve assets | |
-deposits not
included in official reserve assets | |
-loans not included
in official reserve assets | |
-gold not included
in official reserve assets | |
-financial derivatives
not included in official reserve assets | |
-other | |
Total |
Maturity breakdown(residual) |
to 1 month | More
than 1 month and up to 3 months |
More than 3 months and up to 1 year |
currency loans,* securities and deposits | | | | |
-outflows(-) |
Principal |
1745 |
72 |
361 |
1312 |
Interest |
673 |
18 |
140 |
515 |
-inflows(+) |
Principal |
0 | | | |
Interest |
short and long positions in forwards and futures in foreign currencies vis-à-vis
the domestic currency(including the forward leg of currency swaps | | | | |
short positions(-) | 0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(b) long positions(+) |
1392 |
1211 |
66 |
115 |
3.Other(specify) |
0 | | | |
related to repos(-) | 0 | | | |
related to reverse repos(+) | 0 | | | |
credit(-) | 0 | | | |
credit(+) | 0 | | | |
accounts payable(-) | 0 | | | |
accounts receivable(+) | 0 | | | |
currency funds under exchange guarantee(-) |
0 | | | |
Maturity breakdown(residual maturity, where applicable) |
to 1 month |
than 1 month and up to 3 months |
More than 3 months and up to 1 year |
liabilities in foreign currency |
a. Collateral
guarantees on debt falling due within 1 year
(Principal +Interest)**
355 |
4 |
124 |
227 |
(b)Other contingent liabilities |
0 |
2.Foreign currency
securities issued with embedded options(public bonds) |
0 |
credit lines provided by: |
(a) other national
monetary authorities,BIS,IMF and other international organizations |
-other national
monetary authorities(+) |
-BIS(+) |
0 |
-IMF(+) |
0 |
(b) with banks
and other financial institutions headquartered in the reporting country(+) |
0 |
(c) with banks
and other financial institutions headquartered outside the reporting country(+) |
0 |
Undrawn, unconditional
credit lines provided to:
(a) other national
monetary authorities , BIS,IMF ,and other international organizations |
-other national
monetary authorities(-) |
0 |
-BIS(-) |
0 |
-IMF(-) |
0 |
(b)banks and
other financial institutions headquartered in reporting country(-) |
0 |
(c) banks and
other financial institutions headquartered outside the reporting country(-) |
0 |
4.Aggregate short
and long positions of options in foreign currency vis-à-vis the domestic
currency. |
0 |
(a) short positions |
(i) Bought puts |
(ii) written
puts |
(b) Long positions |
(i) Bought calls |
(ii) Written
puts |
Total |
Maturity breakdown(residual maturity,where applicable) |
to 1 month |
than 1 month and up to 3 months |
More than 3 months and up to 1 year |
In money options |
0 |
(1) At current
exchange rates |
(a) Short position |
(b) Long position |
(2) + 5%(depreciation
of 5%) |
(a) Short position |
(b) Long position |
of 5%) |
(a) Short position |
(b) Long position |
(4) +10%(depreciation
0f 10%) |
(a) Short position |
(b) Long position |
(5) –10%(appreciation
of 10%) |
(a) short position |
(b) Long position |
(6) Other specify) |
1. To be reported
with standard periodicity and timeliness: (a)
short-term domestic currency debt ,indexed to the exchange rate
0 |
(b) financial instruments denominated in foreign
currency and settled by other means (e.g. , in domestic currency) |
0 |
-nondeliverable forwards | |
-short positions | |
-long positions | |
-other instruments | |
(c) pledged assets |
0 |
-included in reserve assets | |
-included in
other foreign currency assets | |
(d) securities
lent and on repo | 0 |
-lent or repoed
and included in section 1 | |
(e) financial derivative assets(net,marked to market) |
0 |
-foreign currency forwards/swaps |
0 |
-futures | |
-swaps | |
-options | |
-other | |
(f) derivatives
(forward,futures or options contracts) that have a residual maturity greater than
one year,which are subject to margin calls. |
0 |
-aggregate short and long positions in forwards
and futures in foreign currencies vis-à-vis the domestic currency(including
the forward leg of currency swaps) | 0 |
(a) short positions | |
(i) bought puts | |
(ii) written
calls | |
(b) long positions | |
(i) bought calls | |
Written puts | |
(2) To be disclosed
less frequently: | |
(a) currency composition of reserves ((by groups
of currencies) | |
-currencies in SDR basket (as on 30 June 2003) |
99.93% |
-currencies not in SDR basket (as on 30 June 2003) |
0.07% |
-by individual currencies (Amount in millions)
| |