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This role encapsulates the essence of renewed national focus on Financial Inclusion, promoting financial education and literacy and making credit available to productive sectors of the economy including the rural and MSME sector.


  • Credit flow to priority sectors: Macro policy formulation to strengthen credit flow to the priority sectors. Ensuring priority sector lending becomes a tool for banks for capturing untapped business opportunities among the financially excluded sections of society.
  • Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy: Ensuring access to an array of basic formal financial services and products and scaling up financial awareness initiatives. The National Strategy for Financial Inclusion (NSFI) 2019-24 and the National Strategy for Financial Education (NSFE): 2020-25 sets forth the vision and key objectives of the Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy policies in India to expand the reach and sustain the efforts through a broad convergence of action involving all the stakeholders in the financial sector.
  • Credit flow to MSME: Formulating policies to enable optimal flow of credit to the MSME sector and address stress in the accounts of MSMEs
  • Credit Delivery to SHGs, SC/ST community and Minority Communities: To enhance flow of credit to individuals, Self Help Groups, persons belonging to SC/ST category and Minority Communities through select Government Sponsored Schemes.
  • Credit flow to agriculture and allied activities: Providing broad guidelines to enable (i) ease of access to finance by farmers and (ii) financial assistance to farmers affected by natural calamities.
  • Institutions: Strengthening institutional arrangements, such as, State Level Bankers Committees (SLBCs), Lead bank scheme, etc., to facilitate achievement of above objectives.

Our Approach

Looking Ahead

With the evolving Indian economy and penetration of banking and financial services in rural areas, the priority sector guidelines been reviewed to address the regional disparity in flow of credit and emerging national priorities. The co-lending model by Banks and NBFCs aims to leverage the comparative advantage of Banks and NBFCs to improve the flow of credit to different priority sectors. Commercial banks have also been mandated to support the eligible borrowers affected by natural calamities coming under the ambit of National Disaster Management Framework of Government of India.

Implementing the recommendations of National Strategy for Financial Inclusion 2019-24 and monitoring the progress of financial inclusion plans to expand and sustain the progress of financial inclusion in the country

Strengthening financial literacy awareness among public through Center for Financial Literacy.

Co-oridinating with the stakeholders for implementation of the recommendations made by the Expert Committee on MSMEs and Internal Working Group to review agricultural credit.
