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Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme 2023-24


December 11, 2023

Scheduled Commercial Banks (as per the list attached),
Designated Post Offices (as per the list attached)
Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd.
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd, Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.
Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.

Madam/Dear Sir,

Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme 2023-24

Government of India, vide its Notification No F.No.4(6)-B (W&M)/2023 dated December 08, 2023, has announced Series III and IV of Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2023-24. Under the Scheme, there will be a distinct series (Series III and IV) which will be indicated on the Bond issued to the investor. The terms and conditions of the issuance of the Bonds shall be as per the above notification.

2. Date of Issue

The bonds shall be issued as per the details given below:

S. No. Tranche Date of Subscription Date of Issuance
1. 2023-24 Series III December 18 - December 22, 2023 December 28, 2023, Thursday
2. 2023-24 Series IV February 12 - February 16, 2024 February 21, 2024, Wednesday

3. Period of subscription

The Subscription of the Gold Bonds under the Scheme shall be open (Monday to Friday) on the dates specified above, provided that the Central Government may, with prior notice, close the Scheme at any time before the period specified above.

4. Application

Subscription for the Bonds may be made in the prescribed application form Form A or in any other form as near as thereto, stating clearly the units (in grams) of gold and the full name and address of the applicant. Every application must be accompanied by valid ‘PAN details’ issued by the Income Tax Department to the investor(s). Designated Scheduled Commercial Banks, Designated Post Offices, Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd., Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. and the recognized stock exchanges, viz. National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. and Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. are the Receiving Offices which are authorized to receive applications for the Bonds either directly or through agents and render all services to the customers. The Receiving Office shall issue an acknowledgment receipt in Form B to the applicant.

5. All online applications should be accompanied by email Id of the investor/s which should be uploaded on the Ekuber portal of Reserve Bank of India along with the subscription details.

6. In addition to receipt of application, the Receiving Offices are also entrusted with the responsibility of providing service to the investors of the SGB and are required to be guided by the instructions issued by the Reserve Bank of India in this regard from time to time. With a view to facilitate availability of all current operative instructions regarding servicing of these bonds at one place, Reserve Bank of India has issued Consolidated Procedural Guidelines vide circular IDMD.CDD.1100/14.04.050/2021-22 dated October 22, 2021 (updated as on October 04, 2022) and the same is available on its website. The Receiving Offices shall be guided by these instructions while dealing with all the procedural aspects and providing service to the investors.

7. All other terms and conditions specified in the notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) F.No.4(2)-W&M/2018 dated March 27, 2018 shall apply to the Bonds.

Yours faithfully,

(G Anandakrishnan)
Deputy General Manager
