RPCD.SP.BC.No. 22 / 09.10.01 / 2006-07
Sept 1, 2006
The Chairman/ Managing Directors
All Scheduled Commercial Banks
Dear Sir,
Prime Minister's 15 Point Programme for the
Welfare of Minorities-
Please refer to our Master Circular ref. RPCD.SP.BC.09/
09.10.01/ 2006-07 dated July 5, 2006 regarding credit facilities to minority
communities. In this connection, Government of India have recently finalised
a new ' Prime Minister's 15- Point Programme for the Welfare of Minorities'.
An important objective of the aforesaid Programme is to ensure that an appropriate
percentage of the priority sector lending is targeted for the minority communities
and that the benefits of various Government sponsored schemes reach the under-privileged,
which includes the disadvantaged sections of the minority communities. You may,
therefore, issue necessary instructions to your controlling offices, branch
offices advising them to ensure that within the overall target for priority
sector lending and the sub- target of 10 per cent for the weaker sections, sufficient
care is taken to ensure that the minority communities also receive an equitable
portion of the credit. The above requirement should be kept in view by Lead
Banks while preparing district credit plans.
2. Please acknowledge receipt and kindly advise
us of the action initiated by you in this regard urgently.
Yours faithfully,
( G. Srinivasan)
Chief General Manager