RBI /2008-09 / 218 DBOD.No.BP.BC.57 / 21.04.157 / 2008 –
09 October 13, 2008 All the Commercial Banks (Excluding
Local Area Banks and Regional Rural Banks) Dear Sirs, Prudential
Norms for Off-balance Sheet Exposures of Banks Please refer
to our circular RBI/2008-09/125.
DBOD.No.BP.BC.31/21.04.157/ 2008-09 dated August 8, 2008 on the captioned
subject. 2. The issues regarding asset classification status of overdue
payments in respect of derivative transactions and re-structuring of derivative
contracts have been examined, and it is advised as under: 2.1 Asset
Classification i) The overdue receivables representing positive
mark-to-market value of a derivative contract will be treated as a non-performing
asset, if these remain unpaid for 90 days or more. In that case all other funded
facilities granted to the client shall also be classified as non-performing asset
following the principle of borrower-wise classification as per the existing asset
classification norms. ii) If the client concerned is also a borrower of
the bank enjoying a Cash Credit or Overdraft facility from the bank, the receivables
mentioned at item (i) above may be debited to that account on due date and the
impact of its non-payment would be reflected in the cash credit/overdraft facility
account. The principle of borrower-wise asset classification would be applicable
here also, as per extant norms. iii) In cases where the contract provides
for settlement of the current mark-to-market value of a derivative contract before
its maturity, only the current credit exposure (not the potential future exposure)
will be classified as a non-performing asset after an overdue period of 90 days. iv)
As the overdue receivables mentioned above would represent unrealised income already
booked by the bank on accrual basis, after 90 days of overdue period, the amount
already taken to 'Profit and Loss a/c' should be reversed and held in a 'Suspense
a/c' in the same manner as is done in the case of overdue advances. 2.2
Re-structuring of derivative contracts In cases where a derivative
contract is restructured, the mark-to-market value of the contract on the date
of restructuring should be cash settled. For this purpose, any change in any of
the parameters of the original contract would be treated as a restructuring. 3.
These instructions will also be applicable to the foreign branches of Indian banks.
Yours faithfully, (Prashant
Saran) Chief General Manager-In-Charge |