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Handbook of Instructions Basic Statistical Returns 1 and 2

Apr 10, 2008
BSR-2  158 kb
BSR-1B  218 kb
BSR-1A  59 kb
Annexure  83 kb
VI. Basic Statistical Return 1 - Part A & B (BSR-1A & BSR-1B) Activity/ Occupation Codes: Relationship  29 kb
IV. Code Lists  251 kb
Foreword  50 kb
Handbook of Instructions Basic Statistical Returns 1 and 2  1364 kb
V. BSR-1 - Part B (BSR-1B)  19 kb
I. Basic Statistical Return (BSR) 1 (Part A and Part B)  31 kb
II. Guidelines/Instructions for filling in the BSR-1  12 kb
III. BSR - 1 - Part A (BSR-1A)  59 kb
VII. Basic Statistiscal Return (BSR) 2  16 kb
VIII. Guidelines/Instructions for Filling in The BSR-2  23 kb
IX. Illustrative Examples for BSR-1A and BSR-1B  332 kb
