The recommendations of the Committee are set out
in this Chapter.
The Choice of Nominal Anchor
(1) Inflation should be the nominal anchor for
the monetary policy framework. This nominal anchor
should be set by the Reserve Bank as its predominant
objective of monetary policy in its policy statements.
The nominal anchor should be communicated
without ambiguity, so as to ensure a monetary policy
regime shift away from the current approach to one
that is centered around the nominal anchor. Subject
to the establishment and achievement of the nominal
anchor, monetary policy conduct should be consistent
with a sustainable growth trajectory and financial
stability (Para No: II.25).
The Choice of Inflation Metric
(2) The RBI should adopt the new CPI (combined)
as the measure of the nominal anchor for policy
communication. The nominal anchor should be
defined in terms of headline CPI inflation, which
closely reflects the cost of living and influences
inflation expectations relative to other available
metrics (Para No: II.36).
Numerical Target and Precision
(3) The nominal anchor or the target for inflation
should be set at 4 per cent with a band of +/- 2 per
cent around it (a) in view of the vulnerability of the
Indian economy to supply/external shocks and the
relatively large weight of food in the CPI; and (b) the
need to avoid a deflation bias in the conduct of
monetary policy. This target should be set in the frame
of a two-year horizon that is consistent with the need
to balance the output costs of disinflation against the
speed of entrenchment of credibility in policy
commitment (Para No: II.42).
Time Horizon for Attaining Price Stability
(4) In view of the elevated level of current CPI
inflation and hardened inflation expectations, supply
constraints and weak output performance, the
transition path to the target zone should be graduated
to bringing down inflation from the current level of
10 per cent to 8 per cent over a period not exceeding
the next 12 months and to 6 per cent over a period
not exceeding the next 24 month period before
formally adopting the recommended target of 4 per
cent inflation with a band of +/- 2 per cent. The
Committee is also of the view that this transition path
should be clearly communicated to the public
(Para No: II.43).
(5) Since food and fuel account for more than 57
per cent of the CPI on which the direct influence of
monetary policy is limited, the commitment to the
nominal anchor would need to be demonstrated by
timely monetary policy response to risks from second
round effects and inflation expectations in response
to shocks to food and fuel (Para No: II.44).
Institutional Requirements
(6) Consistent with the Fiscal Responsibility and
Budget Management (Amendment) Rules, 2013, the
Central Government needs to ensure that its fiscal
deficit as a ratio to GDP is brought down to 3.0 per
cent by 2016-17 (Para No: II.47).
(7) Administered setting of prices, wages and
interest rates are significant impediments to
monetary policy transmission and achievement of
the price stability objective, requiring a commitment
from the Government towards their elimination
(Para No: II.48).
Organisational Structure for Monetary Policy
(8) Monetary policy decision-making should
be vested in a monetary policy committee (MPC)
(Para No: III.22).
Monetary Policy Committee: Composition & Tasks
(9) The Governor of the RBI will be the Chairman
of the MPC, the Deputy Governor in charge of
monetary policy will be the Vice Chairman and the
Executive Director in charge of monetary policy will
be a member. Two other members will be external,
to be decided by the Chairman and Vice Chairman on
the basis of demonstrated expertise and experience
in monetary economics, macroeconomics, central
banking, financial markets, public finance and related
areas (Para No: III.23).
(10) External members will be full time with access
to information/analysis generated within the Reserve
Bank and cannot hold any office of profit, or undertake
any activity that is seen as amounting to conflict of
interest with the working of the MPC. The term of
office of the MPC will ordinarily be three years,
without prospect of renewal (Para No: III.24).
(11) Each member of the MPC will have one vote
with the outcome determined by majority voting,
which has to be exercised without abstaining. Minutes
of the proceedings of the MPC will be released with
a lag of two weeks from the date of the meeting
(Para No: III.25).
(12) In view of the frequency of data availability
and the process of revisions in provisional data, the
MPC will ordinarily meet once every two months,
although it should retain the discretion to meet and
recommend policy decisions outside the policy review
cycle (Para No: III.26).
(13) The RBI will also place a bi-annual inflation
report in the public domain, drawing on the
experience gained with the publication of the document on Macroeconomic and Monetary
Developments. The Inflation Report will essentially
review the analysis presented to the MPC to inform
its deliberations (Para No: III.27).
(14) The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice
Chairman, shall exercise a casting vote in situations
arising on account of unforeseen exigencies
necessitating the absence of a member for the
MPC meeting in which voting is equally divided
(Para No: III.28).
Accountability of MPC
(15) The MPC will be accountable for failure to
establish and achieve the nominal anchor. Failure is
defined as the inability to achieve the inflation target
of 4 per cent (+/- 2 per cent) for three successive
quarters. Such failure will require the MPC to issue a
public statement, signed by each member, stating the
reason(s) for failure, remedial actions proposed and
the likely period of time over which inflation will
return to the centre of the inflation target zone
(Para No: III.29).
(16) With the establishment of the MPC, there
would be a need to upgrade and expand analytical
inputs into the decision making process through prepolicy
briefs for MPC members, structured
presentations on key macroeconomic variables and
forecasts, simulations of suites of macroeconometric
models as described in Chapter II, forward looking
surveys and a dedicated secretariat. This will require
restructuring and scaling-up of the monetary policy
department (MPD) in terms of skills, technology and
management information systems, and its
reorganization (Para No: III.30).
The Operating Framework of Monetary Policy
(17) As an overarching prerequisite, the operating
framework has to subserve stance and objectives of
monetary policy. Accordingly, it must be redesigned
around the central premise of a policy rule. While several variants are available in the literature and in
country practice, the Committee is of the view that a
simple rule defined in terms of a real policy rate (that
is easily communicated and understood), is suitable
to Indian conditions and is consistent with the
nominal anchor recommended in Chapter II. When
inflation is above the nominal anchor, the real policy
rate is expected, on average, to be positive. The MPC
could decide the extent to which it is positive, with
due consideration to the state of the output gap (actual
output growth relative to trend/potential) and to
financial stability (Para No: III.59).
(18) A phased refinement of the operating
framework is necessary to make it consistent with
the conduct of monetary policy geared towards the
establishment and achievement of the nominal
anchor (Para No: III.60).
(19) In the first or transitional phase, the weighted
average call rate will remain the operating target, and
the overnight LAF repo rate will continue as the
single policy rate. The reverse repo rate and the MSF
rate will be calibrated off the repo rate with a spread
of (+/-) 100 basis points, setting the corridor around
the repo rate. The repo rate will be decided by the
MPC through voting. The MPC may change the spread,
which however should be as infrequent as possible
to avoid policy induced uncertainty for markets
(Para No: III.61).
Liquidity Management
(20) Provision of liquidity by the RBI at the
overnight repo rate will, however, be restricted to a
specified ratio of bank-wise net demand and time
liabilities (NDTL), that is consistent with the objective
of price stability. As the 14-day term repo rate
stabilizes, central bank liquidity should be increasingly
provided at the 14-day term repo rate and through
the introduction of 28-day, 56-day and 84-day variable
rate auctioned term repos by further calibrating the availability of liquidity at the overnight repo rate as
necessary (Para No: III.62).
(21) The objective should be to develop a spectrum
of term repos of varying maturities with the 14-day
term repo as the anchor. As the term yield curve
develops, it will provide external benchmarks for
pricing various types of financial products, particularly
bank deposits, thereby enabling more efficient
transmission of policy impulses across markets
(Para No: III.63).
(22) During this phase, the RBI should fine-tune
and sharpen its liquidity assessment with a view to
be in a position to set out its own assessment of banks’
reserves. This will warrant a juxtaposition of topdown
approaches that estimate banks’ reserves
demand consistent with macroeconomic and financial
conditions appropriate for establishing the nominal
anchor, and bottom-up approaches that aggregate
bank-wise assessments of liquidity needs submitted
by banks themselves to the RBI on a daily basis. As
these liquidity assessments become robust, they
should be announced for market participants prior to
the commencement of market operations every day
and could be subjected to review and revision during
the day for fine-tuning them with monetary and
liquidity conditions. It is envisaged that the RBI will
expand capabilities to conduct liquidity operations
on an intra-day basis if needed, including by scaling
up trading on the NDS-OM platform (Para No: III.64).
(23) Consistent with the repo rate set by the MPC,
the RBI will manage liquidity and meet the demand
for liquidity of the banking system using a mix of
term repos, overnight repos, outright operations and
the MSF(Para No: III.65).
(24) As term repos for managing liquidity in the
transition phase gain acceptance, the “policy rate”
voted on by the MPC will be a target rate for the short
end of the money market, to be achieved through active liquidity management. The 14-day term repo
rate is superior to the overnight policy rate since it
allows market participants to hold central bank
liquidity for a relatively longer period, thereby
enabling them to on lend/repo term money in the
inter-bank market and develop market segments and
yields for term transactions. More importantly, term
repos can wean away market participants from the
passive dependence on the RBI for cash/treasury
management. Overnight repos under the LAF have
effectively converted the discretionary liquidity
facility into a standing facility that could be accessed
as the first resort, and precludes the development of
markets that price and hedge risk. Improved
transmission of monetary policy thus becomes the
prime objective for setting the 14-day term repo rate
as the operating target (Para No: III.66).
(25) Based on its assessment of liquidity, the RBI
will announce the quantity of liquidity to be supplied
through variable rate auctions for the 14-day term
repos alongside relatively fixed amounts of liquidity
provided through longer-term repos (Para No: III.67).
(26) The RBI will aim at keeping 14-day term repo
auction cut-off rates at or close to the target policy
rate by supplementing its main policy operation
(14-day term repos) with (i) two-way outright open
market operations through both auctions and
trading on the NDS-OM platform; (ii) fine tuning
operations involving overnight repos/reverse repos
(with a fine spread between the repo and reverse repo
rate) and (iii) discretionary changes in the CRR that
calibrate bank reserves to shifts in the policy stance
(Para No: III.68).
(27) The MSF rate should be set in a manner that
makes it a truly penal rate to be accessed only under
exceptional circumstances (Para No: III.69).
(28) An accurate assessment of borrowed and
non-borrowed reserves and forward looking
projections of liquidity demand would assume critical
importance in the framework. So far, the government’s cash balances have been the prime volatile autonomous
driver of liquidity, making accurate liquidity
projections a difficult task. Therefore, continuing with
reforms in the Government securities market, which
envisage that the debt management function should
be with the Government, the cash management
function should concomitantly also be with the
Government (Para No: III.70).
New Instruments
(29) To support the operating framework, the
Committee recommends that some new instruments
be added to the toolkit of monetary policy. Firstly, to
provide a floor for the new operating framework for
absorption of surplus liquidity from the system but
without the need for providing collateral in exchange,
a (low) remunerated standing deposit facility may be
introduced, with the discretion to set the interest rate
without reference to the policy target rate. The
introduction of the standing deposit facility (analogous
to the marginal standing facility for lending purposes)
will require amendment to the RBI Act for which the
transitional phase may be utilised. The standing
deposit facility will also be used for sterilization
operations, as set out in Chapter 5, with the advantage
that it will not require the provision of collateral for
absorption – which had turned out to be a binding
constraint on the reverse repo facility in the face of
surges in capital flows during 2005-08 (Para No: III.71).
(30) Secondly, term repos of longer tenor may also
be conducted since term repo market segments could
help in establishing market based benchmarks for a
variety of money market instruments and shorterterm
deposits/loans (Para No: III.72).
(31) Thirdly, dependence on market stabilisation
scheme (MSS) and cash management bills (CMBs)
may be phased out, consistent with Government
debt and cash management being taken over by
the Government’s Debt Management Office (DMO)
(Para No: III.73).
(32) Fourthly, all sector specific refinance should
be phased out (Para No: III.74).
Addressing Impediments to Transmission of
Monetary Policy
Statutory Liquidity Ratio
(33) Consistent with the time path of fiscal
consolidation mentioned in Chapter 2, SLR should be
reduced to a level in consonance with the requirements
of liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) prescribed under the
Basel III framework. [Para No: IV.22 (a)].
(34) Government should eschew suasion and
directives to banks on interest rates that run counter
to monetary policy actions [Para No: IV.22 (b)].
Small Savings Schemes
(35) More frequent intra-year resets of interest
rates on small saving instruments, with built-in
automaticity linked to benchmark G-sec yields, need
to be brought in. Also, the benchmark should be based
on the average of the previous six months or even
shorter intervals so as to better capture changes in
interest rate cycles within a year [Para No: IV.22 (c)].
(36) All fixed income financial products should be
treated on par with bank deposits for the purposes
of taxation and TDS. Furthermore, the tax treatment
of FMPs and bank deposits should also be harmonized
[Para No: IV.22 (d)].
(37) With a sharp rise in the ratio of agricultural
credit to agricultural GDP, the need for subventions
on interest rate for lending to certain sectors would
need to be re-visited [Para No: IV.22 (e)].
Financial Markets Pricing Benchmarks
(38) Unless the cost of banks’ liabilities moves in
line with the policy rates as do interest rates in money
market and debt market segments, it will be difficult to persuade banks to price their loans in response to
policy rate changes. Hence, it is necessary to develop
a culture of establishing external benchmarks for
setting interest rates out of which financial products
can be priced. Ideally, these benchmarks should
emerge from market practices. The Reserve Bank
could explore whether it can play a more active
supportive role in its emergence (Para No: IV.28).
(39) The RBI’s liquidity management operations
should strive to ensure consistency with the stance
of monetary policy. Accordingly, an increase in the
policy rate to convey an anti-inflation policy stance
should be accompanied by tightening of liquidity
conditions through liquidity management operations,
whereas an easing of the policy stance should be
associated with accommodative liquidity conditions
(Para No: IV.29).
(40) There should be close coordination between
the settings of monetary policy and macro-prudential
policies, since variations in macro-prudential
instruments such as capital buffers, provisions, loanto-
value ratios and the like alter the cost structures
and lendable resources of banks, thereby impacting
monetary transmission (Para No: IV.30).
Open Market Operations (OMOs)
(41) OMOs have to be detached from fiscal
operations and instead linked solely to liquidity
management. OMOs should not be used for managing
yields on government securities (Para No: IV.35).
Conduct of Monetary Policy in a Globalised
Managing Surges in Capital Inflows/ Sudden Outflows
(42) In view of the cross country and Indian
experience with global spillovers driving episodes of
large and volatile capital inflows as well as outflows,
a flexible setting of monetary policy by the RBI in the
short-run is warranted. This presages readiness to use
a range of instruments at its command, allowing flexibility in the determination of the exchange rate
while managing volatility through capital flow
management (CFM) and macro-prudential measures
(including sector specific reserve requirements)
(Para No: V.25).
(43) With regard to inflows that are excessive in
relation to external financing requirements and the
need for sterilized intervention: (a) the RBI should
build a sterilization reserve out of its existing and
evolving portfolio of GoI securities across the range
of maturities, but accentuated towards a ‘strike
capability’ to rapidly intervene at the short end; and
(b) the RBI should introduce a remunerated standing
deposit facility, as recommended in Chapter-III, which
will effectively empower it with unlimited sterilization
capability (Para No: V.26).
(44) As a buffer against outflows, the RBI’s strategy
should be to build an adequate level of foreign
exchange reserves, adequacy being determined not
only in terms of its existing metrics but also in terms
of intervention requirements set by past experience with external shocks and a detailed assessment of tail
events that materialised in the country experiences.
As a second line of defence, swap arrangements,
including with regional financing initiatives, should
be actively pursued. While retaining the flexibility to
undertake unconventional monetary policy measures
as demonstrated in response to announcement effects
of QE taper but with clarity in communication and
better co-ordination, the Committee recommends that
the RBI should respond primarily through conventional
policy measures so as to ensure common set of shared
expectations between the markets and the RBI, and
to avoid the risk of ‘falling behind the curve’
subsequently when the exceptional measures are
unwound (Para No: V.27).
(45) In addition to the above, the RBI should
engage proactively in the development of vibrant
financial market segments, including those that are
missing in the spectrum, with regulatory initiatives
that create depth and instruments, so that risks are
priced, hedged, and managed onshore (Para No: V.28).