1. Introduction
III.1. A central bank’s success depends on the
quality of its decisions. Even with a clear target,
suitable instruments and full insulation from outside
pressures, a central bank cannot possibly foresee all
contingencies. Eventually, its decision has to depend
on judgment and, therefore, some discretion, which
is best bounded by credible and transparent
institutional accountability, is unavoidable. It is in
this context that monetary policy decision-making
has undergone a silent transformation1. The practice
of Governor as the single decision-maker is being
replaced by committees and no country has yet
replaced a committee with a single decision-maker.
The benefits attributed to a committee-based approach
are: gathering more and better information; pooling
different conclusions, potentially reducing errors;
insurance against strong individual preferences; and
peer reviews promoting openness of interaction and
independence. On the other hand, several costs have
also been identified: free riding (not contributing fully
to decision-making); inertia (could be easily embedded
in decisions tending to status quo even as a default
option); and groupthink. Key to the implementation
of the monetary policy decision, irrespective of
whether it is taken collegially or by a single decisionmaker,
are: (a) an operating framework that enables
the alignment of suitable instruments to final goals;
(b) benchmarking the path set for policy instruments
against rules developed through rigorous analysis of
complex and fast changing macro dynamics, including
structural macro models, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models and Taylor rule type
formulations; (c) avoidance of perverse incentives,
such as seeking to influence the gilt yield curve,
inhibiting price discovery, impeding monetary
transmission, and potentially creating a conflict with
the monetary authority’s primary objective; and
(d) sensitivity to financial stability concerns.
2. Organisational Structure for Decision-making:
The International Experience
III.2. The organisational structure of the decisionmaking
process in monetary policy varies across
countries. Most central banks have adopted a
committee approach for monetary policy decisions.
Among major non-inflation targeting central banks is
the US, where the Board of Governors of the Fed is
responsible for the discount rate and reserve
requirements, while the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) is responsible for announcing the
Fed Funds target rate. In Japan, the stance of monetary
policy is decided by the Policy Board at Monetary
Policy Meetings (MPMs). In China, the Monetary
Policy Committee (MPC) is a consultative body, which
has an advisory role in the context of comprehensive
research on the macroeconomic situation and the
macro targets set by the State Council, which is also
entrusted with the monetary policy decision.
III.3. The monetary policy decision-making process
in inflation targeting countries can be broadly
summarised as follows2:
Most inflation targeting central banks have an
MPC which is involved with decision-making.
The final decision on monetary policy is taken
by the board of central banks in many countries
(thirteen) while in other (eleven) countries the
decision is made by the MPC. There are also
countries where the MPC makes recommendations
to the board, which then takes the final decision.
The size and composition of committees vary
across countries. The number of members range
from five to ten. Among inflation targeting
countries, about half have no external members
in their MPCs.
The Government does not have representation
in the MPC in most countries (except in
Colombia, Guatemala and the Philippines).
Appointment of the members of the MPC is
decided by the board of central banks or the
central bank Governor in some countries (Israel,
Serbia, South Africa); in others, they are
appointed by the Government (UK, Poland,
Mexico, Indonesia).
Decision-making in MPCs is mostly by voting
while about eight countries arrive at monetary
policy decisions through a consensus.
In 12 countries, the MPC meets every month,
and most countries have MPC meetings at least
III.4. The major rationale for entrusting the task of
monetary policy decision to a specialised committee
appears to be that monetary policy formulation
requires considerable knowledge and expertise on the
subject domain. A committee also brings in participation from different stakeholders as well as
diverse opinion which could help in improving the
representativeness in the overall decision-making
process. Collective wisdom of a group makes the
whole somewhat greater than the sum of its parts
because it does not simply mimic the views of (a) the
average voter, (b) the median voter, and (c) the most
skillful member (Blinder, 2008)3. This view is
supported by experimental evidence (Blinder and
Morgan, 2005)4 and a cross country assessment of performance of MPCs in about 40 countries (Maier,
2.1 Accountability
III.5. Central bank accountability is the mechanism
through which a system of checks and balances is
established for the central bank in a democratic setup.
Formally, central banks are accountable to the
Government or the Parliament, from where they
derive their statutory authority. In practice, they are
typically made accountable to legislative committees,
ministers of finance, or supervisory boards. The
choice of accountability mechanisms generally
depends on the nature of the central bank’s
responsibilities. The mechanisms used for easily
observable and quantifiable objectives, such as price
stability, are different from those for objectives that
are hard to measure, such as financial stability, or not
easy to observe, such as the stewardship of resources
(BIS, 2009)6 .
III.6. In some countries (e.g., New Zealand), the
central bank Governor is legally the sole decisionmaker,
which makes it especially clear whom to hold responsible. In most other central banks, however,
decisions are made by a board, committee or council,
which gives rise to the issue of collective versus
individual responsibility. There are several formal
mechanisms through which central banks are held
accountable for their activities: (i) monitoring by the
government or legislature, (ii) publication of regular
central bank reports, and (iii) tacit endorsement (the
government or Parliament in about one-fifth of
countries has explicit power to provide formal
directives to the central bank, to override decisions
or otherwise change the course of policy) (BIS, 2009).
III.7. The vast majority of central banks have
published targets (in particular, for monetary policy),
but only a limited number – about 20 per cent and
mostly in industrialised countries – are subject to
formal procedures when targets are missed. Typically
this involves additional reporting requirements to
explain the reasons for missing the target as well as
the measures and time frame needed to meet the
target. Another potential remedial action is no
reappointment or even dismissal. But, often, central
bank officials can be dismissed only in cases of serious
misconduct or incapacity and rarely because of poor
performance. Most central banks, and nearly all in
EMEs, are regularly monitored by their legislatures.
In some countries, the relevant legislative bodies have
addressed the problem of expertise by formally
consulting external experts on monetary policy
matters7 (BIS, 2009).
3. Organisational Structure for Monetary Policy
Decisions in the RBI
III.8. The responsibility, accountability and timing
of decision-making relating to monetary policy
remains with the Governor who is directly accountable
to the Government of India. The RBI Act states that
the Central Government shall appoint and remove
the Governor and may give the RBI directions in the
public interest8.
III.9. Thus, in India, monetary policy decisions are
made by the Governor alone. Indeed, quarterly policy
statements are issued in the Governor’s name9. The
process of monetary policy formulation in the RBI
has, therefore, been traditionally internal. For policy
formulation, the Governor is assisted by Deputy
Governors, with one Deputy Governor specifically
entrusted with the responsibility for monetary policy
setting and conduct, and is guided by the inputs
received from the Committee of the Central Board of
Directors that meets every week to review monetary,
economic and financial conditions.
III.10. Over time, the monetary policy formulation
process has become more consultative and participative
with an external orientation. Following the
introduction of quarterly policy reviews (April/May,
July, October and January) in 2005, the RBI set up a
Technical Advisory Committee on Monetary Policy
(TACMP) in July of the same year with external experts
in the areas of monetary economics, central banking,
financial markets and public finance. The Committee
is chaired by the Governor, with the Deputy Governor in charge of monetary policy as the vice-chairman and
the other Deputy Governors of the RBI as internal
members. The Committee meets at least once in a
quarter, reviews macroeconomic and monetary
developments and advises the RBI on the appropriate
stance of monetary policy. It also provides policy
recommendations for mid-quarter reviews, which
were introduced in 2010. The role of the TACMP is
purely advisory in nature. Beginning with the meeting
held in January 2011, the main points of discussions
of the TACMP are placed in the public domain, with
a lag of roughly four weeks after the meeting of the
Committee. Members of TACMP have agreed not to
speak in public on issues relating to monetary policy
from ten days before the TACMP meeting up to one
day after the policy announcement though members
may express their views in public in other periods in
their individual capacity. This shut period is a selfimposed
III.11. With effect from October 2005, the RBI
introduced pre-policy consultation meetings with
representatives of different segments of the banking
sector, trade and industry bodies, financial market
participants, credit rating agencies and other
institutions. Since 2009, the RBI has also been holding
consultations with senior economists and market
analysts twice a year in the run up to the annual policy
and the second quarter review.
III.12. To bring in transparency in the process of
policy formation, the RBI places in public domain all
data/inputs that go into the formulation of monetary
policy – its internal macroeconomic assessment and
results of surveys10 in the form of a report entitled
‘Macroeconomic and Monetary Developments’.
3.1 RBI’s Accountability
III.13. The Reserve Bank of India Act does not
prescribe any formal mechanism for accountability.
Over the years, however, certain practices for
accountability have evolved. The RBI sets the rationale
of its policies and indicates possible expected
outcomes. The Governor holds a regular media
conference after every quarterly policy review which
is an open house for questions, not just related to
monetary policy, but the entire domain of activities
of the RBI. The RBI also assists the Finance Minister
in answering Parliament questions relating to its
domain. Most importantly, the Governor appears
before the Parliament’s Standing Committee on
Finance whenever summoned, which happens on an
average three to four times a year (Subbarao, 2013)11.
III.14. The Financial Sector Legislative Reforms
Commission (FSLRC) makes a strong case for monetary
policy independence with accountability and
recommends that independence needs to be
accompanied by legal and administrative processes
that clearly delineate the functioning of the regulator
from the rest of the Government. Outlining the
parameters of accountability, the FSLRC specifies that
in the event of a failure (to be defined clearly), the
head of the central bank would have to: (a) write a
document explaining the reasons for these failures;
(b) propose a programme of action; (c) demonstrate
how this programme addresses the problems that
have hindered the achievement of the target(s); and
(d) specify a time horizon over which the MPC expects
the target to be achieved. A further check is envisaged
in the form of a reserve power granted to the Central
Government to issue directions to the central bank
on issues of monetary policy under certain extreme circumstances. Given the drastic nature of this power,
any direction under this power must be approved by
both Houses of Parliament and can be in force only
for a period of three months. Such direction may be
issued in consultation with the head of the central
3.2 Recommendations of Earlier Committees on
III.15. Several committees have recommended
formation of a full-fledged monetary policy committee
(MPC). The Standing Committee on International
Standards and Codes, 2002 (Chairman: Dr. Y.V. Reddy)
recommended legislative changes in the RBI Act so as
to facilitate a mechanism for effective monetary
policy. It recommended setting up of a Monetary
Policy Committee on the lines of the Board of
Financial Supervision.
III.16. The Committee on Fuller Capital Account
Convertibility, 2006 (Chairman: Shri S.S. Tarapore)
recommended that there should be a formal Monetary
Policy Committee. It also recommended that at some
appropriate stage, a summary of the minutes of the
Monetary Policy Committee should be put in the
public domain with a suitable lag.
III.17. The Committee on Financial Sector Reforms,
2009 (Chairman: Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan) recommended
that a Monetary Policy Committee should take a more
active role in guiding monetary policy actions. It
should meet more regularly; its recommendations
and policy judgments should be made public with
minimal delays.
III.18. The Committee on Financial Sector
Assessment, 2009 (Chairman: Dr. Rakesh Mohan)
counseled on the need for strengthening the role of
the TACMP and recommended that practices/
procedures towards this goal be considered as it gains
more experience.
III.19. The FSLRC, 2013 (Chairman: Shri B. N.
Srikrishna) has recommended that :
An executive MPC should be constituted that
would meet on a fixed schedule and vote to
determine the course of monetary policy.
Once the MPC has determined the policy action,
the central bank would establish an operating
procedure through which the operating target
would be achieved.
There should be clear accountability mechanisms
through which the central bank would be held
accountable for delivering on the objectives that
have been established for it.
III.20. While the FSLRC elaborated specific aspects
of the decision-making process and accountability
mechanisms, it was of the view that other critical
elements – measurement and research, operating
procedure, and monetary policy transmission – would
take place through the management process of the
central bank, with oversight of the board.
3.3 Rationale for the Committee’s Recommendation
III.21. Heightened public interest and scrutiny of
monetary policy decisions and outcomes has
propelled a world-wide movement towards a
committee based approach to decision-making with
a view to bringing in greater transparency and
accountability. In India, the institution of a sole
monetary policy decision-maker embodied in the
Governor has served well in establishing credibility;
since 2005, however, there has also been movement
towards greater consultation with all stakeholders
leading up to the setting up of the TACMP. With the
publication of the minutes of the TACMP meetings
since February 2011, there has been keen public
interest in the views expressed in these meetings
− particularly when the actual monetary policy
decision has not reflected the majority view −
attesting to greater appreciation of diversity of view
points, independence of opinion and the flavour of
specialized experience that TACMP members have
brought to these deliberations. In order to make monetary policy processes more transparent and
predictable, the Committee is of the view that this
consultative process of monetary policy making
should be carried forward to its logical conclusion and
formalized into a decision-making process in
preference over the purely advisory role of the TACMP.
This should bring in a greater sense of involvement
and ownership, as well as accountability. Several
committees in India have also recommended a
formalized committee approach to monetary policy
III.22. Drawing on international experience, the
evolving organizational structure in the context of the
specifics of the Indian situation and the views of
earlier committees, the Committee is of the view that
monetary policy decision-making should be vested in
a monetary policy committee (MPC).
III.23. The Governor of the RBI will be the Chairman
of the MPC, the Deputy Governor in charge of
monetary policy will be the Vice Chairman, and the
Executive Director in charge of monetary policy will
be a member. Two other members will be external,
to be decided by the Chairman and Vice Chairman on
the basis of demonstrated expertise and experience
in monetary economics, macroeconomics, central
banking, financial markets, public finance and related
III.24. External members will be full time with access
to information/analysis generated within the RBI and
cannot hold any office of profit, or undertake any
activity that is seen as amounting to conflict of
interest with the working of the MPC. The term of
office of the MPC will ordinarily be three years,
without prospect of renewal.
III.25. Each member of the MPC will have one vote
with the outcome determined by majority voting,
which has to be exercised without abstaining. Minutes
of the proceedings of the MPC will be released with a lag of two weeks from the date of the meeting.
III.26. In view of the frequency of data availability
and the process of revisions in provisional data, the
MPC will ordinarily meet once every two months,
although it should retain the discretion to meet and
recommend policy decisions outside the policy review
III.27. The RBI will also place a bi-annual inflation
report in the public domain, drawing on the
experience gained with the publication of the
document on Macroeconomic and Monetary
Developments. The Inflation Report will essentially
review the analysis presented to the MPC to inform
its deliberations.
III.28. The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice
Chairman, shall exercise a casting vote in situations
arising on account of unforeseen exigencies
necessitating the absence of a member for the MPC
meeting in which voting is equally divided.
III.29. The MPC will be accountable for failure to
establish and achieve the nominal anchor. Failure is
defined as the inability to achieve the inflation target
of 4 per cent (+/- 2 per cent) for three successive
quarters. Such failure will require the MPC to issue a
public statement, signed by each member, stating the
reason(s) for failure, remedial actions proposed and
the likely period of time over which inflation will
return to the centre of the inflation target zone.
III.30. With the establishment of the MPC, there
would be a need to upgrade and expand analytical
inputs into the decision-making process through prepolicy
briefs for MPC members, structured
presentations on key macroeconomic variables and
forecasts, simulations of suites of macroeconometric
models as described in Chapter II, forward looking
surveys and a dedicated secretariat. This will require
restructuring and scaling-up of the monetary policy
department (MPD) in terms of skills, technology and
management information systems, and its
4. International Experience – Operating Targets,
Instruments and Liquidity Management
4.1 Operating Framework of Monetary policy
III.31. The operating framework is all about
implementation of monetary policy. It primarily
involves three major aspects – choosing the operating
target; choosing the intermediate target and choosing
the policy instruments. The operating target pertains
to the variable that monetary policy can directly
control with its actions. The tool(s) with which the
central bank seeks to impact the operating target is
(are) the monetary policy instrument(s). The
intermediate target is a variable which the central
bank can hope to influence to a reasonable degree
through the operating target and which displays a
predictable and stable relationship with the goal
variable(s). With growing instability in the relationship
between the intermediate targets and the ultimate
policy variables, intermediate targets have tended to
be downgraded in monetary policy regimes of most
central banks, although they are monitored as
indicators/guides for their information content. The
key challenge for the liquidity desk in the central bank
is to use a combination of standing facilities, open
market operations (OMOs) and reserve requirements
to achieve the operating target on a day to day basis,
and thereby ensure the first leg of monetary policy
transmission. Assessment of liquidity to arrive at the
OMO volume (i.e., repo and outright taken together)
that can ensure achievement of the operating target
is therefore critical, but remains a challenge for every
central bank.
III.32. The current norm across central banks of AEs
and EMEs is to have a short-term interest rate as the
operating target, while using liquidity management
instruments to modulate the liquidity conditions
suitably so as to control the operating target (Appendix
Table III.1). In the US, the operating target of monetary
policy is the Federal Funds rate – the rate at which banks trade balances at the Federal Reserve. Similar
to the US, Australia sets a target for the cash rate – the
rate at which banks borrow from and lend to each
other on an overnight, unsecured basis. Australia,
however, regards the cash rate as its main instrument
of monetary policy. The cash rate is determined by
the demand and supply of exchange settlement
balances that commercial banks hold at the Reserve
Bank of Australia. Through its open market operations,
the Reserve Bank of Australia alters the volume of
these balances so as to keep the cash rate as close as
possible to its target. Similar systems prevail in
Canada, New Zealand, Norway and Indonesia. New
Zealand adopted the official cash rate as an instrument
of monetary policy in 1999; prior to that, the
instruments used to control inflation included
influencing the supply of money and signaling desired
monetary conditions to the financial markets via a
“Monetary Conditions Index”. These mechanisms
were, however, indirect and hazy for the markets, and
were eventually abandoned. In order to determine
how much liquidity should be absorbed or made
available to maintain supply and demand equilibrium
in bank balances, Bank Indonesia sets targets for
monetary operations each day. Since October 2008, it
makes announcements of banking liquidity conditions
twice daily, covering both total liquidity projection
and excess reserves projection. In the UK, the main
instrument of monetary policy is the Bank Rate (the
interest rate at which money is lent to financial
institutions). The main operational target for the
Riksbank is the overnight rate which it influences by
instruments such as standing facilities and fine-tuning
operations. The repo rate is the Riksbank’s key policy
signaling rate and a forecast path for the repo rate is
III.33. Among countries that have an operating target
based on a market rate of interest, the Swiss National
Bank (SNB) sets a target range for the three-month
Swiss Franc Libor. There are two main monetary policy instruments – open market operations (the SNB
takes the initiative in the transactions) and standing
facilities (SNB merely specifies the conditions at which
counterparties can obtain liquidity).
III.34. Even though the short-term interest rate
remains the main operating target for most central
banks, the Bank of Japan switched its operating target
from the uncollateralized overnight call rate to the
monetary base in April 2013. It conducts money
market operations with the explicit objective of
expanding the monetary base at the rate of 60-70
trillion yen annually. China uses the growth rates of
monetary aggregates as intermediate targets and
typically employs several instruments in the
implementation of its monetary policy—exchange
rate, required reserve ratio, interest rates, and open
market operations12.
III.35. An analysis of 170 economies showed that,
despite the post-global financial crisis scrutiny of
monetary policy regimes, there have not been too
many instances of regime overhauls, and explicit
nominal anchors either in the form of fixed exchange
rates or inflation targets have been persevered with.
The nature of operations, though, has changed from
primary dependence on conventional measures to
extensive use of non-conventional measures, but
non-conventional measures only justify the need for
flexibility in operations, rather than any change in
the operating framework meant for normal times13.
4.2 Liquidity Management
III.36. Liquidity management is key to the operating
framework as it (i) ensures controllability of the
reserve target; (ii) ensures the first leg of monetary
policy transmission by anchoring the short-term
money market rates to the policy rate target; and
(iii) prevents disruptions in payment and settlement,
especially for liquidity deficit systems. In view of the market frictions that could arise from institutionspecific and systemic funding liquidity problems and
their interdependence, all central banks attempt to
institutionalise a sound liquidity management
framework. The specific institutional setup, however,
varies to a great deal across countries – in terms of
maturity and frequency of operations, counterparty
arrangements, and eligible collateral (Appendix Table
III.2). Liquidity management frameworks typically
involve maximum accommodation with ample
discretionary provisions, particularly when short-term
interest rates serve as the operating target.
III.37. Standing facilities (SFs) are transparent,
available to banks and other counter parties without
discretionary hurdles, and are generally considered
as the safety valve of a liquidity management system.
Virtually all central banks have a standing credit
facility which extends funds to the deficit counterparty
at a penal rate (e.g., marginal lending facility of the
ECB, primary and secondary credit facilities of the
Fed). Eligible collaterals and tenor of borrowings,
however, vary across countries. The standing deposit
facility, though less in use, helps to define a floor rate
in the inter-bank market, especially in liquidity
surplus conditions. The main advantage of a SF is that
it gives the central bank a window to intervene in
both directions, when needed, to achieve the
operating interest rate target, with volatility in interbank
rates restricted to the corridor. Reducing the
volatility in the inter-bank money market rate while
achieving the interest rate target is both an objective
and also a challenge for efficient liquidity management.
There is evidence of asymmetric credit and deposit
SFs in some countries.
III.38. In addition to SFs, discretionary operations
of a central bank could be classified under two broad
heads, viz., (a) the main refinance operations and (b) other discretionary operations. Under the main
refinance operations, the most common instruments
are OMOs, which are conducted on a pre-announced
date by a central bank with voluntary participation
from banks and primary dealers (PDs). Ideally, OMOs
are used for both lending and borrowing, and include
both outright purchase and repurchase agreements,
depending upon the nature of liquidity requirements
– structural or frictional. Some countries use both
short term and long term repos (e.g., UK) and others
use central bank bills (Switzerland) and stabilisation
bonds (Korea) to manage liquidity. Other discretionary
operations to manage liquidity are mainly in response
to unexpected short-term developments requiring
non-standard, non-regular operations. Such operations
include forex-swaps (Australia, Singapore), term
deposits (Australia), compulsory deposits (Mexico),
additional loans and deposits (Sweden) and funding
for lending (UK).
III.39. Among the terms and conditions, eligibility
of collateral is one of the most important aspects of
liquidity management. All major central banks include
public sector securities of their own country as eligible
collateral. Since mid-2007, the eligibility frame has
been widened in several countries to include financial
entity debt (Japan, Mexico, Sweden and UK), covered
bonds (Australia and UK), other asset backed securities
(Australia, Canada, Mexico and UK), corporate debt
and loans and other credit claims (Canada and UK)
and cross-border collateral (Australia, Japan, Mexico
and Singapore). With increased acceptance of
diversified securities as collateral, countries have also
adopted different policies relating to pricing, initial
margins and haircuts.
III.40. As regards tenor of the liquidity facility, most
central banks provide an overnight window, but
country experiences show many instances of access
to liquidity beyond overnight (for instance, the repo
operation is up to one year in Australia and Japan, 65
days in the USA, one week in Korea, Switzerland and Sweden, and 25 days in Mexico). The frequency of
such operations also varies considerably across
countries, with short-term repos on a daily/weekly
basis, but also with longer-term operations once in a
month or as per the discretion of the central bank.
Other discretionary operations of both standardized
and non-standardized nature vary from intra-day
provision of liquidity several times a day (UK, Japan,
Euro area) to long-term sterilisation operations and
sporadic use of compulsory deposits (as in Mexico).
III.41. In view of the legacy influence of monetary
targeting, there is often the challenge of distinguishing
between liquidity management and monetary
management. What is important to clarify in this
context is that the same set of instruments could be
used for liquidity management under an interest rate
targeting rule and for monetary management under
a monetary or reserve targeting rule. Thus, every
instrument of liquidity management is a monetary
policy instrument as well, but in an interest rate based
operating framework, it is through liquidity
management that the operating target is attained.
Other than explicit changes in the policy interest rate
or interest rate target – which alone should convey
the stance of monetary policy – all other instruments
may have to be seen as primarily meant for liquidity
management, but consistent with the stance of
monetary policy. In India, however, at least in the
past few years, changes in policy rates and reserve
requirements have at times conveyed divergent
signals, thereby becoming a source of market
confusion, which needs to be avoided by ensuring
consistency between interest rate actions and liquidity
4.3 Non-monetary Instruments
III.42. While the use of monetary instruments in
striving to achieve monetary policy objectives is quite
pervasive, central banks have been employing nonmonetary
instruments as part of their overall policy
toolkit and these instruments subserve monetary policy considerations eventually. These instruments
are tailored to deal with various exigencies: surges in
capital flows; credit allocation; pro-cyclicality and
interconnectedness; and the zero lower bound on the
nominal interest rate, to note a few.
III.43. One set of instruments is primarily
regulatory in nature: selective credit control
measures ranging from improving credit culture
(establishing credit bureaus; credit registry; higher
risk weights for sensitive sectors), supervisory
measures (on-site and off-site inspection of banks)
and moral suasion. More recently, in order to halt
the downward spiral of lending and borrowing that
has plagued economies since the recession, central
banks have activated schemes to kick-start the real
economy, best exemplified by the Funding for
Lending Scheme (FLS) initiated in the UK in July
2012 to allow commercial banks to borrow funds at
a cheap rate from the central bank and lend to
specified households and firms.
III.44. A second set of measures, primarily financial
in nature, work their way through the foreign
exchange market: liberalising/restricting capital flows;
intervention in the foreign exchange market and
sterilisation operations; reserve requirements on
foreign currency instruments and variants of the
Tobin tax.
III.45. A third set of measures is macroprudential in
nature, designed to contain systemic risks. More
specifically, such measures seek to address two
specific dimensions of systemic risk – the time dimension (excessive leverage in upturns and
excessive risk aversion in downturns) and the crosssectional
dimension or risk concentration (size,
substitutability, interconnectedness) as collapse of
large or systemically important financial institutions
can destabilise the rest of the financial system14 (Table III.1).
Table III.1: Use of Macro-Prudential Instruments by Country-Groupings |
Instrument |
Advanced |
Emerging |
Total Number of Countries |
Loan-to-value |
9 |
15 |
24 |
Debt-to-income |
2 |
5 |
7 |
Cap on credit growth |
1 |
5 |
6 |
Limit on foreign lending |
1 |
7 |
8 |
Reserve requirement |
0 |
5 |
5 |
Dynamic provisioning |
1 |
8 |
9 |
Countercyclical capital requirement |
0 |
2 |
2 |
Restriction on profit distribution |
0 |
6 |
6 |
Others |
1 |
12 |
13 |
Source: Claessens, Stijn et al. (2013): “Macro-Prudential Policies to
Mitigate Financial System Vulnerability”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 39. |
5. The Current Operating Framework of Monetary
Policy in India
III.46. The current operating framework of monetary
policy was implemented in May 2011 on the
recommendations of the Working Group on Operating
Procedure of Monetary Policy (RBI, 2011)15. The
framework has the following distinguishing features:
(a) the repo rate is the single policy rate; (b) the
operating target is the weighted average overnight call rate, which is aligned to the repo rate through:
(i) a corridor around the repo rate of 100 basis points
above the repo rate for the Marginal Standing Facility
(MSF) and 100 basis points below the repo rate for
the reverse repo rate, and (ii) full accommodation
liquidity management albeit with an indicative
comfort zone of +/- one per cent of net demand and
time liabilities (NDTL) of the banking system; and
(c) transmission of changes in the repo rate through
the weighted average call rate to the ultimate goals
of monetary policy without any specific intermediate
III.47. The transition to the current framework in
which the interest rate is the operating target, from
the earlier regime based on reserve targeting – i.e.,
base money, borrowed reserves, non-borrowed
reserves – was generally driven by two guiding
considerations. First, financial sector reforms largely
freed the interest rate from administrative
prescriptions and setting (Appendix Table III.3),
thereby enhancing its effectiveness as a transmission
channel of monetary policy. Second, the erosion in
stability and predictability in the relationship
between money aggregates, output and prices with
the proliferation of financial innovations, advances
in technology and progressive global integration.
5.1 Liquidity Management Framework and
Operations in India
III.48. The liquidity management framework in India
stands on two broad mutually reinforcing pillars of
forward looking assessment. Pillar-I is an assessment
of the likely evolution of system-level liquidity
demand based on near-term (four to six weeks)
projections of autonomous drivers of liquidity. This
forms the basis for taking decisions on use of
discretionary liquidity absorbing/injecting measures
to ensure that the liquidity conditions remain
consistent with the goal of aligning money market
rates to the policy repo rate. Pillar-II is an assessment
of system-level liquidity over a relatively longer time horizon, focusing on the likely growth in broad
money, bank credit and deposits, the corresponding
order of base money expansion and this assessment
is then juxtaposed with a breakdown into autonomous
and discretionary drivers of liquidity derived under
Pillar I. Thus, Pillar II becomes the broader information
set within which decisions relating to discretionary
liquidity management measures are taken on the basis
of Pillar I assessment.
III.49. The core of Pillar I is near-term forecasts of
autonomous drivers of liquidity, particularly demand
for currency (which reflects behavior of households),
demand for excess reserves (which reflects behavior
of the banking system), and the central government’s
balances with the RBI (which depends on cash flows
of the Government). Large fluctuations in the central
government’s balances with the RBI lead to
corresponding automatic expansion/contraction in
the RBI’s balance sheet, which has a magnifying
impact on the overall monetary conditions. For the
purpose of liquidity management, forex market
intervention is also an autonomous driver of liquidity,
but since there cannot be any near term forecasts for
these interventions, they are considered on
information as available – i.e., backward looking,
impacting liquidity evolution on t+2 settlement
basis (Table III.2). The extent of volatility seen in the
major frictional drivers of liquidity has been large
(Table III.3), which poses the challenge of generating credible and precise short-term forecasts of liquidity
demand in the system. Nevertheless, using a
combination of forward looking information and a
backward looking assessment of the time series
evolution of the frictional determinants of liquidity,
projections are generated on a regular basis to inform
the RBI’s decisions on discretionary liquidity
Table III.2: Current Liquidity Management Framework |
Autonomous Drivers of Liquidity |
Currency demand |
Bank reserves
(required plus excess) |
Government’s deposits with RBI |
Net forex market intervention |
Liquidity Management |
Net LAF (repo plus MSF plus reverse repo), Term Repos, OMOs, CRR, CMBs, MSS, Swaps, and Standing Refinance Windows |
Table III.3: Variations in Frictional Drivers of Liquidity since April 2012 |
(` crore) |
Major Autonomous Determinants of Liquidity Conditions |
Weekly Changes |
Daily Changes |
Positive |
Negative |
Positive |
Negative |
High |
Low |
High |
Low |
High |
Low |
High |
Low |
1 Govt. cash balances with the RBI |
71,692 |
5 |
62,835 |
621 |
48,504 |
38 |
49,072 |
2 |
2 Currency Demand |
25,160 |
80 |
15,282 |
90 |
N.A. |
3 SCB’s balances with the RBI (changes in excess CRR) |
55,916 |
57 |
90,182 |
571 |
48,090* |
13 |
59,131 |
20 |
*: Excluding the large change of `1,38,800 on July 16, 2013. |
III.50. The RBI’s discretionary liquidity management
operations (primarily in the form of OMOs and
changes in CRR, and also in terms of fixing limits for
term repos and overnight repo amounts)16 is guided
by the extent of LAF deficit that is ‘reasonable’ at
any point of time, and the assessment of drivers of
LAF deficit/surplus, i.e., whether frictional or
III.51. Broad money growth that is consistent with
inflation and growth projections at the beginning of
the year and reviewed from time to time in a statecontingent
manner provides leads about the growth
in base money that will be required in the system
during the course of the year. After accounting for
autonomous drivers of liquidity and borrowed
reserves (i.e., access to LAF by banks), assessment of the amount of discretionary liquidity management
operations becomes possible, given the desirable
evolution of the base money path as also the extent
of LAF deficit/surplus relative to a norm
(communicated in the form of +/- one per cent of
NDTL). Rigid adherence to a base money rule is
avoided due to uncertainties surrounding the
relationship between monetary aggregates and the
ultimate goal variables. Empirical estimates point to
some improvement in the sensitivity of money
demand to changes in the interest rate (Appendix
Table III.4), thus providing the rationale for anchoring
the operating framework with an interest rate rule.
Currently, trajectories of monetary aggregates are
only referred to as ‘indicative’.
5.2 Refinance Windows Undermine the Operating
III.52. For an operating framework that modulates
liquidity consistent with the policy rate, standing
sector-specific refinance facilities interfere with
monetary policy transmission because of the
assurance such facilities provide on additional access
to liquidity at rates not determined by market forces.
Accordingly, sector-specific refinance facilities have
been phased out in India, though they tend to be reopened or re-introduced in new forms on pressures
by sector-specific lobbies for special monetary policy
support (Appendix Table III.5). Sector-specific
refinance facilities ultimately conflict with the goal
of price stability. For a monetary policy framework
that assigns primacy to lowering inflation through
monetary policy actions, it is necessary that all sectorspecific
liquidity facilities be discontinued,
accompanied by unambiguous communication that
requests for sector specific liquidity support from any
sector cannot be accommodated by the RBI.
5.3 Recent Experience with Monetary/Liquidity
Management Operating Framework and Rationale
for Change
III.53. The experience since the institution of the
extant operating framework, especially in terms of
final macro outcomes has been disappointing –
persistence of inflation well above the threshold of
5 per cent (WPI) articulated by the RBI; and de
facto monetization of the fiscal deficit to the extent
of 28 per cent of the overall borrowing programme
of the Government on average via injections of
primary liquidity through OMOs. Real policy rates
have been persistently negative in high inflation
episodes, as the operating framework does not follow
a rule that can limit the scope for inflation tolerance
(Chart III.1)17.

III.54. Following a simple rule (illustratively the
thumb rule proposed by Taylor, 1993) 18 would have
resulted in the repo rate path being much higher in
the last few years than it has been, and thereby
yielding positive real policy rates (Chart III.2a). On
the other hand, if the output gap and inflation gap
coefficients are estimated from data relating to the current and past monetary policy regimes for India
and used in a Taylor-type formulation, the implied
repo rate paths would lie lower than CPI inflation,
yielding negative real policy rates (Chart III.2b). This
empirical finding is validated for a range of estimates
(i.e., for output gaps estimated using the HP filter,
Christiano-Fitzgerald filter and unobserved component model, as also for CPI inflation thresholds of five per
cent and six per cent). Estimated coefficients from
extant interest rate rules in India suggest that: (i)
inadequate weight was placed on inflation management
in the past, and (ii) the WPI was the metric used to
measure inflation, resulting in policy rates that were
often negative in real terms vis-à-vis the CPI19. It may
be necessary, therefore, to start with a simple policy
rule in terms of a real policy rate as a context specific
benchmark for the MPC20, and then gradually move
to a Taylor type rule after securing price stability and
anchoring inflation expectations. Under a flexible
inflation targeting framework, the interest rate rule
should assign a significantly greater weight to inflation
management vis-à-vis other objectives. The outcome
of such a framework is expected to result, on average,
in positive real rates of return when inflation is above

III.55. Turning to the conduct of liquidity
management operations and transmission of policy
impulses, there has also been blocked transmission
of policy rate cuts to support growth due to the central
premise of keeping the system in a deficit mode and
the call rate aligned to the repo rate, thereby
suggesting the following limitations:
1. Liquidity management through the LAF (i.e., up
to excess SLR holdings plus additional access to
liquidity from the MSF window by dipping 2 per
cent below the required SLR) has made base
money expansion endogenous. The policy
stance, as reflected in changes in the repo rate,
and the conduct of liquidity management are
often mutually inconsistent and conflicting.
Often, increases in policy rate have been
followed up with discretionary measures to ease
liquidity conditions.
2. The framework is one-sided by design, suitable
only to transmission of a tightening stance
through the persisting liquidity deficit mode in
which the system is kept; consequently, the
easing stance of policy between October 2011
and May 2013 did not transmit to arresting the
growth slowdown.
3. Provision of overnight liquidity on an enduring
basis at the overnight repo rate also compromised
liquidity/treasury planning by banks themselves
resulting in this function being in effect shifted
to the RBI and thereby stunting the growth of
the market spectrum to the overnight segment alone, dis-incentivising the development of a
term money market; the LAF to a degree has
become a conduit for gaming central bank
liquidity and substituting for efforts to access
market liquidity.
III.56. In order to improve transmission of policy
rate changes into the spectrum of interest rates in the
economy, the excessive focus on the overnight
segment of the money market in the existing
framework has to be avoided, which will be possible
only if the RBI de-emphasises overnight repos for
liquidity management and progressively conducts its
liquidity management primarily through term repos
of different tenors. Development of a term money
market through a term-repo driven liquidity
management framework could help in establishing
market-based benchmarks, which in turn would help
improve transmission, if various financial instruments
and, in particular, bank deposits and loans are priced
off these benchmarks.
III.57. An overall assessment would, therefore,
suggest that in order to imbue credibility and
effectiveness into the operating framework of
monetary policy in terms of achieving and establishing
the nominal anchor (addressed in Chapter II), it is
essential to address impediments to transmission
(covered in Chapter IV) and deal with the challenges
confronting it through design changes and refinements
in the operating framework, with flexibility in the use
of instruments, particularly in the context of liquidity
management and its consistency with the goal(s) of
monetary policy.
III.58. The recent experience with the use of
exceptional monetary measures to contain exchange
market volatility and their subsequent normalization
represents a break from the operating framework put
in place since May 2011. This experience strengthens
the rationale for revamping the operating framework
so as to ensure its consistency and synchronicity with
monetary policy objectives and stance. The RBI’s current operating framework is pivoted around a
target for borrowed reserves in relation to net demand
and time liabilities. Conditional upon this operating
target, it has allowed bounded movement in the call
rate between the term repo rate and the MSF rate,
effectively eschewing unlimited accommodation at
the repo rate of the past. Increasingly, the term repo
is gaining market acceptability, synchronized as it is
with the reserve requirement cycle, while allowing a
smooth transition away from liquidity provision at
the MSF rate. The term repo rate has also proved to
be a more useful indicator of underlying liquidity
conditions since price discovery of the term premium
is through variable rate auctions, unlike the overnight
repo rate which is a fixed rate. The successful
operation of the term repo rate should incentivize the
development of a fuller spectrum of term money
segments, thereby enabling market based benchmarks
to be established for pricing bank deposits and
facilitating transmission of policy impulses to credit
markets. The market has also adjusted to the new
liquidity management environment well. In this
system, full accommodation of liquidity demand
continues because of the access to the MSF. It is
necessary, therefore, that the MSF rate may be set in
a manner that it becomes a truly penal rate, accessed
by banks under exceptional circumstances.
III.59. The Committee recommends that, as an
overarching prerequisite, the operating framework
has to subserve stance and objectives of monetary
policy. Accordingly, it must be redesigned around the
central premise of a policy rule. While several variants
are available in the literature and in country practices,
the Committee is of the view that a simple rule
defined in terms of a real policy rate (that is easily
communicated and understood), is suitable to Indian
conditions and is consistent with the nominal anchor
recommended in Chapter II. When inflation is
above the nominal anchor, the real policy rate is
expected, on average, to be positive. The MPC could decide the extent to which it is positive, with due
consideration to the state of the output gap (actual
output growth relative to trend/potential) and to
financial stability.
III.60. Against this backdrop, the Committee
recommends that a phased refinement of the
operating framework is necessary to make it
consistent with the conduct of monetary policy geared
towards the establishment and achievement of the
nominal anchor (Table III.4).
III.61. In the first or transitional phase, the weighted
average call rate will remain the operating target, and
the overnight LAF repo rate will continue as the single policy rate. The reverse repo rate and the MSF
rate will be calibrated off the repo rate with a spread
of (+/-) 100 basis points, setting the corridor around
the repo rate. The repo rate will be decided by the
MPC through voting. The MPC may change the spread,
which, however, should be as infrequent as possible
to avoid policy induced uncertainty for markets.
III.62. Provision of liquidity by the RBI at the
overnight repo rate will, however, be restricted to a
specified ratio of bank-wise net demand and time
liabilities (NDTL), that is consistent with the objective
of price stability. As the 14-day term repo rate
stabilizes, central bank liquidity should be increasingly
provided at the 14-day term repo rate and through
the introduction of 28-day, 56-day and 84-day variable rate auctioned term repos by further calibrating the
availability of liquidity at the overnight repo rate as
Table III.4: Proposed Operating Framework for Monetary Policy |
Phase-I |
Phase-II |
Policy Rate to be announced by the MPC |
Repo rate (overnight). |
Target policy rate for short end of the money market. |
Operating target for monetary policy |
Weighted average call rate. |
14-day term repo rate. |
Liquidity management |
Full accommodation (through a mix of specified amounts of overnight repos at fixed rate, and term repos at variable rate) – ECR to be phased out. |
Full accommodation (primarily through 14-day term repos at variable rate aimed at achieving the target rate, supported by fine tuning through overnight repos/reverse repos, longer term repos and open market operations).
No refinance facility. |
MSF – the ceiling of the corridor |
As a standing facility, this will be available every day. If adequate liquidity is injected through overnight/term repos, use of MSF will be minimal. |
MSF will set the ceiling of the corridor, but must be seen as a truly penal rate. If the liquidity taken during the fortnight through 14-day term repo is managed effectively, there will be rare need for accessing the MSF. |
Reverse repo rate |
The floor of the corridor – but transition to standing deposit facility will start. |
Reverse repo will be used in fine tuning operations i.e., to impound only daily surplus liquidity from the system to ensure that money market rates do not drop below the policy target rate. Standing deposit facility will replace reverse repo as the floor of the corridor, and reverse repo rates will be close to the policy rate. |
Liquidity assessment |
By the RBI – based on frictional and structural drivers of liquidity. |
Daily reporting by banks (aggregated for the system as a whole) will complement the RBI’s assessment of liquidity. |
III.63. The objective should be to develop a spectrum
of term repos of varying maturities with the 14-day
term repo as the anchor. As the term yield curve
develops, it will provide external benchmarks for
pricing various types of financial products, particularly
bank deposits, thereby enabling more efficient
transmission of policy impulses across markets.
III.64. During this phase, the RBI should fine-tune
and sharpen its liquidity assessment with a view to
be in a position to set out its own assessment of banks’
reserves. This will warrant a juxtaposition of topdown
approaches that estimate banks’ reserves
demand consistent with macroeconomic and financial
conditions appropriate for establishing the nominal
anchor, and bottom-up approaches that aggregate
bank-wise assessments of liquidity needs submitted
by banks themselves to the RBI on a daily basis. As
these liquidity assessments become robust, they
should be announced for market participants prior to
the commencement of market operations every day
and could be subjected to review and revision during
the day for fine-tuning them with monetary and
liquidity conditions. It is envisaged that the RBI will
expand capabilities to conduct liquidity operations
on an intra-day basis if needed, including by scaling
up trading on the NDS-OM platform.
III.65. Consistent with the repo rate set by the MPC,
the RBI will manage liquidity and meet the demand
for liquidity of the banking system using a mix of
term repos, overnight repos, outright operations and
the MSF.
III.66. As term repos for managing liquidity in the
transition phase gain acceptance, the “policy rate”
voted on by the MPC will be a target rate for the short
end of the money market, to be achieved through active liquidity management. The 14-day term repo
rate is superior to the overnight policy rate since it
allows market participants to hold central bank
liquidity for a relatively longer period, thereby
enabling them to on lend/repo term money in the
inter-bank market and develop market segments and
yields for term transactions. More importantly, term
repos can wean away market participants from the
passive dependence on the RBI for cash/treasury
management. Overnight repos under the LAF have
effectively converted the discretionary liquidity
facility into a standing facility that could be accessed
as the first resort, and precludes the development of
markets that price and hedge risk. Improved
transmission of monetary policy thus becomes the
prime objective for setting the 14-day term repo rate
as the operating target.
III.67. Based on its assessment of liquidity, the RBI
will announce the quantity of liquidity to be supplied
through variable rate auctions for the 14-day term
repos alongside relatively fixed amounts of liquidity
provided through longer-term repos.
III.68. The RBI will aim at keeping 14-day term repo
auction cut-off rates at or close to the target policy
rate by supplementing its main policy operation
(14-day term repos) with: (i) two-way outright open
market operations through both auctions and trading
on the NDS-OM platform; (ii) fine tuning operations
involving overnight repos/reverse repos (with a fine
spread between the repo and reverse repo rate) and
(iii) discretionary changes in the CRR that calibrate
bank reserves to shifts in the policy stance.
III.69. The MSF rate should be set in a manner that
makes it a truly penal rate to be accessed only under
exceptional circumstances.
III.70. An accurate assessment of borrowed and
non-borrowed reserves and forward looking
projections of liquidity demand would assume critical
importance in the framework. So far, the government’s cash balances have been the prime volatile autonomous
driver of liquidity, making accurate liquidity
projections a difficult task. Therefore, continuing with
reforms in the Government securities market, which
envisage that the debt management function should
be with the Government, the cash management
function should concomitantly also be with the
New Instruments
III.71. To support the operating framework, the
Committee recommends that some new instruments
be added to the toolkit of monetary policy. Firstly, to
provide a floor for the new operating framework for
absorption of surplus liquidity from the system but
without the need for providing collateral in exchange,
a (low) remunerated standing deposit facility may be
introduced, with the discretion to set the interest rate
without reference to the policy target rate. The
introduction of the standing deposit facility (analogous
to the marginal standing facility for lending purposes) will require amendment to the RBI Act for which the
transitional phase may be utilised. The standing
deposit facility will also be used for sterilization
operations, as set out in Chapter 5, with the advantage
that it will not require the provision of collateral for
liquidity absorption – which had turned out to be a
binding constraint on the reverse repo facility in the
face of surges in capital flows during 2005-08.
III.72. Secondly, term repos of longer tenor may also
be conducted since term repo market segments could
help in establishing market based benchmarks for a
variety of money market instruments and shorterterm
III.73. Thirdly, dependence on market stabilisation
scheme (MSS) and cash management bills (CMBs) may
be phased out, consistent with Government debt and
cash management being taken over by the
Government’s Debt Management Office (DMO).
III.74. Fourthly, all sector specific refinance should
be phased out.
