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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 2 : Macro-Economic Aggregates (At Constant Prices)
(Amount in ₹ Billion)
Base Year : 2004-05
Year GDP at Factor Cost Consumption of Fixed Capital NDP at Factor Cost Indirect Taxes Less Subsidies GDP at Market Prices NDP at Market Prices
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1966-67 4751.89 326.79 4425.11 407.57 5159.46 4832.68
1967-68 5138.60 349.13 4789.47 424.64 5563.24 5214.11
1968-69 5272.70 367.83 4904.88 479.02 5751.72 5383.90
1969-70 5616.30 392.18 5224.11 511.57 6127.87 5735.68
1970-71 5897.86 438.05 5459.81 546.03 6443.89 6005.84
1971-72 5957.41 457.27 5500.15 592.35 6549.76 6092.50
1972-73 5938.43 474.52 5463.91 575.09 6513.52 6039.00
1973-74 6208.72 495.60 5713.11 519.46 6728.18 6232.57
1974-75 6280.79 526.96 5753.83 527.14 6807.93 6280.97
1975-76 6846.34 555.76 6290.58 584.51 7430.85 6875.09
1976-77 6931.91 591.99 6339.92 622.52 7554.43 6962.44
1977-78 7449.72 617.80 6831.91 652.77 8102.49 7484.68
1978-79 7859.64 643.02 7216.63 705.70 8565.34 7922.33
1979-80 7450.83 674.32 6776.51 665.85 8116.68 7442.36
1980-81 7985.06 711.44 7273.62 678.34 8663.40 7951.96
1981-82 8434.26 748.43 7685.83 749.48 9183.74 8435.31
1982-83 8680.91 791.54 7889.37 822.03 9502.94 8711.40
1983-84 9362.69 831.01 8531.68 832.91 10195.60 9364.59
1984-85 9733.57 888.77 8844.80 851.58 10585.15 9696.38
1985-86 10138.66 948.55 9190.10 1002.67 11141.33 10192.77
1986-87 10576.12 1006.13 9569.99 1097.38 11673.50 10667.37
1987-88 10949.92 1077.45 9872.47 1186.47 12136.39 11058.94
1988-89 12062.43 1135.60 10926.83 1242.43 13304.86 12169.26
1989-90 12802.28 1203.21 11599.07 1293.87 14096.15 12892.94
1990-91 13478.89 1287.35 12191.54 1397.26 14876.15 13588.80
1991-92 13671.71 1376.63 12295.07 1361.66 15033.37 13656.73
1992-93 14405.03 1458.47 12946.56 1452.52 15857.55 14399.08
1993-94 15223.43 1520.23 13703.20 1387.48 16610.91 15090.68
1994-95 16196.94 1622.92 14574.02 1520.08 17717.02 16094.10
1995-96 17377.40 1725.89 15651.52 1681.59 19058.99 17333.11
1996-97 18763.19 1836.11 16927.08 1734.67 20497.86 18661.75
1997-98 19570.31 1980.48 17589.84 1757.67 21327.98 19347.51
1998-99 20878.27 2118.88 18759.39 1768.72 22646.99 20528.11
1999-00 22549.42 2286.51 20262.91 2100.87 24650.29 22363.78
2000-01 23484.81 2441.16 21043.65 2112.30 25597.11 23155.95
2001-02 24749.62 2599.44 22150.18 2082.28 26831.90 24232.46
2002-03 25709.35 2733.67 22975.68 2143.23 27852.58 25118.91
2003-04 27757.49 2910.27 24847.22 2284.41 30041.90 27131.63
2004-05 29714.64 3198.91 26515.73 2707.45 32422.09 29223.18
2005-06 32530.73 3508.93 29021.80 2901.71 35432.44 31923.51
2006-07 35643.64 3857.00 31786.64 3071.25 38714.89 34857.89
2007-08 38966.36 4276.29 34690.08 3543.11 42509.47 38233.19
2008-09 41586.76 4689.04 36897.72 2576.74 44163.50 39474.46
2009-10 45160.71 5219.06 39941.65 2747.76 47908.47 42689.41
2010-11 49185.33 5703.01 43482.32 3638.53 52823.86 47120.85
2011-12 52475.30 6278.34 46196.96 3855.20 56330.50 50052.16
Base Year : 2011-12
Year GVA at Basic Prices Consumption of Fixed Capital NVA at Basic Prices Indirect Taxes Less Subsidies GDP at Market Prices NDP at Market Prices
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2011-12 81069.46 9171.75 71897.71 6293.83 87363.29 78191.54
2012-13 85462.75 10106.61 75356.14 6667.41 92130.17 82023.56
2013-14 90636.49 11006.10 79630.39 7377.21 98013.70 87007.60
2014-15 97190.23 11807.24 85382.99 8179.61 105369.84 93562.60
2015-16 104905.14 12641.93 92263.21 8904.88 113810.02 101168.09
2016-17 111854.40 13479.37 98375.03 10044.14 121898.54 108419.17

TABLE 2 : MACRO-ECONOMIC AGGREGATES (At Constant Prices) (Contd.)
(Amount in ₹ Billion)
Base Year : 2004-05
Year Net Factor Income from Abroad GNP at Factor Cost NNP at Factor Cost GNP at Market Prices NNP at Market Prices
1 8 9 10 11 12
1966-67 -31.66 4720.24 4393.45 5127.81 4801.02
1967-68 -38.95 5099.65 4750.52 5524.29 5175.16
1968-69 -37.12 5235.58 4867.75 5714.60 5346.77
1969-70 -39.78 5576.52 5184.34 6088.09 5695.91
1970-71 -41.15 5856.72 5418.67 6402.75 5964.70
1971-72 -40.39 5917.03 5459.76 6509.38 6052.11
1972-73 -37.05 5901.38 5426.86 6476.47 6001.95
1973-74 -33.74 6174.98 5679.37 6694.44 6198.83
1974-75 -26.42 6254.37 5727.41 6781.51 6254.55
1975-76 -22.78 6823.55 6267.79 7408.06 6852.30
1976-77 -20.95 6910.96 6318.97 7533.48 6941.49
1977-78 -17.49 7432.23 6814.42 8085.00 7467.19
1978-79 -16.67 7842.97 7199.96 8548.67 7905.66
1979-80 -3.10 7447.72 6773.40 8113.57 7439.25
1980-81 -0.02 7985.04 7273.59 8663.38 7951.93
1981-82 -11.02 8423.24 7674.81 9172.72 8424.29
1982-83 -38.03 8642.88 7851.34 9464.91 8673.37
1983-84 -42.18 9320.51 8489.50 10153.42 9322.41
1984-85 -58.72 9674.85 8786.09 10526.43 9637.67
1985-86 -58.67 10079.99 9131.43 11082.66 10134.10
1986-87 -65.41 10510.71 9504.57 11608.09 10601.95
1987-88 -87.83 10862.09 9784.64 12048.56 10971.11
1988-89 -125.46 11936.97 10801.37 13179.40 12043.80
1989-90 -134.61 12667.67 11464.46 13961.54 12758.33
1990-91 -168.49 13310.40 12023.05 14707.66 13420.31
1991-92 -176.30 13495.41 12118.77 14857.07 13480.43
1992-93 -178.12 14226.92 12768.45 15679.44 14220.97
1993-94 -162.05 15061.38 13541.16 16448.86 14928.64
1994-95 -164.30 16032.64 14409.72 17552.72 15929.80
1995-96 -176.72 17200.69 15474.80 18882.28 17156.39
1996-97 -169.49 18593.70 16757.59 20328.37 18492.26
1997-98 -138.24 19432.08 17451.60 21189.75 19209.27
1998-99 -146.87 20731.40 18612.52 22500.12 20381.24
1999-00 -163.75 22385.67 20099.16 24486.54 22200.03
2000-01 -238.00 23246.81 20805.65 25359.11 22917.95
2001-02 -213.71 24535.91 21936.47 26618.19 24018.75
2002-03 -189.60 25519.75 22786.08 27662.98 24929.31
2003-04 -206.93 27550.56 24640.29 29834.97 26924.70
2004-05 -223.75 29490.89 26291.98 32198.34 28999.43
2005-06 -248.96 32281.77 28772.84 35183.48 31674.55
2006-07 -295.15 35348.49 31491.49 38419.74 34562.74
2007-08 -171.79 38794.57 34518.29 42337.68 38061.40
2008-09 -253.84 41332.92 36643.88 43909.66 39220.62
2009-10 -277.57 44883.14 39664.08 47630.90 42411.84
2010-11 -546.47 48638.86 42935.85 52277.39 46574.38
2011-12 -463.67 52011.63 45733.29 55866.83 49588.49
Base Year : 2011-12
Year Net Factor Income from Abroad GNP at Basic Prices NNP at Basic Prices GNP at Market Prices NNP at Market Prices
1 8 9 10 11 12
2011-12 -768.24 80301.22 71129.47 86595.05 77423.30
2012-13 -1083.54 84379.21 74272.60 91046.62 80940.01
2013-14 -1223.43 89413.06 78406.96 96790.27 85784.17
2014-15 -1247.04 95943.19 84135.95 104122.80 92315.56
2015-16 -1346.97 103558.17 90916.24 112463.05 99821.12
2016-17 -1551.41 110302.99 96823.62 120347.13 106867.76

TABLE 2 : MACRO-ECONOMIC AGGREGATES (At Constant Prices) (Concld.)
(Amount in ₹ Billion)
Base Year : 2004-05
Year GDP of Public Sector NDP of Public Sector Gross Domestic Capital Formation Net Domestic Capital Formation Per Capita GNP at Factor Cost (₹) Per Capita NNP at Factor Cost (₹)
1 13 14 15 16 17 18
1966-67 620.74 488.89 1103.27 776.49 9536 8876
1967-68 661.62 519.98 1057.44 708.31 10078 9388
1968-69 717.11 569.81 1035.63 667.81 10107 9397
1969-70 774.29 617.33 1149.95 757.77 10542 9800
1970-71 843.79 677.73 1148.05 710.00 10826 10016
1971-72 893.73 717.91 1244.04 786.78 10681 9855
1972-73 951.11 763.03 1187.05 712.53 10408 9571
1973-74 1048.01 847.62 1417.82 922.22 10647 9792
1974-75 1071.83 854.37 1344.85 817.89 10547 9658
1975-76 1166.31 933.79 1209.45 653.69 11241 10326
1976-77 1288.72 1041.67 1430.53 838.55 11147 10192
1977-78 1354.43 1090.42 1668.43 1050.63 11723 10748
1978-79 1453.22 1174.17 1985.41 1342.39 12103 11111
1979-80 1515.76 1219.99 1754.45 1080.13 11216 10201
1980-81 1664.92 1346.24 1904.72 1193.27 11760 10712
1981-82 1750.98 1409.13 1800.32 1051.89 12172 11091
1982-83 1923.90 1550.05 1854.56 1063.01 12207 11089
1983-84 2044.86 1643.17 1980.20 1149.19 12891 11742
1984-85 2190.79 1753.98 2079.92 1191.15 13092 11889
1985-86 2385.89 1912.36 2245.67 1297.12 13351 12095
1986-87 2567.48 2059.04 2326.23 1320.10 13633 12328
1987-88 2733.24 2188.84 2632.65 1555.20 13784 12417
1988-89 2919.10 2338.10 2956.54 1820.94 14829 13418
1989-90 3168.88 2552.73 3196.89 1993.68 15411 13947
1990-91 3241.05 2577.72 3794.36 2507.01 15865 14330
1991-92 3425.14 2714.88 3167.69 1791.06 15766 14157
1992-93 3516.56 2769.01 3577.10 2118.62 16315 14643
1993-94 3666.75 2903.24 3659.48 2139.26 16885 15181
1994-95 3945.62 3134.37 4372.24 2749.32 17618 15835
1995-96 4292.15 3446.06 4712.42 2986.53 18535 16675
1996-97 4434.01 3553.76 4755.26 2919.15 19655 17714
1997-98 4876.52 3959.88 5462.85 3482.38 20158 18103
1998-99 5177.85 4234.67 5669.30 3550.42 21090 18934
1999-00 5714.80 4777.79 6669.08 4382.57 22363 20079
2000-01 5732.21 4781.11 6300.56 3859.40 22813 20418
2001-02 6061.89 5088.43 6588.27 3988.83 23592 21093
2002-03 6384.05 5407.12 7086.37 4352.70 24166 21578
2003-04 6589.44 5581.09 8199.25 5288.98 25700 22985
2004-05 6805.19 5715.14 10640.41 7441.50 27081 24143
2005-06 7186.50 6039.38 12369.27 8860.33 29188 26015
2006-07 7803.53 6598.67 14023.69 10166.70 31505 28067
2007-08 8279.64 7002.94 16568.92 12292.62 34090 30332
2008-09 9121.77 7773.62 15703.33 11014.30 35817 31754
2009-10 10272.39 8793.13 18412.63 13193.56 38362 33901
2010-11 11137.99 9721.38 21004.97 15301.97 41011 36202
2011-12 11786.66 10353.13 21832.59 15554.25 43271 38048
Base Year : 2011-12
Year Gross Capital Formation Net Capital Formation Per Capita GNI (₹) Per Capita GDP (₹) Per Capita NNI (₹) Per Capita PFCE (₹)
1 13 14 15 16 17 18
2011-12 34030.08 24858.33 70980 71609 63462 40250
2012-13 36392.96 26286.35 73722 74599 65538 41936
2013-14 34482.36 23476.26 77370 78348 68572 44423
2014-15 37412.35 25605.11 82181 83165 72862 46586
2015-16 40235.85 27593.92 87656 88706 77803 48810
2016-17 . . 92646 93840 82269 52399
Notes : 1. Data for 2012-13, 2013-14 are Third Revised Estimates (New Series), for 2014-15 are Second Revised Estimates and for 2015-16 are First Revised Estimates.
2. Data for 2016-17 are Provisional Estimates.
3. Data for the base year 2011-12 has been revised on account of using new series of IIP and WPI.
4. Population figures used in the 2004-05 series and 2011-12 series are from the population census 2001 and 2011 respectively.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source :Central Statistics Office (CSO).
