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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 4 : Components of Gross Domestic Product (At Market Prices)
(₹ Billion)
Year Private Final Consumption Expenditure Government Final Consumption Expenditure Gross Fixed Capital Formation Changes in Stocks Valuables
At Constant Prices At Current Prices At Constant Prices At Current Prices At Constant Prices At Current Prices At Constant Prices At Current Prices At Constant Prices At Current Prices
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(Base Year : 2004-05)
1961-62 3638.95 166.17 274.15 13.77 731.10 25.54 52.04 2.76 . .
1962-63 3686.36 175.01 330.78 16.70 800.82 28.42 45.08 3.57 . .
1963-64 3823.49 194.30 406.47 21.46 907.36 33.74 36.80 2.75 . .
1964-65 4051.90 228.73 424.64 23.13 985.65 39.72 62.18 3.63 . .
1965-66 4055.48 241.44 465.80 26.65 1018.21 44.20 46.95 3.16 . .
1966-67 4108.19 281.19 473.80 29.21 1022.57 48.66 66.21 5.14 . .
1967-68 4340.61 335.09 486.58 32.65 1073.40 53.95 55.90 4.32 . .
1968-69 4454.63 335.24 512.11 35.76 1113.72 56.72 14.35 0.96 . .
1969-70 4620.08 362.65 560.50 40.08 1117.24 61.92 72.45 5.54 . .
1970-71 4776.97 384.74 613.70 44.79 1075.41 64.88 86.31 8.09 . .
1971-72 4869.92 414.96 673.86 51.85 1189.95 74.79 114.55 10.66 . .
1972-73 4902.54 457.36 680.31 55.14 1249.12 84.80 32.42 4.11 . .
1973-74 5022.85 551.35 679.36 60.45 1230.58 96.75 117.95 16.39 . .
1974-75 5019.07 667.99 653.98 73.34 1289.51 120.80 148.63 29.29 . .
1975-76 5304.09 683.14 717.15 86.45 1286.83 138.95 21.70 21.23 . .
1976-77 5409.85 710.24 770.84 96.02 1415.13 155.46 76.07 13.93 . .
1977-78 5850.99 817.88 797.19 102.45 1586.20 178.35 112.60 13.87 . .
1978-79 6208.59 889.50 856.18 113.73 1658.42 197.19 217.55 32.18 . .
1979-80 6069.33 965.90 909.75 130.74 1650.92 225.64 155.28 37.91 . .
1980-81 6615.62 1180.68 951.96 151.79 1782.87 268.15 10.04 1.88 . .
1981-82 6903.31 1356.76 992.03 177.85 1854.01 326.50 235.90 57.53 . .
1982-83 6972.35 1497.73 1087.47 210.22 1971.59 389.05 178.57 44.51 . .
1983-84 7513.52 1753.57 1136.12 242.88 2097.80 440.05 74.83 17.87 . .
1984-85 7730.09 1940.37 1220.59 279.27 2172.83 504.49 173.74 48.20 . .
1985-86 8052.71 2141.54 1349.24 332.57 2292.15 596.40 272.76 83.14 . .
1986-87 8306.82 2402.09 1476.10 393.22 2510.20 694.76 212.03 65.32 . .
1987-88 8591.53 2666.49 1597.05 461.60 2660.72 812.04 60.09 20.19 . .
1988-89 9127.79 3104.97 1684.58 532.80 2844.66 956.17 241.71 85.43 . .
1989-90 9580.75 3468.07 1774.60 609.97 3063.11 1139.93 160.60 60.14 . .
1990-91 10008.67 3985.29 1834.88 695.25 3479.66 1396.63 150.63 63.55 . .
1991-92 10224.58 4577.35 1831.80 784.58 3285.94 1524.66 -17.91 -9.03 . .
1992-93 10488.25 5161.18 1895.03 888.46 3581.62 1779.29 183.31 98.39 . .
1993-94 10944.17 5913.08 2007.51 1030.66 3548.48 1914.56 -38.16 -17.19 . .
1994-95 11476.07 6871.54 2035.29 1146.72 3884.10 2284.42 215.29 140.72 . .
1995-96 12174.72 7920.15 2194.12 1358.83 4515.96 2950.46 342.75 245.57 . .
1996-97 13121.14 9286.29 2295.94 1540.89 4653.55 3280.46 -225.55 -149.91 . .
1997-98 13513.42 10185.59 2554.29 1822.45 5067.06 3724.01 169.29 130.44 . .
1998-99 14391.95 11663.00 2865.72 2257.16 5559.13 4270.69 -52.21 -30.23 . .
1999-00 15266.89 13125.37 3203.20 2588.68 5999.73 4846.66 528.90 424.97 188.09 155.19
2000-01 15792.01 14066.61 3247.27 2734.00 5916.10 4951.96 173.20 151.58 172.78 147.24
2001-02 16732.09 15316.72 3323.69 2911.89 6821.43 5902.40 -34.81 -19.71 163.49 141.87
2002-03 17212.38 16202.93 3317.53 3015.73 6791.70 6011.20 200.49 182.00 156.71 139.57
2003-04 18232.27 17713.05 3409.62 3247.83 7509.40 6974.78 216.68 206.67 261.08 245.72
2004-05 19175.08 19175.08 3545.18 3545.18 9310.28 9310.28 801.50 801.50 410.54 410.54
2005-06 20833.09 21527.02 3860.07 4016.19 10817.91 11202.92 1015.11 1043.89 404.14 413.92
2006-07 22598.92 24766.67 4005.79 4434.77 12312.65 13437.74 1335.56 1471.01 459.33 497.09
2007-08 24713.97 28407.27 4389.19 5130.21 14307.64 16416.73 1754.11 2015.34 472.63 535.92
2008-09 26496.10 32492.84 4844.59 6153.33 14809.44 18210.99 852.90 1067.91 599.88 722.13
2009-10 28453.03 37075.66 5517.03 7711.51 15944.75 20557.72 1430.52 1791.72 945.24 1163.12
2010-11 30923.73 43603.23 5835.45 8901.36 17697.92 24070.69 2069.53 2735.09 1251.91 1628.36
2011-12 33785.07 51418.97 6235.74 10258.95 19866.45 28610.62 1171.11 1705.96 1334.54 2466.73
(Base Year : 2011-12)
2011-12 49104.47 49104.47 9683.75 9683.75 29977.33 29977.33 2079.83 2079.83 2530.33 2530.33
2012-13 51790.91 56144.85 9742.63 10624.04 31457.93 33249.73 2015.28 2145.24 2599.49 2737.75
2013-14 55573.29 64756.50 9798.25 11565.09 31949.24 35156.21 1297.58 1446.21 1488.79 1617.61
2014-15 59023.86 72328.00 10738.94 12986.39 33021.73 37838.37 2706.13 3086.97 1879.57 2094.07
2015-16 62623.73 79323.31 11097.25 14114.60 35184.46 40027.81 2744.47 3019.23 1802.74 1972.56
2016-17 68066.24 89270.10 13400.86 17690.36 36020.41 41176.74 2911.79 3281.98 1487.00 1662.87

(₹ Billion)
Year Exports of Goods and Services Import of Goods and Services Discrepancies GDP at Market Prices
At Constant Prices At Current Prices At Constant Prices At Current Prices At Constant Prices At Current Prices At Constant Prices At Current Prices
1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
(Base Year : 2004-05)
1961-62 188.56 8.04 304.95 11.13 -57.15 -15.06 4522.70 190.10
1962-63 187.47 8.37 316.87 12.11 -78.36 -15.67 4655.27 204.29
1963-64 203.22 9.87 327.62 13.62 -115.41 -13.87 4934.32 234.62
1964-65 189.99 10.02 338.69 15.29 -73.59 -16.27 5302.07 273.67
1965-66 163.65 9.38 301.25 14.78 -286.52 -21.47 5162.32 288.57
1966-67 205.93 13.30 387.47 21.42 -329.76 -29.39 5159.46 326.69
1967-68 216.14 15.17 372.19 22.36 -237.20 -36.21 5563.24 382.61
1968-69 222.92 16.08 318.74 19.68 -247.27 -19.96 5751.72 405.12
1969-70 218.60 16.28 277.19 17.67 -183.81 -22.75 6127.87 446.05
1970-71 287.59 17.71 326.85 18.16 -69.24 -25.68 6443.89 476.38
1971-72 290.62 18.38 385.78 20.06 -203.36 -40.59 6549.76 509.99
1972-73 314.56 22.25 378.49 20.49 -286.94 -41.02 6513.52 562.14
1973-74 330.17 28.30 409.06 31.76 -243.68 -37.28 6728.18 684.20
1974-75 357.24 38.35 356.87 47.79 -303.63 -74.29 6807.93 807.70
1975-76 416.00 48.12 361.43 56.64 46.51 -54.19 7430.85 867.07
1976-77 498.45 61.39 368.29 56.14 -247.63 -46.69 7554.43 934.22
1977-78 480.67 66.40 469.18 65.17 -255.97 -55.29 8102.49 1058.48
1978-79 518.18 71.15 469.41 74.23 -424.16 -83.05 8565.34 1146.47
1979-80 575.97 83.40 560.11 100.94 -684.48 -85.36 8116.68 1257.29
1980-81 606.14 90.29 640.51 135.96 -662.73 -60.41 8663.40 1496.42
1981-82 601.19 102.56 704.74 148.09 -697.96 -115.06 9183.74 1758.05
1982-83 637.38 115.63 729.09 157.36 -615.34 -133.34 9502.94 1966.44
1983-84 631.55 131.39 889.37 176.75 -368.84 -118.80 10195.60 2290.21
1984-85 677.64 158.46 761.92 194.84 -627.81 -169.84 10585.15 2566.11
1985-86 634.85 149.51 867.61 217.54 -592.76 -190.38 11141.33 2895.24
1986-87 669.34 165.43 1015.83 223.59 -485.16 -257.74 11673.50 3239.49
1987-88 754.52 202.81 998.89 252.59 -528.63 -228.43 12136.39 3682.11
1988-89 810.91 259.13 1090.73 320.10 -314.06 -249.47 13304.86 4368.93
1989-90 908.05 346.09 1113.46 402.12 -277.49 -202.79 14096.15 5019.28
1990-91 1008.88 406.35 1150.94 486.98 -455.63 -197.97 14876.15 5862.12
1991-92 1106.37 562.54 1151.11 562.49 -246.30 -138.87 15033.37 6738.75
1992-93 1160.50 673.12 1394.32 730.00 -56.83 -124.99 15857.55 7745.45
1993-94 1320.41 861.47 1662.97 859.99 491.47 70.95 16610.91 8913.55
1994-95 1492.65 1016.07 2038.83 1047.10 652.45 43.54 17717.02 10455.90
1995-96 1961.28 1307.33 2612.27 1449.53 482.44 -65.56 19058.99 12267.25
1996-97 2084.64 1448.54 2548.53 1610.22 1116.67 396.72 20497.86 14192.77
1997-98 2036.10 1652.03 2884.95 1843.33 872.78 52.75 21327.98 15723.94
1998-99 2318.80 1952.80 3486.34 2247.45 1049.95 167.80 22646.99 18033.78
1999-00 2736.17 2276.97 3730.12 2657.02 370.77 -638.84 24563.63 20121.98
2000-01 3232.88 2781.26 3901.32 2975.23 907.13 -170.89 25540.04 21686.52
2001-02 3372.21 2907.57 4016.19 3110.50 440.88 -566.94 26802.80 23483.30
2002-03 4083.24 3555.56 4498.00 3799.81 586.09 -0.56 27850.13 25306.63
2003-04 4474.50 4174.25 5122.50 4368.78 1081.50 185.49 30062.54 28379.00
2004-05 5690.51 5690.51 6259.45 6259.45 -251.54 -251.54 32422.09 32422.09
2005-06 7174.24 7120.87 8299.26 8134.66 -372.88 -256.47 35432.44 36933.69
2006-07 8634.59 9048.72 10081.98 10405.35 -549.98 -303.59 38714.89 42947.06
2007-08 9146.28 10189.07 11109.63 12191.09 -1164.72 -632.55 42509.47 49870.90
2008-09 10481.40 13287.64 13633.02 16140.40 -287.77 506.19 44163.51 56300.63
2009-10 9990.30 12987.80 13341.80 16471.40 -1030.60 -37.85 47908.46 64778.28
2010-11 11950.03 17101.93 15424.28 20501.82 -1480.46 302.30 52823.84 77841.16
2011-12 13811.29 21503.26 18672.49 27219.47 -1201.21 1352.19 56330.49 90097.22
(Base Year : 2011-12)
2011-12 21439.31 21439.31 27155.54 27155.54 -296.20 -296.20 87363.29 87363.29
2012-13 22898.36 24397.07 28790.79 31084.28 416.36 1225.73 92130.17 99440.13
2013-14 24682.69 28567.81 26445.55 31918.11 -330.60 1143.89 98013.70 112335.22
2014-15 25121.76 28635.41 26676.58 32359.65 -445.56 -158.28 105369.84 124451.28
2015-16 23786.87 27286.43 25107.53 30449.17 1678.03 1525.59 113810.02 136820.35
2016-17 24860.07 29117.00 25686.80 31330.81 838.97 968.86 121898.54 151837.09
Notes : 1. Data for 2012-13, 2013-14 are Third Revised Estimates (New Series), for 2014-15 are Second Revised Estimates and for 2015-16 are First Revised Estimates.
2. Data for 2016-17 are Provisional Estimates.
3. Data for the base year 2011-12 has been revised on account of using new series of IIP and WPI.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Central Statistics Office (CSO).
