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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 17 : Index Numbers of Agricultural Production - Major Crops
Year All crops Food-
Cereals Rice Wheat Coarse cereals Pulses Non-
seed/ Mustard
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
(Base : Triennium Ending 1993-94=100)
Weights 100.0 50.63 42.61 19.43 17.10 6.09 8.03 49.37 11.97 3.20 0.64 4.31
1993-94 123.0 135.1 138.4 172.7 103.9 125.6 117.6 110.7 134.1 185.5 87.0 101.2
1994-95 130.1 141.0 143.5 175.9 114.2 122.2 128.1 118.8 133.8 191.0 90.5 107.3
1995-96 126.8 131.4 135.6 165.5 107.8 118.0 109.4 122.0 137.3 179.6 82.0 111.8
1996-97 137.8 145.1 148.3 175.7 120.4 139.0 127.9 130.3 151.7 204.8 98.9 124.1
1997-98 130.8 140.9 144.9 177.5 115.2 124.4 119.5 120.6 130.3 174.6 87.7 87.7
1998-99 137.8 150.0 152.3 185.1 123.8 127.6 137.6 126.8 151.3 212.7 81.4 105.6
1999-00 140.7 152.9 158.8 192.9 132.6 123.3 121.8 128.2 125.7 124.5 74.1 107.9
2000-01 134.1 141.9 149.9 182.7 121.0 126.4 99.6 126.0 113.0 151.8 79.9 78.1
2001-02 142.1 155.3 161.7 200.7 126.3 136.1 121.5 128.5 126.9 166.4 107.7 94.8
2002-03 123.9 126.6 131.4 154.5 114.2 106.3 100.9 121.2 90.7 97.6 68.1 72.4
2003-04 133.0 155.1 159.1 190.4 125.3 154.0 134.2 110.4 154.0 192.5 120.7 117.3
2004-05 130.9 144.2 148.8 178.8 119.2 136.1 119.8 112.1 150.2 160.4 104.1 141.6
2005-06 146.8 152.5 158.1 197.4 120.4 138.5 122.6 130.1 171.6 189.3 99.0 151.6
2006-07 167.8 158.8 164.1 200.8 131.6 138.5 130.3 155.4 147.1 115.2 95.5 138.7
2007-08 172.9 168.6 105.5 102.9 105.4 112.1 105.1 157.9 108.6 125.0 112.6 81.8
(Base : Triennium Ending 2007-08=100)
Weights 100.0 50.66 41.73 16.89 17.99 6.86 8.92 49.34 13.25 4.11 0.47 3.60
2007-08 107.0 105.4 105.5 102.9 105.4 112.1 105.1 108.6 108.6 125.0 112.6 81.8
2008-09 107.0 106.5 107.4 105.6 108.2 110.0 102.0 107.6 100.8 97.6 95.3 100.9
2009-10 102.7 100.6 100.2 94.8 108.3 92.3 102.3 105.0 88.9 73.9 87.5 92.6
2010-11 121.0 114.3 111.1 102.2 116.5 118.9 129.4 105.0 116.8 112.5 132.9 114.6
2011-12 125.2 119.5 119.1 112.1 127.2 114.8 121.6 129.3 106.5 94.8 120.6 92.6
2012-13 124.2 119.4 117.3 112.0 125.4 109.2 129.4 128.6 107.4 63.9 101.9 112.5
2013-14 129.6 123.3 120.7 113.5 128.5 118.0 135.6 136.4 119.0 132.2 106.3 110.4
2014-15 123.9 116.4 115.2 112.3 116.0 116.7 122.0 132.3 99.7 100.8 123.2 88.1
2015-16 116.0 115.2 115.1 111.1 123.7 104.6 116.4 122.0 92.5 91.7 126.5 95.3
2016-17 - - - 116.2 130.7 120.6 160.3 122.4 115.3 104.1 119.6 111.8

Year Coconut Fibres Cotton (Lint) Jute Tea Coffee Rubber Fruits and vegetables Sugarcane Tobacco Guarseed
1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
(Base : Triennium Ending 1993-94=100)
Weights 2.78 6.85 6.40 0.37 1.42 0.64 0.57 7.39 11.98 0.86 0.29
1993-94 - 104.1 101.1 157.2 - - - - 96.8 93.4 -
1994-95 - 114.9 111.9 170.8 - - - - 116.1 100.0 -
1995-96 - 123.1 121.1 163.9 - - - - 118.5 91.0 -
1996-97 - 137.8 134.0 212.8 - - - - 117.0 105.1 -
1997-98 - 108.0 102.2 212.7 - 121.8 137.1 122.6 117.8 108.5 176.8
1998-99 - 119.2 115.7 188.7 - 141.4 137.1 137.6 121.7 125.5 89.7
1999-00 - 113.3 108.6 201.3 - 155.8 157.3 132.4 126.1 88.8 68.9
2000-01 - 95.6 89.7 199.0 - 160.7 159.3 136.1 124.7 58.4 121.0
2001-02 - 101.1 94.2 226.0 - 160.4 159.6 140.7 125.2 92.5 200.2
2002-03 - 88.6 81.2 219.4 - 146.9 164.1 129.6 121.1 84.8 36.6
2003-04 - 184.3 129.3 218.9 - 142.6 179.9 134.6 98.6 93.2 277.9
2004-05 - 169.5 154.7 200.7 - 152.9 189.5 138.3 99.9 93.1 165.9
2005-06 - 178.7 174.2 212.9 - 148.8 202.8 151.7 118.5 93.6 194.5
2006-07 - 186.1 213.1 220.3 - 138.0 215.5 162.6 149.8 88.1 214.7
2007-08 97.4 203.5 243.8 100.5 95.9 95.4 99.8 184.9 106.1 93.0 133.6
(Base : Triennium Ending 2007-08=100)
Weights 1.19 - 4.41 0.66 0.28 0.62 1.87 - 9.89 0.41 0.62
2007-08 97.4 - 115.9 100.5 101.5 95.4 99.8 - 106.1 93.0 133.6
2008-09 97.5 - 99.7 94.7 101.0 95.5 104.5 - 86.8 121.0 144.6
2009-10 104.0 - 107.5 110.4 101.0 105.4 100.5 - 89.0 147.4 44.3
2010-11 104.1 - 147.7 98.4 101.0 110.0 100.5 - 104.3 176.9 147.2
2011-12 104.1 - 157.6 105.6 101.0 110.0 100.5 - 110.0 160.0 165.6
2012-13 149.9 - 153.2 101.7 101.0 110.0 100.4 - 103.9 139.8 183.8
2013-14 154.2 - 160.7 109.0 124.4 110.0 93.6 - 107.3 156.4 168.0
2014-15 135.1 - 155.8 104.4 123.2 119.1 78.0 - 110.4 156.4 268.0
2015-16 146.5 - 134.3 97.8 126.9 126.7 68.0 - 106.1 - -
2016-17 147.0 - 145.8 96.7 - - - - 93.2 - -
Notes : 1. Data for 2016-17 are based on Fourth Advance Estimates.
2. Oilseed data comprises of total for nine oilseeds out of the eleven in all.
3. - : Not Available.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.
