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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 27 : Minimum Support Price for Non-Foodgrains According to Crop Year (Fair Average Quality)
(₹ per quintal)
Year Sugarcane Cotton Jute Groundnut (in shell) Soyabean black Soyabean yellow Sunflower seed Rapeseed/ Mustard Safflower
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1984-85 14.00 535.00 195.00 340.00 240.00 265.00 325.00 385.00 -
1985-86 16.50 535.00 215.00 350.00 250.00 275.00 335.00 400.00 400.00
1986-87 17.00 540.00 225.00 370.00 255.00 290.00 350.00 415.00 415.00
1987-88 18.50 550.00 240.00 390.00 260.00 300.00 390.00 430.00 415.00
1988-89 19.50 600.00 250.00 430.00 275.00 320.00 450.00 460.00 440.00
1989-90 23.00 690.00 295.00 500.00 325.00 370.00 530.00 575.00 550.00
1990-91 22.00 750.00 320.00 580.00 350.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 575.00
1991-92 26.00 840.00 375.00 645.00 395.00 445.00 670.00 670.00 640.00
1992-93 31.00 950.00 400.00 750.00 475.00 525.00 800.00 760.00 720.00
1993-94 34.50 1050.00 450.00 800.00 525.00 580.00 850.00 810.00 760.00
1994-95 39.10 1200.00 470.00 860.00 570.00 650.00 900.00 830.00 780.00
1995-96 42.50 1350.00 490.00 900.00 600.00 680.00 950.00 860.00 800.00
1996-97 45.90 1380.00 510.00 920.00 620.00 700.00 960.00 890.00 830.00
1997-98 48.45 1530.00 570.00 980.00 670.00 750.00 1000.00 940.00 910.00
1998-99 52.70 1650.00 650.00 1040.00 705.00 795.00 1060.00 1000.00 990.00
1999-00 56.10 1775.00 750.00 1155.00 755.00 845.00 1155.00 1100.00 1100.00
2000-01 59.50 1825.00 785.00 1220.00 775.00 865.00 1170.00 1200.00 1200.00
2001-02 62.05 1875.00 810.00 1340.00 795.00 885.00 1185.00 1300.00 1300.00
2002-03 69.50 1875.00 850.00 1355.00 795.00 885.00 1195.00 1330.00 1300.00
2003-04 73.00 1925.00 860.00 1400.00 840.00 930.00 1250.00 1600.00 1500.00
2004-05 74.50 1960.00 890.00 1500.00 900.00 1000.00 1340.00 1700.00 1550.00
2005-06 79.50 1980.00 910.00 1520.00 900.00 1010.00 1500.00 1715.00 1565.00
2006-07 80.25 1990.00 1000.00 1520.00 900.00 1020.00 1500.00 1715.00 1565.00
2007-08 81.18 2030.00 1055.00 1550.00 910.00 1050.00 1510.00 1800.00 1650.00
2008-09 81.18 3000.00 1250.00 2100.00 1350.00 1390.00 2215.00 1830.00 1650.00
2009-10 129.84 3000.00 1375.00 2100.00 1350.00 1390.00 2215.00 1830.00 1680.00
2010-11 139.12 3000.00 1575.00 2300.00 1400.00 1440.00 2350.00 1850.00 1800.00
2011-12 145.00 3300.00 1675.00 2700.00 1650.00 1690.00 2800.00 2500.00 2500.00
2012-13 170.00 3900.00 2200.00 3700.00 2200.00 2240.00 3700.00 3000.00 2800.00
2013-14 210.00 4000.00 2300.00 4000.00 2500.00 2560.00 3700.00 3050.00 3000.00
2014-15 220.00 4050.00 2400.00 4000.00 2500.00 2560.00 3750.00 3100.00 3050.00
2015-16 230.00 4100.00 2700.00 4030.00 2600.00 2600.00 3800.00 3350.00 3300.00
2016-17 230.00 4160.00 3200.00 4220.00 2775.00 2775.00 3950.00 3700.00 3700.00
2017-18 255.00 4320.00 3500.00 4450.00 3050.00 3050.00 4100.00 - -
Notes : 1. For Sugarcane upto 2004-05 Statutory Minimum Price(SMP) linked to a basic recovery of 8.5 per cent of sugar with proportionate premium for every 0.1 per cent increase in recovery above that level. The SMP for 2002-03 includes the one time drought relief.
2. Minimum Support Price (MSP) of cotton for H-4.
3. Cotton from 2006-07 and onwards is long Staple.
4. Groundnut(inshell), Soyabean Yellow, Soyabean black For 2017-18 includes a bonus of Rs 200 and sunflower seed includes bonus of Rs 100 over and above MSP.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Sources : 1. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
2. Economic Survey 2011-12, Government of India.
