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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 34 : Annual Survey of Industries - Principal Characteristics
(Value in ₹ Billion, Man days in Thousand and Others in Number)
Industry Characteristics 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Number of factories 146385 155321 158877 211660 217554 222120 224576 230435
2. Fixed capital 8451.32 10559.66 13521.84 16070.07 19495.51 21802.60 23737.19 24744.55
3. Working capital 3169.53 3112.33 3877.45 6203.63 5910.79 6034.11 6626.86 6408.40
4. Invested capital 12801.26 15351.78 19330.54 23935.80 28411.47 31441.12 33845.55 35139.64
5. Outstanding loans 4539.96 5364.19 6630.10 8256.38 9243.82 10722.47 12220.94 11521.95
6. Number of workers 8198110 8776745 9157802 9901970 10438156 10051626 10444404 10755288
7. Mandays-workers 2477465 2660547 2783026 3035766 3190232 3048628 3163707 3262545
8. Number of employees 10378495 11252793 11722631 12617691 13346243 12873853 13462061 13808327
9. Mandays-employees 3144881 3386622 3574683 3884964 4087324 3910879 4085342 4184357
10. Total persons engaged 10452535 11327485 11792055 12694853 13430483 12950025 13538114 13881386
11. Wages to workers 510.30 597.72 689.41 856.46 1000.19 1108.96 1264.96 1404.85
12. Total emoluments 1054.43 1294.41 1470.07 1832.96 2150.98 2380.57 2724.15 3074.13
13. Provident & other funds 110.65 128.41 149.40 163.39 181.37 201.44 210.46 246.81
14. Workmen & staff welfare expenses 85.16 100.54 119.14 132.66 153.52 168.22 184.94 199.04
15. Fuels consumed 1295.62 1521.62 1616.00 1954.24 2424.38 2675.45 2985.08 2990.02
16. Material consumed 17528.87 20659.82 24090.96 30204.41 37419.19 39294.94 42304.62 43504.70
17. Total inputs 22229.53 26614.86 30358.53 38510.84 47984.60 50186.66 54901.40 57191.10
18. Products and by-products 24707.17 28631.48 33061.42 40837.18 49598.76 52855.81 57034.49 59922.22
19. Value of output 27757.09 32727.98 37330.36 46762.17 57036.69 60259.45 65552.51 68838.12
20. Depreciation 711.64 835.46 1050.69 1205.58 1406.55 1553.31 1697.70 1895.41
21. Net value added 4815.93 5277.66 5921.14 7045.76 7645.54 8519.49 8953.42 9751.62
22. Rent paid 75.05 97.58 120.05 134.93 161.95 164.22 152.73 170.94
23. Interest paid 514.87 686.80 733.18 880.21 1206.56 1380.73 1548.51 1728.60
24. Net income 4226.00 4493.27 5067.91 6030.62 6277.02 7192.86 7515.20 8122.81
25. Net fixed capital formation 1066.27 1424.01 1632.32 1630.98 2031.69 2021.95 1839.68 1340.55
26. Gross fixed capital formation 1777.91 2259.47 2683.01 2836.55 3438.24 3575.26 3537.38 3235.96
27. Addition in stock of                
(i) Material, fuels, etc 495.27 197.47 532.39 774.26 77.12 332.32 345.90 -42.64
(ii) Semi finished goods 106.02 90.94 190.22 270.78 179.40 123.79 144.60 78.82
(iii) Finished goods 243.79 67.98 212.83 577.45 396.60 435.96 190.55 174.00
(iv) Total 845.08 356.38 935.44 1622.49 653.12 892.07 681.05 210.18
28. Gross capital formation 2622.99 2615.85 3618.45 4459.04 4091.36 4467.33 4218.43 3446.14
29. Profits 2975.76 2969.91 3329.31 3901.62 3791.16 4442.63 4395.66 4602.83
Source : Annual Survey of Industries, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India.
