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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 37 : Position of Sick SSI Units and Sick/ Weak Non-SSI Units Financed by Scheduled Commercial Banks
(Amount in ₹ Billion)
Sick SSI/ MSE Sick Non-SSI Weak Non-SSI Sick/Weak Total
Units Amount Outstanding Units Amount Outstanding Units Amount Outstanding Units Amount Outstanding
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1995 268815 35.47 1915 87.40 476 14.52 271206 137.39
1996 262376 37.22 1956 88.23 418 12.03 264750 137.48
1997 235032 36.09 1948 86.14 420 15.64 237400 137.87
1998 221536 38.57 2030 98.62 446 19.64 224012 156.82
1999 306221 43.13 2357 131.14 435 20.37 309013 194.64
2000 304235 46.08 2742 167.48 422 22.99 307399 236.56
2001 249630 45.06 2928 184.78 389 27.92 252947 257.76
2002 177336 48.19 2880 175.91 381 36.55 180597 260.65
2003 167980 57.06 2999 215.18 397 75.91 171376 348.16
2004 138811 52.85 5054 311.66 567 45.31 144432 409.82
2005 138041 53.80 4478 296.44 774 47.83 143293 398.07
2006 126824 49.81 3408 260.13 1132 69.76 131364 379.70
2007 126824 49.81 3408 260.13 1132 69.76 131364 379.70
2008 # 85187 30.82 - - - - - -
2009 103996 36.19 - - - - - -
2010 77723 52.33 - - - - - -
2011 90141 52.11 - - - - - -
2012 85591 67.90 - - - - - -
2013 220492* 124.42 - - - - - -
2014 465492 263.11 - - - - - -
2015 534844 257.14 - - - - - -
2016 480280 326.74 - - - - - -
2017 ** ** - - - - - -
Notes : 1. SSI stands for Small Scale Industry.
2. # : The data for the period up to 2007 is of Small Scale Industries (SSI). Subsequent to 2007, data with reference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are being compiled.
3. Data for 2016 are provisional.
4. * : The definition of sickness was revised with effect from November 01, 2012. For details refer the Notes on Tables.
5. **: Data no longer collected by RBI following the issue of guidelines on ';Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises'; in March, 2016
