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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 44 : Components of Money Stock
(₹ Billion)
Year Currency in Circula- tion Cash with Banks Currency with the Public (2-3) 'Other' Deposits with the RBI Bankers' Deposits with the RBI Demand Deposits Time Deposits Reserve Money (2+5+6) Narrow Money (4+5+7) Broad Money (8+10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1964-65 28.41 0.72 27.69 0.22 0.99 12.89 14.18 29.62 40.80 54.98
1965-66 31.12 0.78 30.34 0.17 1.04 14.78 16.05 32.33 45.29 61.34
1966-67 32.89 0.90 31.99 0.41 1.34 17.11 18.67 34.64 49.51 68.17
1967-68 34.68 0.92 33.76 0.56 1.37 19.18 21.10 36.62 53.50 74.60
1968-69 37.94 1.12 36.82 0.81 1.94 20.16 25.27 40.69 57.79 83.06
1969-70 41.60 1.65 39.95 0.58 1.73 24.83 31.03 43.90 65.36 96.39
1970-71 45.57 1.86 43.71 0.60 2.05 29.43 36.46 48.22 73.74 110.20
1971-72 50.06 2.05 48.01 0.80 2.96 34.42 43.70 53.82 83.23 126.93
1972-73 56.80 2.42 54.38 0.58 2.95 42.04 53.13 60.33 97.00 150.13
1973-74 65.95 2.74 63.21 0.53 6.25 48.26 64.24 72.73 112.00 176.24
1974-75 67.01 3.54 63.47 0.75 8.28 55.53 75.74 76.04 119.75 195.49
1975-76 70.53 3.48 67.05 0.77 6.78 65.43 91.55 78.08 133.25 224.80
1976-77 82.88 4.15 78.73 1.21 13.89 80.30 117.57 97.98 160.24 277.81
1977-78 91.52 5.21 86.31 0.70 17.19 56.87 185.18 109.41 143.88 329.06
1978-79 108.35 6.04 102.31 1.66 30.81 68.95 228.20 140.82 172.92 401.12
1979-80 123.82 7.28 116.54 3.91 38.00 79.55 272.26 165.73 200.00 472.26
1980-81 143.07 8.81 134.26 4.11 47.34 95.87 323.50 194.52 234.24 557.74
1981-82 154.11 9.37 144.74 1.68 54.19 102.95 378.15 209.98 249.37 627.52
1982-83 176.39 9.80 166.59 1.86 52.85 116.90 446.49 231.10 285.35 731.84
1983-84 206.43 10.40 196.03 2.91 80.60 135.04 531.27 289.94 333.98 865.25
1984-85 238.75 12.03 226.72 5.95 107.46 166.48 630.18 352.16 399.15 1029.33
1985-86 265.24 14.65 250.59 2.89 113.52 187.47 752.99 381.65 440.95 1193.94
1986-87 299.13 15.31 283.82 3.09 145.86 228.25 901.16 448.08 515.16 1416.32
1987-88 351.22 15.63 335.59 3.97 179.70 245.99 1057.20 534.89 585.55 1642.75
1988-89 401.19 17.90 383.29 6.94 221.45 277.63 1267.07 629.58 667.86 1934.93
1989-90 482.86 19.86 463.00 5.98 287.07 341.62 1498.90 775.91 810.60 2309.50
1990-91 552.82 22.34 530.48 6.74 318.23 391.70 1729.36 877.79 928.92 2658.28
1991-92 637.38 26.40 610.98 8.85 348.82 524.23 2026.43 995.05 1144.06 3170.49
1992-93 713.26 30.53 682.73 13.13 381.40 544.80 2399.50 1107.79 1240.66 3640.16
1993-94 853.96 30.95 823.01 25.25 507.51 659.52 2803.06 1386.72 1507.78 4310.84
1994-95 1046.81 40.00 1006.81 33.83 612.18 881.93 3353.38 1692.83 1922.57 5275.96
1995-96 1225.69 43.11 1182.58 33.44 685.44 932.33 3843.56 1944.57 2148.35 5991.91
1996-97 1372.17 51.30 1320.87 31.94 595.74 1053.34 4553.97 1999.85 2406.15 6960.12
1997-98 1510.56 54.77 1455.79 35.41 718.06 1187.25 5534.88 2264.02 2678.44 8213.32
1998-99 1758.46 69.02 1689.44 37.36 797.03 1363.88 6718.92 2592.86 3090.68 9809.60
1999-00 1970.61 79.79 1890.82 30.34 804.60 1496.81 7823.78 2805.55 3417.96 11241.74
2000-01 2182.05 86.54 2095.50 36.13 814.77 1662.70 9337.71 3032.95 3794.33 13132.04
2001-02 2509.74 101.79 2407.94 28.31 841.47 1791.99 10755.12 3379.52 4228.24 14983.36
2002-03 2824.73 108.92 2715.81 32.19 833.46 1987.57 12443.79 3690.38 4735.58 17179.36
2003-04 3270.28 120.57 3149.71 50.97 1043.65 2586.26 14269.60 4364.90 5786.94 20056.54
2004-05 3686.61 123.47 3563.14 64.54 1139.96 2869.98 15958.87 4891.11 6497.66 22456.53
2005-06 4295.78 174.54 4121.24 68.43 1355.11 4074.23 18931.04 5719.32 8263.89 27194.93
2006-07 5040.99 212.44 4828.54 74.67 1972.95 4776.04 23421.13 7088.61 9679.25 33100.38
2007-08 5908.01 223.90 5684.10 90.27 3284.47 5783.72 28620.46 9282.75 11558.10 40178.55
2008-09 6911.53 257.03 6654.50 55.33 2912.75 5886.88 35351.05 9879.61 12596.71 47947.75
2009-10 7995.49 320.56 7674.92 38.06 3522.99 7179.70 41134.30 11556.53 14892.68 56026.98
2010-11 9496.59 378.23 9118.36 36.53 4235.09 7228.56 48657.71 13768.21 16383.45 65041.16
2011-12 10672.30 435.60 10236.70 28.22 3562.91 7109.02 56474.37 14263.44 17373.94 73848.31
2012-13 11909.75 499.14 11410.61 32.40 3206.71 7532.25 64922.93 15148.86 18975.26 83898.19
2013-14 13010.74 552.55 12458.19 19.65 4297.03 8119.78 74576.24 17327.42 20597.62 95173.86
2014-15 14483.12 621.31 13861.82 145.90 4655.61 8916.32 82577.64 19284.63 22924.04 105501.68
2015-16 16634.63 662.09 15972.54 154.51 5018.26 9898.34 90150.77 21807.40 26025.38 116176.15
2016-17 13352.66 715.56 12637.10 210.91 5441.27 14106.30 101489.54 19004.85 26954.31 128443.86
Notes : 1. Data for 2016-17 are provisional.
2. Excluding the impact of merger on May 3, 2002, data on time deposits and broad money for the year 2002-03 work out to ₹ 12147.08 billion and ₹ 16882.89 billion, respectively.
3. Excluding the impact of conversion of a non-banking entity into a banking entity on October 11, 2004, data on time deposits and broad money for the year 2004-05 work out to ₹ 15923.74 billion and ₹ 22421.64 billion, respectively.
Also see Notes on Tables
