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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 45 : Sources of Money Stock
(₹ Billion)
Year Net RBI Credit to Central Government Net RBI Credit to State Governments Other Banks' Investments in Government Securities Net Bank Credit to Government (2+3+4) RBI Credit to Commercial Sector Other Banks' Credit to Commercial Sector Bank Credit to Commercial Sector (6+7)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1965-66 - - 8.52 38.09 0.47 26.08 26.56
1966-67 - - 9.30 40.08 0.74 30.68 31.42
1967-68 - - 10.10 42.54 0.70 34.93 35.64
1968-69 - - 11.06 46.97 0.74 39.98 40.72
1969-70 32.91 2.04 12.56 47.52 0.77 53.30 54.07
1970-71 36.67 3.33 14.55 54.55 1.32 63.90 65.22
1971-72 42.49 6.21 17.55 66.25 2.32 71.31 73.63
1972-73 54.61 2.35 22.80 79.76 2.66 84.96 87.62
1973-74 60.92 3.68 24.79 89.39 5.60 102.31 107.91
1974-75 66.20 5.01 28.78 99.99 6.63 120.67 127.30
1975-76 63.31 5.93 37.05 106.29 7.34 148.80 156.14
1976-77 71.47 6.15 40.42 118.04 8.98 179.53 188.51
1977-78 68.87 7.57 60.83 137.27 9.54 202.68 212.22
1978-79 90.77 3.39 65.14 159.30 12.50 242.82 255.32
1979-80 117.27 6.78 76.09 200.14 15.46 294.65 310.11
1980-81 152.78 11.65 92.75 257.18 17.00 349.41 366.41
1981-82 184.86 19.54 101.93 306.33 20.44 414.18 434.62
1982-83 218.53 9.70 124.34 352.57 19.25 492.37 511.62
1983-84 258.02 10.08 138.32 406.42 23.80 583.46 607.26
1984-85 318.57 24.93 159.93 503.43 27.52 682.01 709.53
1985-86 380.47 6.31 196.43 583.21 30.52 797.51 828.03
1986-87 451.38 11.47 257.35 720.20 33.94 913.47 947.41
1987-88 516.97 9.90 316.83 843.70 37.90 1036.97 1074.87
1988-89 582.00 14.15 368.60 964.75 55.24 1223.58 1278.82
1989-90 720.13 16.70 434.68 1171.51 63.49 1453.55 1517.04
1990-91 867.58 20.90 513.45 1401.93 63.42 1654.27 1717.69
1991-92 922.66 17.50 642.47 1582.63 72.60 1807.33 1879.93
1992-93 965.23 19.26 777.89 1762.38 62.20 2139.15 2201.35
1993-94 967.83 25.17 1046.18 2039.18 64.45 2313.29 2377.74
1994-95 989.13 25.65 1209.41 2224.19 65.93 2861.31 2927.23
1995-96 1187.68 25.81 1364.29 2577.78 68.55 3377.93 3446.48
1996-97 1207.02 34.79 1644.39 2886.20 62.47 3700.60 3763.07
1997-98 1336.17 15.43 1954.37 3305.97 81.86 4251.24 4333.10
1998-99 1454.16 71.23 2341.38 3866.77 122.26 4837.64 4959.90
1999-00 1398.29 84.35 2931.15 4413.78 152.70 5712.94 5865.64
2000-01 1465.34 73.43 3580.78 5119.55 132.87 6659.32 6792.18
2001-02 1413.84 107.94 4373.87 5895.65 59.29 7537.18 7596.47
2002-03 1129.85 76.95 5558.44 6765.23 30.48 8959.32 8989.81
2003-04 369.20 79.88 6979.96 7429.04 20.61 10140.89 10161.51
2004-05 -232.58 52.83 7704.11 7524.36 13.90 12745.22 12759.12
2005-06 51.60 14.39 7528.17 7594.16 13.87 16872.95 16886.81
2006-07 21.36 2.87 8252.04 8276.26 15.37 21273.25 21288.62
2007-08 -1146.36 14.27 10127.27 8995.18 17.88 25772.01 25789.90
2008-09 617.61 -1.81 12157.53 12773.33 138.20 30010.73 30148.93
2009-10 2115.81 0.05 14576.00 16691.86 13.28 34900.81 34914.09
2010-11 3940.35 25.20 15873.41 19838.96 21.64 42345.12 42366.76
2011-12 5344.13 13.24 18379.93 23737.31 39.60 49883.78 49923.38
2012-13 5904.99 0.79 21184.34 27090.11 30.58 56648.09 56678.67
2013-14 6976.43 10.65 23461.62 30448.70 88.39 64364.57 64452.96
2014-15 3610.38 34.85 26428.71 30073.94 148.47 70348.77 70497.24
2015-16 4245.62 4.33 28134.89 32384.84 200.83 77829.86 78030.69
2016-17 6195.91 12.20 32482.82 38690.93 72.91 84441.40 84514.31

(₹ Billion)
Year Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the RBI Net Foreign Exchange Assets of Other Banks Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the Banking Sector (9+10) Government's Currency Liabilities to Public Net Non- Monetary Liabilities of RBI Net Non- Monetary Liabilities of Other Banks Net Non- Monetary Liabilities of Banking Sector (13+14) RBI''s Gross Claims on Banks
1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1965-66 0.59 0.12 0.71 2.87 3.60 3.30 6.89 -
1966-67 1.25 0.24 1.49 3.10 4.34 3.58 7.92 -
1967-68 1.51 0.11 1.61 3.17 4.22 4.14 8.36 -
1968-69 3.02 0.24 3.26 3.41 5.90 5.40 11.30 -
1969-70 5.74 0.10 5.84 3.60 6.30 8.34 14.64 -
1970-71 5.30 0.21 5.51 3.84 8.66 10.26 18.92 6.42
1971-72 6.08 0.11 6.19 4.12 12.71 10.54 23.25 5.31
1972-73 5.69 0.14 5.83 4.57 14.35 13.30 27.65 4.80
1973-74 6.61 0.02 6.63 5.02 16.41 16.30 32.71 7.31
1974-75 3.69 0.45 4.14 5.31 20.61 20.64 41.25 9.81
1975-76 9.24 0.15 9.39 5.56 26.45 26.12 52.57 13.15
1976-77 25.99 -0.70 25.29 5.68 34.33 25.38 59.71 14.04
1977-78 45.32 -0.87 44.45 5.93 37.08 33.73 70.81 9.26
1978-79 54.31 -0.93 53.38 6.03 37.35 35.57 72.92 11.17
1979-80 53.88 -0.45 53.43 5.92 45.58 51.76 97.34 12.00
1980-81 47.75 -0.45 47.30 6.18 53.60 65.74 119.34 12.76
1981-82 27.06 0.62 27.68 6.57 65.22 82.46 147.68 16.73
1982-83 17.29 0.99 18.28 6.82 60.74 96.71 157.45 20.25
1983-84 16.24 0.22 16.46 7.20 53.11 118.97 172.08 27.71
1984-85 28.99 2.35 31.34 7.78 87.37 135.37 222.74 31.74
1985-86 37.41 1.31 38.72 9.39 107.07 158.35 265.42 24.62
1986-87 46.21 1.94 48.15 11.92 134.44 176.92 311.36 27.60
1987-88 54.16 2.56 56.72 13.80 142.25 204.09 346.34 44.41
1988-89 62.01 5.99 68.00 14.75 169.36 222.03 391.39 70.79
1989-90 60.68 7.50 68.18 15.55 175.36 287.42 462.78 74.72
1990-91 79.83 25.98 105.81 16.21 270.22 313.14 583.36 100.07
1991-92 188.38 23.88 212.26 17.04 274.15 247.22 521.37 51.02
1992-93 226.47 17.96 244.43 18.24 282.46 303.78 586.24 98.85
1993-94 514.22 31.90 546.12 19.90 260.37 411.73 672.10 55.52
1994-95 747.20 43.12 790.32 23.79 293.58 396.01 689.58 134.70
1995-96 740.92 80.49 821.41 25.03 322.97 555.83 878.80 219.55
1996-97 948.17 106.79 1054.96 29.18 351.84 421.46 773.30 70.05
1997-98 1158.90 222.04 1380.95 33.52 432.82 407.40 840.22 70.96
1998-99 1379.54 399.00 1778.53 38.46 605.40 228.65 834.06 132.62
1999-00 1658.80 397.68 2056.48 45.78 702.22 437.72 1139.94 167.85
2000-01 1971.87 526.45 2498.31 53.54 793.74 537.81 1331.55 129.65
2001-02 2639.79 470.66 3110.44 63.66 1012.48 670.38 1682.86 107.48
2002-03 3582.49 354.71 3937.20 70.71 1271.70 1311.88 2583.58 71.60
2003-04 4844.19 421.73 5265.93 72.96 1076.13 1796.76 2872.89 54.19
2004-05 6127.95 364.65 6492.59 74.48 1198.04 3195.98 4394.02 52.58
2005-06 6729.86 532.11 7261.97 76.56 1224.92 3399.66 4624.58 57.95
2006-07 8661.52 470.26 9131.79 81.61 1770.47 3907.42 5677.90 76.35
2007-08 12361.31 590.01 12951.32 92.24 2102.50 5547.59 7650.08 45.90
2008-09 12801.08 720.68 13521.76 100.54 3879.58 4717.23 8596.81 103.57
2009-10 12319.44 495.20 12814.64 112.70 3016.43 5489.87 8506.30 11.69
2010-11 13285.69 647.74 13933.43 127.24 3683.50 7541.73 11225.23 51.59
2011-12 14721.95 715.85 15437.80 134.44 6038.41 9346.21 15384.62 48.47
2012-13 15580.59 785.99 16366.59 153.40 6925.02 9465.56 16390.58 403.54
2013-14 18025.25 1214.23 19239.48 173.39 8433.19 10707.48 19140.67 486.50
2014-15 21272.79 1233.70 22506.49 194.29 7852.73 9917.56 17770.29 1876.58
2015-16 23834.76 1502.47 25337.22 219.05 9541.73 10253.92 19795.65 2844.54
2016-17 23972.10 1610.22 25582.32 250.85 8333.45 12261.10 20594.56 -3165.68
Notes: 1. Data for 2016-17 are provisional.
2. Data include the impact of merger on May 3, 2002.
3. Excluding the impact of conversion of a non-banking entity into a banking entity on October 11, 2004, data on ';Net Bank Credit to Government'; and ';Bank Credit to Commercial Sector'; for the year 2004-05 worked out to ₹ 7402.43 billion and ₹ 12430.30 billion, respectively.
Also see Notes on Tables.
