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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 48 : Scheduled Commercial Banks - Select Aggregates
(₹ Billion)
Year Demand Deposits Time Deposits Aggregate Deposits (2+3) Borrowings from RBI Liabilities to Banks Other Demand and Time Liabilities
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1957-58 7.31 7.21 14.52 0.42 - -
1958-59 7.22 9.13 16.35 0.62 - -
1959-60 7.81 11.21 19.02 0.79 - -
1960-61 7.10 10.26 17.36 0.95 - 0.75
1961-62 7.86 11.31 19.17 0.53 - 0.66
1962-63 8.67 11.75 20.42 0.71 - 0.68
1963-64 10.71 12.14 22.85 0.84 - 0.78
1964-65 12.39 13.44 25.83 1.53 - 0.86
1965-66 14.27 15.23 29.50 0.74 - 0.93
1966-67 16.49 17.76 34.25 1.40 - 1.16
1967-68 18.45 20.11 38.56 1.04 - 1.24
1968-69 19.34 24.04 43.38 1.06 - 1.37
1969-70 22.35 27.93 50.28 2.38 - 1.55
1970-71 26.26 32.80 59.06 3.68 2.21 1.91
1971-72 31.27 39.79 71.06 2.08 2.81 2.71
1972-73 37.94 48.49 86.43 1.39 3.92 3.07
1973-74 43.36 58.03 101.39 4.09 3.78 4.49
1974-75 49.63 68.65 118.27 4.73 4.65 5.42
1975-76 58.17 83.38 141.55 7.98 6.51 5.27
1976-77 69.43 106.23 175.66 9.67 6.92 7.70
1977-78 48.72 173.40 222.11 3.31 8.71 8.30
1978-79 58.26 211.90 270.16 5.46 9.87 12.31
1979-80 66.43 251.16 317.59 7.39 10.77 15.40
1980-81 77.98 301.90 379.88 5.89 15.98 16.85
1981-82 83.83 353.50 437.33 8.31 18.07 19.30
1982-83 99.84 413.74 513.58 8.15 17.45 26.94
1983-84 113.12 492.84 605.96 13.36 27.73 48.06
1984-85 141.32 581.13 722.44 15.58 32.27 62.17
1985-86 156.12 697.92 854.04 9.54 49.97 64.56
1986-87 192.27 834.96 1027.24 12.93 51.20 71.50
1987-88 202.47 977.98 1180.45 17.53 50.17 86.16
1988-89 233.42 1168.08 1401.50 35.27 59.64 102.61
1989-90 288.56 1381.03 1669.59 23.99 58.50 119.80
1990-91 331.92 1593.49 1925.41 34.68 64.86 125.89
1991-92 450.88 1856.70 2307.58 5.77 70.33 136.41
1992-93 464.61 2221.11 2685.72 16.19 111.48 178.78
1993-94 565.72 2585.60 3151.32 18.13 112.83 224.70
1994-95 769.03 3099.56 3868.59 74.15 153.27 258.67
1995-96 806.14 3532.05 4338.19 48.47 176.48 285.60
1996-97 906.10 4149.89 5055.99 5.60 211.93 342.53
1997-98 1025.13 4959.72 5984.85 3.95 322.87 397.54
1998-99 1174.23 5966.02 7140.25 28.94 452.04 600.73
1999-00 1273.66 6859.78 8133.45 64.91 538.38 784.42
2000-01 1425.52 8200.66 9626.18 38.96 770.88 912.08
2001-02 1530.48 9503.12 11033.60 36.16 539.02 1118.83
2002-03 1702.89 11105.64 12808.53 0.79 623.46 1298.06
2003-04 2250.22 12793.94 15044.16 0.40 544.87 1480.84
2004-05 2480.28 14521.71 17001.98 0.50 670.49 1927.60
2005-06 3646.40 17444.09 21090.49 14.88 751.65 1887.80
2006-07 4297.31 21822.03 26119.33 62.45 885.45 2422.34
2007-08 5243.10 26726.30 31969.39 40.00 981.54 2983.55
2008-09 5230.85 33110.25 38341.10 117.28 1001.16 3075.20
2009-10 6456.10 38472.16 44928.26 0.95 1032.67 3294.20
2010-11 6417.05 45662.64 52079.69 50.31 1105.90 3418.05
2011-12 6253.30 52837.52 59090.82 87.55 1223.19 3733.89
2012-13 6622.99 60881.55 67504.54 215.88 1331.01 4116.34
2013-14 7139.21 69916.39 77055.60 416.13 1261.87 4383.30
2014-15 7940.29 77392.56 85332.85 1582.02 1561.54 4572.00
2015-16 8889.96 84382.94 93272.90 2324.67 2250.26 5040.40
2016-17 12814.39 94762.17 107576.56 218.10 2330.72 4637.14

(₹ Billion)
Year Investment in Government Securities Investment in Other Approved Securities Investments (8+9) Food Credit Non-Food Credit Bank Credit (11+12) Cash in Hand Balances with RBI Assets with banks
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1958-59 6.13 - - - 10.14 10.14 0.43 0.64 -
1959-60 7.15 - - - 11.28 11.28 0.62 0.91 -
1960-61 5.59 - - - 13.36 13.36 0.46 0.71 -
1961-62 6.01 - - - 14.08 14.08 0.49 0.75 -
1962-63 5.93 - - - 15.88 15.88 0.52 0.74 -
1963-64 6.40 - - - 18.17 18.17 0.58 0.89 -
1964-65 7.18 - - - 20.35 20.35 0.67 0.96 -
1965-66 8.11 - - - 22.87 22.87 0.73 0.97 -
1966-67 8.93 - - - 26.92 26.92 0.87 1.29 -
1967-68 9.67 - - - 30.32 30.32 0.89 1.32 -
1968-69 10.55 - - - 33.96 33.96 1.09 1.66 -
1969-70 11.67 3.14 14.81 - 39.71 39.71 1.46 1.76 -
1970-71 13.62 4.10 17.72 - 46.84 46.84 1.67 1.97 1.47
1971-72 16.50 5.39 21.90 - 52.63 52.63 1.81 2.67 1.69
1972-73 21.61 7.36 28.97 - 61.15 61.15 2.21 2.79 2.58
1973-74 23.62 9.24 32.86 - 73.99 73.99 2.46 6.10 2.08
1974-75 28.26 10.88 39.15 - 87.62 87.62 2.96 6.12 3.79
1975-76 32.83 13.24 46.07 - 108.77 108.77 3.05 6.08 4.48
1976-77 39.30 16.06 55.36 - 131.73 131.73 3.54 11.46 3.95
1977-78 59.07 19.90 78.97 - 149.39 149.39 4.69 16.74 5.78
1978-79 66.22 24.88 91.09 - 182.85 182.85 5.57 26.34 6.49
1979-80 74.44 31.81 106.24 - 215.37 215.37 6.16 36.34 7.66
1980-81 92.19 39.67 131.86 - 253.71 253.71 7.66 40.92 10.28
1981-82 101.57 49.84 151.41 - 296.82 296.82 7.88 48.83 13.57
1982-83 120.78 62.57 183.34 - 354.93 354.93 8.78 52.08 14.03
1983-84 134.73 77.72 212.46 - 412.94 412.94 9.28 77.83 23.02
1984-85 186.97 94.41 281.38 - 489.53 489.53 10.44 68.84 28.20
1985-86 190.45 115.09 305.53 - 560.67 560.67 11.27 110.53 48.27
1986-87 248.47 137.35 385.82 - 633.08 633.08 11.74 143.81 50.68
1987-88 305.17 159.87 465.04 - 705.36 705.36 13.06 176.56 47.45
1988-89 358.15 188.47 546.62 - 847.19 847.19 14.44 213.76 62.79
1989-90 422.92 220.78 643.69 - 1014.53 1014.53 16.49 234.63 54.44
1990-91 499.98 250.67 750.65 - 1163.01 1163.01 18.04 238.61 55.82
1991-92 627.27 274.69 901.96 - 1255.92 1255.92 20.08 341.79 79.27
1992-93 759.45 297.11 1056.56 67.43 1452.39 1519.82 22.93 285.35 110.43
1993-94 1012.02 313.21 1325.23 109.07 1535.11 1644.18 22.83 477.60 114.23
1994-95 1176.85 315.68 1492.53 122.75 1992.85 2115.60 29.72 600.29 142.77
1995-96 1322.27 325.55 1647.82 97.91 2442.24 2540.15 31.13 506.67 165.71
1996-97 1588.90 316.24 1905.14 75.97 2708.04 2784.01 33.47 498.48 198.92
1997-98 1869.57 317.48 2187.05 124.85 3115.94 3240.79 36.08 576.98 242.43
1998-99 2232.17 313.77 2545.95 168.16 3520.21 3688.37 43.62 635.48 347.87
1999-00 2784.56 304.88 3089.44 256.91 4102.67 4359.58 53.30 574.19 434.48
2000-01 3400.35 301.25 3701.59 399.91 4714.43 5114.34 56.58 595.44 623.55
2001-02 4111.76 270.93 4382.69 539.78 5357.45 5897.23 62.45 624.02 528.64
2002-03 5234.17 241.29 5475.46 494.79 6797.36 7292.15 75.67 583.35 590.19
2003-04 6547.58 228.30 6775.88 359.61 8048.24 8407.85 78.98 689.97 481.79
2004-05 7189.82 201.72 7391.54 411.21 10593.08 11004.28 84.72 881.05 512.97
2005-06 7007.42 167.12 7174.54 406.91 14663.86 15070.77 130.46 1270.61 543.92
2006-07 7760.58 154.58 7915.16 465.21 18846.69 19311.89 161.39 1802.22 774.42
2007-08 9586.61 130.53 9717.15 443.99 23175.15 23619.14 180.44 2571.22 908.77
2008-09 11557.86 106.24 11664.10 462.11 27293.38 27755.49 202.81 2381.95 1225.71
2009-10 13783.95 63.58 13847.52 484.89 31962.99 32447.88 255.78 2813.90 1344.44
2010-11 14971.48 44.71 15016.19 642.82 38778.01 39420.83 303.46 3191.63 1543.86
2011-12 17350.18 27.70 17377.87 813.04 45305.48 46118.52 361.29 3232.71 1779.12
2012-13 20036.53 24.52 20061.05 964.22 51640.37 52604.59 404.91 2822.67 2199.48
2013-14 22111.94 16.27 22128.21 984.47 58956.49 59940.96 458.70 3163.44 1950.49
2014-15 24897.51 20.74 24918.25 944.18 64420.02 65364.20 533.55 3730.74 2217.70
2015-16 26239.33 15.76 26255.09 1052.54 71443.61 72496.15 574.38 3874.42 2603.99
2016-17 30297.48 12.15 30309.63 539.27 77875.39 78414.66 613.60 5087.73 2437.30
Notes : 1. Data relate to amount outstanding as on last Friday of March up to 1984-85 and last reporting Friday of March thereafter.
2. Excluding the impact of the merger on May 3, 2002, the time deposits and aggregate desposits figures for 2002-03 were ₹ 10808.9 Billion and ₹ 12511.82 Billion, respectively.
3. Excluding the impact of the conversion of a non-banking entity into a banking entity on October 11, 2004, the time deposits, aggregate desposits, investments in Government securities, investments, non-food credit and bank credit figures for 2004-05 were ₹ 14486.58 Billion, ₹ 16966.85 Billion, ₹ 7067.89 Billion, ₹ 7269.61 Billion, ₹ 10264.26 Billion and ₹ 10675.46 Billion respectively.
Also see Notes on Tables.
