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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 55 : Deposits and Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks - According to Population Group
(Amount in ₹ Billion)
(No. of Accounts in Thousands)
Year Rural Semi Urban Urban Metropolitan
No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1988 84749 192.15 82489 276.32 66784 326.84 53261 480.62
1989 89235 220.46 86269 314.31 70646 368.41 55853 567.13
1990 102113 262.34 92314 363.70 75747 424.16 63140 668.92
1991 108876 310.10 98084 414.39 80889 491.40 67342 789.79
1992 114808 357.50 101949 465.91 83449 552.89 69553 994.77
1993 117814 414.10 104023 535.85 87256 639.35 70618 1169.21
1994 121299 493.31 108502 630.35 93032 742.49 74046 1373.61
1995 109944 518.20 108129 714.64 88828 841.29 83134 1717.61
1996 112904 613.13 109416 831.87 88452 955.66 81238 1860.53
1997 116693 737.70 110129 980.45 88645 1125.78 81112 2161.64
1998 120060 867.06 110705 1156.44 88536 1348.97 80731 2592.21
1999 122660 1026.97 112376 1360.52 89533 1601.81 81339 2992.38
2000 125852 1205.39 114109 1619.72 89831 1889.63 83023 3499.45
2001 131723 1394.31 116400 1861.88 92769 2178.33 87137 4059.81
2002 133000 1594.23 117394 2149.90 94622 2554.78 94975 4935.01
2003 136733 1765.02 117537 2417.57 96099 2905.03 95711 5674.33
2004 138760 1950.82 120651 2682.17 99571 3302.96 98176 7176.79
2005 141908 2131.04 125198 2956.85 101376 3748.91 98310 8631.34
2006 139570 2260.61 121664 3022.13 106172 4308.13 117692 11320.87
2007 149663 2530.14 132808 3573.95 113422 5325.92 123306 14540.43
2008 168034 3034.23 148361 4302.80 128021 6576.99 137241 18585.44
2009 199695 3639.10 169725 5297.58 142272 8229.14 150611 22053.99
2010 224155 4203.38 189457 6140.47 152323 9449.92 168934 25816.52
2011 250254 4932.66 212043 7168.31 168037 11105.13 179796 30689.41
2012 283072 5731.86 239951 8425.45 180626 12725.92 199551 33899.21
2013 335347 6698.89 283990 9791.94 203091 14970.13 222677 38665.25
2014 406624 7871.51 340522 11410.77 231521 17140.10 248043 43134.83
2015 493970 9156.76 404661 13172.51 266228 19649.01 275033 47242.83
2016 576171 10089.41 470711 14772.12 297715 21505.76 301519 49628.02

(Amount in ₹ Billion)
(No. of Accounts in Thousands)
Year Rural Semi-urban Urban Metropolitan
No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding
1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1988 24100 112.82 14778 131.26 6287 160.60 2815 308.16
1989 26677 142.06 15505 157.48 6872 199.39 3059 381.34
1990 28401 254.68 15459 175.97 6769 224.28 3221 388.20
1991 32465 266.44 17420 208.00 8094 273.69 3967 493.90
1992 34015 275.20 17132 228.42 9358 301.29 5355 562.15
1993 32881 303.83 16885 253.67 8009 336.13 4341 731.05
1994 32310 308.63 16114 264.86 7349 361.75 3878 823.67
1995 29407 335.29 16855 318.07 7534 372.73 4301 1083.29
1996 28795 386.14 15907 368.91 7035 443.97 4936 1347.91
1997 27280 402.59 15839 406.02 7454 517.96 5045 1517.16
1998 26761 481.32 15083 465.10 6903 598.04 4838 1754.98
1999 24473 539.09 14458 548.20 6992 707.17 6382 2029.80
2000 25080 594.26 14865 647.90 7795 795.90 6631 2562.74
2001 22511 688.82 14047 711.06 7934 953.03 7873 3031.43
2002 25163 877.13 15037 901.56 7661 1237.57 8528 3543.67
2003 25637 1064.79 15434 1041.49 7972 1428.74 10448 4024.65
2004 25565 1099.07 16108 1148.71 8931 1699.74 15786 4855.60
2005 29357 1604.79 18226 1428.36 10177 2123.00 19391 6368.52
2006 29054 1994.23 21475 1747.94 12919 2763.65 21988 8632.59
2007 31029 2357.04 22099 2127.53 13254 3501.94 28060 11484.49
2008 33546 3231.32 24021 2559.98 14194 4305.92 35230 14072.83
2009 33823 3096.26 24793 3110.89 14750 4985.66 36690 17284.32
2010 37074 3851.50 27047 3678.59 16242 5936.15 38285 19985.45
2011 40018 3924.49 28772 4519.87 16896 7795.16 35038 24516.94
2012 41749 4422.12 31292 5282.89 17740 8548.68 40099 29778.98
2013 45703 5239.71 34621 6756.53 20924 9877.61 27038 33379.32
2014 48343 5667.05 39094 7177.64 25379 10614.70 25934 39361.44
2015 52777 6553.61 39526 7966.09 23777 11790.94 28160 42474.08
2016 57297 7357.83 44832 9363.28 28014 12965.76 32231 45539.57
Note : Data as on last Friday of June from 1988 to 1989 and as on 31st March from 1990 onwards. Credit is as per place of utilisation.
Source : Basic Statistical Returns of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India, DSIM.
