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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 69 : State Co-Operative Banks Maintaining Accounts With the Reserve Bank of India
( Billion)
Year (end- March) Aggregate Deposits Demand Liabilities Time Liabilities Invetsments in Government Securities Bank Credit
Total Deposits Total Deposits
Inter-Bank Others Inter-Bank Others
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1978-79 4.94 2.98 0.98 1.63 7.49 4.14 3.31 1.60 5.10
1979-80 5.70 3.11 1.11 1.61 9.10 4.98 4.08 2.12 6.32
1980-81 6.23 3.67 1.18 1.95 10.34 6.00 4.28 2.44 7.57
1981-82 6.67 4.46 1.66 2.23 11.50 7.00 4.44 2.69 9.46
1982-83 7.33 5.94 2.41 2.64 12.53 7.78 4.69 3.22 10.23
1983-84 7.98 6.33 2.83 2.70 14.62 9.27 5.28 3.61 10.65
1984-85 9.23 8.59 4.33 3.17 17.25 11.07 6.06 4.33 12.65
1985-86 10.29 9.19 4.38 3.42 19.23 12.25 6.87 5.04 15.39
1986-87 11.94 9.79 4.60 3.82 23.64 15.17 8.12 6.05 16.27
1987-88 13.81 11.88 5.23 4.93 26.97 17.81 8.88 6.78 16.28
1988-89 16.97 14.59 6.01 6.52 31.42 20.56 10.44 8.14 20.33
1989-90 20.17 17.95 8.14 6.71 37.86 23.97 13.46 9.46 23.49
1990-91 21.52 18.31 7.18 7.94 39.63 25.45 13.59 10.58 25.53
1991-92 25.76 21.98 8.79 9.64 55.48 38.75 16.12 12.04 33.63
1992-93 28.31 25.08 13.63 8.23 60.31 39.57 20.08 14.37 42.77
1993-94 34.15 20.31 6.88 9.56 88.17 62.72 24.59 25.64 39.00
1994-95 38.50 22.16 7.72 10.45 93.95 65.08 28.06 21.10 53.10
1995-96 42.86 29.96 12.48 12.27 102.87 71.25 30.59 24.08 63.18
1996-97 53.77 32.15 11.50 14.25 141.99 101.51 39.52 29.56 72.07
1997-98 56.28 30.16 9.34 13.34 180.98 136.71 42.94 62.52 78.49
1998-99 75.11 36.30 12.61 16.03 221.67 161.09 59.08 57.80 91.73
1999-00 88.70 33.45 10.81 16.93 252.94 179.60 71.77 67.58 102.42
2000-01 96.82 47.00 15.00 19.90 278.61 199.60 76.92 75.37 128.22
2001-02 121.19 48.88 13.97 22.45 305.97 203.20 98.74 83.21 138.12
2002-03 122.26 55.83 18.81 22.51 331.47 229.05 99.75 101.35 147.08
2003-04 137.82 74.41 32.35 26.79 352.37 238.10 111.03 136.39 151.18
2004-05 145.81 56.27 11.56 28.61 377.92 257.40 117.20 164.76 146.57
2005-06 156.65 60.65 14.57 31.01 384.64 255.61 125.64 164.72 155.89
2006-07 171.05 73.24 19.21 35.71 394.25 255.40 135.34 141.49 164.04
2007-08 204.33 78.04 21.23 38.43 485.85 314.56 165.90 169.56 176.74
2008-09 230.94 85.87 23.98 41.35 614.56 420.09 185.59 187.63 187.46
2009-10 268.96 97.46 20.21 48.87 714.85 484.89 220.10 248.96 194.49
2010-11 285.59 116.72 16.56 62.34 659.05 427.24 223.25 245.08 243.31
2011-12 313.42 118.40 14.81 66.98 709.87 452.62 246.44 251.52 306.50
2012-13 356.51 127.17 25.01 70.14 802.49 506.96 286.37 269.28 364.98
2013-14 417.90 139.70 25.43 76.18 899.50 541.40 341.70 289.40 388.20
2014-15 422.28 148.09 33.75 77.70 854.56 499.16 344.57 282.37 426.43
2015-16 491.40 155.40 33.00 82.30 885.90 467.00 409.10 291.10 484.00
2016-17 508.70 181.40 45.00 104.40 930.50 512.60 404.30 327.10 458.70
Note : Data for 2016-17 are provisional.
Also see Notes on tables.
