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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 80 : New Capital Issues by Non-Government Public Limited Companies
(₹ Billion)
Year Equity Shares Preference Shares Debentures Total Of total capital issues Of total capital issues
Prospectus Rights New Existing
No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issue Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1978 - 0.85 - 0.06 - 0.10 165 1.01 115 0.81 50 0.19 76 0.62 89 0.38
1979 - 1.13 - 0.01 - 0.67 189 1.80 118 0.98 71 0.82 70 0.53 119 1.27
1980 - 0.89 - 0.02 - 0.73 237 1.64 167 1.02 70 0.62 141 0.58 96 1.06
1981-82 357 3.05 5 0.03 73 2.90 435 5.98 345 4.90 90 1.08 256 2.33 179 3.66
1982-83 570 2.59 8 0.02 66 4.45 644 7.06 559 3.97 85 3.09 498 2.15 146 4.91
1983-84 734 3.82 7 0.02 53 4.54 794 8.38 705 3.60 89 4.77 651 2.95 143 5.42
1984-85 402 3.63 5 0.00 64 6.93 471 10.56 405 3.96 66 6.60 338 3.09 133 7.47
1985-86 758 8.98 9 0.01 83 8.46 850 17.45 721 8.93 129 8.53 536 6.27 314 11.18
1986-87 424 10.08 3 0.01 94 15.73 521 25.81 414 13.73 107 12.08 244 7.35 277 18.46
1987-88 174 11.05 5 0.07 46 6.76 225 17.88 140 7.16 85 10.72 83 3.18 142 14.70
1988-89 256 10.34 6 0.03 79 21.88 341 32.25 191 15.71 150 16.54 121 12.33 220 19.92
1989-90 269 12.20 4 0.08 134 52.82 407 65.10 190 31.54 217 33.56 102 6.13 305 58.97
1990-91 246 12.84 3 0.13 115 30.15 364 43.12 152 20.48 212 22.64 86 7.37 278 35.75
1991-92 366 19.16 3 0.02 145 42.75 514 61.93 210 21.14 304 40.79 94 9.41 420 52.52
1992-93 868 99.53 1 0.01 171 98.50 1040 198.03 531 70.77 509 127.26 188 33.11 852 164.92
1993-94 983 99.60 1 0.00 149 93.70 1133 193.30 753 115.47 380 77.84 244 55.80 889 137.50
1994-95 1548 174.14 9 1.31 121 88.71 1678 264.17 1328 196.77 350 67.40 368 64.65 1310 199.52
1995-96 1591 118.77 9 1.50 63 39.70 1663 159.98 1405 103.32 258 56.66 577 31.17 1086 128.81
1996-97 801 61.01 5 0.75 32 42.33 838 104.10 727 77.48 111 26.61 367 22.70 471 81.39
1997-98 89 11.62 1 0.04 12 19.72 102 31.38 54 14.11 48 17.27 27 6.75 75 24.63
1998-99 33 25.63 3 0.60 12 23.91 48 50.13 24 26.02 24 24.11 7 0.58 41 49.55
1999-00 69 27.53 - 0.00 10 24.01 79 51.53 55 40.28 24 11.25 10 2.22 69 49.31
2000-01 128 26.08 2 1.42 9 30.68 139 58.18 118 52.91 21 5.28 111 23.12 28 35.06
2001-02 6 8.60 - 0.00 13 48.32 19 56.92 14 49.80 5 7.12 4 0.88 15 56.04
2002-03 5 4.60 - 0.00 4 14.18 9 18.78 6 14.07 3 4.71 3 2.07 6 16.71
2003-04 35 24.71 - 0.00 3 12.51 38 37.22 16 27.15 22 10.07 9 13.84 29 23.38
2004-05 51 114.52 - 0.00 3 16.27 54 130.79 28 96.36 26 34.44 22 47.78 32 83.01
2005-06 128 208.99 1 0.10 2 2.45 131 211.54 95 169.37 36 42.17 77 102.64 54 108.90
2006-07 114 297.56 - 0.00 3 8.50 117 306.03 81 271.75 36 34.28 72 256.62 45 49.41
2007-08 111 568.48 1 54.81 2 8.09 115 636.38 86 479.78 29 156.60 80 370.88 35 265.49
2008-09 45 146.71 - 0.00 1 15.00 46 161.71 22 35.33 24 126.37 21 20.33 25 141.37
2009-10 67 252.99 - 0.00 4 26.80 71 279.79 42 196.60 29 83.19 36 144.81 35 134.98
2010-11 70 248.30 - 0.00 6 26.30 76 274.60 57 223.00 19 51.50 49 161.49 27 113.07
2011-12 49 81.52 - 0.00 14 75.30 63 156.82 47 133.07 16 23.75 33 57.77 30 99.03
2012-13 48 138.85 - 0.00 6 22.17 54 161.00 38 71.60 16 89.45 32 49.39 22 111.62
2013-14 53 58.12 - 0.00 17 58.69 70 116.81 55 71.05 15 45.76 38 12.36 32 104.45
2014-15 63 93.15 - 0.00 23 77.41 86 170.56 69 107.80 17 62.76 46 30.39 40 140.17
2015-16 87 240.02 - 0.00 9 27.14 96 267.16 82 169.69 14 97.47 73 142.55 23 124.61
2016-17 116 303.58 - 0.00 16 295.47 132 599.05 121 576.13 11 22.91 104 280.56 28 318.49
Notes : New : All IPO's Existing : NCD & Rights
1. Data for 2016-17 are provisional.
2. Up to 1980, data are on January-December basis and from 1981 to 2016, on April-March basis.
3. In conformity with the Controller of Capital issues, the ‘initial’ and ‘further’ capital issues were changed to ‘new’ and ‘existing’ along with conceptual changes from 1971.
